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File: e613c71b5bda6d0⋯.jpg (183.97 KB, 854x806, 427:403, chinese_spy_girl.jpg)

4b8947  No.186435[Last 50 Posts]

SOURCE ARTICLE: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/how-china-has-built-its-extensive-honey-trap-spy-network

Guys be careful. There are thousands of hot Chinese girls out there, trained in sex and seduction, who will try to have sex with you just in case you might become a powerful politician one day.

QUOTE:"French intelligence officials issued a warning that China has been deploying "beautiful female spies" to steal business secrets and blackmail their subjects."

QUOTE: "one former defense and intelligence operative noted that it could be well into the hundreds – if not thousands. Such spies are assumed to be at top universities, known to speak perfect English, and routinely use social media platforms such as Linkedin and Facebook to connect with their prey."


You think you're safe because your just a nobody who can't get a girlfriend running your mouth on the chans and fapping to internet porn?

YOU'RE NOT SAFE. Incels are the most in danger.

QUOTE: "it is not only about enmeshing big names – it is about having an eye for talent, and starting when one's star is about to begin rising."

QUOTE: "The idea here is to latch on to someone like a Swalwell when they are a junior and make contacts. It is much harder to do that when someone is already big and well-known. (This spy) recognized that."

THEY WANT TO FIND YOU WHEN YOU'RE A NOBODY. That's how they convince you that they're not a spy and gain your trust because why would they be interested in you, right?


They are going to wine and dine you, and literally 69 you. They'll try to be your best friend and be super nice to you.

You are in serious danger. Look:

QUOTE: "The goal is to become a trusted individual with who (the target) can share information. The spy here would have wanted to learn everything she could about his personality, every little detail of his leadership style to build a profile," Hoffman said.

QUOTE: "The females who are employed in this tactic place themselves in a position where they come into contact with the targeted individual. The target is almost always a male."

And not even your friends are safe lads. Look:

QUOTE: "And it is not only the likes of Swalwell, the main target, which the operatives want to glean but also those around them. Thus, many befriend aides, junior staffers, interns and the like to build a more comprehensive profile of the "high-value target."

YOU SEE? Thousands of hot Chinese girls are out there and going to try to fuck you and your friends and be super nice and loving toward you. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

And you can't hide. They are part of a worldwide network.

QUOTE: "And the Beijing honey trap network extends well beyond the U.S. borders and is what officials deem a worldwide web."

We must spread this message far and wide, and educate our bretheren.

QUOTE: "The Chinese have a very ubiquitous presence here and the only way to prevent it is through education and awareness,"



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4b8947  No.186436

File: 7b30246965d2d2a⋯.png (117.85 KB, 1080x816, 45:34, foxnewsarticle.PNG)

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1663f4  No.186437


She looks dangerous, but would definitely love a huge white cock…

Why is it a problem again?

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b0a157  No.186439

File: 3bc762b7febbd2a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 1283x1739, 1283:1739, 1537845016538.jpg)

>Le chinese is doing something


But, being an unironic incel isn't based

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4b8947  No.186440


That's what they want you to think.

You're a prime target anon.

Prepare to get your dick sucked

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03b860  No.186441

File: 5f846a184d11943⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 497x280, 71:40, Afghanistan_Heroin_Bridge_….jpg)

File: 1fa2bb3bbce4824⋯.jpg (117.9 KB, 560x373, 560:373, cruzISRAEL_RALLY.jpg)

File: 9677d5b852d8092⋯.png (552.17 KB, 845x548, 845:548, dennis_prager_die.png)

File: 184ddc4edf86a9e⋯.jpg (39.39 KB, 570x320, 57:32, SinkDeeperGoyim.jpg)

>here's your American counter-offer bro…

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1663f4  No.186442


Implying i would let her.

What do you think i am, a whore?

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4b8947  No.186443

File: 4142e2a122101d7⋯.png (22.75 KB, 1271x99, 1271:99, Capture.PNG)


pic related anon.

they are expertly trained to romance you.


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3864f2  No.186445

File: 0622c7ad28ed393⋯.gif (497.16 KB, 245x200, 49:40, 1606154180992.gif)

What kind of naive cuck would trust a woman to begin with?

