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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 06350896db3cc6c⋯.jpeg (2.43 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, FEB39F0A_BCC5_40FF_936F_E….jpeg)

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8c7a5a  No.187070[Last 50 Posts]

I used to think the OKC bombing was a victory. A blow against the them. But while on vacation I decided to pay a visit to the memorial. Seeing the chairs (representing casualties) and the two time stamps on the opposite sides of the site and I felt dirty. All this time I thought Tim was a hero. But seeing it all in front of me was truly sobering. I understood his motive, but the execution of his plan was horrendous. If you’re in the area and still have some conflicting feelings about the bombing, I highly recommend paying a visit. I still think action must be taken against our oppressors, Tim thought so too. But this wasn’t the correct way of doing it.

God bless.

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13009c  No.187073


>But this wasn’t the correct way of doing it.

Yes, it was.

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8c7a5a  No.187075


Kids died.

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d3d6a0  No.187077


>Kids died

Were they White? If not then things of much value weren't lost.

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fa9cac  No.187080

File: 67c175b9500497e⋯.jpg (136.61 KB, 750x988, 375:494, c57b4dcf1a6c16e897dce54c90….jpg)


six out of nine.

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e3ebb1  No.187082


It's something I've been trying to explain for years. Blow up a building, they rebuild it. Shoot 50 Muslims in a mosque, 150 Muslim babies are born within the hour. Assassinate a President, the next in line steps up immediately. Those things aren't "victories", they're just excuses for the enemy to rebuild stronger. You have to destroy the system itself to obtain victory, not just paltry symbols. Otherwise, you're no different than some boomer hippie burning a flag in the park - impotent, useless, and laughable.

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a2fb86  No.187083


kids die everyday

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05eb12  No.187085

File: 3e0de8fc9b8e760⋯.jpg (100.42 KB, 448x600, 56:75, mcViegh.jpg)


How many kids did the Feds kill at Waco?

Do you even know?

The only reason Ted is a hero is because the Feds NEVER pay for their crimes.

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ec335a  No.187088


He was a patsy, it was never his motive, how are zoomers this stupid. perhaps the only honest documentary Alex Jones ever did was his doc on OKC. You should start there if you think it wasn't a Fed operation to begin with.

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b8d6a4  No.187089


What Tim did was wrong. Though it was also wrong for the government to murder him.

The government, certainly not the feds, should be banned from executing people.

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b8d6a4  No.187091


correction* certainly the feds should be banned from executing people

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6bc0f5  No.187104

If the media ever covered the opioid epidemic


what's happening in Palestine


what the Jews did to the Russians


the amount of black on white violence

in a meaningful way people would be shocked. You know, show their picture, tell their story how they went to the nice Jewish dr for a minor issue and got hooked on pain killers.

FFS Covid is just like having a Sept 11th everyday.

Mcveigh was Mossad. You know what's a trip is i was reading that Dershowitz was present in the building where Bobby Kennedy was killed. Like in charge of security or some shit but i can't find where i was reading that.

Dershowitz signs off on Mossad assassinations, at least he used to.

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ef5e22  No.187117

File: 1615f09dfab4773⋯.jpg (456.74 KB, 800x634, 400:317, Oklahoma_City_Andreas_Stra….jpg)


He wasn't Mossad, Strassmeier was. McVeigh was a useful idiot.

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7642a0  No.187125


CcVey didn't know there were children there and he was shocked to find out that there were.

The BATF and FBI both were certain there were children at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

What they all did; McVey, FBI and BATF was wrong. Sadly, the government is more culpable as they're supposed to be within the law and have checks but they can and still do murder and conspire to over throw the government with impunity and McVey rightly got the death penalty.

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6bc0f5  No.187130


Lol Every fucking time, Jews are terrorists thru and thru

You forgot Daniel Spiegleman,


Dutch newspapers reported today that a man fighting extradition to the United States was linked to suspects in the Oklahoma City bombing. But in Washington, the Justice Department said there was no connection.

The Netherlands has granted a request to extradite the man, Daniel Spiegelman, on unrelated charges, but three Dutch newspapers reported that the suspect was also linked to Timothy J. McVeigh and Terry L. Nichols, the two men charged with bombing the Federal Building in Oklahoma City last April.

