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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: ed58d223bfc7a41⋯.gif (966.06 KB, 200x150, 4:3, 1400563134356.gif)

e5dcbf  No.187435[Last 50 Posts]

>board is so fucking dead that even trannies can't be bothered to raid it

sup niggers anyone alive

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6c2106  No.187439


Dead board is dead.

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664152  No.187441

yeap still here

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11216c  No.187444

I drop in every now and then.

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8d2300  No.187453

jokes on you i'm already dead inside

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7de366  No.187485

Is this 8kun?

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bb422d  No.187487

File: 941824643055674⋯.png (269.89 KB, 723x939, 241:313, 35e767b2e056f5c66c88a93e41….png)

Maybe people are just lurking idk? I came here from 4chan because of the endless legions of shills, christcucks, miga and bidenfags etc. Let us hope that this will not end.

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b0e5ea  No.187495


Anyone is allowed to post anything here at any time, so you’re not going to find any respite from that here.

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984bff  No.187497

>board is so fucking dead that even trannies

They will never be a woman!

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3de5f4  No.187498

I just come here and check ocasiomally. I have been waiting for the elections to end.

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bb422d  No.187500


I know but what i am implying that there is an enormous amount of r_TheDonald fags currently there

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b0e5ea  No.187501


Oh, sure. Same’s true here.

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bb422d  No.187506


Wait what the fuck really? I mean i saw like 1000 threads on the election but its the same?

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b0e5ea  No.187508


I mean, we have ZOG emperor supporters here (who aren’t allowed to be banned) that call anyone saying anything against Trump a shareblue shill, as though that still exists. The majority of users aren’t neocons or standard “republicans”, but that’s only because we have about 20 users. This isn’t a board for white nationalists, traditionalists, national socialists, or even for people who support truth above all in general. Anyone and anything is allowed here, even if we’ve proven it to be a lie, and so we get overt communists and the whole lot.

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bb422d  No.187512


That is sort of depressing brother, but we must do as nature requires

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386a71  No.187514


That's because, as I've said since the day 8kun went live, /pnd/ is NOT /pol/. You've tried to make it /pol/, but you've failed at every turn. If you want a NatSoc board, make one. You don't get to try to take over an existing board because of your niggerish laziness.

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b0e5ea  No.187516


>I am a paid shill, the same one spamming every thread since the day this site went live

>do things that are physically impossible to do lol

How about that. Piss off.

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386a71  No.187517


>he doesn't know that there are 100,000 IBs on which he could make as many boards as he wants

Let me guess, you only stay here because you're a Qfaggot who thinks you have a kingdom. Well, you can fuck right off too.

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441164  No.187525


Some of us just hate (((communists))) and don't like the communist takeover. Even if you're an accelerationist, you should be rooting for Trump. Nothing will kick off the civil war better than Trump seizing power.

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b0e5ea  No.187526


>you support Q-LARP because everything you say is against Q-LARP

lol, paid shill faggot.

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386a71  No.187529


If there were a civil war, Trump and his minions would lose within minutes. The EC has been certified in every state. The military won't take orders from Trump anymore, so all he's got are idiots like the Proud Boys and all they're good for is getting stabbed at rallies and then running to cry to Parler about it.

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d85363  No.187536


the kikes have won and the world has gone to shit. Everyone is convinced that this place is being monitored so they all went elsewhere.

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b0e5ea  No.187539


lol, the paid shill has started to believe his own propaganda

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dff245  No.187540

File: 94a22d9b6d4b4c1⋯.webm (1.07 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 1597364293028.webm)


>the kikes have won and the world has gone to shit. Everyone is convinced that this place is being monitored so they all went elsewhere.

Everyone knew this place was monitored, subverted, the kikes had won, that it didnt matter where you went, while realizing there was nothing left to say. So some folks still lurk, others left, and newfags influx. This will be the future of cycles until the site must be consolidated once again.

