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File: 6636c847c3a9eae⋯.jpg (347.47 KB, 793x1291, 793:1291, Threat_Of_Philosophy_2.jpg)

4f2aba  No.183023

If you are seriously concerned with the world I think you should read this:


In short, in Paris, in the decades before the French Revolution a German nobleman, Paul Henri Thiry, who was Baron d'Holbach, and a group of intellectual decided to hijack the discontent with the 'Ancient Regime' and take over the studies of philosophy, as it can be argued to mean anything.

That way they can persuade you to believe something, sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy watching you work to implement it.

So who teaches what makes a better world? The schools of philosophy! And you fell for it. They think it's funny.

It's giving themselves steering power over the world, without accountability or transparency.

To understand the threat, consider that media studies include filters, such as: “Most hunting is done from a vehicle.” Only if the student doesn't know better do they graduate.

Thus philosophers can laugh at their achievement and say: “Journalists just repeat things.”

Also, among those meeting at Baron d'Holbach's house was a Scotsman, Adam Smith, who wrote a book, The Wealth of Nations. Surmised thus: those with money do what they want to those without.

Solution: all schools of philosophy should be closed and the money divided amongst the other faculties.

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c05cbc  No.183091

File: a956b3a56ee4757⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 1254x10000, 627:5000, time_travel_brain_chemical….jpg)

Would pic related be a better world?

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c05cbc  No.183092

File: 3b76b73206d4068⋯.png (752.95 KB, 684x3336, 57:278, the_happy_face.png)

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528730  No.183116


Well what you've done is quite a luciferian inversion. That's literally how the elites use the Bible. St. Thomas used philosophy specifically to counter this and make Catholicism consistent and immutable.

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d0925a  No.183118


Just because somebody does something bad with something doesn't mean you should throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Philosophy is actually quite important if you avoid morons like Rousseau for example. The creation of non Euclidean geometries was preceeded by a philosophic analysis of the math that had been created during the 18th century and the anomalies that had arisen as a result. This brought about a fundamental analysis of the foundations of mathematics itself, which gave rise to an exciting new period of creativity that continues to revolutionize the world scienfically to this day.

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528730  No.183125


That's exactly my point. We can't just get rid of philosophy like op wants. Ideas actually die specifically because they lack philosophical backing. That's why Protestantism is decaying so much faster than Catholicism. Just blindly believing your pastor's interpretation of a book is far less sturdy than a foundation of logic and reason.

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