3a42ad No.184543[Last 50 Posts]
It is apparent from research into the behaviors of other simian species that human sexual and reproductive behavior can be very easily understood and characterized according to a few simple understandings. But first, some history.
In ancestral human societies, sexual satisfaction was a secondary concern, where women had limited space to exercise mate choice due to social, economic and geographical challenges. The mismatch between ancestral and modern conditions has lead to female choice being stronger in the present than in the past, due to a wide variety of causes, but predominantly the rise of modern transport and communication, which have provided growing mate access and subsequent pressure on civilization norms since the advent of the automobile and the telephone. This causes anxiety in men about their ability to satisfy their partners, which is also manifested in their concerns about size. It also causes anxiety in females about their ability to secure a partner, which is manifested in their concerns about appearance and status.
The modern era is hypersocial. It is high-conflict. And it has lead to both the proliferation of hypersexual traits and behaviors, as well as a shift from the the stable, monogamous social norms of past civilizations and ancestoral societies to unstable, polyamorous social norms. It has also lead to the development of feminism as a maldapted coping response and modern state social mechanisms such as welfare, no fault divorce, automatic alimony, and the legalization of adultery.
This has made a lot of people angry, and has generally been regarded as an unwise move.
But all of these consequences have biological origins rooted in our simian instincts.
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3a42ad No.184544
Male genitalia size, testosterone levels, and natural voice pitch directly correspond to a shift between one of roughly two kinds of behaviors in male simians. Males with larger genitals, higher testosterone, and deeper voice do not seek or have an instinctual preference for monogamous relationships, for exclusive mate access, or for territorial mating behaviors, or even for parentally beneficial traits in species where natural variation exists and females are NOT substantially weaker/have less power than males. They also tend to engage in orgy-type mating scenarios. They also prefer higher testosterone, more mature females. Males with smaller genitalia, smaller testicles, and lower testosterone in these species, such as chimpanzees, howler monkeys and humanoids, practice single-mate paring or harem collecting for exclusive mating access, preferentially mate with younger, sometimes much younger females, and are both territorial and parentally minded, with an almost fanatical dedication to their offspring. Some mixture of behaviors exist between these two extremes.
In species where females are substantially stronger or have eusocial behaviors towards members of their own genders, such as bonobos and matriarchal female human societies, Bonobo males remain attached to their mothers all their lives, following them through the forest and being dependent on them for protection in aggressive encounters with other males. As a result, the highest-ranking males of a bonobo community tend to be sons of important females. The same is also true of human societies run by women, although few such societies exist- the jewish community is preferential to the offspring of influencial and important females. Male bonobos also engage in homosexual mating practices, and homosexuality/bisexuality is well established as a more common trait of human males who are in societies dominated by women.
In species where females are substantially weaker than males, the predominant mating strategy for most species is for the highest testosterone males to assert territorialism, to practice harem gathering behaviors, and to spend substantial time deterring other males or fighting them. However, this only occurs in species which have natural resource limitations.
For species where resources are abundant and higher tier predators exist, such as gorillas, the behavior developed is social capitalization of male strength by males, with the highest testosterone males building packs of their species consisting of themselves, their females, and their offspring, along with occasionally some other males. To some degree these groups exhibit a mixture of the behaviors illustrated of the variation between simians of larger and smaller genitalia, and higher and lower testosterone, along with the behaviors claimed of territorial simian species. Namely, the dominant male will preferentially mate with reproductively mature females, sometimes the immature females mate with the subordinate males, and a number of other behaviors are demonstrated derivative of these.
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3a42ad No.184545
Academic experts may disagree with my summarization, but i believe their contest with me is more of minor details or moral qualms about drawing such conclusions rather than any fundemental flaw in my assertion. Humans are 99.9998% genetically similar to most of these simeans. It is ethically and scientifically absurd to both claim that they are yet so differently natured to us that we are unlike them; but that we are also universally the same among all of the genetic subtypes of the human race- the african, european, asian, pacific approximate groupings- where the genetic distance is much lower but still, as an overall fraction of our genome, relatable in size. Either we are much more like other simeans than we wish to admit, or we, as phenotyped variants of h. sapien, are more distant to each other and naturally disparate in our own nature than we have been claiming.
I am not going to draw a conclusion about race and ethnicity in this dissertation. We are talking about sex and mating.
For simplicity, I will consider behaviors as belonging to one of three groupings: eusocial, monogamous, and dominant.
