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File: c0b3db92de1a64a⋯.png (11.84 KB, 309x163, 309:163, download.png)

336500  No.186567

So, we all chat on a website, which is rendered in a browser, which is a program(being a series of logical instructions) on a computer(being a logical machine) that uses fonts(being a series of logical instructions, mathematical sequences, and image data corresponding to a glyph(the word for any given character) such as the letter "a"), which form a map of symbols in any given language) and images(being a binary, compressed form of pixel data, pixels in turn being to generate text and image data to replicate information in the written and the visible form.

Your computer listens to your keyboard, which sends a numerical sequence when you press a key, which in turn causes the corresponding letter to be recorded and placed on the screen in the shitpost in front of you. So far, so good. But it would seem you are a bunch of barely sentient monkeys if after all this time of having computers we have not worked out an aryan, superior font. Even now the unicode standard is adding emojis for homosexuality and brown people. The unicode character table is absolutely chunk full of languages used by little brown men with an average iq of 90 who can barely communicate let alone use a computer, and even dead languages nobody has ever used in thousands of years. All worthless crap, literal liberal arts gunk loaded up into memory on your machine so that some autists who make typefaces can feel good about themselves.

It is time to do something about it, and I have resolved to lead the effort. Someone else will have to make white operating systems that respect privacy, are secure, and dont include jew telemetry. For now, a simple font people can install and use is all that is needed.

This font will have the following features:

It will come in bold, regular, and italic, for use in word processors, and will render well on any screen over 300ppi. It will not be bitmapped.

It will be a modern, humanist-neogrotesque sans serif font with font hinting to provide some nuance of disambiguation between letters.

I vs l, 0 vs O, and other less than clearly disambiguated letters(in most fonts) will be plainly corrected, along with some other improvements.

it will consist of an averaging effort to combine and best average between the top 20 fonts for legibility, including atkinson, ibm plex, and new rail.

it will ONLY support the english language along with a series of arbitrary codepages that have uses scientifically and creatively.

No gook languages or any other fucking bullshit will be in this font. And yes, no eurofag languages, including german. Just good old mutt.

It will include ligatures based on thepolitetype.com's script, but instead of censoring cuss words, it will be used creatively and in a pro-white manner.

This post is intended to measure support for the project along with ask for help with deciding two details.


One, is that we intend to remove the grave mark ` from the font and replace it with another symbol. The symbol to use has not been decided.

Runes are right out. I don't want an SPLC article about my fucking font. No hackenkrutz, victory rune or anything else.

This is a muttburger font designed for the use of muttburgers only. I am taking suggestions. One idea is a warning triangle with an exclam point.

It needs to be something that could and would be used in regular conversation and in documents.

We also intend to remove $ and replace it with a merchant nose.

Two, we intend to as indicated above include creative ligatures. We are taking suggestions for ligatures and would be willing to include,

oh, i dont know, maybe a thousand? go figure. Whatever is creative and useful.


If anyone would like to participate in the font project in terms of creating glyphs, i've put together a package and a master plan.

I will be working on this gradually, maybe one or two letters per day, trying to get it right.

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4dc53a  No.186568

File: 9a0f9d76601ced7⋯.png (124.46 KB, 777x613, 777:613, Auszug_Rilke_Cornet_Fraktu….png)

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53708d  No.186571


Comic Sans is the font of the master race.

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336500  No.186572

Two meme replies. no serious takers

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53708d  No.186574

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>expects to be taken seriously

>on 8kun

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1c75c7  No.186578


he wants to replace money sign with merchant nose my interest was piqued but i feel op too is taking the piss

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336500  No.186599


I'm in way over my head I admit. I don't wanna go full terry davis on this. I only want to support a few codepages and a few unicode ranges with this font, and try for a pretty standard design.

It would be easy to just copy someone elses font and just insert the symbols we want to use

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336500  No.186601

File: f3374db557382d2⋯.png (4.18 KB, 269x212, 269:212, download.png)

sample of how new currency symbol might look

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151e82  No.186635

File: f8c8c79ecd5c52c⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 540x720, 3:4, just_fuck_it_all_up.jpg)

seems like a nice little project, one question though

ligatures on a sans serif?

ok two,

based on the what now script?

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6a1d0d  No.186657


Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think anything matters whatsoever except physically killing nonwhites and leftists. Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think anyone is ever going to actually do that. There is no time for talking. The time for talking ended about 70 years ago. You don’t fucking get it AT ALL. There is no society. There is no art. There is no civilization. There is nothing but natural law.

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ad8174  No.186979

Comic Sans does work great for on-screen reading. I think printing should be done in Adobe Caslon Pro.

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630108  No.187011


Not sure if psyop or unusually high effort shitpost. Most likely both.

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190c3e  No.188366


shitpost that actually works. Case in point:



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82c22f  No.188367


>call to violence

Hello, glow, what do you know?

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9fcb61  No.188395

File: 8f64eb7e7fb7753⋯.png (84.49 KB, 951x469, 951:469, pol_font_thread3.png)


/pol/ font was made in 2017. No one gave a shit about it then either.

In 2017 you were still on Reddit so never heard about it.

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6a1d0d  No.188396


>no argument

>nothing to add

>no refutation to what was said



Kill yourself. Blow your fucking brains out.

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67c5cb  No.188444


>no refutation to what was said

You refuted yourself with your own glow rays fren

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6a1d0d  No.188452


>still no argument

>not even pretending to hide his paid shilling

Kill yourself. Blow your fucking brains out.

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7bbc13  No.189042

File: 080af50d011a3c0⋯.jpg (633.29 KB, 1191x889, 1191:889, ha.jpg)

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7bbc13  No.189043

>forgot to sage

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