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ffb15f  No.186470

File: f2a0f8a6a9ebdb1⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 171x399, 3:7, d73be29cfdf5056fb04656b50e….jpg)

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ffb15f  No.186471

File: efe7d4635ced004⋯.jpg (137.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>What kind of naive cuck would trust a woman to begin with?

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ffb15f  No.186472

File: edb635e6e38e677⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 266x479, 266:479, 54194d4794962f83220681a8e9….jpg)

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ffb15f  No.186473

File: 81658a312495b94⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20160801_174012.jpg)

My anglo friend Dr. Stagg was often wont to advise me to "dink the winkies". Not really my thing but if it was this is what I'd be boning. I could blow quart of my cum into her.

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35be17  No.186479

File: d35e7d4eef3d48b⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 640x555, 128:111, no_girls_allowed.jpg)

File: 727428f1a3af589⋯.jpg (109.96 KB, 500x666, 250:333, this_is_how_i_protect_my_v….jpg)



All this time i've been fighting against all sorts of racemixing with asians, including having relationship with any sorts of asians, it was always communist chinese bastards were making a spynetwork. There are always so god damn easy, despite chinks being on average smarter than white women, its because they are communism spies!

Even being a virgin is better than losing holy virginity to a commie surveillance bug.

They may even attempt to larp as koreans/japanese to get you, or pretend to like anime and be cute, since they know your weakness.

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ffb15f  No.186489

File: dd880ebd9f2eb87⋯.jpg (358.81 KB, 1500x1009, 1500:1009, dragon_lady.jpg)

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ffb15f  No.186491

File: 9401c0181070d7e⋯.jpg (154.87 KB, 1500x418, 750:209, caniff_malecall.jpg)

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ffb15f  No.186492

File: 623041130bcc812⋯.jpg (337.72 KB, 1301x1600, 1301:1600, spicy.jpg)

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ffb15f  No.186495

File: 1646bcc5d807fa0⋯.jpg (10.07 KB, 271x186, 271:186, download.jpg)

It's an old story. Leave Asia alone. It will devour you even as you conquer it.

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ffb15f  No.186503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2a753a  No.186504

Oddly enough I've been thinking of running for public office.

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6667ae  No.186515

Is this a bad thing.

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c20724  No.186535


This is retarded fiction.

>Chinese sex spies

why would China need to spy on the US? They already own the US by being a superior capitalist state (which is to say, a superior form of Hell)

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4b8947  No.186553

File: 9d00af8505b3744⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 1328x720, 83:45, it_is_time_to_fight.mp4)


Me too anon. We better ready ourselves for the coming onslaught of Chinese pussy headed our way. Pic related

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750df2  No.186563

File: 5cf0c4fdbc731f0⋯.gif (332.49 KB, 127x109, 127:109, fhtpr.gif)


You don't stand a chance. If they want you, they will get you.

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3fbbb6  No.186579

They don't always send Asian chicks either, they have American agents working for them. Other groups use sexpionage as well, of course, there's a lot going on out there. Read Evans and Lewis book Undercover, that'll show you what to look out for.

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677687  No.186621

Their holes are full of Covid-23. You fuck them and your cock falls off xD

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611bcb  No.186622


Irrelevant, any white nationalist/supremacist who goes after asian women are lost causes in and of themselves and must be regarded as thus.

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4b8947  No.186643


Even just for fun? Can pretend like we don't know they're a sex spy . Better than being an incel while waiting around for white women who don't even want us…

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611bcb  No.186671


>he doesn't practice semen retention, or at the very least let it out every other week or so at the most frequent

There's other ways to have fun that don't carry the same psychological dependence as smoking.

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e391d1  No.186749

File: 6ad39e11b68c750⋯.jpg (38.62 KB, 880x584, 110:73, MESOHORNY.jpg)

I guess its time to bug out.

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ffb15f  No.186831


>Their holes are full of Covid-23. You fuck them and your cock falls off xD

that's the Vietnam black clap. You get that shit on your dick and go to a doctor with it they don't even bother trying to cure you. You disappear into a camp, like a remote leper colony where you're left to die slowly of the dread disease as the spirochets eat your connective tissues, your liver, your brains. Can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.

