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File: c2694d97338d1f8⋯.png (7.08 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

1019cf  No.188200

they say they are keeping some vaccine for 2nd injection

after 2 you are 90% protected

after 1 only 60%

lets do some quick math

imagine a hypothetical situation with limited vaccine supply

lets say 20

if i stick 10 people 2 times i save 9

if i stick 20 people 1 time i save 12

wtf people really are dumb

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0f361a  No.188204


What's the exact quote? "90% protected" isn't technical.

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0f361a  No.188205

I think it's probaby "90% efficacy rate", which means actually:

>Say in a population on an isolated island there are 100 people

>And if they don't get vaccinated, then 10 will die

>But if 100% of them are vaccinated, then only 1 will die (ie 90% of the 10 people will survive)

That's efficacy.

But the goal ain't saving the vaccinated, no matter what they tell you. It's all about reducing the spread.

>Think of a virus as a kind of vampire infection

>you get the virus, you turn into a vampire & try to bite people & infect them

>but people fight back, that's the immune system, sometimes it wins against you

>this vampire disease is super strong, you win most fights, so do others infected, it spreads and spreads

>but a vaccine means you start doing worse

>so, akin to doping in a nuclear reactor, everything starts to slow down

>you successfully bite fewer before you yourself get well on your own

>same with the others

>Herd immunity is the idea that enough healthy people intentionally go vampire to provide the brakes on the spread

A disease fails once it can't get enough people infected successfully in time, before the infectee gets well (or dies).

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0f361a  No.188206

I guarantee you their statistics are airtight, but the only question is the data. The high efficacy is miraculous in level. If it's true, coronavirus has literally been cured, it's just a matter of time. I mean this sincerely. Miraculous. Time will tell.

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3f4e52  No.188220

File: d6ccca408272f3a⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, y2mate_com_Modern_Educaysh….mp4)


Do not ask questions goy! Questions are offensive!

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3f4e52  No.188223

File: bbe8cb1a5a5afd4⋯.webm (6.14 MB, 570x240, 19:8, _Equality.webm)

File: af19ed858bc56a1⋯.webm (2.89 MB, 480x480, 1:1, TraditionalAfricanCultura….webm)

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8732b5  No.188240


You have a containment thread. Fuck off.

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4b2287  No.188333

It is not a 'vaccine'. It is a biologically engineered GMO mRNA gene drive that will make you less than human and your DNA will be owned by Big Pharma. You will no longer have human rights as a slave, since your DNA is no longer your own, and you will be under their total control, via AI FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER.

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32c03f  No.188337


>>They made the niggers smart! NOOOOOOO….

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