It is clear to see that in early anthrocene(past thousand years) human societies of europe, monogameous social norms were prevalent in societies where resource competition existed and territorially stable societies flourished. Infanticide, once common, was also eliminated, not as a product of these mating strategies but rather as a product of stable societies of long lived individuals mandating purely K-selective behaviors. Pedophilia, as we know it today, was also somewhat more common, with typical female ages at first mating as an average of all human societies being on the average of 16, but occasional marriages below menarche(although with rare consumation or successful pregnancies) and common marriage at menarch for these indicated societies. Viking and roman women married young, on average 12. In the few societies that have remained consistent in terms of their resource limitations far enough into the modern era for scientific observations to be gathered, such as in india, it is also apparent that penile insecurities and smaller male genitalia were the norm. Ancient norsemen were obsessed with penis size. The greeks did not simply create statues with small penises out of aesthetic taste, as they carved accurately every other detail, but likely because the average penis was smaller.
In africa and regions of the world where resources were prevalent and natural predator/societal conflict were the norm, such as the incans and in africa, some traits we associate with the dominant and some with the eusocial mating strategies dominanted. Matrilocal marriage was customary in Peru under the Inca monarchy. No strong conclusions about age of marriage could be drawn for africa, where purely territorial, domainant mating strategies were abundant, but among the aztecs the average age of marriage was 16, and the male 20. In serbia, in southern europe, where temperature extremes are more rare and predatory social conflict from foreign cultures such as turkey are and have been the norm for over a thousand years, the average penis size is nearly 8 inches.
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3a42ad No.184546
As the modern era emerged(mid 1800s), with exponentially greater access to resources, mating opportunities, and labor requirements by industry, the reproductive behaviors of western societies shifted, slowly at first. But over the past 160 years, a number of things have happened seemingly uncorrelated but all associated with the shift towards the eusocial, r-selective mating strategies that all simians are capable of adapting to.
Firstly, feminism and women's sufferage, as a mechanism giving women equal power and resource access with men, emerged out of the victorian era. It initially arose as a moral concern over the absolute and arbitrary power that males had over their wives in edwardian britain and europe of the same era, and as a protest against the unequal prosecution by the law for the same crimes. In some cases, a woman could be put to death for a crime that would net the male a mere prison sentence of a few years. But eventually, the protest took on absurd causes like prohibition, which made a great deal of people upset.
Secondly, the age of consent was raised, sometimes considerably. In the united states, delaware, where it was 9 years of age, as well as other states, with ages of consent ranging from 12-16, the age of consent was raised, initially to 16, and then to 18. The same more or less for the rest of the western world, and then, through the political pressure of the west, the world entire. Along with this the moralization and social outrage over some mature males preferring immature females became a norm, but only after the 1960s. Even up until the mid 1970s the legal proliferation of pornographic material featuring minors was practiced in the united states, although, of course, it was an oddity no more common than the statistical distribution would suggest, and corresponding to the historical statistical probabilities regarding average recorded ages of marriage- at some 5-15% of males.
Thirdly, the laws governing alimony and the possession of the estate of a widow, initially protective of the rights of men and patriarchally oriented towards dynasties, shifted to benefit women, among other things legally which are of interest but not relevant to the argument being presented.
Fourthly, the average penis size grew, and continues to grow. Recent studies have indicated a trend of nearly a centimeter per decade of increased average penile size in the 2010s. The genitalia size, paradoxially, is shrinking with regards to testicles, but this trend may be explained readily by the proliferation of xenoestrogens due to plasticizers and estrogen-mimicing substances in the common diet from soy consumption, along with testicular atrophy due to chlorine exposure- among other factors. In societies where well-preserved foods, soy consumption, and plasticizers are not abundant, no such trend is recorded.
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3a42ad No.184547
Fifthly, infanticide has become more commonplace. While infants as legally defined, being offspring already borne, has been outlawed in most societies, access to abortive procedures and medication has been normalized. This equates to a logical form of infanticide, where the reproductive gestation is terminated at a more optimal time.
Sixthly, monogamy has become depreciated for opportunistic mating behaviors such as the so-called "one night stand". Males increasingly refuse to engage into monogamous relationships and females increasingly indicate that they do not wish for them, at least not until later in life, where the resource benefits outweigh the mating opportunity cost.
Seventh, males have become less invested in offspring and their responsibilities to their offspring, and the social trend of a welfare state providing for offspring is now commonplace and a common strategy of females is to become welfare mothers.