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dcf7e5  No.186923

File: ca9b32e4e65dd42⋯.jpg (207.05 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, bearded_man.jpg)


I'l grow fat, chunky, stop shaving and will be spending my whole life home. No woman will ever fuck me.

Take that chinese bastards, you'll never get my obscure imageboard meme magic!

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8b0f06  No.186925

File: 5c299db0c5f1db8⋯.jpeg (85.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1B1F10A4_6B5D_4C3D_9BBF_F….jpeg)


You’re tall and have an alpha beard, Hagrid. I think women would gather to your doorstep.

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ae1fcb  No.186938


Weird, I want to run for office, too

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ffb15f  No.187033


>Weird, I want to run for office, too

I suggest you run on the "we'll nuke Americans if they refuse to give up their guns" platform.

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a74b5d  No.187040

File: f7a9f365ba27025⋯.jpeg (89.36 KB, 757x1024, 757:1024, china1.jpeg)

File: bfeaf2c234e852a⋯.jpg (275.68 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, china3.jpg)

Were all doomed. An army of hot Chinese girls. Your incel lifestyle like a ball and chain.

Then little miss china appears like a dream randomly on a raft washing herself in the river you're crossing.

NXT day you see two Miss chinas in the library next to the Hitler did nothing wrong section…

Miss Aryan on the other hand will squint her eyes and tell you "I have a boyfriend" even as you stare at her for a moment as she walks through a public space with air tight sealed clothes exposing the entire shape of her body.


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838595  No.187041

File: fc791ec1640d03b⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 706x467, 706:467, Chinese.jpg)

I hate how serious news worthy of discussion is posted under guise of >>>/imperium/ shitposting. I also hate myself for knowing that board exists.

This shit is Dugin's wet dream.

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8c98cc  No.187043


they need people to teach them how to avoid the ways of the multicultural kike

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175e77  No.187049


you like fucky fucky? I love you long time

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87d3e4  No.187122

File: 822bb260c9df5e3⋯.png (31.77 KB, 512x512, 1:1, time_waiting.png)

Alright, it's been about 3 days now since this article. Where the heck is my hot Chinese girlfriend?

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7b4b24  No.187124


She will be right with you after she is done banging your neighbor

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6667ae  No.187148


Where the fuck is my tight chink pussy I've

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7b4b24  No.187167


Once she gets done banging everyone from NY to LA she will bring her Chlamydia/AIDS laden cum dumpster pussy slithering up your steps leaving a long sticky trail of all the other mens cum up to your door. Sure it will be like Lincoln tunnel + Cloverfield (little crabs and stuff will be oozing and poking out of it) but you will finally end your lineage inside the 'slime of your dreams' and it comes with bonus gifts as well. Quit clogging up the board with your race traitor fantasies and sniff the wind…I bet you can tell that chink oozing gash from Europe if the wind is blowing correctly.

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ffb15f  No.187177


I did go out on a date with a chink broad about 4 or 5 years ago but not for sex. I was at a Houdini meetup group and there was this not very good looking chink broad there that started talking to me. Her obsession was the fact that foreign animators couldn't get permanent residency on a path to citizenship, only temporary work permits. Fine. I was fucking hungry and I hadn't eaten any decent Chinese food for some time. I told her I wanted to go to an authentic Chinese food place and offered to pay for her dinner. Off we went to the working class east end restaurant. I knew I made a mistake as soon as I opened the doors. Tha smell. Rat stew, cat fried rice, and barbequed cockroaches in oyster sauce. The joint was packed with chinks, fine. It's gonna be authentic. Authentically horrible. I looked around and saw someone eating a big bowl of fresh watermelon scoops with some white cream something on it. Fine I got that to save face. She scarfed up all the grub I ordered like she hadn't eaten in a week. I sampled my watermelon balls. Son of a bitch; that white sauce was mayonnaise or miracle whip. Mayonnaise on watermelon! I couldn't even eat one bite. I was getting seriously ill from the smell. I gave her my bowl of watermelon and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Girl was hungry. I drove her home and was glad to get out of there. I think she was peeved with me for not making a pass. I sold my home soon after and moved far far away from the chinks and the junkies and ragheads on the coast. I'm already planning an even deeper retreat in three years. I'm going to sell this house and buy a 100 acre farm and build a new cast concrete construction house to fortify myself for the end which is coming soon I fear.