One of the newspapers, De Telegraaf, said a man it identified only as Daniel S. was suspected of supplying weapons for the bombing. The April 19 bombing and its aftermath left 169 people dead and injured more than 500.

The Justice Department spokesman, Carl Stern, said that Mr. Spiegelman was a convicted felon who was being extradited to face Federal charges of illegal weapons possession but that the charges were unrelated to the Oklahoma City bombing.

Walt Lamar, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Assistant United States Attorney Steve Mullins, both in Oklahoma City, said neither agency had information connecting the suspect in Dutch custody with the bombing."

End quote

Lol the govt response or lack there of confirms he was the m,aster mind.

After the attack the Israelis presented themselves as experts in counter terror and took over all kinds of security positions.

This allowed them to set up Sept 11th.

Fuck Mcveigh and that loser in New Zealand. No matter what the attack or where, in the long run the Jews the MIC the police state and the media are the only ones who benefits. Everyone else loses, everyone. Fuck terrorism.

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b45264  No.187131


sage this fednigger



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c6906f  No.187133

File: f3213dfa8657365⋯.mp4 (11.88 MB, 640x480, 4:3, charles_manson_rights_remo….mp4)


Manson talks about feds, rights and remorse.

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6bc0f5  No.187138

Jun 8, 1997,

Before Sept 11th

ISRAEL warned US BEFORE the OKC blast & Who is Dan Spiegelman



Trippy read, you have to remind yourself this is pre 9/11.

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fa9cac  No.187150


I wouldn't exactly trust Manson of all people

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c1c165  No.187153


Eighty eights and the only truth in this whole stupid fucking thread.

Within the first couple hours it was reported on local news that 3 bombs were removed from the building there was also film showing them removing them.

The truck bomb was a big ass diversion from whoever actually planted the shit in the building.

The story shifted within hours for the official truth.

You should still be able to find this fucking glaring ass bit of misinformation from the FBI as to how they found the VIN number on the rear axle of the truck and tracked it down to McVeigh.


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c6906f  No.187165


Why not? You know exactly what the 'average person' thinks of you, right? They basically think that you are him in another skin. So why wouldn't you just take what he says at face value? Don't act like an NPC. I wasn't there, I have no idea what happened. I have to trust someone and that will never be The Parasites That Be, so why not just take him at his word? Yeah, I think he is a tad fucked up…but think about it, he is right about those people who 'followed' him…it was their PARENTS and SOCIETY that pre-fucked them long before he ever did…if they didn't have it in them from the beginning they would have never gone along with any of it. Furthermore, he is 1000% correct about the state vs humanity in this clip. Why do we always believe that the state has some kind of fucking 'magical permission' when it comes to poisoning, torturing, murdering, and destroying its own citizens but not in turn grant those same powers to the individual? That is an admission that the state has more rights than the individual and it is totally counter productive to anything that we would ever condone or want. We aren't fucking nigger slaves…we are White citizens.

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c6906f  No.187166


Anyone looking at that bomb blast knows it is a Fed job. You all need to blow some shit up in the desert to get some perspective. That was not something that was done by a couple guys in a moving van, it was most likely a MOSSAD/CIA joint terrorism operation in order to silence specific targets within our own (((government))).

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6bc0f5  No.187181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Crazy doesn't mean stupid, he just gave away the Jews game.

I don't know to much about Manson but I wouldn't be surprised if he was railroaded by the media. Saying this and having that crazy tattoo and back then the Jews had a total lock on the info America receives.

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78f274  No.187186


The story of the Tate/LaBianca murder is very very confused. Manson was a strange unpleasant person but I'm not so sure he ordered those deaths.

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78f274  No.187187

File: 6b2b56a803cc6f9⋯.jpg (13.19 KB, 442x114, 221:57, download.jpg)

John Doe #2 is Andy Strassmeir who was trained in the German Army and also in Israel. He plays a key role in the entire affair.