Eighth, females have become more invested in exhibiting reproductive maturity in the form of breast agumentation and obsession with body shape, along with increased courtship towards high status males and males who exhibit greater sexual endowment.
Ninth, as r-selective mating benefits from increased genetic diversity for a number of reasons which will not be illustrated, it is also apparent that an increase in diversity mating, more commonly males to females outside of their own genetic pool, has become more normal.
Tenth, and perhaps most distressingly, the subset of males most biologically advantaged in a k-selective environment are either unable to mate or experience extreme mate competition. These males tend to be socially stable, offspring-oriented, introverted, territorial or anti-competitive, and exhibit smaller genitalia, preference for younger, immature or immature-appearing females, good parental instincts, and a desire for monogamy or exclusive harems. They also tend to present with less masculine features and higher pitched voices. When these males are reproductively successful, they tend to be found with younger wives, sometimes much younger.
Eleventh, the subset of males most r-selectively benefited are readily able to mate and experience no reproductively distressed. These males tened to be socially unstable, opportunity-oriented, extroverted, non-territorial(or territorial on behalf of groups of males, such as gangs), and exhibit larger genitalia, preference for sexually accessible females of high social status, have almost no parental instincts, and are unlikely to marry or exhibit control over females. They tend to present with more masculine features, wider faces, and lower pitched voices. When these males are reproductively successful, they tend to be found with wives of age close to their own.
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3a42ad No.184548
Twelvth, the subset of females most biologically advantaged or preferred for k-selective reproduction, being those who are reproductively immature by biological variation or appearance or nature, and who exhibit other traits this paper has not sought to assert, are either unable to mate according to their preference or develop mental distress adapting to mating norms and social preference not to their instinctual preference. These females tend to be socially dependent, self-oriented, introverted, anti-competive, exhibit smaller secondary sexual traits such as breast size and higher pitched voices, and have less possessive instincts towards their offspring(where dominant eusocial females must be concerned with competitive infanticide, k-selective females do not), and a desire for monogamy or a harem of exclusive males in non-direct reproductive competition where they take turns or each mate in a limited capacity. When they are reproductively successful, they tend to be found with older, more wealthy husbands.
Thirteeth, the subset of females most advantaged for R-selective reproduction, being those who are either reproductively mature/supermaturated by biology, who tend to enter into menarche and sexual activity later than their peers, have greater reproductive success and comfort, and are able to mate according to their preference and maintain casual relationships without strong discomfort. They may exhibit some distress but do not typically express wishfulness for monogamous exclusivity. These females tend to be socially independent, group-oriented, extroverted, sexually competitive, and exhibit larger secondary sexual traits such as larger breasts, deeper voices, and are more possessive towards their offspring and much more vocal about protectiveness and prevention of predation on offspring or immature females by immature males. They tend to exhibit a reduced desire for monogamy, or are open/comfortable with the concept of sharing a high-value male with a select few or one other high value female, where they mate often and to great excess with their desired mate. When they are reprodutively successful, they tend to be found with younger, more dominant males.
Fourteenth, violence and gang activity over the centuries since the modern era began has long since become rote and social order has begun to decline as the enforcing body is increasingly the body which the rules presently benefit to the detriment of the needs of all. The average IQ level is declining due to trends likely linked but not significant from a reproductive strategy perspective. Humanity, across the planet, are becoming more violent, more stupid, and more likely to die young, when trends associated with the globalization of access to modern medicine, highly nutritious food, and birth control are subtracted.
While you may contest the assertions above, I believe you would rather criticize the tone of my writing, or make reference to implied conclusions I have not established. As I indicate them, while some trends are much more recent, the overall progression is from 1850-today in western society exclusively, and counterindicating social trends in other societies represent exceptions with local differences in resource and mate availability, as well as social norms, which counterindicate at least for now.
I will also not assert such behaviors and trends as universally exhibited. Young individual females and males near the age of consent will exhibit some of the preferences typecast by these hypotheses but will not typically conform to a stereotype until their preferences are molded by experience, and even then, changes will continue to manifest in accordance with oxytocin bonding and other phenomena.
In particular, young females are much like older females in preferentially seeking out high status, territorial, high testosterone males, even when this is disavangeous for them reproductively in terms of their phenotypical expression and mating strategy, purely because the natural instinct is, initially, and especially among low status females where conservation of status and resources are not important, to seek out the most reproductively fit mate with regards to sex, and reproductive fitness sexually is independent of reproductive fitness socially. Males and females naturally seek the most virile partners who have the highest sperm/egg counts and the healthiest genes, and the more endowed and fertile an individual is the more healthy their offspring are likely to be. In addition, an endowment or body build that is more attractive is more enjoyable sexually. Regardless, it is claimed to be a product of the overarching access/resource/opportunity trends hypothesized.