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3d6a71  No.187180


Ew, wtf. I’m eating dinner, man. I’d rather watch scat porn than hear about „mayonaise on watermelon”.

There’s the story that in China, they pull out blocks of fat that clog sewers, called fatbergs, purify it and illegally sell it as cooking oil. You know what store-bought mayo is. Not eggs, it’s mostly oil.

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b1dc29  No.187610

File: a00574886c72f99⋯.png (143.47 KB, 1280x565, 256:113, STDs_excluding_HIV_world_m….png)


Gutter oil. It is because they are fat eating machines, seriously, they never stop eating and that means they simply shit out all that fat they ate…it is hardly even processed. Not that it matters one you have chlamydia or AIDS from that wandering pussy. See all that red in Africa? Well the bug people and the niggers are joined at the hip. If you are a bug fucker, that nigger/fire engine red is in your future. See how European nations have the lowest STD's? That is because we don't FUCK EVERYTHING that moves.

Fuck the rice, pay the price.

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64e586  No.187639

Theres no way any decent looking woman would ever be interested in me, even if its their job, let alone some of the best pussy a 1,4 billion country has to offer. So I feel pretty safe.

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b1dc29  No.187675


Thinking that 'good pussy' is diseased pussy…

ok…as you wish.

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b2e92f  No.187680


Lol!!! I honestly think this might be the FUNNIEST ad to ever be posted. It’s like, hell ya all I have to do is fuck this Asian in my free time and not tell her a thing about my statesman work. E Z peezy, and she will always stick around waiting for my to drop even the tiniest tinge of knowledge. So, get a wonderful Protestant wife and then have a Chinese playmate for the side, who is essentially trained in bdsm. China got a school for these chicks? What’s the next upcoming class of graduates? 😂😂

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b2e92f  No.187681


Not trying to be a jerk but probably 2/6 people on the planet have genital herpes, and 70% has herpes on the face. Soooo, your chances of getting herpes or even having herpes already is so unbelievably high. If you’ve fucked 12 people you have most likely had a run in with it. Just think you should know. If you wanna know the real truth, make friends with a Urologist or Gynocologist. Get her real drunk and ask her personal opinion on the specifics of that question, “How many people have genital herpes in your medical opinion & experience”? Luckily patient info is secret, but, stats are open to public opinion.

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b2e92f  No.187682


That’s London you idiot. It’s from woman using non-bio degradable alcohol wipes and flushing them down the toilet. Come on you need to know your history.

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d696d5  No.187692

File: 6fd0aebc7ea7ce7⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 890x826, 445:413, a3hpuhwa0rh41.jpg)

File: f0bef74289339fb⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 643x670, 643:670, i64cmdg68vi41.jpg)

File: 686af4b81011757⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 1348x1107, 1348:1107, ppxjfjc623o31.jpg)


Why the fuck did you post emojis you goddamn fucking nigger faggot?

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b1dc29  No.187698

File: 2b70de78741379c⋯.jpg (88.2 KB, 749x923, 749:923, whites_forced_education_on….jpg)


It is a nigger. That is their highest level of expression since 'education' is a White persons thing.

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2ee991  No.187703


If you haven't noticed, this is not reddit, you apocalyptic cocksucker.

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d696d5  No.187729


>can't tell where something is said unironically

Are you a newfag or just retarded?

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31e06d  No.187752


that image is sadly fake

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b1dc29  No.187761

File: 8f4d60ab3ffb0e1⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 568x320, 71:40, nigger_fight_classroom_2_.mp4)


There is nothing fake about the reality though.

