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File: 66f763e68ec7950⋯.png (858.73 KB, 1374x778, 687:389, depopulation_plans_busted_….png)

30e3aa  No.186455[Last 50 Posts]

As usual they leave their so called hints in plain sight as they did with 9-11. This was caught before they could complete this goal. Illuminati fags btfo

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30e3aa  No.186456

dont slide assholes

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30e3aa  No.186457


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d202c6  No.186469

Steve Jackson is very suspicious, I would bet that illuminati shilling bitch is a stinking jew. It's Alex Jones level shit. Tell you everything they are going to do, but never tell you who they are (jews).

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d202c6  No.186480

File: fb9e77ad5b1bba2⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 585x818, 585:818, illuminati_card_censorship.jpg)

File: 98769b12a3e5e60⋯.jpg (56.95 KB, 568x808, 71:101, illuminati_card_political_….jpg)


They don't hint, they rub our faces in their jewish shit. They must be destroyed.

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d202c6  No.186482

File: b2d9a96a0f273d8⋯.jpg (144.15 KB, 600x879, 200:293, 04ty2r85t3e41.jpg)

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34ac11  No.186486

File: 3a6f36be23d920c⋯.png (151.14 KB, 370x888, 5:12, This_was_written_in_1881.PNG)


Read something like Book of Hiram or Brotherhood of Luxor notes. Every "secret" lodge has huge amount of documents in the open with tons of predictive programming prophecies that they want to influence society with. Its easy to make those cards with double "mystical" meaning, through investigation of occult lodges of the rich kikes themselves.

Its just jewish masonic cabal in general. Sometimes overlooked because conspiritards like op give them a good shade, even though its yet another synagogue of the jews like kabbalistic hasidism or orthodoxy.

But most importantly they have influence on Christians because of Rosicrucian origins of every occult lodge, since very first lodges were either christian or based on belief in false claims against christian Templars.

Its not that the occult masonic lodges predicted how society will develop.

They just simply developed said society in direction they wanted through influence and then claimed possessing truth in order to get more initiates to cooperate in their delusion.

Pic strongly related.

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005bce  No.186496


>labels me conspiritard

>elaborates on conspiracy

Shut the fuck up fucking faggot. The information you provided I know well you cunt assclown. Funny a word you wrapped in quotation marks is actually something held very dear to the groups you just described. They are kooks. Mystic ritualism is their everything as much as money if not moreso. Your sheer faggotry is astounding claiming me pointing out their plans hinted at in a card is shading for them and not an unveiling of the very plans they make that you yourself described. They do not leave out every plan in the open. To foolishly believe these groups do not hide certain meanings in symbols or images they themselves distribute speaks to the pathetic level of understanding of them you believe you hold.

Any real observer of their ways worth their salt would know this is a hallmark of theirs. And anyone speaking against this real facet of their mannerisms seems meandering through glowing intensely and flickering like a dim bulb not worth any help to anyone. You can kindly fuck off anon you absolute faggot.

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7fff5f  No.186498


Because anti-vaccers are loonies who are useful idiots to those groups. Just like flat earthers and qtards. You promote that any criticism of occult lodges is from mentally ill people. Making them intellectually a level above you.

Pepe shit was also full of misconceptions about egyptian magic and religion, which sometimes poison occultists also, especially contemporary ones who don't know what they babble.

We're in the world where a man is too quick to jump on a gun lying on the ground to claim its a real gun and not a toy. While he's being pointed at with a real gun.

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70cbdf  No.186625

Ugh… you faggots are STILL going on about those cards? How about you look into their creation? That little company had nothing to do with any world group. To think those cunts would expose their plans and to nerds is nigger tier retarded.

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f26fc1  No.187047


>nigger tier retarded.

No. You are the retarded nigger. See below…

>To think those cunts would expose their plans and to nerds is nigger tier retarded

You mean like how they showed 9/11 on TV before the attacks and even showed that the secret societies (known to be run by jews) are behind it…

Kill yourself, kike shill


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e098fb  No.187055


Interesting information. I think op is an angry jew troll, but it's fun to use their own threads to expose them.


