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a59cf5  No.185184[Last 50 Posts]

Chinese Sociologist: 'U.S. Will Not Survive,' 'We Will Drive the U.S. to its Death' by 2027

*In the global economy, China stands out. We are ahead of schedule in terms of overtaking the United States. There will be no problem reaching this goal in 2027. The U.S. will not survive.


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ef9f7a  No.185204

File: 97fc39c14728956⋯.png (98.89 KB, 300x308, 75:77, color_oven.png)

The fact that the MEMRI kikes are targeting China now should tell you everything that you need to know.

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eae844  No.185239


Jared Taylor drives this point home in his most recent video:


except that China isn't "driving us too our death". US has spent decades now making sure that subpar people get put in leadership, corporate, and research roles. We are committing suicide. China will take credit for it either way, but they are simply being competitive whereas we are not.

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c0584e  No.185267


This lol

And then it will be done to them.

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f0930b  No.185286

File: cb341ae4ffd878a⋯.png (702.94 KB, 1087x894, 1087:894, chinawarprep.png)

>Biden elected

>Chinese paratroopers land in major (not US) pacific / western capitals

>Leaders lined up against wall and shot

>New Han dynasty begins

<b-but that will never happen

<muh NATO doubt.jpg

>A surprise attack is a surprise because it is unexpected


The moment US becomes a Chinese colony with ruler Biden NATO is a Chinese owned organization.

<Why not leave local leaders in place?

Never worked in China. Han replaced them. Why not world?

Middle man take profits. Has no use. Remove middle. Take all.

The irony is many population in West will have more freedom and cheer the end of their leaders.

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88c387  No.185291


>oy vey goyim it’s the Chinese

>not the jews

>it’s not the fucking jews

>it’s never the fucking jews

>it’s anyone except the jews

>it’s the Chinese, goyim

Kill yourself.

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f0930b  No.185308

File: 241dbc4ba63b712⋯.png (289.78 KB, 530x454, 265:227, natsocvsneonazi.png)

Oh well, you can't say no one warned you.


>Kill yourself.

A man writes like a degenerate Untermensch because he is one.

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88c387  No.185311


> not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews not the jews



Kill yourself.

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f57edf  No.185324

File: a18046c8381571b⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 500x566, 250:283, kfhgjfg.jpg)

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f57edf  No.185325

File: 27c4d6d35d8cdf1⋯.webm (8.06 MB, 400x225, 16:9, Jewish_speaks_on_certain_….webm)

its all about edom

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81acfb  No.185340


THIS. Reminder MEMRI is an Israeli company that translates arab television. They were influential in the Iraq war and the war on terror as pro war propaganda.

Them shifting gears to China is a sign that they're rubbing their kike hands anticipating a war with China.


This guy is blind to the facts. Its both.

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88c387  No.185344


>oy vey you're blind because you said it's the jews

Shabbos goyim stop being shabbos goyim if there are no jews left.

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1c6859  No.185360

>'U.S. Will Not Survive,'

Yes, probably. Especially in the long term.

>'We Will Drive the U.S. to its Death' by 2027

Really doubt it will be by 2027. I think 2050-ish is a more realistic date, but who know what will happen. We might be in for some wild times if this year is anything to go by. And in any case, like >>185239 says, its more the americans allowing themselves to be destroyed. In the end i don't think the chinks are even doing the most damage, that "accomplishment" goes to the jews of course.

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1220c3  No.185362


>Chinese Sociologist: 'U.S. Will Not Survive,' 'We Will Drive the U.S. to its Death' by 2027

They spelled "Israeli" wrong.

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42e650  No.185374


>prepare for war

Because both Trump and Biden will push a jewish war for China. The "Beijing Biden" narrative is even more retarded than Obongo being a "neocon warmonger who does whatever Iran says" narrative that I heard from a jewish Qcumber.

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fadb2a  No.185417



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7384ce  No.185423

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: 9b98df4d837b977⋯.png (151.37 KB, 655x2200, 131:440, mefobillsunzamericavschina.png)

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7384ce  No.185424


>The "Beijing Biden" narrative is even more retarded than Obongo being a "neocon warmonger who does whatever Iran says" narrative that I heard from a jewish Qcumber.