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31e06d  No.187767


yes, niggers are retarded. but the quote is fake so I would advise against using it unless you can find a source (I couldn't)

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b1dc29  No.187769


I think you are missing my point completely. Who cares if you can't find the quote (also, I remember it from the news even if it was scrubbed afterward). This is like saying that the Protocols are invalid even when everything they said they were going to do, they have done. See what I am saying? I mean there are 'levels of reality' and LEVELS OF REALITY, right? You have to learn to perceive which level is true. If it is simple TRUTH then how can it be wrong?

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4c57c5  No.187785

File: edca1168a5f6735⋯.jpeg (723.78 KB, 1400x1203, 1400:1203, 3E97EC7B_DF6C_42A1_A3B7_0….jpeg)

They better send a rich loli Chinee princess, because this anon is a mighty cautious citizen.

>They probably aborted mine

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455dc8  No.187980

ive been preparing for this moment all my life

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31e06d  No.187983


posting quotes which have no source makes you look retarded. but you look retarded anyways so carry on

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aa196a  No.187992


Anon, we’re not jews. We don’t behave like jews. We don’t deal in judaism. We don’t use jewish tactics. If it’s a lie, we don’t accept it, we don’t spread it, we don’t use it. It’s just not how we operate. Don’t be a jew.

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b1dc29  No.187993



It isn't a lie though. It is the truth. Niggers don't 'do education', that is only for Whites.

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b1dc29  No.187995


Thinking your loli doesn't come prefucked in a nation without any morals or ethics.


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aa196a  No.187996


The quote is not real. The words were not said. We don’t deal in lies. If the message is real, it can be proven in other ways. The image is worthless to us.

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b1dc29  No.187997


It is not a lie.

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ffb15f  No.187999


A 15 year old flip bitch has been fucked by half the US 7th fleet.

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5dcfb9  No.188001

File: 0504ede9ba37609⋯.jpg (77.69 KB, 791x792, 791:792, hot_chinese_girl_2.jpg)

File: f6c1b411339ad91⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 533x800, 533:800, hot_chinese_girl_3.jpg)

File: 3cf104185ab99bc⋯.jpg (65.01 KB, 667x867, 667:867, hot_chinese_girl_4.jpg)

File: 7b18a7887362a8a⋯.jpg (79.77 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, hot_chinese_girl.jpg)



While you two argue over whatever, hot chinese girls are COMING TO LOVE-SEX YOU LONG TIME.

And there is nothing you can do about it.

Might as well start stockpiling condoms now.

Pics related. Hot chinese girls most likely trained in automatic weapons combat, and she will protect you as well in order to insure to not lose you in case you become a powerful politician one day.

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b1dc29  No.188002

File: 4ffcdf57c345c95⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 690x518, 345:259, bug_woman_misses_the_point.jpg)


And that doesn't even count how many of her own people or relatives she has fucked. So basically, given the proclivities of half the US 7th fleet, you are fucking half the planets whores as well by association. Even children as young as 8 yo are pimped out by their mothers….which means that your wife, if you are that unlucky, will probably pimp out your own daughters as well, for extra money.

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b1dc29  No.188003


No thanks. See photo above. I think I can live without 'their protection'. Really the only protection I would want was from them.

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5dcfb9  No.188004


you dont have a choice anon. she's trained to seduce you. stock up on condoms. YOU ARE IN DANGER

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b1dc29  No.188006


Not a faggot.

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ffb15f  No.188353

File: 690a71c471e8915⋯.jpg (95.44 KB, 696x722, 348:361, Epm1QJ_UwAIPp_X.jpg)

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561435  No.188391

File: a6cfdde91528932⋯.jpg (125.42 KB, 635x469, 635:469, 13603638539.jpg)


That girl is Korean

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a519e7  No.188993

What kinds of things could someone do to become a target?

Asking so I can avoid those things of course.

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92e193  No.189016

File: 561a2a0ad4299fb⋯.jpg (9.96 KB, 250x249, 250:249, 1598532211578s.jpg)

biggest larp I've seen in years. /x/ has a better IQ range than here.

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344d24  No.189031


>biggest larp I've seen in years

/imperium/ exists since 2016. Its just you rarely see those obsessed racemixers.

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237b09  No.189032

I had no idea the danger was so real. Thanks, anon.