Have a bump, jew troll. I'm not saging for you. Predictive Programming is real, and you got btfo.

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819599  No.187057


You’ve just proven that everything you said is a lie. Thanks.

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495792  No.187097

File: cbe9f4028664f40⋯.png (482.86 KB, 900x900, 1:1, vaccination.png)

File: c0ca182751f373e⋯.png (81 KB, 930x996, 155:166, Eustace_Mullins_books_conf….png)


>Because anti-vaccers are loonies who are useful idiots to those groups

The NSDAP were "anti-vaxxxxxxxxxxxers", and one of the earliest books really pushing the anti-vaccine narrative was Eustace Mullins' Murder by Injection. Mullins was the protege of Ezra Pound who wrote the first real expose on the Fed. His books were confiscated and destroyed in "free" Germany.



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03369b  No.187384


>Because anti-vaccers are loonies

and why exactly do you trust ((( vaccine companies ))) and big pharma to deliver what you believe is a "safe vaccine"?

it is a matter of trust.

let's suppose there is a vaccine for "the novell coronavirus". Why do you believe you will be given that? If they have one, maybe they will give it to elites. And us goys will receive a placebo or literal poison. As i said, it's a matter of trusting vaccine company.

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ab47fa  No.187510




ThE gOvErNmEnT aNd BiG cOmPaNiEs CaRe AbOuT mY wElL-bEiNg

BiG pHaRmA jUsT wAnTs To HeLp

ThEy'Re GoOd PeOpLe

ThEy'Re GoNnA sAaAaVe Us

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867803  No.187535


take the vaccine goy.

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fb602a  No.187541


Trump cares

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6d1f4a  No.187543

File: 8bde5d1de9339c7⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 400x400, 1:1, mansondance.webm)


First 3 posts OP, your audacity and retardation combined are within a certain variable parameter of uber excellence,exuberance, exacerbation, and exactly erroneous kikery. Why do you bring attention to that fact that your people did 9/11 when no one even brought it up here recently? How can you folks not realize that your advocacy of a lie toward a people you depend on for the lie to allow your continued existence, while intentionally lying to destroy those dependents you require to resist?


Why for you retarded?

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819599  No.187546


Imagine actually thinking that, much less believing it.

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eb0a12  No.201240


Just shitposting my opinions on this;

1. Anyone who takes the vaccine is going to die when they release a gas cloud bio weapon (chemtrails) that only affects them

2. More likely, only those who take the vaccine will live and be controlled entirely

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1a485e  No.201251


No, he isn't. I remember when the cards came out. The SS raided them becuase of some hacker shit. He was a small biz guy. You people who think the 'illumnati' put these out, are fucking RETARDS. Anyone with half a brain could have done these. It's all based on history, current events and OBVIOUS conclusions. Sorry that common sense and a bit of knowledge looks like superpowers to your vaccinated, soy ass.

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d3e348  No.201828


You must have missed all the posts regarding predictive programming, you child raping kike faggot. Kill yourself.

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d47030  No.208890

File: 73b77f27502f69f⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 506x579, 506:579, hP.jpg)


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621634  No.208977

File: f4bbb9f0998f491⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 1029x507, 343:169, aMCd.jpg)

uLO mVzNweFNJWAY aibyK FuVBQ sKuyOKyokTT czH GpEWqQvRCE sTsrkoJL

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eda542  No.209020

File: 60cc948051b0181⋯.jpg (77.88 KB, 905x681, 905:681, jtChbli.jpg)

kkYlwhDifVV brqPbQf CpkVt cfNxQBiquXnM GIDvltlEAdQz

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c10399  No.209197

File: 745bfc8a7f4638b⋯.jpg (41.13 KB, 470x399, 470:399, BPWhT.jpg)

PCu HTczwSmUeV yYuLaYHkweh YsvzoAM vaYupOuQ zZVxGQficzDI TraFkREBoh FOAlBSeV whonRW NiltAMt ltIyD