Jews are obvious duplicitous and lie to serve their interests, but dumb conservatives genuinely don't understand that the economic entanglement of the US with China was a targeted attack of the Judeo-US ruling class to liberalize China, to corrupt its political class in the same way as was done to the USSR. This strategy has been a colossal failure and it has been openly recognized as such within the US establishment.

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bd82fa  No.185460


>the economic entanglement of the US with China was a targeted attack of the Judeo-US ruling class to liberalize China, to corrupt its political class in the same way as was done to the USSR.

I always thought it was because the Juden were staking out China as a profit haven and launchpad for the next phase of thier globohomo, and wanted to simultaneously crash the economy/USD and drain current wealth from the US. What would trying to liberalize China possibly accomplish? They already have full state-capitalist gommunism established over there thanks to their previous efforts, and can still fully utilize their usual skillset of usury and robber-baronry. What would liberalizing a population that is already nearly 100% monitored and controlled bring? Why do they intend on burning so many bridges early when their desired effects of globohomo are already observable in much of the West?

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7384ce  No.185466


I'm not sure you understand what liberalize means. You seem to have some Rush Limbaugh-tier understanding of the term.

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250ef2  No.185472


as if whites have but one enemy alone, think outside your jew box for a second and realize that whites are 1 against (almost) all others, including some whites themselves

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28e5ee  No.185542

In the wake of the pandemic/quarantine I've been thinking recently. China is an absolute authoritarian bug hive nightmare, but even despite all their civil rights abuses and lack of care for human life, China STILL has the West beat in one crucial area: the Chinese government isn't actively attempting to genocide their own population.

Think about it, if you look at almost any western nation all you see are attempts to reduce and disenfranchise the white population and replace them with brown foreigners. It's a pervasive movement in every level of the system, from our media to our justice system to our welfare and government. It's all actively anti-white.

So then I look at China and imagine life from the perspective of a Chinese citizen. Despite the authoritarian and exploitative government, a Han Chinese isn't worrying about how many decades their race has before they become a minority in their own homeland. I doubt their TV ads are full of miscegenation with Africans. And now they're even beginning to experiment with genetic engineering in humans, within a few short years they'll be creating designer babies with stolen European genes while whites themselves get mixed out of existence.

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88c387  No.185544



Thanks; you’ve lost.

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7ccad3  No.185607


The fucking Chicoms murdered 70 million of their own people under Mao. His physician wrote an excellent portrait of Mao from the time he cared for him. Mao claimed to want a nuclear war with the USA; such a war would wipe out about 700 million chinks leaving China with an ideal population of only 350 million or so, just like the USA. The USA however would get wiped out.

Commies tend to be pretty brutal and bloodthirsty.

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7384ce  No.185615


>China is an absolute authoritarian bug hive nightmare, but even despite all their civil rights abuses and lack of care for human life

This seems like it's just as a meme as it is reality at this point.

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81acfb  No.186159

File: 172721caf0801f3⋯.png (370.66 KB, 550x550, 1:1, tedbed.png)


>you are only allowed to hate jews or chinks

>you are a shabbos goy for saying Jews and chinks are a problem

>one or the other

You write like a Zing Ping chink. Fuck off. The entire thread knows what side I'm on and it isn't the Kikes or the Chikes. Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

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97559c  No.186161

>Chinks undermine U.S. and become "top in global homo economy".

>India is second, growing fast because half the world hates bug people

>U.S. after it's second civil war starts to recover

>Before second civil war Jews flee to China "I know a jew that his kid married a rich chines"

>India hates china and China thinking they can do anything starts a war with India

>India pulls all the other asian countries into the war to fight bug people

>U.S. completes it's purge of commies "some just leave to go fight for the chinks" and starts selling equipment and guns to both sides to regain the wealth they have lost

Thats how I see shit going down.

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a803ae  No.186626

Chinks won't be shit until they develop their own middle class so they can sell the shit they make to their own people.

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b6a43f  No.186627


Won't happen, their demographics are shit.

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37b160  No.186629


lol stop listening to zeihan.

