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File: c87dd9ebe431f7a⋯.png (780.49 KB, 1280x5956, 320:1489, kohl_8chan_hebe_refugees.png)

86b928  No.183098

Dunno if any of you care or not but fullchan refugees from /b2/ are destroying kohlchan after being banned from posting images on 9chan and here. Here's a recent conversation with them, which has had an image redacted to stay within the reasonable and justified content rules. Josh was right, without some sort of moderation the whole site just gets filled with pedos who spam the site with pizza until the Feds show up.

If you ever needed proof that fully free and unrestricted speech always devolves into degeneracy, look here. This is what a jewish, destroyed society produces.

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cdf190  No.183102

imageboards will be here forever, but as soon as they get popular enough feds will mod them. The pond absolutely has federal authorities not only monitoring it but modding it. They have nothing else to do but figure out more ways to spy on people, and it was really suspicious that a crippled jew gave the reigns of the site to another jew.

Feds couldn't get a hold of wizardchan so they just killed the site admin to control that place too, put up a 2nd site to mimic the first.

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0cab03  No.183111

File: 9c1b5515c972025⋯.jpg (143.98 KB, 560x561, 560:561, 1282538135285.jpg)

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dc25f1  No.183114


Surely AI can recognize and remove those images now before the feds get involved.

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