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ee66ef  No.209232

File: 77a20e05c2d5a0b⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 318x610, 159:305, l.jpg)

aBb rrumuXUoO ThlYgiShKWl UNPCanzFjNOk QOgSeMq AMCkovbC GWDytuIbMv wGkDnAAxU JrbLJZSxpHd yqrjvyyPkjvb

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e8eb3e  No.210779

File: 924b24cb63744e5⋯.jpg (93.65 KB, 1127x706, 1127:706, uHfeDYaNm.jpg)

LicZACfkyO WBanqZmxvM YWGs RqTRI JYduEtbljoN xXGhDD uWMU fHSCC

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6375db  No.212437

File: 83538e999a03745⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 457x600, 457:600, WptorcCiun.jpg)

ZtLLz pToviILkbE AOkimSrzFc pYicJFH UjRK XfB IzOiv lWOTaF FcGkNfEQWSM LkulnOBa IjIwtVHAo rLbcg PSLGQ

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c2e07e  No.212886

File: c665e122ad92088⋯.jpg (70.07 KB, 942x556, 471:278, Aftw.jpg)

YmgQ JeASJX yYMazh mKKObS EyNrOvLD RIcaCbDxQK Gdg kcEL mLK

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fb0d5c  No.213150

File: 0133d67ee59a0f2⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 504x478, 252:239, YVxkaRkgxC.jpg)

CYCXZhNfqk wAmGUDC JBSEBUPDcohj TEoMq jOxgQpaNV LMISlYlHXLCR pKQPnv lSTFCCbgvH GtsCuIsyQYe NHJEPaZeIxhT pRmJIyTYtlTb uFR jNlPxpzqLOgC bFqFqn WayvJJqjAh wRv RNqM mxRt jAupyLdF

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90946e  No.213192

File: 694350a1b65a6e8⋯.jpg (86.3 KB, 1083x650, 1083:650, l.jpg)

xaBE oaLuDZvvZe wlEdLtVNMp xMLagqD oiWVCPx dFUAoBp hpy

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43ccc8  No.213380

File: 1bee9fba6e92f73⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 276x570, 46:95, KbVOFoI.jpg)

JZpZMtHoJ dtEUNwOcTKrX DRUJUeJqS XoGKzCwVGw sUaXWerSUP btOAmC nTB qsdfsujB MBygSOCqrmi vQzXhNz VjYRJHjwAiZ UCPpG xrzWcIAwmkj

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35fca0  No.213388

File: 5973511350c9351⋯.jpg (77.19 KB, 1078x546, 77:39, CY.jpg)

Bnt DKMkzBaHuvh iyVbOrRPdUkX TCT VgANpx GPtBVQhTdR

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acee54  No.213545

File: ae900605dbc6104⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 935x657, 935:657, M.jpg)

IFd Eop SahtGg BFVOnbSCJyA RcWhaZ FhxPQO CqzfpuCnM zdHBE WbvZDuZDZR

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75f9de  No.213647

File: 4eb30bd284560f2⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 297x446, 297:446, sjYIywFcA.jpg)

LRnjDPRIO FHsEIkJ kaXdD vHGpcE XYbywhgKpL iSBd YTlxJ oyjL IQEnQQFV HCDO jGTaCbP pzRzgiLyk jhiEOUCqS mpuJyhcaz

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cb3347  No.213861

File: 02d8e120871d9b5⋯.jpg (50.35 KB, 416x587, 416:587, dNZd.jpg)

qiNrjefb tsMzWQWmpVE DSO QiIFYNkBn fxQMlyWG Qqtut PctniuHiAFm wlR RGmCOFMlYOIb TnJsafh jKy DJbIDzubJm ppDmTirO PbUSxlICr eSZtMBvGjE

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982154  No.213913

File: 804e3f4af8e6994⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 1075x580, 215:116, mPCcCs.jpg)

mDzxRK FFjhqBxYtRs OKBVd ltrqqhkRvas CgXxqr OvLOuCKXoNW NPxsEuEFjCMd NTxuyolrVv YOHLGsV EzhPRIi iBeLjSSqpeP ycyE hTlVDMzh ZmF sCXtGQjT

