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File: 4950f59867e4361⋯.jpg (100.55 KB, 540x813, 180:271, Friese_bikini.jpg)

1fe9fb  No.186957

Why the fuck won't these people ever fairly debate the dissident right? I hate these fuckers, they literally just infiltrate positions of administrative power, get you banned or make your speech illegal. They never actually attempt to go toe to toe with your ideology EVEN on their own fucking websites! I was expecting some sagely communist who had answers to all the problems of multiculti but NO just miscontruing my argument call me a racist and ban me before I can reply JUST LIKE everywhere fucking else LMAO


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1fe9fb  No.186959


The post I was banned for:

Are you an empathic person? Do you fear the rise of an exploited disconnected sociopathic society? Then become a racist

Some of the most high trust and empathic societies are european, especially northern european ones. In Sweden for example someone will not steal your bus ticket, they will leave it for you or return it to you. If you are injured someone will lend you a hand. If someone has the chance to be corrupt, as naive or idiotic as others may perceive them to be, there is a good chance they will refuse the corruption. Early race scientists even viewed moral idealism as a trait of the nordic race, and the early puritans were of scandinavian extraction:



This is the fucked up irony of communist multiculturalism to me, that the most good natured white people and good natured people of other races are inviting the masses of more sociopathic and heartless races to outnumber and breed them out along with the rest of the europeans especially northwestern europeans, creating a mongrel society of cultureless sociopaths, many of whom are low IQ, that corporations control like slaves.

I know a lot of you guys think that the alt-right is filled with evil school shooters but a lot of us genuinely want the same society as a lot of you do, we just think your method of getting there will be disastrous and won't work, and in fact will have the opposite effect. Literally go on muslim or north african forums where they talk about us, they literally laugh at you, they laugh at me, you see Algerians giggling about how easy Westerners are to take advantage of - theft, gang bashing, rape, etc - and they can't do anything because to organise against outside threats is considered racist. Chinese talking about exploiting the good nature of "gwailos", etcetera. Pakistani communities descended from Mirpur, the most corrupt and mafia city in Pakistan that even other Pakistanis despise, boasting BOASTING about colonising British neighbourhoods and corrupting the local government and law enforcement institutions, and the naive white liberals who let them do it. These people are fucking piranhas and will devour you and your society alive unless you tribe up and keep them out - at least until you can prove without a shadow of a doubt that when in Rome they shall do as the Romans do.

I am posting this on the assumption that you are communist because you believe in high moral ideals and social progress, but if you are just communist because you are a pedophile, zionist or other degenerate looking for something to hide behind then I doubt my plea will mean anything to you

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fb235e  No.186962

Funny. They come here and shit post. You ask a fair question and they ban you. At least their jannies are on their side.

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cea21e  No.186967


>Just got banned from /leftypol/

There's still a /leftypol/?

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1fe9fb  No.186971




It's very active and they are more banhappy than /v/

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e35cb0  No.186972


>why won’t people who scientific studies show have physical brain damage, and who do not believe in the existence of objective truth, hold an honest debate

Gee, I fucking wonder.

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e35cb0  No.186973


Meanwhile, our board’s owner bans moderators for being on our side.

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ee7c0f  No.186977


Nobody believes thats why you were banned, not even you.

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1fe9fb  No.186978

File: 65d2753352d007c⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 810x1032, 135:172, EIeFwIIU4AEQstr.jpg)


>they literally just infiltrate positions of administrative power, get you banned or make your speech illegal.




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e35cb0  No.186981


>random words–some not even actual words–just spammed arbitrarily

Imagine defending leftists and thinking anyone will take your side.


Given that there was no reason for the removal, yeah. I was asked not to ban people for being leftists, I agreed, and then I stopped banning people for being leftists. And then I was removed. You can check the log just fine; it never happened. You can also check the entire board; threads are completely spammed with leftist bullshit and it was never removed and they were never banned for it. So sure, no one believes it because it didn’t happen. That’s fine.

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1fe9fb  No.186985





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ee7c0f  No.186986


Keep telling yourself that.

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1fe9fb  No.186991


Can you explain what happened to the files of the 23AndMe head honcho who turned out to be a furry pedophile who wanted south africans to be killed? None of them load anymore which to me is hyper suspicious

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45c13b  No.186994


Is he the same Chinese homosexual that used to (or still is?) the BO of /b/?