Strassmeir came from a German family known for its right-wing nationalist sympathies. He was the son of Günter Straßmeir, the Chief of Staff to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. His Grandfather was also a co-founder of the Nazi Party.[12][13]

>>Strassmeir studied at a military university in Hamburg, and then went on to serve in the German Army in 1979. His military service lasted for a total of five years.

>>After resigning from the British Welsh Guard, Strassmeir moved to Washington, D.C. to pursue a career within the U.S. Department of Justice. According to Strassmeir himself, he had hoped to work for the operations section of the Drug Enforcement Administration.[15] His efforts to obtain a career within the federal government were aided by Vincent Petruskie, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel who had apparently met Strassmeir's father while he (Petruskie) was stationed in Berlin. In interviews, Strassmeir has referred to Vincent Petruskie as "a former CIA guy my father had known".[16] Petruskie confirms that he had assisted Andreas Strassmeir in finding such a job, but denies having any connection to the CIA.

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78f274  No.187188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


General Ben Partin was one of the most influential innovators in developing focused energy and precision guided weapons. He was a close friend of missionary to the communist world, Rev. Bill Bathman, a member of the Board of Frontline Fellowship and a very good friend of our family and Mission.

United States Air Force Scientist

General Partin was born in Lumberton, North Carolina. He entered active military service in the Aviation Cadet programme, January 1944. After World War 2, he returned to North Carolina State College, where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering, graduating June 1949. As a Reserve Officers Training Corp Distinguished Military Graduate, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. August 1949, he was assigned to Strategic Air Command as Assistant Operations Officer, 91st Reconnaissance Technical Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. In March, 1950, he entered Pilot Training at Randolf Air Base, Texas and completed Advanced Flying Training at Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma, by March 1951.

Exposing the Oklahoma Bombing as a False Flag

When, on 19 April 1995, the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, collapsed, killing 168 people, General Partin immediately declared: “Someone is lying!” As one of America’s foremost weapons experts, General Partin could immediately see that the damage pattern on the building was not consistent with a truck bomb on the road, but could have only been the result of a building demolition team imbedding explosives in the actual reinforced concrete pillars holding up the building. General Partin declared that the pattern and magnitude of the damage in the Oklahoma bombing was “technically impossible without supplementing demolition charges on the columns and header beam.” The smooth failure modes and exposed steel rebar, were clear signs of contact charges. The positioning of the collapsed columns and header beam also showed that it could not have been caused a truck bomb. Otherwise they would have been blown at least slightly inward, but instead they had come straight down. The General declared that is was absurd to hold that a truck bomb blast was powerful enough to take down large, steel reinforced, concrete columns and still leave sheet rock, planters, furring strips and other light decorative materials virtually undamaged. The structural damage was consistent with a professional demolition team, who had imbedded the explosives in the heavily reinforced concrete beams and columns.

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bc6bee  No.187232


whatever your motive, murdering innocents is never the correct way. we criticize others for doing the same thing, we shouldn't allow hypocrisy in our movement.

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8abc8d  No.187236


Manson was in Boystown Orphanage as a child. He was either ritually abused or closely connected to someone who was during that whole WDC sex pedo ring operation. Based on his words and character, I think he probably saw more ritual killings that you or I would be able to talk about. The (((catholic church's))) whole 'orphanage' program was simply a way to 'slake their thirsts' it was never about charity or goodness, those kids were instruments for blackmail, pleasure and ritual murder, nothing else.


Think about the things he endured as a child at the hands of their parents. That might give everyone a clue about what happened there. If he did participate in their murders, I am sure it was revenge and that he would take his own real motive to the grave since nothing more needed to be said. It is my guess that what was said, was said in the style of the ritual killing.

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78f274  No.187237


He knew his way into their homes. His activities with the Beach Boys indicates that he was pimping young women to them. I surmise they were trying to get children from him. That is why to the end of his life when asked about what he would do if he ever got free, he replied "I'll get Polanski".

Polansky is an evil weasel, a very intelligent and brilliant creator but evil. His role in this should not be ignored or downplayed.

He was the target of the murder plot and he was lucky enough to be absent. Now he's on the run for anally raping a 13 year old girl he drugged. That's what he got caught on . What else is lurking there?

