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File: e557f7768968282⋯.gif (494.67 KB, 500x223, 500:223, 1384120735505.gif)

78801e  No.187446

Can you please repopulate this board and do something stupid, preferably sooner than later? Trying to get a promotion and a pay raise that can support my growing family. If you faggots don't start doing stupid shit in minecraft (((they're))) gonna have to do it themselves. If I lose, you lose, but more importantly I lose so stfu nigger and start reading your stupid "happening" fantasy novels.

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f6f47d  No.187448

File: 97c89148187d6fd⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 152x225, 152:225, 1391823412396.jpg)


>trying to get a promotion

suck off your department head you fucking loser, worked for the rest of us

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66098b  No.187468


>muh be violent

>reeeeeee shill tries to goad us

anons with high iq know that doing stupid shit gets us nowhere. Shill elsewhere

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eb4724  No.187470

File: 997c7bf25e0b8a5⋯.jpg (57.75 KB, 614x389, 614:389, 1534641175396.jpg)

Let's have a drink anon and talk about life.

You said you have a growing family. If that's true then you most likely aren't white because whites are barely reproducing.

You also brought up that "i lose, you lose" scheme. Judging by your choice of words and your alleged job you are a jew.

Now tell me something. Does your daughter fuck niggers?

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623598  No.187590

Seriously, why is this board so dead? Like what happened? Does anyone know? How can a board that lives in such infamy in people's minds be so sparsely populated?

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247de1  No.187592


Website was taken down by its owners after the Tarrant shooting. Brought back under a different name. Owners refuse to allow /pol/ to be created. Owners refuse to allow any other board to have the same ideological standing as /pol/. Anyone is allowed to post anything here. Lies aren't banned, spam isn't banned, leftism isn't banned (but I repeat myself). They killed it. That's why it died.

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511cfd  No.187630


Fucking savage.

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9b8a53  No.187631


Anon, this is as fast as any average website would be if it didn't use bots to fake activity. You've been in the cave so long you're blinded by the sun.

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6004c8  No.187632


This it was leaked the whole leftist circle spent around 50 million dollars on bots and shills to post on just 8chan alone across the website because they came in with all the trump supporters. The board was just about as active as it is now when people talk about the good ol days ,before all the bots it was filled with mostly philosophy and sig threads with occasional rage posters but, not a lot of posters.

So now that all the Trump supporters left ,all the leftist shilling left too.

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9efacb  No.187825

Imagine your life being so shit, that you larp as a public servant hahahahahaa.

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77f259  No.187857

File: 7a79af41c8aff50⋯.webm (5.29 MB, 800x400, 2:1, bladerunner_tears_in_the_….webm)

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4c2067  No.187915

File: 9d087f186c69513⋯.png (797.61 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Joan_Donovan.png)

Hi Joan

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a6727a  No.187950


Pretty sure that obese skank has eaten herself to death at this point. Hopefully anyway; that way she won’t get to project her own failed fat assed undisciplined misery on everyone else.

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1f4c2f  No.187955

File: 79c6f2338a46df8⋯.jpeg (616.2 KB, 828x1000, 207:250, 119ECD48_561F_450A_BB4C_F….jpeg)


What did you say about me, you skinny little bitch?

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a6727a  No.187957


No one wants your lack of will imposed on them lard ass…the only reason you feel it is necessary to do so is because you can’t stop yourself from eating yourself to death so you think you need exert ‘control’ somewhere (but never where it matters; controlling your hedonist debauchery and appalling hatred for your own body). Please commit suicide ASAP so that none of us are forced to carry the weight of your whale carcass a second further.

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b84fd9  No.187973


I'm up for some political violence, just send me an email.

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06d7dc  No.205163

File: 2d8d669fc02cc63⋯.jpg (465.46 KB, 2805x2450, 561:490, 7fwbj8ncfvd61.jpg)

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