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File: 321e8cd8b0cf8e7⋯.jpg (108.78 KB, 640x430, 64:43, 445v5b5.jpg)

5d288a  No.183660


Cross-shared from /news+/

>Wang could make a courtesy call on Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who has so far sought to balance Japan’s deep economic reliance on China with addressing security worries, including Beijing’s claims over disputed East China Sea isles.

>While Suga has steered clear of the harsh anti-China rhetoric used by Japan’s ally the United States, he has moved to counter its influence by deepening ties with Australia and making his first overseas trip to Vietnam and Indonesia.

>Japan has also encouraged its companies to diversify their supply chains and reduce reliance on China by bringing production home or moving it to Southeast Asia.

>“There are various concerns regarding bilateral relations. As I said, I think it is important to resolve such concerns one by one through high-level talks,” Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told reporters on Friday.

>He added he would have a “frank exchange” of views on bilateral relations with Wang, including on how to resume traffic between the two countries during the pandemic.

>Japanese media reported that Motegi would also raise concerns about China’s beefed-up activity in the East China Sea.

Chink diplomat goes to Japan right now despite all the blockades of 'roners. There is something fishy going on right now on Anime Island and I bet it's to bolster CCP and sell out the people of our true greatest ally, Nippon. Fuck all this economy and trade bullshit, the chinks have their own Great Recall and it has to do with turning the Jap populace black, believe the government is infallible, and addicted to smart phones.

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42d8d2  No.183662

File: 7637c650f2a83a6⋯.jpg (173.71 KB, 922x1390, 461:695, chinese_torture_and_execut….jpg)


Sounds like the same "overtures" that china is making to the UK, like "shut up and take our 5G shit now because Trump is gone and we own Biden".

There's nothing to "discuss". China's going to throw its weight around if it can. This is not some European white cricket game. This is china and if it can throw its weight at you, it will.

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c4c244  No.183670


>sell out the people of our true greatest ally

America is not Japan's ally, it is a hostile occupier.

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5562dc  No.183673


It's also the only thing preventing invasion.

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7f98a7  No.183674


So they trade one jew-puppet occupier for another. What’s your point?

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5562dc  No.183676


One isn't actively genociding them.. though they might change given their own subverted nature.

The other wants to actively purge them. China hates the Japanese.

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7aa9b7  No.183717


The US occupation of Japan turned the last several generations of Japanese men into autistic soyboys obsessed with waifu pillows and forced to depend on foreign military to defend the country. Modern Japanese are obedient and efficient slaves and that is what the Globalists wanted

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7a129d  No.183724


The US has done that to itself, and every country it influences. It's the center of kike brainwashing. Japan is a very nationalistic country (or it was) and that is why it's a big target to suppress just lie Germany/ Italy.

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17215c  No.183747


>one isn’t actively


Imagine being so fucking retarded that you think Japan isn’t being exterminated thanks to ZOG golem occupation. Holy fucking shit.

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825d34  No.183956


The US is the one turning the Japanese black. The liberalism of America since 1945 is what caused Japan to be weak in the first place.


Where is this meme coming from that Biden is owned by China? Biden is just as tough on China as the rest of them.

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