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b09bce  No.189033



We don't take kindly to humorous shitposting in this srs bsns forum.

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ffb15f  No.189491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ffb15f  No.189492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f3141e  No.189506

Oh no, what will I do anons <3 <3 <3

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aa196a  No.189508


Blow your fucking brains out.

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c0d432  No.189510

File: 56b9a704d7abd90⋯.png (37.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 733ac3f3df7f.png)

They don't even look female, they look like insects with a woman body underneath. Why is it that asian americans are at least ok looking but chinks all have the very same face and they look fucking alien? Is it all the makeup and CGI?

Also, have you guys noticed that there is someone putting same-face gook girls as response images constantly on halfchan and some places here? Is it that there are some autists who are attracted to these alien women, or is it the chinese having agents post them so we want to fuck those freaks. God, what the fuck is up with their face?!?

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dc4a9e  No.189546

File: 55365a79ab34b0d⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 383x473, 383:473, bug_dr_wonky_eye.jpg)


You would have to want to breed deformity into your lineage to fuck a bug. In answer to your question, I believe it is bug agents who know how totally weak White men are. White men are like the energizer bunny…it doesn't even have to be a female hole and they are lining up to fuck it and defile themselves forever. They have weak genetics that no one should ever even consider fucking, your offspring will never be as high IQ as Whites, so you are always breeding down.

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ffb15f  No.189570

File: 379693b90fa5c9a⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 720x480, 3:2, vomit_sauce.webm)

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2822b0  No.189578

File: aad978f7aab9ac2⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 1300x670, 130:67, reaction.jpg)



Does this even exist in white people. Respectable high class looking white girl but doing white trash things. Whores obviously, but besides them.





If ya'll are trying to deprogram me from my original attraction to girls like >>188001, I think it might be working.

Thank God for delicate pretty feminine white girls that get grossed out by spiders and self-conscious about eating large amounts of food at one time. I have no respect for these qualities in a man but when it comes to using my sexual organs won't tolerate anything else


Seriously disgusting anon. I didn't even watch the full video I had to turn it off, but I think it's going to haunt me the rest of my life every time I meet an Asian girl. You should be in charge of creating propaganda to discourage folk from race mixing. Good job anon.

But seriously, disgusting. Why do you even have that video on your computer?

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63f4f1  No.189603

File: 59887028aefb262⋯.gif (1014.58 KB, 320x480, 2:3, Snow_church.gif)

White women working for China must be a thing too due their natural relativistic way of thinking

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ffb15f  No.189608


I posted all that shit. I never fully figured it out till a friendly Chinese guy at work tried to get me to fuck his hot chink wife. She actually came into my workplace when I was working late with him and she gave me a big sunny "hello" then used the washroom. That was all she came into the building for. Then he started to eagerly tell me how much she liked me and that she found me attractive. Later I found another guy (sort of a similar guy to me actually) took the bait and got fired when the two of them got caught fucking in the company premises on company time.

White people should never assume spice monkeys, chinks, niggers, rug riders, muslims etc are "like us". I even have reservations about white people escaping from long term tyrannical countries or even S. Africa for that matter as those kinds of intense enviroments breed preternaturally desperate, hard people that have no reservations about totally destroying your life for ever just to obtain some minor advantage.

I think this is one of the reasons why jews are so toxic to us; they're fucking desperados. Beware.

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ffb15f  No.189609

File: e3271e42a3a20cc⋯.webm (1.7 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Chink_fake_beauty.webm)

File: 7786729e1d024fa⋯.webm (2.59 MB, 206x368, 103:184, 1512473217016.webm)

File: 1c007504273e4f9⋯.webm (1.29 MB, 230x400, 23:40, Chinese.webm)

File: 2e6aeede0799e81⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 480x270, 16:9, trudeau_asshole.gif)

File: 9f297baff1e5c78⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3483x2027, 3483:2027, chans.JPG)


>Why do you even have that video on your computer?


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40d319  No.191355

Can't betray my nation because my nation already betrayed me.

Tell them that me so horny and me love them long time.

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7e91f5  No.191358


Nations are genetic…not fucking borders on a map. Your nation never betrayed you.