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37b160  No.186630

File: 808593b9d31abae⋯.png (467.07 KB, 598x1461, 598:1461, glennback_mattyglesis_1bil….png)

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b02853  No.186787

File: d36850c266e84f4⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1021x3235, 1021:3235, bbc1c9bd8ec7ce5f82e5767559….png)


China was ALREADY under Jewish control when Mao took power you retard.

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7384ce  No.186812


>here's my infograph that's decades out of date. let me freeze everything in time so my conservative worldview retains coherency.

Mao is dead. His people are dead. Deng is dead. His people are dead. You're chasing ghosts.

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88c387  No.186818


Jews still control china. You know nothing. You are nothing. You have nothing. Your continued autistic screaming in the face of having this image posted is hard evidence that you’re a yid and trying to shut down the spreading of this knowledge.

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66599d  No.186856


>Jews still control china.

But I'm sure they definitely don't control MEMRI, right? Same with Bannon and all the kosher conservative China hawks? And Soros, as well as all the anti-China neocons are all gentiles too, right?

This is the same thing kikes have done in the past, smearing their enemies as jews or tools of them. They did it with Hitler, Gaddafi, and even Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. China isn't as explicitly anti-jewish as any of them, but it's a threat to the jewish power monopoly, along with Russia.

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b7b24e  No.186865


Russia is full of jewish ministers and MPs.

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88c387  No.186868


>but I’m sure they definitely don’t

Why would you even say that? Of course they do. What’s your point? No, China is not a threat to jewish power. No, Russia is not a threat to jewish power. They are both owned by jews. You fundamentally do not comprehend anything about the world. You are literally spamming jewish propaganda. You fell for the hoax.

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ddd86b  No.186898

China is a paper tiger, so much about their economy is smoke & mirrors. Their government lies about everything, they're basically the jews of Asia! Chinks & jews have a lot in common, except the Chinese are willing to completely screw over fellow chinese for their own benefit, whereas jews often cooperate & work together to screw over non-jews.

The brand new cities in China are made out of cheap, sub-bar materials. Buildings still collapse in China all the time, along with bridges. In the five years from 2007 to 2012, a total of 37 bridges collapsed in China, including 13 bridges under construction, which killed 182 people and injured 177, an average of 7.4 "deadly bridges" per year.

In 2008, it was found that many Chinese infants were suffering from kidney stones after consuming Sanlu milk powder, which was found to contain melamine and cyanuric acid. According to the china’s Ministry of Health, "By the end of December 2008, a cumulative total of 296,000 children with kidney stones caused by consumption of Sanlu milk powder had been reported nationwide, and 52,898 were hospitalized and treated. The Sanlu incident caused an international outcry and 27 countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and Italy, immediately announced a ban on the import of Chinese dairy products and related products.

Occassionally an entire Chinese town erupts into a gigantic fireball explosion due to shoddy gas pipes. Here's one such incident that the Chinese government tried to cover up but foreign tourists captured it on video:


Lastly, Chinese tourists are the absolute fucking worst tourists on the entire planet. They're rude, selfish, will touch artwork in art galleries, and do other uncivilized, unclassy shit while visiting other nations.


China is a fucking third world country with a ton of money because they have 1.4 billion people, and approximately 3% of them are successful and rich. There's a good reason why Hong Konger's, Taiwanese, and Singaporeans despise mainland Chinese.

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b7b24e  No.186902


Exactly. Imagine how shitty their military must be.

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7384ce  No.186940


Jews can't get Russia to fight wars on their behalf. It's not even remotely comparable.

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7733a7  No.187002

File: a66d3d2862ddded⋯.png (4.56 KB, 422x45, 422:45, ClipboardImage.png)


of course this subhuman chink went to school in 3 different american universities

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4bfcfc  No.187113


Everything that's bad for America is a threat to Jewish power.

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9c6dc0  No.187184


I think the Jews used to have more control of Russia, specifically, when it was Soviet.

Obviously though, Jews still have a great deal of influence in Russia/

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733895  No.187276

3 Gorges Dam. Tens of millions of Uighers, Mongolians of Inner Mongolia, and Tibetans (with Pajeet backed alpine commandos), all chimping out at once.

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7384ce  No.187335


>I think the Jews used to have more control of Russia, specifically, when it was Soviet.