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78f274  No.187239


Allow me to rephrase that; I didn't meant to say that the Beach Boys were trying to get children from him; other customers he was rubbing shoulders with were. This put him on a homicidal path with them.

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8abc8d  No.187243


Maybe after Boystown he was the catholic churches official pimp, but he came across something that even he could not tolerate. Speculation.

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c1c165  No.187247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eighty eights again and Ben Partin for the noobs not born when this happened.

Here is my part


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78f274  No.187248

File: 004ef80adb92312⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 465x550, 93:110, f6ab6eeb4e7cf71e54e7a4c468….jpg)

File: 80c5ccfbe079902⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 400x600, 2:3, lf.jpg)


It's totally feasable that he was abused in the orphanage, but I doubt if anybody had any control over his activities once he left prison and infiltrated himself into the west coast psychedelic movement.

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f80518  No.187254

File: 5cecba28be9b4df⋯.jpg (522.62 KB, 1920x1567, 1920:1567, EkhTTqgXgAIklYN.jpg)


>stained concrete brutalist monstrosity memorial with fat mestizos waddling around it

Yeah, fuck that, OP. Looking at the garbage moves me, too, but in the opposite direction.

>die in a terrrrrrrist attack

>some retarded bureaucrats and fart-sniffing architects put up an ugly concrete and metal fake chair for me


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495c26  No.187279


Yeah everyone is innocent until one day they suddenly aren't.

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8ec0a7  No.187282


Well I count five.Baylee Almon could only be classified as white by American standards.

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ca91fa  No.187314


Grow a pair. Does it suck that innocents died? Yeah. Innocents died at Waco, too. War is hell.

My grandfather died in the Murrah bombing and you don't hear me bitching about it.

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8abc8d  No.187317


I think you need reoperations pronto, anon.

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df46b4  No.187322


Timmy is alive and well. dig.

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329f2e  No.187334


Weird how literally not a single person from either agency he was supposedly targeting - the ATF and FBI - were killed.

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e90d3f  No.187343

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495c26  No.187351


Weird how all the shit like Waco and Ruby Ridge stopped after he did this.

Almost like the feds got the message.

Keep posting online. I'm sure that'll change things.

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6ba7b3  No.187534

I've been to the memorial. Every grave is another victory

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df46b4  No.187552


bumping my fucking digits, and saging you retards.


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78f274  No.187561

File: 7d210f89fa0ff55⋯.jpg (961.91 KB, 2770x1923, 2770:1923, JJF1.JPG)

File: 9ae54905cc974c4⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2856x1972, 42:29, JJF2.JPG)

File: 2a45477d65a288c⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1280x1732, 320:433, tumblr_pqn8s16gYR1rhjbado1….jpg)

File: cc3b272c38f9ab0⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1750x800, 35:16, crumb_dirty_dog.jpg)

File: 0f942d189f35e1c⋯.jpg (638.17 KB, 1181x1500, 1181:1500, crumb_bfl.jpg)

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df46b4  No.187564

File: b02e0cd17fba26e⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 496x360, 62:45, 1568894912128.webm)



> no into sublime and meta these days? who do we have the honest honor to speak amongst ourselves?

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df46b4  No.187565

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df46b4  No.187566

(play simuls) niggers and queens inbetween, bang bang some 4*90=360=SUUUUN

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df46b4  No.187567

these of em

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df46b4  No.187568

a WHuuut?

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df46b4  No.187569

history, is in fact a bitch

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df46b4  No.187570

aka kikes

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df46b4  No.187571

oh shit, Hes going honest in some research and foun d out with his opinion, with these liers and decieves..

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df46b4  No.187572

was trying, hes was trying..

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df46b4  No.187573

File: 5dbd505f99b7b4d⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Aussie_Rant.mp4)

When you control literature, you control what people think.

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78f274  No.187574


Well they went on to bigger and better things; 911. And they'd succeeded in smashing the militia movement for the time being so there wasn't any point after that.

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fa9cac  No.188028

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c4882d  No.188048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I bet you cried at the end of Schindler's List and think Joe Biden legitimately won too..

There's a reason Youtube shut down the original post of this video.

