>supports queers
Some of them act gay, but these are the guys who have a very ironic sense of humor. Otherwise they are homogeneously anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-feminization.
>supports non-whites
Individual chapters have a lot of liberty and can, to some extent, define their own core principles. Some chapters are infested with non-whites, others take pride in the fact that they are all-white. There are probably chapters in certain places that are 1488. Each chapter is just a meeting up of all the local /pol/acks, and you get a mix of the different /pol/ personalities.
>run by a nonwhite
This is indeed bizarre, but it holds very little bearing on how the organization operates at the local level where it is essentially a men's drinking club. Anyways, it is in line with my theory: On average, PBs are centered around civnat lolbertarianism. That being said, most of these guys are on /pol/. Being exposed to a vast range of ideas, they are ripe to become redpilled.
I think they can be immediately redpilled on fascism, via the realization that people can be indoctrinated. Beyond that is ethnostatism, and finally the JQ. I'm not sure they can ever make it that far, but I think it's important to remember that people are predisposed to certain political beliefs due to genetics and indoctrination. If the civnats can only be led as far as ethnostatism or even just facism, then we have to live with that and figure out how to make use of it, because if we aren't shepherding them then the zionists certainly will be. It took generations of indoctrination to push the average prole belief to where it is now (civnatism/lolbertism). It can be pushed back, but only if there are natsocs in their ranks to ride the civnat wave and guide them down the rabbit hole.
I'm assuming they won't get redpilled all on their own.I mean, some of them will, but these guys are mostly drunks and family men who don't have the time to dive deep enough into the /pol/ culture. A leader with particular views can have a profound effect in steering these men toward those views. I am learning a lot about facism just by hanging out with the them, because when men are in a group they tend to naturally form a facist hierarchy. Facism is fundamentally a male form of government.