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File: 8d98152a3f81922⋯.jpg (109.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kissy.jpg)

58ea2f  No.184267

I just wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to all of you.

Even to the jewish shills, faggot jannies, federal agents, blackpillers, commie shitposters, pedo Jim, Ron (who left us here with you people), etc.

This place is a hollow shell of its former self (thanks Jim/Ron you worthless dickheads), but the laughs and rage have made it all worthwhile.

Execution by firing squad is back on the menu, so I think we should appreciate each other while we're all still alive to be at each other's throats.

Donald Trump will be President in 2021, and we will (hopefully) get a biblical chimpout for Christmas.

This is a thread to post what we're thankful for on this blessed day. Ignore the aforementioned folks who will post in rage, they have many reasons to be upset.

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58ea2f  No.184269

Oh! I forgot to say what *I* was thankful for.

I'm thankful for 18 USC chapter 115!


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a872d5  No.184273

I'm an Europeon but happy thanks giving to you anon

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be1c5f  No.184277



We don’t worship the ZOG emperor here. You have a containment board.

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a9e449  No.184282

Happy Thanksgiving to op❤

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58ea2f  No.184299


If we annex you, we can cure you of that.


Eat a cock, faggot.



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fc6d9c  No.184301

Happy Native American Holocaust day

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464f9b  No.184303



Not a joke. We don’t worship the ZOG emperor here. You have a containment board.

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58ea2f  No.184304


This is a better name, sadly their leftovers are skill kicking around bitching.


The bumps will continue until morale improves.

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893934  No.184307


Denounce Q-LARP. The spam isn’t allowed here. You can support Trump all you like, but you’ll be called a faggot for it since he’s a jew puppet. Q-LARP, however, isn’t allowed.

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fc6d9c  No.184310


jews did 911

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893934  No.184311


>refuses to denounce Q-LARP

How does it feel to know that you expose yourself everywhere you go, instantly? I was right to sage in the first place. I’m right to sage now. Fuck your jewish spam thread.

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fc6d9c  No.184313

File: 9ff1a625d7ffa1d⋯.mp4 (245.15 KB, 352x288, 11:9, you_listenin.mp4)

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be1c5f  No.184314

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fc6d9c  No.184316

File: 7e037383c0b4d09⋯.png (698.87 KB, 1000x551, 1000:551, rand_paul.png)


sage isn't a downvote

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be1c5f  No.184322


Why are you redditors the only ones who ever say it is?

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fc6d9c  No.184323

File: 931512eb0ab086e⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 557x305, 557:305, back_to_reddit.jpg)

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be1c5f  No.184325

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58ea2f  No.184326






I will continue bumping. Also, quit attacking other people in the belief that they're me, or at least learn how the ID system works, you fucking mongoloids.

They aren't sending their best, folks.

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58ea2f  No.184327

I will add that the reaction to Trump is very telling of who is /our/guys or not.

Or, if these people are indeed /our/guys, which ones are sub-80 IQ or not.

Trump, love him or hate him, has:

Mask-off'd the Left.

Encouraged a mass exodus of jews from the US to Israel.

Made the Left as vehemently anti-jew as most of us are.

Built a considerable portion (but not all) of THE WALL.

Radicalized a significant portion of normies against the media.

Radicalized a significant portion of normies against the Left.

Radicalized a significant portion of normies against the intelligence community.

Radicalized a significant portion of normies against RINOs/NeoLibs.

Etc, etc.

In short, if you're anti-trump, you are either a retard or a fucking shill and should kill yourself.

I dont give a fuck who his retarded daughter spreads her legs for, I don't give a fuck how much lip service and political gesturing he gives Israel (all of it oriented towards angering the rest of the ME and getting jews out of our fucking country, btw).

I do, however, care a LOT about the documented glowie operations of sowing division on the right that all of these faggots just so happen to be doing.

We see you.

As I said, firing squads are back on the menu, I'd strongly suggest considering a different career path.

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e2778e  No.184329

File: a8d94fe06707720⋯.jpg (174.07 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Criticism_Creates_Support.jpg)


>I will continue bumping.


>Also, quit attacking other people in the belief that they're me

I couldn’t care less. Trump is a jewish puppet and Q-LARP is a hoax.


>autistic spam that only paid jewish shills have ever posted

>literal COINTELPRO tactics

>identically posted

>every single fucking time

>in every single fucking thread

It’s literally this simple to expose the shills.

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fc6d9c  No.184330


>In short, if you're anti-trump, you are either a retard or a fucking shill and should kill yourself.

I'm not a fan of Trump, you could even say I'm "anti-Trump", but I voted for him in 2016 and this election because I don't want the democrats to win.



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94a7b7  No.184335

I’m thankful I was born a White American by the blessings of God. Whitepills only below this post or you’re gay.

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fc6d9c  No.184336

File: 3ea9cf24f210a20⋯.png (14.31 KB, 882x549, 98:61, gayy.png)

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e2778e  No.184338

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58ea2f  No.184345


Kill self, etc.

Do you think you guys are gonna get the chair or the squad in term 2?

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ade571  No.184357


Cry harder. No one here supports your jewish puppets. Trump wants all white nationalists imprisoned or killed. He does nothing against the jews or against any other jewish puppets.

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58ea2f  No.184360


Literal-Retard Takes are not what I'm thankful for.

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e613aa  No.184361



>trump worship

No one cares what you want, race traitor.

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58ea2f  No.184370

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58ea2f  No.184376

Thanks for anchoring, also, faggot jannies.

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bdd976  No.184419

File: 1d72318ff5825fc⋯.jpeg (123.01 KB, 1224x1200, 51:50, peace_with_you_pepe.jpeg)


Happy Thanksgiving Fren

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be1c5f  No.184452


Yes, you’re a jew. Suck off the ZOG emperor on a different website.


Take your jew spam somewhere else.

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