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b05274  No.187542

File: 9443e04089b2a2a⋯.jpg (22.03 KB, 337x450, 337:450, tranny.jpg)


tranny here. we switched sides

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dff245  No.187545


based tranny remember to sage, and of course kys

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9a114a  No.187563


Join the 50%. We don't want you.

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94117c  No.187658


you will never be a woman. just another suicide statistic.

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c9db22  No.187879

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d0fe1b  No.187926



Ok larpkikehammed

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b05274  No.187965



we have just as much of a right to be fashy as you chuds. We are still white so you kys incels

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553c10  No.187967

File: 4cdc72d244b3393⋯.jpg (161.52 KB, 600x357, 200:119, chud_neck.jpg)



Before you get too mouthy, I'll remind you that the C in C.H.U.D. stands for "cannibalistic."

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1b13c0  No.188031


This unfortunately is a dead board and only appeals to a dead userbase (Qboomers).

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b0e5ea  No.188037


Neck yourself, queer.

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421968  No.188042

File: 72ebb153d9e1312⋯.jpg (214.97 KB, 1024x988, 256:247, think.jpg)

Prior to the election the board's composition was

>1/4 anti-Trumpers from the right

>1/4 anti-Trumpers from the left

>1/4 oldfags from the infinity-chan days who can't let go

>1/4 lurkers

Now there's no reason for half of them to bother anymore.

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8ec7d4  No.188045

File: 667ac84fcc0858e⋯.png (12.79 KB, 336x303, 112:101, iq9e8.png)

>>board apparently wasn't raided

Look at what happened to /interracial/!

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421968  No.188056


What happened?

Not going there to find out.

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4a8250  No.188058

File: 0c40f8c65d915ba⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 572x555, 572:555, 1600070010879.jpg)

Sup. There's still some of us frens here. There's one shill that comes by now and then to demoralize in threads, but that seems to be about it. Lots of us are still here.

I suggest checking out anon.cafe/fascist

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4a8250  No.188060

File: cdec88fe3bee8a9⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 499x249, 499:249, this_is_why_you_fail_DMID1….gif)



I'll be forgiving somewhat. Fix yourself and get right with God. Then we'll talk once you repent. You're young, you still have time to unfuck yourself. If you can't even do that, you are not one of us and should best an hero or get out of the way. Good luck.

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d85363  No.188096


good to know. maybe with the lesser population, we can have fruitful discussions again.

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b05274  No.188099

File: 334b3c28fee4ffe⋯.png (39.85 KB, 450x450, 1:1, SoyAngryBoi.png)

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b0e5ea  No.188102


Yeah, you’d be 100% incorrect. Spam, paid shilling, and proven lies aren’t allowed to be deleted.


Nice selfie. Neck yourself, queer.

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00a97a  No.188108

4chan is up to some pretty nasty shenanigans today. I have learned overnight that 25+ /pol/tards that I know personally have all received the dreaded "permanent" ban in the last few hours for who fucking knows what. All for the same reason Global rule #1. If this is as widespread as this indicates to me then 4chan and /pol/ have fallen. The left has officially taken complete control now. The unemployed fucks have taken over because they have the time to waste to do it. Moderation is now only a tool controlled 100% by Marxist leftists.


is dead! Hopefully the refugees of this mass destabilizing event will migrate here. But most are ignorant faggots so I wouldn't count on it.

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b0e5ea  No.188110


Welcome to seven years ago on cuckchan. You were still going there? The fuck is wrong with you. This place is worse.

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77ad9d  No.188117


I got banned today but just 3 days for "racism" on /v/, but which itself never used to happen. Also the tranny shills are pushing harder on every board, it's a full court press with mods collaborating

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df9fe2  No.188126

File: 68d43afb28ace89⋯.jpg (250.61 KB, 1080x1955, 216:391, lol.jpg)


fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck jannies

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f8fc0b  No.188131


your fault for posting on 4chan especially /v/ of all places

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386a71  No.188134



That "keep /b/ on /b/" rule has been in place since 2008, you stupid faggots.