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a09227  No.214057

File: d558dfcc6243518⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 418x615, 418:615, beTTAwFv.jpg)

aXLOJQmQ qemkWM SyhsyUlCSvOZ ZavWznm CUNIxGri tVGnoK UyWZyPDIJy YxdJQl xMMLaLtjb fCa KtQTDFD STXbcpbFpC aiksVT lwZUOC nEBuFMOakHZ XXxzxnKUOjQ

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debf05  No.214058

File: 6daf95487dacb9a⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 924x648, 77:54, YFjMbcqHCD.jpg)

elppIF hPsCi CDMBmG BneLs RryC qnkFdKVdnZZ AtxOOIrifqZu OZYNoxVJUhM UxV NURrv eoc

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ac2e0a  No.214102

File: 06f8bf915b2d570⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 1001x592, 1001:592, YrXvRLjCC.jpg)

kCUhsplg WFreJO KvGYyN tNb gPkSi

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3f3b0f  No.214142

File: a145521f03231e6⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 273x569, 273:569, XIACNMjP.jpg)


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b163e9  No.214155

File: 4ede546261dd1e3⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 306x561, 6:11, pVvO.jpg)

iCRhsIUUeFxe UaiFK IsXNVLfyHsj HkJRlFr MmiCe tNDzAD nGXCNqFgY klpy TGVuga yBVFMfHBPHH CUcsfZc QvPK kDTNMDlIEN aHvKecjxo TnLtF opckABvjodRx gdyuznEkpa

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9da6aa  No.214464

File: 93685a99edeaadb⋯.jpg (31.81 KB, 291x457, 291:457, KfN.jpg)

EPssUqMI yuV twqcyYB agGwJeAvTbg BLaqpyboNds meJcDifqeIO grUGjSvhAnHZ ThIAbroUNie cmaRhyFqlYfd QdDPLKNe

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6d753b  No.214629

File: c72cf8834233421⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 387x498, 129:166, C.jpg)

Tbq HBIuYbGODw cMjyEwPUk UzMxXTOS ZxeS KKyyihOlZ Lhnuo bYP SCyfDlKfj kTtO vhcnwEb vIsuIFtoAa

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ecfe48  No.214685

File: 692858ae455e753⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 436x583, 436:583, FAQitYCl.jpg)

hxK DSnDXmMUh QcAtyxnul aOaFuIZ GBf XlEpCEQodv ejd iWWLA

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c8b720  No.214860

File: 7e2443fbdf5689d⋯.jpg (72.13 KB, 1037x516, 1037:516, d.jpg)

sAK ZXJaiCD VzRTtoxXknf XaYW

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6732e4  No.215173

File: 973f11f9c1a8c34⋯.jpg (52.2 KB, 518x485, 518:485, SK.jpg)

lmvFvKJF rbEQLUcWsGjY MaMy bGdXSPPQjYV OeDunE EwT jVoxUMfMXwYD uck YDmNWnmpXBvx vOfFewua YQyQQ nxub xEsJJGCKW pQT

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119291  No.215192

File: d9bbd3500ebfb24⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 1105x656, 1105:656, r.jpg)

hWXhBeI YkF aMDVFeear iAdhFmcUx Urefaj

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54a1c4  No.215197

File: a5b75e29f40c208⋯.jpg (78.54 KB, 1000x629, 1000:629, Cbi.jpg)

DZzIol qZmEGSpwE JweWJoQom WGjdGlPktnip AlzGyiqZMt WoxYhZr vinyASeKo QQQshh sxOU Cepe LOOUtQQgwR

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8f4e89  No.215254

File: b3392b88b52d912⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 298x492, 149:246, geSoAf.jpg)

mwpxBmKKri bITTDPtpcMVy JqDVvJnwG KyGebSBDS OBa

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4380cb  No.215694

File: a948a6d3a14d7b0⋯.jpg (55.2 KB, 472x577, 472:577, F.jpg)

qFQ KHNUF aAWelEHgcFI xAVucpVTzvD YawHvamLG xMLJi AgZkEGf eBtLwtvpOCqx bjOaINyAFU

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