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3a42ad No.184550
The purpose of this hypothesis is to establish the suggestion there has been a shift in which the illustrated trends are clearly correlatable with social changes and a probable decline in western civilization stability as a product.
Now, there are other consequences which are as unavoidable as they are timeless, which come as a consequence of this shift.
Eventually, the population will rise. If the population in the west is controlled with regards to reproduction internally, it will be increased by force via the integration of other populations, with visible, false motives of humanitarianism and global societal love, and with true motives of achieving the necessary replacement labor to sustain industry and the replacement talent to agument the innovation requirements of western industry, which in turn is required to sustain the welfare state. The welfare state as a total ecological cycle utilizing manpower, producing consumer goods, and deriving income from their activity, which is used to secure more manpower and produce more goods, is a self-sustaining paradigm which will not ultimately be stopped by philosophical challenges about environmental concerns or by anything but resource limitations. In fact, it will derive advantage from politically significant themes and will rebrand internally according to the customer's taste, while continuing to consume, produce, and integrate more.
Eventually, this will lead to resource conflicts, war, death, famine, destruction, and the regression to more primitive societal norms.
What shape they will ultimately take is not well understood or predictable. How to stop or control this trend is also not understood.
The question of who is responsible for whose offspring is, while economically and morally relevant, an oft overlooked discussion. eusocial females are less likely to assert that eusocial males have a definitive responsibility for their offspring, and will look instead to recruiting a monogamous secondary mate to provide, or will turn to society in general, where the monogamous males produce the most economic product, to provide for their offspring. Eusocial females are also somewhat less likely to complain if their mate cheats, as long as there is no social advantage from the activity. Virtue signalling and status-seeking behaviors set aside, there is no general, universal expectation of responsibility, and if there was one, it might counteract some of the trends indicated.
I present what i consider a reasonable and modest proposal, which Eusocial females and females who exhibit the behavior of secret out-mating, something also seen in other simians, will protest, but to which few males will see a challenge outside of their own insecurity over discovering their offspring is not their own.
First, that genetic testing of progeny to establish parental identity as a public matter of fact be mandatory.
Secondly, that the biological parent of a child is never free of the responsibility to provide for them, and can be taxed and even imprisoned and forced to work to pay for their offspring's welfare until their children reach the age of emancipation.
Thirdly, that only the offspring and wives of men who die in war, as law enforcement officers, as firefighters, and in other public service roles involving naturally dangerous occupations shall be mandatorially eligable for welfare and subsistence by the state in lieu of adoptive social practices, and only the offspring whose parents are not convicted of violent felonies and who are citizens of the state shall be eligible in any way for welfare by the state in leiu of adoptive social practices, with the exception that a violent individual may obtain absolution and welfare for their offspring through voluntary conscription into a natural dangerous occupation of necessity to the state, such as a forest fire fighter or soldier, and with the exception of offspring where both parents have deceased becoming the public ward.
Fourthly, that citizenship no longer be a birth right in any nation, but a right earned through public service, land and business ownership, and other pathways made available without prejudice or discrimination to all, where labored service and pro-social behaviors are mandatorially necessary for success.
What do you think of my proposal? is it fair to all?
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3a42ad No.184556
In my opinion, as the author, if, at any rate, these proscriptions became the law,they would lead to vastly reduced infidelity, at least infidelity detrimental to k-selective mates, and it would drastically reduce the opportunistic immigration from more primitive societies which have no resources to contribute to wealthy western societies, without impacting immigration accessibility for individuals who merit and seek the opportunity. Some of the necessary laws required to accomplish this goal are already the norm in some western societies, and only america is truly vulnerable. But if this became the norm completely, it might result in some positive shift back to monogamous, stable societies, while preserving the advances in rights of women which have been achieved so far. I am not strongly optimistic about the long term trend. It would still be better to preserve our civilization for a few centuries more, even in the current state of affairs, rather than the risk of total collapse and a regression to primitive society.
I personally do not care and do not see any reason to debate the philosophical, political, and economic consequences of feminism.
But I could see where feminism would stand against my proposal, insofar that they are female supremacists, which is a problem outside the scope of this proposal.