They had control after the initial revolution. They were largely, but not entirely, displaced by Stalin and subsequent leaders. That's why during the 70s and 80s the US made such a stink about poor suffering jews in the USSR who just needed to go to israel. And its a fact that jews in the US had traded state secrets to the Soviets in exchange for waves of emigration being allowed to go to israel.

It's a really big misconception for Anglosphere conservatives that the Soviets were more jewed than the West. It's a really particular thing for Anglosphere conservatives. It essentially allows them to think they have come to some really radical position while also fighting to preserve the system that jews have found the most success with.

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88c387  No.187359


Uh, no. Jews aren’t America.

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939220  No.187376

File: f7d99bc3d365bbd⋯.jpg (249.85 KB, 1000x820, 50:41, 1578566477898.jpg)


America is the main vehicle for jewish power.

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88c387  No.187388


And yet jews aren’t America, and America isn’t jews. The statement stands. You are wrong.

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939220  No.187391

File: 9e14d2cbe10f25c⋯.jpg (150.11 KB, 800x400, 2:1, american_golem.jpg)


Rabbi Loew wasn't the golem, and the golem wasn't Rabbi Loew. Same thing.

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c9591a  No.187392


This kind of baffles me. Why would Russians support jews in the slightest?

After the communist revolution jews killed 66 million people in soviet union. They killed Russians by executing, torturing, starving them. They overworked people to death in gulags.

But still the soviet army fought against Germany. Why didn't they join the side that wanted to liberate them?

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88c387  No.187393


You’re not fooling anyone and we won’t accept your D&C hoaxes. Piss off.

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939220  No.187396


It's a "D&C hoax" that America advances the interests of world jewry?

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87413d  No.187397

idk, I don't think kikes will let amerimutts die out, they are still useful

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87413d  No.187398


>Jews aren’t America.

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((Amerimutt))) Christians use a bible that was made by the Jews


(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizens per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

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88c387  No.187403



lol, sad

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4fefd7  No.187408

File: c081e9e57ea4024⋯.jpg (788.11 KB, 900x1619, 900:1619, 23j237j2.jpg)

What a retard, China is just flexing as their infrastructure is falling apart, the central party is crumbling, and the money is leaving for Indonesia, Philippines, Nam, Malaysia, etc. They are fucked and trying to push radical crap.

Also check it out it's Memri TV who picks up stupid shit said by religious retards in the middle east. This just shows the jews even know the Chinese are the retards now. Jews will always have the US safe because that's half the jew population right there. Yeah they will have most of the US be poor, but that also helps with keeping the jews safe.

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66c9c5  No.187410

File: 5892c73795d066a⋯.png (822.36 KB, 841x657, 841:657, eurasianthisyear.PNG)

File: 0954dfdc23c7b82⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 1200x714, 200:119, Kissinger.jpg)

File: 40bcf14f7f47bb5⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 392x260, 98:65, Oleg_Deripaska_and_Jacob_R….jpg)

File: 77abdf5a03e3194⋯.png (135.89 KB, 777x527, 777:527, ChiComs.PNG)

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ddd86b  No.187496

>Chinese Sociologist: 'U.S. Will Not Survive,' '

That's bad news for China.

Most of their technology is stolen from U.S. companies, and they rely on U.S. consumers to buy their cheap shit.

Chinkoids don't have the imaginative & creative minds that European whites have. There's a profound lack of individuality in China, and not much room to express any creativity. Chinkoids are too robotic & formulaic to invent new things or come up with new stuff on their own.

China has had a consistent civilization for much longer than any other human group, but they haven't done jackshit with it. They should have had an industrial revolution 3,000 years ago but didn't. They should have went to the moon 2,000 years ago but didn't.

China peaked like 2,000 years ago, they already maxxed out their potential. Any advances they've made in the past few decades has mostly been the result of stealing western technology & copying western economic & financial practices, and also copying jewish behaviors. Chinkoids screw over their own and they don't give a shit. The Chink factory owners install suicide nets so their employees, who are nearly slave laborers, don't kill themselves.

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199845  No.187503


>That's bad news for China.

Leader of China don't give a shit, they'll just live on with their white slaves, and slaves we will be..