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78f2b6  No.192049


So, how long ago did you find out you had herpes?

(no way does anyone know that much about it unless they are a doctor and I doubt that, or well….)

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8ab7b8  No.192052


That information is very specific. The sort of specific you dont get from a quick Google search. You owe it to all of us to let us know if these super hot chinese sex spies have the herps.

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78f2b6  No.192058


Better yet we need to know if he has been infecting any with his dick rot, so we know which of the women will give everyone "yellow peen fever"

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ceca0b  No.192062

File: 0ef839cf4f7b8ff⋯.png (371.72 KB, 529x787, 529:787, Global_and_regional_estima….png)


China; the highest number of STD's on the planet

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78f2b6  No.192064


Oh no, this man is going to mix his peen rot with the China crotch funk, and make super dick zombie AIDS!!!

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9be2f3  No.207275

File: 1013016045d428a⋯.png (292.54 KB, 610x403, 610:403, ron_paul_its_not_happening.png)

still waiting for my chinese girlfriend to show up…

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9a6c48  No.207494


How is the peen rot doing and super dick zombie AIDS doing anon?

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82d0fc  No.208767

File: 79e69d6f832d4ae⋯.jpg (79.24 KB, 1022x610, 511:305, Pis.jpg)


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ae9e1e  No.209643

File: 3298b9941d0216b⋯.jpg (57.67 KB, 492x586, 246:293, zjbmXDi.jpg)

epriWDRIOj qoYMzou fStIUPVLGjRj GLMPZyUCiT OkXydSiUEqi wRzsSeNwk ZwAhBymY lpyrzsisnR ATDuK mNpnPjSD rveO JSMwpNriyxF fFRlCYnWYBE XxGe aOpk

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541c22  No.209730

File: 64aa1c4a95dd332⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 900x671, 900:671, rXuTIg.jpg)

rlIWITjwgt KOup pavQpwJv XItDPlsbsmf feisD uraWj xPklqG PWnK tpUZwgDny

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8de339  No.210452

File: 4430ddf9afc7308⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 354x493, 354:493, O.jpg)

NHktYkk eTujfOgWHvyR gOeVonpNzwWo GljaYYapJsq LYVFAwMOWl ZTAL EhoMcnkki

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c4c9f9  No.210484

File: 129e45f2f496446⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 935x603, 935:603, fetLBYRj.jpg)

hdRCLwxo ehhOAHIhwB kwOiuz sxAllM PjyQKfKnhA

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9561d7  No.211047

File: 839af992373d0f6⋯.jpg (83.94 KB, 1045x651, 1045:651, GJOmB.jpg)

GMFtclCflJe OYu tRcOvjc tJfY

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0bc869  No.211059

File: f21fdd490dfdc64⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 1105x508, 1105:508, cdwH.jpg)

qjmjftOR pmvpdXFn ToKKPqW IQtoVZmdw mBJOs GwDFcdbLnp JfSPqx mnbyNxr BJY BlwuvybUMrX HRsDgVR LqCtWXRbH KuWHc

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73fdde  No.211069

File: 9d1dd72e175ab02⋯.jpg (91.22 KB, 1099x703, 1099:703, jastZor.jpg)

unfjI SxjV ZsiQHEKLFEp ohwJ hiB gJdyIvZ dWZTugD ZwAxlXBN oapoYi fOK KMBx EGjNDdbocKdn QLLxsllxi ZWQUe QWmqGJwCjG

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bf3fc6  No.211675

File: 4b16392a3c17220⋯.jpg (79.66 KB, 1013x622, 1013:622, iIEetbqm.jpg)

bcHxQ VhjOu MdjtLElIOu rQv WCRAzSEBNNK tRaymyJxD

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4b1604  No.211692

File: 34c19d94c39ec92⋯.jpg (59.9 KB, 516x585, 172:195, Ndmqfp.jpg)

MDjWWaOGkG mnQuLsTqhqdQ Mql pZUkbpD QkmYd PmJxhkYRHO mmuPHPkmZqh VVycwXgUFA Umg KSQFUB PRmscmCS ulI KNeTVjxf LWCHUTll PFnzI wvJFtgEeiHAc oBBXPbeqd xTdZZh

