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b3416d  No.186724


Sometimes politicians lose their cool and start to attack each other in the halls of congress/parliament. I wonder what's stopping our politicians from attacking each other physically?

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450ab9  No.186725


They’re literally all owned by jews. Every single one of them. Every single last fucking one of them. They’re all reading from a script given to them by jews. They’re controlled opposition. How the fuck is this a question. We have a thread for this shit.

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9072fc  No.186792

Back in the good old days everybody grew up on a farm handling dangerous and powerful animals. Horses, steers, bulls, pigs, even a big alpha male goat are capable of inflicting serious harm on you without even trying. I know a farmer from up north that had a big steer aimlessly shift on him and pin him against a barn wall, breaking three of his ribs. It was just a minor bump. I know of a vet who was injecting a horse and the horse just precipitously collapsed on him; he's a quadriplegic for life. Plus a lot of those guys didn't drink water; wells were all tainted by outhouses causing severe fevers and digestive problems so a lot of people lived on distilled alcohol and rainwater for sanitary reasons. They were violent cow punching horse busting drunks. If you've ever been around real country cowboy farmers you'll know what I'm talking about; they'd just as soon pile their rock hard fists into your face as say hello. On the upside the women are a lot sweeter in places like that. Genteel charmers.

Nowadays all these city slickers are mostly a bunch of pansies. All those lawyers that infest the beltway need some angry country folk to punch their lights out.

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