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Can't help but swallow the bait!

File: 18ef2062a6301c0⋯.jpeg (21.95 KB, 80x80, 1:1, dirty_drug_dealing_CHPD_S….jpeg)

File: 265bb15833f5596⋯.jpg (170.6 KB, 773x772, 773:772, Fat_piece_of_shit_CHPD_cro….jpg)

File: 6b91187d9eb8d02⋯.jpg (9.05 KB, 160x160, 1:1, Mandee_Andree_CHPD.jpg)

832b8a  No.186854

Sergeant Joe Aguilar with the Citrus Heights Police Department who is pictured in the first photo, is a secret homosexual. He was spotted wearing a dress at a gay bar in Sacramento with the fat cop pictured in the second photo and undercover Citrus Heights Police officer Nicole Rizzi AKA Mandee Andree pictured in the third photo. Nicole Rizzi poses as a heterosexual white supremacist meth dealer. Sergeant Joe Aguilar's nick name in the streets is 'Whimpy" and "Joke Bagalard" This gay bastard is a punk. He is involved in meth and heroin trafficking with Nicole Rizzi AKA Mandee Andree and a bunch of other snitches. He goes around bragging to anyone who will listen that he is the Sergeant of Narcotics and he runs the Snitches and Undercovers.

Joe Aguilar snitches on his coworkers and will tell you who he has talked to about you and tell you what they said about you. This gay piece of shit had me in handcuffs with two of his hay cop partners and he squeezed my butt and was way to grabby with my pud. I had to file complaints on this creep about that.

Joe Aguilar loves boys.

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722292  No.186874

Blue niggers are inherently gay.

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1d6845  No.187003


Citrus Heights is a cursed place it always had a weird gloom too it. Thats the neighborhood where the Golden State Killer stalked a lot of his victims and lived there for a while during his spree along with after. Flip/asian sex trafficking houses and meth dens in the middle of the suburbs. Lots of crime with tons of house burglaries even more than you would find in a average city block. Its like everyone that has a criminal double life or trying to do some Walter White type drug dealing is drawn there. Mafia retires live there too along with some other serial killers lived there. The Russian mafia has its operations in Citrus heights too. Its one of those areas where the Russian government and Chinese would have sleeper cells because of all the blackmarket around them.

Its one of those places the movie cabin in the woods would take place to sacrifice people to the old dark gods.

So it does not surprise me in the least the local cops are fags who molest other men.

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