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File: 30dd4ea1ab20bf1⋯.gif (4.86 MB, 600x378, 100:63, 30d.gif)

55c18c  No.187231

Are we outnumbered? How can we get anything done without a strong voter base?

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72c757  No.187238

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1c4a30  No.187246

We have always been outnumbered. Trumpniggers and conservatives aren't your friends/allies.

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917f8d  No.187250

File: e317f03fe800fbe⋯.jpg (243.55 KB, 580x580, 1:1, Crestfall_warrior.jpg)


The Left has been outnumbered many, many times and still pulled off a win. Gay marriage, trannyism, abortion, busing, affirmative action - these things were unpopular when they started with them, and all of them either lost major votes or would have if a vote had been allowed. But they forced them through anyway using the courts and the bureaucracy, and then gradually propagandized the population into accepting or even loving them.

Your mindset is too "democratic," OP. Voting is not primarily a system for deciding what the government is going to do. It's a system for legitimating the government.

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408f8e  No.187251

And Trump just won in a massive landslide. Nobody in their right mind believes that Biden got 81 million votes when Obama in his first run go only 69 million. Trump got 74 million.

Bernie won the Democratic primaries too. Even Democrats who are fair minded are deeply offended by this open cheating by the elite, the oligarchs.

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917f8d  No.187252


>boohoo, Dems cheated!

Yeah, they did, and they got away with it. It's part of the game, and they're better at it than their opponents. Deal.

>Even Democrats who are fair minded are deeply offended by this open cheating by the elite, the oligarchs.

Nobody gives a fuck. A few months from now, there will be some new stupid crisis in the news and all the normalfags will move on to worrying about that and forget all about election shenanigans.

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8c1398  No.187342



Read Siege. It's way too late to vote our way out of this.

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7d08ab  No.187354



Fucking kill yourself.

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7d08ab  No.187355


No one cares, you stupid fucking piece of shit race traitor. We don’t support Trump. Get out of here with your jew hoaxes.

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ea1d9e  No.187457

File: 576a2fbd55a0c24⋯.jpeg (89.06 KB, 960x822, 160:137, AD9E5862_3ED7_4640_92D1_C….jpeg)

File: deb689c4ad741b0⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB, 582x268, 291:134, 2F9B4487_6C87_45F7_86FD_1….jpeg)

File: a8501cfeb9d9706⋯.jpeg (267.29 KB, 878x742, 439:371, 78A0B2D5_E2A8_4905_948F_A….jpeg)

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1f621f  No.187577


I'd like to see a Canadian version of this map.

Will show how Toronto hunger games capital rules over the districts.

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fed8c1  No.187581

File: afd556d564073ce⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, siege_tranny.jpg)


>reed seej!


fuck off bolshevik

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fed8c1  No.187582



>reed seej!


fuck off bolshevik

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d191c1  No.187914


>Yeah, they did, and they got away with it. It's part of the game, and they're better at it than their opponents. Deal.

missing the point

>Nobody gives a fuck. A few months from now, there will be some new stupid crisis in the news and all the normalfags will move on to worrying about that and forget all about election shenanigans.

uh no the voters in georgia are already talking about not voting in the runoffs. like 97% of republicans think the election was rigger how much turnout do you think the gop will even have in the midterms?

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55c18c  No.188030


What do those tattoos mean?

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