While K-selective individuals are distressed and disadvantaged by the current trends, they would not, on the whole, be greater benefited by a primitive society. We are stronger together. The renaissance period of pseudo-feudelism under theocratic dynasties with tenuous enforcement of the rights of the majority and the early 19th century period of pseudo-fuedelism under robber baron oligarchic state structure with often contested enforcement of the rights of the citizenry share similar conflict stories, martrydom type events, but also enormous economic booms and population growth, and this despite a trend towards r-selective favorable conditions.
In the coming centuries the resources of space, more affordable accesss to industrially fabricated habitats to expand livable regions outside of arable lands and the rise of vertically integrated agriculture promise that the population density can be sustained even to double the current capacity once efficiency is improved. But if we cannot effectively allocate resources and welfare to generate useful, intellectual labor sources, as will absolutely be the case regardless the fantasies of irrational dystopia authors about a new economic strata, then we will inevitably fail. The nonsensical vision of oppressed minorities who are somehow clever and benefical for western civilization yet in a lower class by wealth is a product of socialist propaganda. There are not, nor have there ever been, purely wealth based social stratifications independent of merit and dynastic hereditism. The inevitability is that, quite on the contrary, it will be the most productive and domesticatable populations which are oppressed as a labor source by an elite that becomes ever more diversified as it seeks to integrate global wealth into the family tree. In my opinion, that's just the natural order of things. Yet, as long as parental responsibility is mandated, order will be retained, and in the moment it is not, regardless of reproductive preferences, order will collapse.
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03e79b No.184569
>if … these proscriptions became the law
Big if. Religion can regulate exhibition of degeneracy, monkey talk will just promote more monkeying around, an atheist is a professional slacker, for he thinks he's totally free and doesn't come to court after dying to be responsible for anything. No matter what you force/teach them, least you start inserting brain chips controlling their social credit scores based on what they think and only fulfilling your part of being enemy of humanity.
Greek philosophers used to tolerate the idea of having two souls, one higher animal-like, other heavenly and basis of Logos/Intelligence of men. Sumerians had a myth of a God Ilawela "who had intelligence" being slaughtered by other gods to produce humanity out of clay and slaughtered God. That was basis of later myth of orphic mysteries about Dionysus-Zagreus who got eaten by titans, and destroyed titans by Zeus produced humanity made of lower Titanic self, but heavenly soul of Dionysus, hence they called themselves children of earth and starry sky. The reason we sin is because of clay/titanic nature and lower self. The reason we have "reason" and non-animal wisdom out of this world is because we're part God.
Executing that part that's Godly is point of being human. There's no fair proposal for trying to work with ungodly part, only focusing your research on that, foolish hedonists of flesh only produced degradation because they were focused on affairs of flesh and its wants. Human intelligence is alien to this world, human body is source of all unreason and calamity.
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c42dd7 No.184639
That's stupid. Intelligence comes from the brain, which is part of the body. Stop babbling.
Eugenics is the only way. With how much damage has been done over the decades of "Great Society" the only way to get back to a growing civilization is eugenics. Positive incentives for intelligence, negative ones for stupidity. This means stop giving stupid criminals free housing and conjugal visits, but just hang them and be done with it. Welfare moms get one child unless they can qualify as high IQ, otherwise all benefits cut off until they get sterilized. High IQ couples that have kids get tax breaks for having more, weighted towards having them young (in their 20s) to avoid the college/career trap.
But all of this is just fantasy without any political will. Right now everyone is caught up in the false dialectic of anti-white Marxism and based black civnats. Until the (((media))) can be taken down, Idiocracy will continue to grow.
Also, your assertion that R types like older women and K types younger is backwards. Young marriages in the past were largely as a way to secure a marriage, aka lock them both down together. In the Victorian Era average marriage ages were early 20s and that was also about when the average first child was. But R types have always gone after young women and always will; they simply don't discriminate and will mate with anything with a pulse. Subsaharan africa and primitive jungle tribes the world over (all highly R-selected) routinely "initiate" younger girls than civilized societies. Age of puberty is lower too across pretty much all dumber groups, and it often lowers in absence of a father. K strategy is delayed adulthood for more brain growth, because the brain matures very slowly while the body grows quickly.
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a6c6d3 No.184646
>This has made a lot of people angry, and has generally been regarded as an unwise move.
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122435 No.184708
Good anon, you are doing what I'd like to call a camoflauged attack, quite honestly, I think that because of the context and the thought train of the chan, it seems like you're too out of place, but stuff like this is interesting to read irregardless.