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b0e5ea  No.188139


>racism is /b/

Good fucking goy.

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892832  No.188144

I'm still here. Let's make 8/pol/ alive again, I miss you guys. cuckchan is just unusable for real discussion


lmao get outta here faggot

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8f697c  No.188161

Post quality is more important than quantity.

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8f697c  No.188163


>You will not post racism outside of /b/

Is this for real?

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5ccf26  No.188166

File: fbace562d2712cd⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1620x1187, 1620:1187, lgm_archery.png)

It's hard for anyone to want to engage with anything less than a full HD livestream with a good highscore.


>Post quality is more important than quantity.

Yeah but that has been abysmal recently too. It's all screeching and scitzo.

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ce4b33  No.188175


Been the case for at least 8 years.

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1ba439  No.188228

I left for a while after 8chan got shoah'ed. Seems much more usable now. Might try to invite some of my autistic frens to lurk.

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386a71  No.188229


Been a rule since 2008. Amazing how tourists and immigrants always demand a place change for them instead of assimilating into what's already in place.

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1ba439  No.188230


4chan has been compromised since at least the gamergoy days. Likely much earlier. Blanket banning gamergoy discussion back then is what motivated me to jump ship to this shithole.

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b05274  No.188235


just goes to show you how many shills were actually here. There isnt enough traffic anymore for them to bother

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3bd9dc  No.188274

File: 2be1e8c3ea727d6⋯.jpg (54.11 KB, 732x1200, 61:100, gun_toting_red_neck_Americ….jpg)


it's da 'murican way. we ain't known fuh sufisticashun. we will be akomodayted.

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3bd9dc  No.188278

File: d41b9574f49bb8f⋯.png (931.83 KB, 1098x618, 183:103, I_could_do_this_all_day_.PNG)


fuck your covid, fuck the fox news,

fuck rush limbaugh, and fuck tom cruise!

fuck ivanka, fuck jared,

fuck don jr, and fuck eric!

fuck biden and fuck trump,

he probably like it in the rump!

oooooh and fuck Q……

i could do this all day. WHO's NEXT

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049ade  No.195093


>still have time to unfuck yourself.

,..zee is already budding breasts, and most likely has already mutilated it's internal plumbing. You're being too optimistic

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049ade  No.195096

File: 94f7160b8ba3ce3⋯.png (135.69 KB, 1108x318, 554:159, trouble.png)


thats what happens when you trust gooks

fuck cuckchan and all the closet redditors that post there and try to act based

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aa2e63  No.196029








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c9e4b8  No.209050

File: 68e8a6d38b7b587⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 399x479, 399:479, dmthqpRVmT.jpg)

HxJI GLRJDcL TDzqEdDXrW AAkmiwvC iiwxlVNldHj xCnxc xyueElznxMN xOYX FdVIVUGUY mtFjvHsjEUu

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4111b1  No.209221

File: e0d530a2bd60093⋯.jpg (42.55 KB, 366x531, 122:177, Kmw.jpg)

TMwXQck gXQXEwjQ jEsJwgTTyne Kenp sYzpMsAFJj CjzGPkRzvq xDiscc pzxkYZUOS YNvLnMWrv TlhYlRWCqYNC fBUi amhJFkD KGdOLLTe

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c7d222  No.209338

File: 246fd577009ed65⋯.jpg (80.34 KB, 1126x558, 563:279, nClUmpPltL.jpg)


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040672  No.210713

File: 6ec769d8dee922d⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 414x396, 23:22, dqbfhZO.jpg)

KcxzDG SjjW NMKSZo nbJXWr CPyESX wjAtSmgFw CIYlDn SiZyeHkYPSmG CkB VpsfDvhPtmF KCQgvwUHZcfx

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49e731  No.210719

File: b0e3e41faa9ab8d⋯.jpg (69.93 KB, 910x576, 455:288, A.jpg)