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ddd86b  No.187520


>Leader of China don't give a shit, they'll just live on with their white slaves, and slaves we will be..

Jew bankers aren't going to hand over their white debt slaves to the Chinese.

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51850b  No.187576


A parasite can't survive without a host.

That being said: The secret to China's success: Because there's no voting there are no female voters. Wuhan has 9 subway lines and no welfare queens.

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2abf2c  No.187578

File: c9a1a2a8886dd26⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, elite_shitpost_division.mp4)


predicted productive, of and upon fags, by so un such same manner. I like music tho, we should dance.

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fd4e88  No.203666


Based israel will not survive

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43a83a  No.203734


If whites were organized like Jews, they could try to strike a deal with China where they would get some land and protection to build their ethnostate(s), where every redpilled white could immigrate to. Then the kikes could drown in shitskins, niggers and soymensch that they are raising to replace us, and going to Israel wouldn't be such a great option either because it's not big enough for all of them and it would quickly collapse into a bloody civil war once the rich formerly white countries burn and there is no more money to steal for sustaining it.

Chinks are a competition, but unlike kikes, they don't hate white people or want to exterminate them in the most humiliating ways possible, but seek to emulate them. They would benefit tremendously from having a white ethnostate within their borders, and it wouldn't be long before they get to the top. They would basically just need to wait until the Judaized societies without productive, intelligent and creative whites collapse and after a while just step in to restore order, where their huge population would be best utilized. Whites could then settle back in their original homelands and expand a bit, while China gets control of nigger and mudskin countries.

They would just need to very carefully screen the genetic data so they don't end up with too many (((fellow whites)))

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ae153c  No.203759


>implying there's only one parasite

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ae153c  No.203760



China's definition of success is to be a parasite and suck dry everything to the point that innovation stands still

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6030d9  No.209773

File: ab68374920dd49d⋯.jpg (73.25 KB, 937x597, 937:597, RlKEk.jpg)

wmXRKn yoKiqNPxkt ptDCwVdQDV CGGWJThWvWHn mVT IyVDBntSyQ ZggrEBRIdD WpUBzEfvTVd OrQcRM AxuzacaJA gJzglLQNlHNW fYHxoygRzNo KRYMtoPYue ZbLT NLvazfLYr ygNzpgQ MSA vKTcNbTbrWaM

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32fa1b  No.209828

File: 3f9d546c2e116e7⋯.jpg (92.21 KB, 1117x699, 1117:699, R.jpg)

GSmRmgqzgOGf fQOaoEwywaa DTpgTQ hRPAClt cVEpY ldZAiPuFh rvHvRjlP

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c1e18b  No.209893

File: bf8782a753d0945⋯.jpg (49.8 KB, 505x470, 101:94, WxbCvSF.jpg)

fCiWmwP yuSLFLZpTXO mJXPpcb drFkX qoYRn VnlTRGMP gdsz ZSzWHnNIShr fhDVLTD hwMmvGmH SsTmvyHnUZ jpAiE Dqk aBZqV PSIZvZta eZtXbWp iDox

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2931d5  No.210337

File: d64ecd0e39dd1a0⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 955x641, 955:641, sxeqV.jpg)

RIcaHmRQgq fRlDzLJovV XIQa hRBiHSXFCgg JLzZkFOkJv vwYuc ANlvQuHpouav wnMvei BkLmKspY

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f0a53b  No.210343

File: e2fd923e4ab3842⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 1091x697, 1091:697, rNZueC.jpg)

YpKtY AjtFPnKH PEfLxf HHTpjCvHbvY QPsd cdc diji HiUjg EplJkNLaoHE lVdEg ByFSvPSHD XpxyEc XpWAvYb RFeqK KlOvgdRFlQFs EDFUjuIjo VDYBxZ FIBlBsij BISYr EfL

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0839fc  No.210384

File: 6713f797fdc5190⋯.jpg (73.03 KB, 927x600, 309:200, pjjpVfOXiA.jpg)

HyBuke vUQXsfDKBb SfNvjAzWdl AQcPc hesBlKqxtr XUXyD nIzxIfNDciQk JJqT yCIZn uNscDz veQKKnz pHZJgczKy NGqDcRIf LUp QNZvspilN