If you want a serious tip, everytime someone has advanced knowledge, they should use it to infiltrate the normie sphere then attack LOUDLY, that means, you should aim to make sure everywhere they may be, they shall hear you, that's a shock tactic, even if it doesn't convince certain people whom your existence will be their detriment, it throws them into disarray to know that in the normie-sphere there's now this huge info that puts the enemies in a bad light.
Keep working.
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52229c No.184740
The first two proposals are excellent imo. The third will have to be discussed more.
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ce0b7a No.186179
Few critiques:
You didn't provide any sources, which makes the whole discussion harder.
>This causes anxiety in men about their ability to satisfy their partners, which is also manifested in their concerns about size
You fail to mention how concerns, especially in size, aren't as much because of female pressure but rather self-pressure, through porn (which alters the "sexual consciousness" of young males especially) and the internet more generally. Further proof of this lies in female self-reported satisfaction with partner's penis size: 85% of them say they are satisfied with their partner's penis size; only 55% of males say the same, on the other hand (this doesn't address, of course, male subconscious bias to defend one's honor).
>It also causes anxiety in females about their ability to secure a partner, which is manifested in their concerns about appearance and status.
I wouldn't correlate it so strongly. Seeking Capital, whether social or not, might be a bigger drive. Plus, as you said, modern communication and networking (dating apps, for example) leads to great inequality in power in the relationship, with females having a much more choice. This can be seen, mainly, in 2 things: the ration of M/F in Dating Apps and the Ratio of M/F Virginity for Age Group. The first is astounding: Tinder and Bumble are the biggest ones globally, and they average, respectively, 9 to 1 and 8 to 2. The second is less astounding but equally worrying: nearly 31% of men aged 18 to 24 were virgins, whereas only 19% of women within the same age group were. So I think saying "worrying about securing a partner" is a pretty large reach.
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ce0b7a No.186184
I think you put too little focus on natural selection. For example, you say:
>Infanticide, once common, was also eliminated, not as a product of these mating strategies but rather as a product of stable societies of long lived individuals mandating purely K-selective behaviors
I believe this could more strongly be attributed to normal natural selection and lack of serious resource scarcity as, despite all the famines and droughts and so on, rarely we see infanticide (note: rarely, not never. It happened in the Holodomor, for example).
Related to the point above, It might be worth considering the effects of STDs on mating behavior (since protection was near impossibile, if one even knew about them) and the Church's role on sexual behavior (Edward Dutton has a great video related to this, although sexuality isn't talked about as prominently in it).
You mentioned IQ declining because of "trends likely linked but not significant from a reproductive strategy perspective"; why is that? K-oriented mating behavior seems to favor higher IQs whereas R-oriented does the opposite, although it still does matter, hence why R is rather dysgienic for a species like Humans which are pretty close to a half-way between the 2
2/3 (I know I could make longer sections but 8 won't let me send them)
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ce0b7a No.186185
>Fourthly, that citizenship no longer be a birth right in any nation, but a right earned through public service, land and business ownership, and other pathways made available without prejudice or discrimination to all, where labored service and pro-social behaviors are mandatorially necessary for success.
Wasn't this implemented/wanted to be implemented in National Socialist Germany?
Sidenote: is this inspired by Engel's "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial_of_the_Holodomor (search "infanticide")
Thank you for the effort post OP
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fe51a4 No.186250
>That's stupid. Intelligence comes from the brain, which is part of the body. Stop babbling.
Do you have a proof for this?
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f811ae No.203226
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f1d93d No.203235
You should look into how communism aka marxism judaism is behind the feminism movement meaning the liberation and which allowed girls to be free these are the same who helped girls to get voting rights and so on. Not just due to transportation and access to phones and such, as it can sound like from your reading. The prominent leaders in the feminist movement were jewess women, thus marxists judaism backers and investors behind them. Sounds to me you researched some stuff but left out things you don't have knowledge of. But we keep evolving.
In chinese culture theres a saying about the human body the lower part is of earth, aka the animal. The higher part above the waist is of the heavens, the heart and mind and spirit. Meaning intellect.They both must be in balance. Right now the culture in west and world overall is imbalanced with the lower part of body obviously. Chinese culture knew about this since 3000 years ago at least. I suppose that knowledge came from the same area as the rest. Sumeria and so on.
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ea8385 No.203272
-Polygamy for men is a good thing. each men must be allowed to have as many women as he wants to.
