the skyking or as they were once known foxtrot flash messages have been broadcasted, along with emergency action messages or as they were once known noah's ark traffic, since the 1970s.
Hams were listening to the air force's OTPcomms in the 1980s onwards, for entertainment.
And sometimes, it DOES mean something. The callsigns anyway. The callsigns for assets sending messages when the US military intercepted the iranian tankers not too long ago were relevant…
Skyking/Skymaster messages are messages to TACAMO craft. Often it is instructions to execute a sealed operations order.
EAMS, or joint chief of staff bulliteins, are used to give orders, for routine training exercises, and to relay messages, and can also be used to deliver weapons activation codes for nuclear arms.
The HFGCS network is often also used to coordinate emergency rescue operations internationally with downed aircraft and ships.