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0b8116  No.184822

what did Hitler want to do with Europe exactly? Did he actually want to acquire the whole of Europe?

why do you guys like him? he fucked up so badly


correct me if i'm being retarded

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e645f6  No.184834


>what did Hitler want to do with Europe exactly?

Remove communists. Remove jews. Ensure Germany had trade access to crops and building materials.

>Did he actually want to acquire the whole of Europe?

Nope, jewish hoax. He wanted the lands stolen in WWI back, and he got them all through plebiscite (except the Polish ones because their government had recently been overthrown and replaced with an anti-German one). Hitler even offered France the renunciation of Germany’s claim on Elsaß-Lothrigen in 1938 in exchange for France’s demilitarization. They refused.

>why do you guys like him?

I’d say lurk more, but you haven’t lurked at all.

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49b23d  No.184863


>what did Hitler want to do with Europe exactly?

He set a standard of conservation for both humans and animals. Stop, at that time, what was to be what we're going through now for a little bit (decelerated the molock metropolis jewish takeover/reset) .

>Did he actually want to acquire the whole of Europe?

Nope just take back the land stolen from germany in the penis waving war 1 .

>why do you guys like him? he fucked up so badly

Along list but mostly because he stood up for something he believe in with all the odds stacked against him(It took a meat grinder of countries just to stop what was a innovated developing Reich).

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4ccf57  No.184870

What other anons said. You have to be a complete mouthbreathing trog to not understand Hitler's motivation. He wasn't rejected from art school by jewish professors thus setting off a vendetta ending in the holohoax. That's an urban legend that sprung up from wartime propaganda. He was a front line soldier during WW1 who witnessed the destruction of his country during the Treaty of Versailles and hated it.

WW2 was directly caused by WW1. Following WW1, everything that happened was blamed on germany even though that war was started by a serbian assassin killing an austria-hungarian duke. As punishment for defending their allies, germany lost huge amounts of land which went to the creation of the new nation of austria, got absorbed by poland, etc. In addition, the german military got disarmed, and they had to pay war reparations which today value at 442 billion dollars. To make it worse, france moved in and occupied the ruhr valley, which is basically germany's silicon valley, so that the germans couldnt use their industrial equipment until the reparations were paid, vasically ensuring they never would be.

All this is to say that germany was a dying nation on the verge of total collapse, and Hitler wanted nothing more than to revitalize the economy, reclaimed the lost land where millions of germans lived but were forbidden from rejoining germany, and to get rid of the many human rights violations which had popped up in berlin (child prostitution, human zoos). Hitler succeeded, by the way. From 1933 to 1939 germany was basically the greatest country in europe. He completely turned it around and was even made time man of the year for doing so. So that's why anons on this board and elsewhere love him so much. He is a model man who loves his people and defied the impossible to save them from total destruction.

If you'd like to know more, watch this quick six hour documentary:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/mZpeJkSNjcA3/ via bitslide

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ef874f  No.185949

File: c5410ee935a0f36⋯.jpg (58.28 KB, 452x678, 2:3, Some_Good_Thoughts_From_LD.jpg)


>what did Hitler want to do with Europe exactly?

The reason that Hitler went to war was to acquire old German lands. This is consistent with how treated everything else imposed on Germany through the Treaty of Versailles. However, as the war expanded into a world war focused on removing the axis powers the need to invade other countries arose, like Belgium and The Netherlands, he installed Nazi regimes within those countries as they would be the only ones friendly to Germany and he, rightfully so, viewed Nazism as the best form of government to lead these countries.

>why do you guys like him? he fucked up so badly

He lead his country from a cesspool of widespread degeneracy, economic destruction, and elitism into a global power that despite its' lack of population was able to inspire its population to fight the entire world to defend their values and ideas.

He also came from a humble upbringing his father if I remember right was akin to a county clerk, and despite growing up in Austria recognized that he was an ethnic German before he was an Austrian. He held an extremely dangerous position within WW1 and received medals for his actions during the war.

Tl;dr: I admire Hitler because despite everything against him he continued to struggle not for personal gain but for a people that he loved.

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