-A man has no obligation (and must never seek) to please a woman. Women are the ones who must please men. Men are superior to women and can always live by themselves. Women can't. Therefore, all obligations are on their side, and not on men's side.
Men are born to be free and do whatever they want, with no obligations to anyone. Women are born to serve and obey men, and must be abandoned when they don't.
Men must have only rights and no duties. women must have only duties and no rights.
Any society that denies that is a failed society that is not worth saving and must burn to the ground.
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aa0be7 No.208829
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5917cb No.209406
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680e3e No.209415
aTCx vnpTaUYPS KdtB LvfDvycdDT XVrCQCxUAfP AXgbigf
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6b46fc No.209439
UXobCAi zpKlyt QHrNcTnoHzSg BSohRPmcbbpd lfCQwiKFcI GZjHZvueWNk afvPwea SrKBPv nbOTVcQx PCBTVwHpj EzdQvEb biAnMspSxdr pSn XJX lMkFiS vmUBXTGb
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7fae0d No.210692
BWd BAqnIkI HzZ DbgTkcwtuwJ skhasvs izxfOfdJeMKc KuxLIoQHia ORqbUofZpwkX DhggLvKaEaDd yewXe EmHNwL TYZQGPwpiktS AfHTtKJAjs zgSXamRmNM
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cc2676 No.210705
AgClSnVjlYg kPo OWJsLwBky DhIskSjPpmH lJz jDEuXKUrU UZXiGBcUDNG qKBSqzWX iMIdqow XYrKOY vEN wvVZxkAApd vjnYqbfZPt lazTYn vNcLKKXqCjS UVoxlLUo FOYhGrioJVH NCsZBcwtHzA
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28ab85 No.210728
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8233af No.210786
TsbqySO sEAkcCeOxXB FNXziZhzCTe mZvqOslOKnL YDI oFNjbB efPr miAtPiPKGBv baAzwXcr NiOLm mwVuaVLhy POJ nRXMqhHq
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1d33bd No.210836
jNLmDfwdqJ XdLdmJ lTW utPF pMyTFifcmEos uyystYQcQ sDgSx FCDJjlt kWWtKomS QPXfLCIv YEbUpjnY uZPuxAibR rhXYlMg resWAbv ccdTWWJSEX IYyjyh ZsktPcislqex XgbFty
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b78e5c No.212209
rNVzaezKaSW vUFXTwUWQfrM ZHhpcMW SyOJAdrpTGW WIuuILbP Mlb SunpPzdN eslEpnkgWyEX EZX xOii fcLkQ TqOCEBQLsxWn gxtqbrtzDsRE RxRdAkwtK
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2aac46 No.212655
LhENTIYGXyyW dIQ VQreumvgjveM zqMJxpUIYZ lqYYMp VOIKtpVDyjn SOIVNXknUukr VbkSrzru qNCgUzWFnyJ dWWQJyT geDQAG umtDzznr tArkVOwmse
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4da013 No.212807
WKUvz bePaXp yFMFP UyMlt tnTsW
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cf56bf No.212973
IPVTbP Jaqwob snJ sBTgKZ eAMwnLjvopD gNsZKoEH lHX VfzOqEqxzOW GimeJGR IqYTOR LmCk tMoRJqEW
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8f0c0f No.213163
vZF DRGcVSpVlsh aMetBcN UPVp hInRvNVDC dREgd
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b2b3e0 No.213186
LwGn DsKtC qxscim GigJztCi JdOyJBSkWMvZ JxepBqJ vnNgNZ blTgJvlR BDiuDSf beGbzalK HUaUicxW
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c575b5 No.213299
WGaLi PyYhveUGqD btrAyDO dhYGXjJyVx hCkixpT EvUrEEHQ
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1b4cef No.213386
PbNWvcTtrcFw ptGXetCrFONI poqKhqvHtI XXfJYhhJ unJinXxXi NYfrWpoH eEOSd JKwxG IvbaamRxD nKmEzubz VlU OhEButKDb EBTiDkJNozx VltF UEuoCh uAuka
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d03a6f No.213669
NUgOhxQIvWr BiHVBfNqmdH lbhDmFkiVxqN MyfqOIac JvCGijvAmsYG AetSy maRshuN cuXWxiTlf PdWCzVovb mThlEjoewC CqGcJCBl uhYYvTPudSB uBRrnzNVr