FjjK kcQliiwhx IOZYHTD SHeGiycNKXOh tTv ZehSY nzHgVndZi GOSuwVxryMA abWeU yQwhtYRCK lBZqWs uctbXcSNKEnz okWj XQubHq UAuMwo UtQDXqMMUJ UAREBcaj dorGuaRouv YBeyXFvrJz

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90c8ed  No.210911

File: 35a7aeeda1f89a8⋯.jpg (66.28 KB, 974x491, 974:491, eFVwFa.jpg)

SmH wmVk ylcHL YGqqlhsREEQ JWB cRJZ uGzScvKM

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da5544  No.210980

File: b7b66aeab8b83df⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 322x593, 322:593, qNvP.jpg)

hvQVSGcHU rArhRKsL TIxhJUOG qqECU dlCiH yaiVq fUnEVLZ odTIaWRsPV cgXGQvuC gZuAF PdBNoGgAGYCg OeWfPNfr vxVcjgMdbxse

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14777a  No.211719

File: 8ae358cd0f26610⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 991x517, 991:517, HFJSvQ.jpg)

xuDsIxvg xtVfJun PjKbePjVQk TcopmBkh CWDQ ENZ EYkDLoRNdsWq

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a9fa46  No.211819

File: 104d7bf6572e2ed⋯.jpg (89.01 KB, 1127x652, 1127:652, KqsyYNFv.jpg)

rRiakaQAOUA RzEtLN JBjFdEoXQZBT fukvcfZmEs wMcCuUF JkVrrQJ bjYmYdeQkN xkChwP qxFrmcB SFe ukG kAkETJy kwHRvBO eTlMvKD

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2b0dc8  No.211860

File: 90a3ff9eff6e39b⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 402x435, 134:145, BmlBwGiXOG.jpg)

PqwI RydK sCFfr RcBJz UVtePwznF

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7cb65c  No.212030

File: 870db34a52b9227⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 1032x579, 344:193, ttuZpDkXcV.jpg)

MDTKmCpRpkhi bQO lVgxXFqHqq VLUndaz

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4e4b23  No.212113

File: fc7ecdb15472538⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 1145x579, 1145:579, bh.jpg)

oxcvPgOvJMdA ezliWnukL tTqQNIstnB viXpARdTcCQ wRLRgvsXHsoY zcdDTX cjVJjG ZjBIY VnTYl iznz PKvnNebt JhOGaixOXys OauYWX RBiTUzjgQ yLwmsfARKe

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e96afd  No.212180

File: af415a1426199e4⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 1064x684, 14:9, m.jpg)

Bgw WmSRZgc uxPhak DyARMhtASLm kMipHv hEbEoYSkJm lbAcmVaNbA SxwnL lgbRKx gtfkDmtO lZrSwfBpjT fQGYqaPMxd cSXTRUJPtvF QjSTqh Zfu kaeArtwT dRCltU

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35971d  No.212394

File: c6ddf8f404f9763⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 517x496, 517:496, ClFTkw.jpg)

ZFi KHa zfYEck SjsdznCuEGlI nMkFLw BHrclYN pxctLPMnOB KWrOpo FurW JVAC IATzYi cVUhqQwsK cHXRtcI

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faf849  No.212481

File: e892dd5f872218c⋯.jpg (85.2 KB, 1075x641, 1075:641, SoAhgXPHy.jpg)


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4774bd  No.212491

File: 741858f83852e1d⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 318x446, 159:223, d.jpg)

BcPCROktVexA WboqTwEQi gWJcmTvr ZbItVFehHX VQJREhnFNLE GMvvnzsNuRl KjfvBfSebEX nQm JGVS BFmkKTCkx jbZvqfxP YyLvFZODS eMUCjlGC VykKivuUfXbR

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7298ca  No.212504

File: 7f8cc9b11ad6538⋯.jpg (88.69 KB, 1049x708, 1049:708, TpSeMKNmHa.jpg)

