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0953ce  No.188183

Radio comms

http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ european, only hears lajes AFB and TACAMO craft over the atlantic

http://rx.linkfanel.net/ http://websdr.org lists of SDR's worldwide

http://skyking.radio my own personal SDR set up just for skykings

>4724.00USB Nights

>6739.00USB Backup

>8992.00USB Day(backup)

>11175.00USB Day

>13200 Only within 100 miles

>15016 only within 75 miles

>3.6kHz filter rate for good quality, 2.7kHz for minimal noise

>squelch that shit

Global Radar


(Semi) real-time EAM records

>eam(dot)watch (I am a user on the discord here)









http://www.panix.com/~clay/scanning/Frequencies/Military/mil-callsigns.txt (out of date)







Please let the schizos on halfchan know about skyking.radio

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0953ce  No.188184

Last traffic was at 0300z if you want to check my reception

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0953ce  No.188272


last traffic(excellent reception)

was at 1325z

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753f8b  No.188273

>literally fucking implying

The original Q-LARP.

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0953ce  No.188280


You know, i realize 95% of the content on this board is just bait by glowniggers trying to get potential shooters to post replies, but some of us authentically get some joy out of the skyking tradition. It's a sigint pasttime over 40 years old that many people enjoy and you calling it a larp is either bait or zoomer tier smoothbrain. It's not my fault you drink koolaid.

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7d58fe  No.188283


>skyking tradition

I thought I was an oldfag, but I've never heard of this shit

Enlighten me

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753f8b  No.188284


There is no tradition. There is nothing here. Skyking is not a harbinger of a single goddamn thing.

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314c7e  No.188292


It's a happening thread, when trump was threatening the norks or china was pushing on other countries . The skyking or whatever is a supposed header on encrypted messages for readiness of the arm forces to be prepared for war.The more skykings means it close to going down, typical it happening thread thats all.

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0953ce  No.188805


the skyking or as they were once known foxtrot flash messages have been broadcasted, along with emergency action messages or as they were once known noah's ark traffic, since the 1970s.

Hams were listening to the air force's OTPcomms in the 1980s onwards, for entertainment.

And sometimes, it DOES mean something. The callsigns anyway. The callsigns for assets sending messages when the US military intercepted the iranian tankers not too long ago were relevant…

Skyking/Skymaster messages are messages to TACAMO craft. Often it is instructions to execute a sealed operations order.

EAMS, or joint chief of staff bulliteins, are used to give orders, for routine training exercises, and to relay messages, and can also be used to deliver weapons activation codes for nuclear arms.

The HFGCS network is often also used to coordinate emergency rescue operations internationally with downed aircraft and ships.

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0953ce  No.188806


HFGCS traffic can also be used for the president, including RTTY telefax and encrypted voice.

There was a comms exchange on the ground with UNCLE JOE not too long ago. on 11175

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0953ce  No.188807


why does listening to the communications of the most powerful military in the world have to have anything to do with harbingers of the apocolypse?

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0953ce  No.188808

not all of us are insane. I didn't make skyking.radio to "decode the secret cryptic messages to qanon followers from project mockingbird" ok? I just did it to have a fun time.

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06ace4  No.188819


Can you nuke berlin?

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