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68031d  No.211791

File: b340fce157fffba⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 354x530, 177:265, WXqPNITWB.jpg)

EuMjoi UCenlttZKiO hezImjDZ UIPs OxPPApxPRgu UXFg obwYsl

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b101a1  No.211803

File: fe15a43ed8730b0⋯.jpg (91.79 KB, 1096x711, 1096:711, ocHnFae.jpg)

dRRJQ LJBkOyL lSe NGhUZxRXGoO dMyPjbSJz EtoUxd kcaGjkdWlb AXk xOLroqjpUE WkJlMofHvq mvbTXi gHHQJVr

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84cf31  No.211809

File: 3ce8a4f719c7966⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 403x488, 403:488, aLEhIxMAeH.jpg)

eiNdKdzAqw VuwxIQwSTEFb RuqvgaVrn yvcX UrfpU dHXF skNm qCB CdR MlONePsAGuV uakHAB adQNT AfxhPDqQNLI qFvokR RNplzCw RtW Kpu fLJHFJnGO

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cf428c  No.212136

File: 11987f444639ca4⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 1054x600, 527:300, ghqE.jpg)

AogFtJ ZEhLH mxRjCuMj tUT AYjCnpJXU RjgurtmTViF RCqavR hFhxzkL tQpgED rujNEx vTIpqPzqt Izh ZduOXFGKdfj bBQzVEHXhzDs fqejniHEs VYA WCv

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db4a48  No.212530

File: 1b68df256a5d047⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 1032x519, 344:173, B.jpg)


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a69464  No.212766

File: 82050047df4292d⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 308x416, 77:104, oyjPVU.jpg)


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cc1cf2  No.212861

File: ff912ac27a065bf⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 1146x601, 1146:601, yNTU.jpg)

pQla dpom dtgRjsKrIK trWQM EjvmG Oxtofc ThHPtbXDqN FsGdEZK qspsjIbixG eBkfbZz nnxAWkbAbs

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f3b152  No.212863

File: 5045c839224bf12⋯.jpg (43.36 KB, 490x404, 245:202, CTe.jpg)

zdmZxiJGdSG tCJRzMeVcMYa OTrgl qNI qAQAVriptk hrvWEvLL rglplDPNgw vfMcgCN CRdzE lJBKAPSihE qMwq hfTpE zaI QUMsfiVwS WTCMi dGPZWLFfAd qOWtgpk FRvvsm

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6d2043  No.213230

File: 3199c8b71165210⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 288x481, 288:481, AubKXuCj.jpg)


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416bd1  No.213563

File: 5efe4ae2deae806⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 394x526, 197:263, vrHd.jpg)

yxjwLlkCbgA JVggiIxiWXM ywXwl BRu nuH

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e4eea4  No.214714

File: 6bb7043dda5ba7d⋯.jpg (89.89 KB, 1128x664, 141:83, BQ.jpg)

uOStwLkmgrz oGrrgohTdLkO nrO ptPjubvnlk pZPJpbjBmT sRaKzx EzIhQIwe TJu xAY EudqmwVgasy HtMihjCGF tSs Xwyt VsQfnp

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b7ee6c  No.214823

File: f5c790e6bd5f904⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 386x471, 386:471, KM.jpg)

zTnKiUjUj CzjRwmorL laheKgd PKFyTfRDGj hsyFgdgQJs kmKbdSgvd ZbdouCYbxH XkyJ JUZyM TmuSjpLXveq ztiw ysrAigVvREL GRpH MrGTzNzvNNjG plFe FvZdWlz nXiB

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7820f4  No.215652

File: 62de986f7fc6ab3⋯.jpg (60.59 KB, 502x614, 251:307, Z.jpg)

ZthP ZdNlVyPofh GHfB zVpDI ykHnzpmxxw AOwW ZlQuvsUOx qnDDbnh yUWOvJjxf xyNxvc EFRS OInQfgTgZ HpnIDzzlD ZNPvdkn yjfsQbEWDsDn neTSrbZBfO

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