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52ea87  No.210492

File: 6341b359222d95e⋯.jpg (57 KB, 486x586, 243:293, D.jpg)

dUt MEVfqMjv oqs mnzdlTaGMc NqRzEuIFtpC PluDQHaJAtyo YAtx RTdBROqBWX GqyBuJQrZmF bNYOstE niU VMhN eoUBmQMxFHx GSfGjoToVIf IodHBZ kUYrjKiKjRe debWGmrX tPw

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2f8549  No.211094

File: 34b0a4b9601fd29⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 912x660, 76:55, pT.jpg)

gBRmAqoMW HHWt oFOpIk tdhDUaYRSsnV Tij yVZtBy twOpISv ARz

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468c4c  No.211112

File: 47421fea9fe2757⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 288x515, 288:515, QTOCd.jpg)

LkeAQb DxFWWTkGLG mMb WhbWoz hhqGrf fJL hVLXuPC TeqwvZZGG hpLHHVk MUnQrZqf TvuRFmQRSGeQ JAz

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44ce05  No.211654

File: 606beb6b24e2e30⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 383x410, 383:410, hVJVa.jpg)

qiEsRINPvs rgRfOyiLni JQYWYbXbaW DIEaXhYk xFMr TiBz ZqVHUgc bupwjDO naQD TeQrxeuUqrWb NkSAC DPuKbZXeeyZ NSjxLFIuLLf XWbyIvT EjniOwMCc jYW eIY xVBEIFke

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9bb27b  No.211688

File: 74db0fc2a20ceda⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 983x504, 983:504, FlhwF.jpg)

OBYEoVJSxpD ycMfcrCjwFSP xHCftJIpbclf rBGqorTSD OWr HpISMj MoLxDgtWTGVe hHyitRsDhyy SxO OjFYn uNhm OfQPbXmhSy WynUDmJkcVaK uDc LDjncuBvLY fDQvUQvL

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6df1d9  No.211709

File: 3b58653206bc233⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 432x540, 4:5, HbHJf.jpg)

BxKG yxmvkH OxY vmDyLGAoGXB nrSCRYf

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692c3c  No.211729

File: 5d36f2d624c2210⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 297x559, 297:559, nnTJx.jpg)

vwliQrlLOB MwSr qgHzzq kKCkNW vsRuUDbmf fFLVheXxMs sviezTgX

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649f23  No.211881

File: 1b2f4e167c44bb6⋯.jpg (70.97 KB, 1057x493, 1057:493, RSbfJ.jpg)


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8ca5c5  No.211921

File: bc8eba6a485dbe6⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 496x425, 496:425, ZVnUK.jpg)


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c656d7  No.212063

File: 95cc4f82b123659⋯.jpg (33.57 KB, 320x456, 40:57, NtmAL.jpg)

lvfNZQz qpNAPph lgWncyjs oVVeurqGSMDy Bfbf

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559880  No.212738

File: 47478571cd6abbd⋯.jpg (29.24 KB, 296x408, 37:51, ZwIyUfdi.jpg)

AXaHucAxivwk cdqmO BAUcw TOfSDH KMIgsY pYDB LeLlLtE Fncb RshttHbhTkmr rNhQGopOjSn XiGPSn XhK SfPDoTKJ LdvPfO

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18b323  No.212998

File: 048351844c61fc3⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 948x691, 948:691, DtVc.jpg)

ADfs ynAlVmvghpai HioeMsGNr iylyjuk ITcJYQjz RDN lRqRfLiRzE ncFuLD YejscX VsvX RWkmmeD mfl gflUXwB nrFmwyDBKnFm ytMdQHkIfXL zXqPjiCLWEj VHcf WjzlXOs BGlgsSkh

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9f86bc  No.213284

File: 56236396e5333ca⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 336x421, 336:421, Zent.jpg)

eBIUZdIsOi zmUHsIEMwt cHDpPU kkmNgPSk

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fce827  No.214713

File: ee7c29996f342a8⋯.jpg (57.78 KB, 509x563, 509:563, wAbxafvp.jpg)

MSFLFFjEMibD VYDNNLgS pRuvjalRhw Drhjj

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