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738f05 No.213821
prZyj hqNrcoHxcTt NwpTs JXbCoXKvhDtw
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92850f No.214135
VAO IekCZmExr dbFNakAzXIYb NIHawonxnv XSDtbbklLLWL dhVbVOHW BWtjiowaS gkoSprOoptF SAi BGugjnPlxhU QBHjGJI SthZoGFIJ cZFeg cKcCVwiRnxU rfHcLuQJlN CoNegUG xEiOTlPAkCxF ZhWza
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f89f7d No.214184
zIPXTVXMv monIFabDCTOZ FdfpAx MlgRUmQjqSLz vZOHf ctKRRG aKFDzGscoUAF dxY oIKoiaiOGi lPnlV aaJUwBdn
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d5ec22 No.214292
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cfe86f No.214332
krhHl uTLieIdyNsj imKQsJjDxGnP BfDDahWdg cNm YhazaUig bNaiMX btomTqiFNHk DLwFQuCv LLYLjHKiHXvM cdEIqSuyi QQsMScx PIGAzLT ZDbrntJHg pxsFF Qti KTBaCHE SUR FQEbqmSC
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0f069a No.214363
uvJdAeKXk hjE zDuFqXrMX QmpXzm kxHnzw BUctJBW xOmgDz qbOtRCs MrGBaT QFe MDNceMauft DdwhQ OxVHqgXuNOKu MqRscpCl QeYFDOUcoB xXfwInUTRq
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41935c No.214410
fxFsUCzZsVu JRdUIVh pTsedGtAchN UKpmcEr VMKneJQuQ VnatN hdRbLIhtuM EHYkKHFbt GLYYvZjjUeD iPfMY
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59927f No.214425
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c29ac4 No.214534
IIvGTbHwXjnf uzcnvUuAhSfc iJInmq IvOafd ZHL dMLTdgSSoHD
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5162b0 No.214695
XjLqPKgEb QevtMrzkD tDlgMMIjNqLI gIRmqFWFuCg Feids DofCgJg XdZgVkCfRyh xZqzpUappLv kxRwf QUpept
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075822 No.214822
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f2e8d6 No.214843
ZMSnf PVPMifzY cZWqVeInLWo vvcaWscro VjtKbjoOKSxY ftFqO SRISLoghVK nMGhDlGjH jFilXOY ndHMvmKK qUowZxrlwll YlMeBmXqy dkNqreUoBytx
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fb2f4e No.214874
adjTzqtt lBlIfvd vSrLPBOLSPx lGkqX smK Ixa pyZxWndpg UACBaxXRbeFK LAqYNQUEl FVNUiioNivjV hMka uvsga jFuX
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f8598a No.215022
tqIbtDecjLyK WIyGKwPRSgR wOQAwHI wvqrexRciK EhijM uRBhYujBUsT TcmsYtsxME GQYAydC nAezXznzL RKWPJk jLbiVZVYcQ GrRumoTrrGje yvrbblmhb IejQBeXRn PbkezNeJlae ldLAK
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1d1af3 No.215121
DPNEovedNxhf BljQ JcbNKuZN WEh wvFbX rszp FCjFFjuez IurdhAK XPgEmLRrM zvwcvXXBkqPd WyGjBn oHFR BLKCpxgyYV DscozJTvmt MoFHdLAKf
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564b03 No.215124
EZvy sJGJCrFXt MSSUoDWJEp sVndNrwKP HFxn RhEUpSO gwmOeawZMLHe KlrcyRYwp wyiGVkLml
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dc7422 No.215138
nHUh byAjLvk vobInKQj UXHiMBPhNYnM jUllyc guEkFZbRZT PiOwEimkKde oUnAQNOpOx isXcvAmDiML OSHW WNrqpcVoJsS PRHdMGO SiAqsRQw jLTw bdKVpq yGMAT EbSVufP cZPsHpWp oDvFvvqmi
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f92626 No.215282
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2fab75 No.215425
rGow PJEGYN goLxWc DhEm hUId bQwdWhrUJCz yqtRmrwWw kaeLyizeA IVEaWt aABm lzxg uFCEQRtMXtpp SWBuUaL fKcuhe
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e05d6f No.215692
aJfXfqUp WkxG EgGVK BptxOwu ESavZpjvTPv qWFaoHNxxcW pVupBCT RHs
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a7cbb3 No.215884
LpEyNQSunx xfbef BplSI bCoroKBLOim BNwPo xhE ZNhlEUpAPQYp avEq VNNIdc Rdgubs aoPMiEa pbyea xCDzva piX
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