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Can't help but swallow the bait!

File: b36d255a813f6e3⋯.jpg (138.55 KB, 1254x836, 3:2, goyidclosed.jpg)

File: 1b1a39c7ec030ab⋯.jpg (11.98 KB, 320x213, 320:213, hanging_label_with_text_co….jpg)

03fcef  No.186424

Hello Anons!

Petition to officially rename covID to goyID

since it is all about ID-ing and only directed to goyim.

So nobody will get confused if it gets mentioned.

Also, rename GOOGLE to ZOOGLE,

it is of course O.K. for them to be racist against white people, it is their website, and their server, it is their right to store and spread whatever degenerate shit they want on it.

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