>Oklahoma city bombing cover up

>Timothy McVeigh is innocent

>By preponderance of evidence

>Lets get it straight a cover up is no accident

>Evidence isolates the patsy lone assassin

>Conquer and divide tactic is designed

>To refute

>The fingerprint man the planted witness

>Military truck in a parking lot

>United States congress forced to investigate

>Due to public outcry the FBI has lied

>Smear campaigns CIA engaged


>Camoflauge a Ryder truck

>The huggers hid the other bombs

>Military truck in a parking lot

>Murrah Building had explosives that

>Did not go off! No novelty clocks…

>Dismiss the sniffing dogs

>McVeigh was at McDonalds not renting trucks

>A mile and a 4th down the street

>Soaked in the rain dry clothes on John Doe

>16 thousand tons of A.N.T.O

>The B.A.T.F. agent no elevator plummetted

>Forty four days to congregate

>A story to formulate

>Security camera documents

>McVeigh was framed

>McVeigh was framed

>Cover up framed

>Cover up framed

>Cover up framed

>Cover up framed

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b4ae3a  No.188177

File: 0c5114adc157cf3⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, OKC_AConspiracy.mp4)

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c1c165  No.188502


Saved thanx anon

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33c220  No.188507


This shut them up real quick. Always nice to remind them of breivik in cases such as these.

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7a11d0  No.188508


I didnt watch the "adhd" video. But however i have a quesiton: how does a loner like that find willing accompdices to blow up a federal building risking a death sentence?

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33c220  No.188511


The video is pretty complete

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7a11d0  No.188515


What puzzles me most is the well spoken guy in the video. I would assume high intelligence due to his talking speed and his clear verabalization of thoughts.

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7a11d0  No.188517


Do you have a youtube link to this guy?

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7a11d0  No.188520


A slight lisp to his voice.

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7a11d0  No.188521


I can only speak if i m excited, otherwise i stutter or lisp. The conspiracy theories give me comfort, never would i have thought that there are other people like me. And yet they are everywhere. The internet.

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7a11d0  No.188523


Gives me so much power yet you are nothing alone.

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7a11d0  No.188526


The difference between my tinfoil hats and yours is, that i dont need anyone.

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33c220  No.188529

File: a06696c6d07cd15⋯.png (3.19 MB, 4961x3508, 4961:3508, _.png)


Yeah, it has the feel of vlogbrothers globohomo edutainment video. All its missing is the flat art style.

You have to admit, it's kind of hypnotic

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7a11d0  No.188534



Cutting edges and rolling dice.

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7a11d0  No.188538


The more females you have in your army the less willing you are to fight. Also the more money you spend on military the more females also the more willing you are to fight.


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7a11d0  No.188539


The net benefit of females in the military overall is negative. It is only forced upon them to please the idiot god, but then again the military is the same idiot god.

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c1c165  No.188582


>Do you have a youtube link to this guy?

The video is James Corbett his website is the corbett report

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f789a8  No.188584

File: ae669b9911d2a62⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 500x318, 250:159, james_corbet_race_traitor.jpg)


Who also happens to be a race traitor who is compromised due to his future being non-White. He is always going to speak the thing that benefits his own offspring.

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7a11d0  No.188590


Well at least he knows the a and Ts.

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3bb003  No.188766


The Manson family were handled by Mossad agent/movie producer Laurence Merrick, who also ran an acting school where Sharon Tate was one of his students.

Bobby Beausoleil starred in Invocation of My Demon Brother which was filmed by Kenneth Anger and Mossad/soviet GRU agent (and likely associate of Rafi Eitan, who is said to have met Andreas Strassmeir on a beach on Golan and who's greatest achievement as Israel's greatest spymaster was the promis software backdooring and distribution to intelligence agencies worldwide) Al C Holbert, who recruited Michael Riconoscuito into the CIA.

Michael Riconoscuito led the programming team that developed the backdoor for Promis and developed the bomb that was used in the OKC bombing. There is your Manson/OKC connection


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6bc0f5  No.188771



Holy shit, that was a dramatic ending. That guy seems credible.