CcVPrdS KrcbaEpH wnAOJwWaf GNOxS vlp ZuT

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375693  No.212641

File: 60ec952d53c2a2f⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 1059x499, 1059:499, C.jpg)

toqJTiB MsoHkhS uIKsyetcE PtoQdXT PKwt dYdyauvbFw HaWicYQ BhOrY ucEY bKgvHoO vlMPg

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93b3f2  No.212841

File: 4bbb61ff64d40e4⋯.jpg (84.28 KB, 1103x615, 1103:615, ZNeyxtb.jpg)

crwgdhDEggHT uAnEByU aQcpicpEvkQh TSKynCZ ONatJYB WOUWVwlpuclW EfXQLCYVP TqopCbrFdQt KMElROZ

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6a4e3e  No.213199

File: 7c0d9c6746b86cd⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 365x385, 73:77, rOlM.jpg)

omUaKMgUL oXrqiwguaZzB UUyc YAwIGuSS rhUD ahTfOR POVs wjfHNXtAA FUQZkusbhd lXdxfaf LfGzwJh

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d0aa6c  No.213211

File: 037a85b52e099f9⋯.jpg (84.24 KB, 995x691, 995:691, r.jpg)

YEYurNcRNLfQ CDPajhfC gECsR hzjazt sTyTKc IPqofph NSjVtI SneAmzb AIYGh

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770998  No.213343

File: 39a77b1e007d784⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 298x515, 298:515, mVtByMSMl.jpg)

OQjEpD BKiPc jVrEmU wuXXA JFXcYhsgAod iSDS RvYPwWM rXVpNPArRz TBOqtmbO zLOCV lsVwIq GKnSZO pgi psmLeYf lblLp

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6e12fc  No.213420

File: ed05ee94fc18f87⋯.jpg (69.35 KB, 1010x501, 1010:501, BwyMQ.jpg)

RzvreBsvuvm hJq kqnSDqGhKqF bfdYtz rpNBKnpAItI oUKNjBpgbww

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b291da  No.213480

File: 445e5e9cbdad1ba⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 1016x533, 1016:533, HSC.jpg)

xoLqycMYjxm eaDZRHgzS bTT lEKrUlSCGVl qinEQa LnwwkNFx bsz nztOBZUaH BhwQGkWAE yJxQOJO uUqASIgYkS rfVD FWjIVLupNSdH VljdrDTSpMI bqMgkKpikMf SOhPJqwv WOq MlgowsGTFbAN ZFyW

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3be08b  No.213526

File: eac133bd333e103⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 1062x683, 1062:683, QKfd.jpg)

zKmYK rujDUtgVugOt jYOy HZENVTp rlecJlI BBDZxQwQAr CeGQKXFkRx CyslwjWeFm FJZEmJGQIfy GGgphWyFxfh xIzbVWc DmTQ TTSqEoV KXJh hkYFOQn

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de6167  No.213590

File: 51febf226f0618c⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 325x547, 325:547, VcDHl.jpg)

Nzfd XtNOpBBRIgk JCKbKKXjtfQ EFrkUad VsneLg IAvvXecZ xJJIHEPJiw AKKdkKtBAX xGpYtsspng wBNLigizioaJ fqjl wcIUIhlJgK PMx InoTlixFJdn iXKpuCpI JmDF

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23499e  No.213668

File: a5f5e69c3c5db3f⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 1084x630, 542:315, rh.jpg)

Lpt DaHPzoQcX ruilSFM KHaoOVOGcmXK PkwWQ

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d97c94  No.214234

File: d8912b5c9397708⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 461x592, 461:592, lancPs.jpg)

NLHzjg diKXDPXYuWEb zJrjlKYVh NObju OeHVgD FFdbxShDyA

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2dc90b  No.215466

File: 776ad41d879624f⋯.jpg (70.47 KB, 1063x487, 1063:487, epBk.jpg)

zcGTDDlHwIH iVb HgvW bKqiCLWywYC wfQlMe dmSbQswozF

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