ideally all humans should be against both Capital Supremacy and it's main animating force, jewish supremacy aka the jew world order via tikkun olam.
I support all people groups that are against capital supremacy and zionism. I am always for nationalism and against anything anti-White.
that being said, we dont have anything to offer allies atm. we can only hope to help them see that diversity (forced integration) is a tool of the ruling class to prevent unions on the corporate level, and prevent revolt on the national level. immigrants are used for cheap labor and as a tool of antagonism against natives, so the ruling class can keep their hands clean. the crime diversity generates justifies a police state which further solidifies the rule of the elite. diversity truly is the greatest strength of the ruling class who are loyal only to capital. and the jews in the ruling class are only loyal to jews. capital supremacy is an excellent vehicle for tikkun olam, much better than communism, which is clearly no longer a threat.
the problem with the onestruggle crowd is the leader billy cornpop williams. he is arguably just like antifa. he is an oikophobe. he takes a sick pleasure out of anytime Whites are killed (haiti, south africa) and loves to attack White identity and achievements. he is a duganist (globalist jr. they want eurasia, mass immigration into the west, africanization of the west, and hate nationalism) so he takes the side of the non-Whites always, upon first reaction, and is contrarian in a spergy way. i seriously doubt he is actually White. many muslims, halfbreeds and non-whites have been infiltrating the twittersphere and he is one of them. he associates closely with muslims who are also very anti-White.
so the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing is BS.
if a non-white group wants to be an ally they need to prove that, and we must not get into positions where they can fuck us over. we must stay untangled. they push the narrative from their space, and we do the same from ours.
we are all here because we care about White people, that needs to stay explicit and central, period.