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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 6bbea245573dc6c⋯.jpg (85.92 KB, 846x846, 1:1, straight_outta_scripture.jpg)

1d0b0c  No.184930

Invitation to anons who have remained post-election to join me for a comfy bible stream. I'm the guy who recorded >>184469

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1d0b0c  No.184931

Whoops, forgot link.


I'm live now.

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e65e5b  No.184944

File: 15c4e97c918d137⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 300x300, 1:1, 1431070023255.gif)


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1d0b0c  No.184945

Polite sage. Stream is done, so not going to bump this. Amazing how quiet and slow this place is after the election. Only ~200 active IPs.



Philippians is one of the letters where Paul calls BS on a group of Jews commonly called the Judaizers, working to directly subvert the early church, referring to them as the "false circumcision."

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