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e35cb0  No.187012


>no argument

Enjoy the spam, I guess. It’s what you wanted.


>you’re a chink shill because… uh…


>can’t read


You really cannot read, can you.

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f5f3ba  No.187050

File: 7a1a97e4dc1e718⋯.jpg (228.62 KB, 1024x1019, 1024:1019, closeminded.jpg)


>why do brainwashed ideologue ZOGbots ban me when I make their brain short circuit with questions they can't answer

Well gee OP idk

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f5f3ba  No.187051

File: 78e83cdc2f551ca⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Machiavelli.jpg)

leftards don't care about being slaves as long as they can be the guards

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e35cb0  No.187065


What are you talking about? A thread on the board?

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cea21e  No.187079


Oh, well then who gives a shit?

>waaaa a completely different site banned meeeeeeeeee

NYPA, faggot. We do not care.

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6b29ab  No.187119


Why would you expect them to play fairly?

They believe debate is a tool of white supremacy or something.

What does the modern left even stand for besides the destruction of western civilization?

It's like they accomplished all of their goals by the 1960s so they just started having to come up with more and more to dismantle.

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988b5e  No.187285

Did you miss the fact that the average leftist debates in the exact same way as the simplest paranoid schizo boomer but without the creativity?

Hell, I once naively thought I counted as one, but having an independent thought process warrants their schizoid wrath, the agreeable ones are just lying to themselves and will give up after a dozen backstabs.

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ce080c  No.187430

File: 5be4eb5854e9907⋯.gif (3.94 MB, 434x244, 217:122, 1570386235350.gif)


>waaaahhhhh why won't they let me cry on their board

stfu faggot i can almost guarantee you're a boomer based off your language go take your blood pressure meds and fuck off

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b5c1c4  No.187482



>fairly debate

pick one

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431de5  No.187524


I'd like to see these North African and Muslim forum posts of taking advantage of westerners. i dont doubt you but I do want to see.

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f6f616  No.187550


I don't like you enough to not explain to you as to why I don't. You are that fucking residual outdated incestuous kike mongering insemination exceeding previous historical records only indicating a continuous expulsion as outcome of your interaction with your dependents once again, but this time on the most macroscopic of our inheritance. I worry for you bro.

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1fe9fb  No.187893


Retarded bot.


You speak as if they're hard to find? Lmao, learn arabic, join any arabic telegram. Check pashtunforums, somalinet, pakistan forums, anywhere you want. You just don't see them because you live in the same small anglophone bubble as these communiggers do.


>Crying onomatopoeia followed by moronic strawman

Ad hominem

Yeah, your brain's so small I could fit it in a shot glass. I've seen 100s of these identical brainlet tier posts. You stupid communist niggers banned me because you can dish it but can't take it. You can raid but your politics are so utterly rubbish they can't survive scrutiny. It's why you censor in real life and why you censor online. You are the proverbial serpent, the leviathan of Indo-European mythology, the cold blooded inhuman parasite and liar who's ideas are toxic and destructive to Man but who forces them upon him through subterfuge and deceit. You are a disgusting, rotten little silver tongued snake. And the only thing you produce for mankind is poison.

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13215a  No.187994

File: 863c25fbfdb6565⋯.jpg (96.39 KB, 854x1286, 427:643, friese_bikini_zw.jpg)

File: 7bd44b81e6f457e⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 854x1286, 427:643, friese_bikini.jpg)

File: e8888d988d5a9fc⋯.jpg (144.95 KB, 854x1286, 427:643, fries_rokje_bikini.jpg)

File: 7a81d7f3a2c28fc⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 854x1286, 427:643, friese_tankini.jpg)

I liked OPs pic, so I found some (ever so slightly) higher res versions

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71a5d8  No.188195


Imagine trying to debate with the rules for radicals playbook lol. Any debate you enter into with a leftist automatically expect them to be a fraudulent liar, you'll basically always be right. Be on the constant hunt for strawmen, gaslighting, ad hominem, false equivalencies, etc (not hard, its all they have). Point out said inconsistencies for the world to see and demonstrate what a dishonest faggot your opposition is while simultaneously demonstrating the validity of your own point. If you weren't foolish enough to engage with them on their home turf (they'll just ban you, or censor you to hell and back) you'll more than likely win over the crowd as long as you know your shit.

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