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File: 11324f8d85f1458⋯.jpg (947.5 KB, 2036x1436, 509:359, origin_of_pol.jpg)

File: d26849f00ca8ecc⋯.jpg (349.55 KB, 1467x743, 1467:743, Proud_Boys_as_Radical_Libs.jpg)

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7d40ea  No.184761

On /pol/, there are many personalities that you interact with:

>the libertarians

>the 1488fags

>the commies

>the trannies

>the D&C artists

>the Canadian


I partied tonight with some Proud Boys whose chapter I'm trying to join. Let's get this out of the way: Call it gay/cringe. Call them feds. Whatever. It' practically just a philosophical drinking club for /pol/acks, which is fun enough, but also these are really nice guys; super quick way to make local friends. That being said, I have been autistically analyzing them and, while everything exists in distributions, I think I finally understand where the philosophical centroid PBs actually is in terms of the known /pol/ classifications. It all came to me while tuning into a conversation about Proud Boys' misgivings with what they call the "fascists" who need to be weeded out of groups nationwide (basically, 1488fags as far as I can tell).

Anyways, I was tuning into the conversation, and one anon is proclaiming:

>I don't care if the boot is coming from the left or the right, I don't want it stepping on me.

I was raised by Libertarian boomer parents, so I know this line of reasoning very well. That's when it hit me: Proud Boys are that now-silent majority from whence /pol/ was born. They are merely radical Libertarians. Once able to argue their position but no longer, they are the most normie-tier staple ideology of /pol/ (they are fundamentally deluded civnats) and this explains everything about what they believe and do.

As intelligent observers with a dog in this fight, we have to understand that Libertarianism is an important, perhaps the biggest, gateway bewteen the real-life normie-sphere and /pol/. Lolberts get BTFO every day here but they are at least some line of offence that should be appreciated at least as the contribution of the village idiot. They are like the character in the first panel of the well-known Stonetoss comic. They are activists who have no idea what's going on. Alas, they are on our side and they may just have retard strength.

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a927e3  No.184762

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6e21ef  No.184788

>supports queers

>supports non-whites

>run by a nonwhite

Get out.

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7d40ea  No.184862


>supports queers

Some of them act gay, but these are the guys who have a very ironic sense of humor. Otherwise they are homogeneously anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-feminization.

>supports non-whites

Individual chapters have a lot of liberty and can, to some extent, define their own core principles. Some chapters are infested with non-whites, others take pride in the fact that they are all-white. There are probably chapters in certain places that are 1488. Each chapter is just a meeting up of all the local /pol/acks, and you get a mix of the different /pol/ personalities.

>run by a nonwhite

This is indeed bizarre, but it holds very little bearing on how the organization operates at the local level where it is essentially a men's drinking club. Anyways, it is in line with my theory: On average, PBs are centered around civnat lolbertarianism. That being said, most of these guys are on /pol/. Being exposed to a vast range of ideas, they are ripe to become redpilled.

I think they can be immediately redpilled on fascism, via the realization that people can be indoctrinated. Beyond that is ethnostatism, and finally the JQ. I'm not sure they can ever make it that far, but I think it's important to remember that people are predisposed to certain political beliefs due to genetics and indoctrination. If the civnats can only be led as far as ethnostatism or even just facism, then we have to live with that and figure out how to make use of it, because if we aren't shepherding them then the zionists certainly will be. It took generations of indoctrination to push the average prole belief to where it is now (civnatism/lolbertism). It can be pushed back, but only if there are natsocs in their ranks to ride the civnat wave and guide them down the rabbit hole.

I'm assuming they won't get redpilled all on their own.I mean, some of them will, but these guys are mostly drunks and family men who don't have the time to dive deep enough into the /pol/ culture. A leader with particular views can have a profound effect in steering these men toward those views. I am learning a lot about facism just by hanging out with the them, because when men are in a group they tend to naturally form a facist hierarchy. Facism is fundamentally a male form of government.

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81f21e  No.184883

File: 3ee6430d31be27b⋯.png (122.04 KB, 671x625, 671:625, goys.png)


>Some of them act gay, but…

Kill yourself. It’s the entire organization. We don’t accept faggots.

>Individual chapters have a lot of liberty…

Kill yourself. It’s the entire organization. We don’t accept nonwhites.

>This is indeed bizarre, but…

Kill yourself. We’re not being led around by a bunch of nonwhites.

>PBs are centered around civnat lolbertarianism

So they’re worthless to us. Stop trying to shill them here.

>we have to live with that

No. We don’t.

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7d40ea  No.184896


>We don’t accept faggots.

>We don’t accept nonwhites.

>We’re not being led around by a bunch of nonwhites.


Stop LARPing as an organization. There are no meetings. There is no implementable plan. There is no "we".

I'm merely describing what a particular right-wing group is doing, what the people are like, what their strengths and shortcomings are, what their potential is. This is what actual strategy looks like, not just shitting on people from your remote ivory tower and shooting down every idea because muh Nirvana Fallacy.

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69a95c  No.185084


>Stop LARPing as an organization.

Said the proud goy, trying to entrap people into his organization.

>There are no meetings.

Then there is nothing and you're worthless to whites.

>There is no implementable plan.

Then there is nothing and you're worthless to whites.

>There is no "we".

No, jew, there really isn't.

>I'm merely describing what a particular right-wing group is doing

They're not traditionalist by their own fucking admission. Your next line is “trannies are the sex they say they are BECAUSE they say they are.”

>not just shitting on people from your remote ivory tower

Don't care. You have no explanation for why we should compromise on objective truth.

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7d40ea  No.185092

File: ff499261b9618dd⋯.png (97.29 KB, 1306x822, 653:411, playing_the_game.png)


>You have no explanation for why we should compromise on objective truth.

because you aren't actually accomplishing anything. you're no different from the muh constitution fags who do nothing while the world crumbles around them. the objective truth is that you have to play the game to win. sure you could change the rules or flip over the table, but you aren't. nobody here is doing anything, and when anyone suggests doing something they invariably are called a kike trying to entrap people.

Proud goys aren't doing anything illegal. Their organization is above board on paper. You lose nothing by getting to know your local chapter, and you stand to gain friends with similar views.

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6e21ef  No.185289




Your thread was anchored for a reason, you stupid fucking yid.



Yep, you were a shill the whole time. Isn’t it funny how I instantly outed you?


Wow, almost as though that’s why they’ve accomplished nothing for the white race. Funny, isn’t it?

Run along now, yid. Go back to your impotent honeypot and scream about the evil racist antisemitic white men who didn’t fall for your tricks.

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