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c1c165  No.188951

File: 9675994a541e6dd⋯.png (239.81 KB, 1438x966, 719:483, Screen_Shot_2020_12_22_at_….png)


Not the same james corbett you nigger faggot. I wonder why you would try and discredit his video? (1)


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2831d4  No.188970

File: c9a1938c858dd11⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 441x250, 441:250, 375145e5837ad2d2cf507d8929….jpg)



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c1c165  No.188981

File: b6b9f29a83b24cc⋯.png (2.13 MB, 2502x990, 139:55, Screen_Shot_2020_12_22_at_….png)


>>>188951 (You)


And I can see you are about a stupid fucking cunt as well.

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e00e70  No.189012


Why attack a system that is breaking on it's own?


so what evidence did mossad need destroyed in that federal building?

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c1c165  No.189024

File: b284c6283179522⋯.png (460.5 KB, 1294x856, 647:428, Screen_Shot_2020_12_23_at_….png)


>so what evidence did mossad need destroyed in that federal building?

There was no "evidence"in the building that needed to be destroyed. That was bldg 7 on 911 and a whole different subject you are conflating.

There was however a burgeoning national patriot movement underfoot in the US which needed to be quelled, and what better way to pass legislation than to show an immediate and imminent need.


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9970e5  No.196026


This is something people forget. OKC was bad, but it made an important and meaningful statement: the feds dont live by the same rules you and I do, in fact they dont have any rules at all. Their power is complete and total and to bring about justice for waco and ruby ridge you must emerce yourself in violence. God bless Timothy McVeigh.

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6a9123  No.196047


I always think of the movie Fight Club, and how they planned on taking down the whole credit system (nevermind if it would work) and thought, thats the way to do it, take out the backbone in one blow.

You'd need to destroy the backbone of America, and as far as i can tell its wall street. If all boomer savings go Poof, normies would have no choice than to wake up. The slow boil thats been happening to the middle class, is only possible because "Muh Stocks" are doing so good.

Like the soviet union imploded, but i have no idea how one would accomplish that feat.

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2fa70b  No.209062

File: e0af61e4942c556⋯.jpg (43.25 KB, 348x567, 116:189, Ll.jpg)


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9684bf  No.209129

File: d5fbd2f64d4755b⋯.jpg (76.45 KB, 1112x525, 1112:525, qWwZZT.jpg)


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5bb1e7  No.209136

File: ea0b5444397f1e4⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 427x442, 427:442, kFj.jpg)


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b065fd  No.210046

File: 66e2d85384a897b⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 284x590, 142:295, oqnmvSt.jpg)

dnMWCmQ nTFRNdhBDvAO xuhcTC cxrruGLnJKtP bHi fQcQEGLvCMJ YaDSCUKw KzsGaWD IJVLlI YSiSRlyynv CyFaVDmwqXdu zuTv ukKS wohBXo mfoLTLNemc pAvhC ehbeeb muUxsiosqCuV

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98adc2  No.210064

File: 12cc6a95c63e149⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 1034x567, 1034:567, lgKqwoxVf.jpg)

UfiFWLXdW USAOD vryYKgsjuPTg KZYDq PvBX hxSt QggBKjIH cKN MneZymfZvau iwUAYN ewAwjsmzfF JojDVhVwvEmI XyBWWK

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2ab2a4  No.210184

File: 3239a52a6e95825⋯.jpg (45.99 KB, 348x620, 87:155, pCXbf.jpg)

XTFmgNyht ypRN TTTePX RNFsWLvyNiU vgR tXNm VawrsD UrViiPJVdo YdyL TukfUU pbkHSlEm zwQQ rKCIilWCK AGymQq JOkgzhw

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2f0a76  No.211304

File: d63dffc2890267e⋯.jpg (67.25 KB, 908x542, 454:271, PXweHSx.jpg)

uTMuezP PFdNuQeJr hnjpGW IWq TZUtEU cGqQNfGxx MvgjzRobTjb vgBSX YEtkq ltl wXgwvZF PbkykHzHSB hvBOAZlJR QcSXwOoRe mrDTOtkzf svPrxHqMuEzm nIUhxliVfFDp TcpTDRfTy wmtFJVqln

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130c48  No.211333

File: 718dbd9e72d6aae⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 276x507, 92:169, wBTjNQffT.jpg)

