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File: a4e5c2c93d618c1⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 450x323, 450:323, just_gonna_stand_here_and_….gif)

5acc85  No.187432

>dead board is dead

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b12088  No.187445


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a81464  No.187490

It isnt, there isnt nothing special to talk about currently

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d7803b  No.187518


MAGAfags are in a Copium coma right now.

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175871  No.187533


Everyone is busy spamming pro-Trump/Eanon/Qanon disinformation on 4pol.

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3e3b24  No.187547


Yeah, it's dead, you can leave now.

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508f2e  No.187868


This place was empty before the election.

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508f2e  No.187869


ok china

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106f6a  No.188669

mind your own business ese

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