EumUroMeURR RGINjAv fJjg NbOIIfnb JWi FSgnJcpEOVOU ykRxg ZzCZxHjfLgsn vrt MjstMT oLTiqMO JkRrOh HCFPFHE xBiQxfuOfoEW NzipUa iBWQxqHqB jEDH ygrKPyIoFPx ApeUlKL qVHUnK

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7adecd  No.211488

File: 0098f07f73d59ec⋯.jpg (65.26 KB, 928x509, 928:509, uxrkGzRkw.jpg)


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1934f4  No.211489

File: 48ae1baadd4011d⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 322x502, 161:251, yzYOZ.jpg)

ktBSmqC PPoPrMhSR mmJmIv InrvF

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abcdde  No.211494

File: 0ce22d505c1bc6f⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 384x567, 128:189, vP.jpg)

PkbWOTp qKQE VbdqmQSopkJv DfzBRlwoqu csmEbsx IDYStM

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5370dc  No.211525

File: 76d2dee86dcec31⋯.jpg (43.46 KB, 319x631, 319:631, vLe.jpg)

cYU xOGfLjL nBVkqM VkL rZHfkn FzuGCyBgvR rjrBA aVlNLGXtL FtidCpgFHAV txLEm

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860b04  No.211532

File: 74da1835218a7a7⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 977x573, 977:573, RzWtmcBWrO.jpg)

RSpNq CPsxJddT juIwtRZwm PuDa NuAkfNI vjPMdHG GGf PkDnQWhlSws XVNdqSi aCIuRCZ tiyQ auVABfirxS XRZdubhJKZw WwgAgFKbhQmX uPPJnamT Tvb FTZQDVMta nuFYJFnOWs VpWeE HJnPfhK

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8c27d6  No.211542

File: 3a892d492d07dad⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 451x491, 451:491, nDKoUOZ.jpg)

hXQPhyXUGU JMFnKxk VNgVuJQP cnYirW YkQXC Vzi rqiDp odYaRJP HHhCiQqIIeo FUT nsIR tgroEEO TZrburJ dhGn YvhSAlO WSnACeppgc

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1369e7  No.211562

File: 2ae0324d3ba7b46⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 1003x615, 1003:615, eUKRZALlZ.jpg)

HQv RPLBPJ gYLEZnKU llyyMVcU cXo lSQgMFWobmC QqzgNIzB SsWwayP mRVEeBvmM jUJrfozjrhLs fohYPGA iihGwuSk NcdLmTPWIZP

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0539b6  No.211585

File: ca75185965e66d3⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 301x610, 301:610, aiFuefKTx.jpg)


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59bcc4  No.211625

File: 66d84aad6e04297⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 1035x702, 115:78, Aj.jpg)

vjny PDty BsfueHcyRUlC jaAOQ KIDTOnA GwyqnOoaHiT yYUzbACkuHn yGApMP FPXqGfj DDlCdl hcrVXV

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65dcce  No.215455

File: f1f08a368439b34⋯.jpg (86.13 KB, 1122x622, 561:311, RebfRCP.jpg)

Fzyxmy Ekyqv bdFlWEtouby dKi yQThKSxLLD QNVLk LGhLCmGDtkV OybpfTCqec oCixGPhr EwvDBqP

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e69dc0  No.215502

File: 5ceb446e03b3c76⋯.jpg (68.27 KB, 1036x478, 518:239, dIWDRqzBBE.jpg)

QbKw fzRVbSoluep BEXKfFxFtQty gPBPSLYHHe NZEQrNOtKwL WwEfxLfL AYhchkoWRtY YbqMPUHJju ZFd rUYgWr dHocqdBv GmBfjJops XCPzXoRAu SIff lqJpACiVlDf

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000b3e  No.215588

File: 780c3f572bf4f7d⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 288x389, 288:389, XwYJEUtzy.jpg)

YLXwBtfWwFH bRHr ThZ NQCag xdCL Piqm zPBQuRtGLgb Sjk xEprXljV

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9ea131  No.215676

File: ff317c3bf355b5d⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 501x484, 501:484, WTYDMXhl.jpg)


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