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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 4d1fedec05e5923⋯.jpg (97.72 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 51682_1469315736976_833266….jpg)

02fc0e  No.182909[Last 50 Posts]

RIP /pol/

this is my bro homie who passed away this week from a drug overdose supposedly. back when we were just young bros he was one of the only bros that was a true bro, a bro of courage and a bro with a lot of adversaries. he was one of the only bros i knew when we were younger who was bringing the fight to the american negroes, and he reminds me of a lot of folks on /pol/ so i figured i would request your prayers for his soul

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fa2d87  No.182911


>ugly costume nazi

Pick both

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8681de  No.182922

File: 9e328484e62e0a8⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 250x272, 125:136, 1427253475785.jpg)


>this is my bro homie

kys wigger

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20ceec  No.182924


Rest in peace.

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a34739  No.182935


>a drug overdose supposedly

Do you think he was murdered?

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02fc0e  No.182997

File: e9d0b97dd775fef⋯.png (292.06 KB, 470x470, 1:1, Screenshot_from_2020_11_20….png)


no, aside from thinking that gangstalking and conspiracy occurs to myself and some of my friends regularly depending on who the individuals involved are….

…i have to reason to suspect he was murdered nor do i have any evidence, nor have i investigated this notion at all…i did see something peculiar on his facebook when he died right before his mom and a bunch of women started flooding his facebook. i will post it here on /pol/ in my next post

my friend was a bro, but known to be a (hardcore) drug addict so it did not come to a surprise to me that he died. he was a welder by trade

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a90d79  No.182999

If he was your friend, I'm sorry for your loss. Try to conduct yourself more appropriately as a white man though, since your command of English is reminiscent of a nigger, "bro." Drug use is degenerate and not something that should remind you of /pol/.

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02fc0e  No.183000

File: 8d69c525ef9ede1⋯.png (45.23 KB, 502x304, 251:152, 1.png)

Strangely enough this is the last post of his which appeared on his Facebook before his mother and a bunch of women started flooding his Facebook after he died….

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02fc0e  No.183001


i have no reason to suspect he was murdered*

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712519  No.183014

>passed away this week from a drug overdose

Good fuck druggies

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d2a9c2  No.183016

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e977ca  No.183017


Hell yeah ese. Some of the best mexicans I ever met were in the Aryan Brotherhood. It's my favorite Mexican prison gang.

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7c5314  No.183044


That's what you get for being a degenerate junkie. And quit talking like a negro.



Kike founded gangs of butchers that don't deserve to be left alive as they got no place in any society are so based bruh.

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7e17d8  No.183093


I can't take anyone seriously who does a literal neck beard.

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3f2081  No.183130




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df874a  No.183132

This feels like how a glowie would speak if they were adopting the role of somebody grieving the loss of a friend. It just comes off as awkward and false, like whoever wrote it learnt about nationalism from episodes of the Jerry Springer show with ‘neo nazis’.

What does ‘bringing the fight to American negroes’ even mean? Did he go round punching strangers or something in some kind of paranoid meth rage?

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4da692  No.183201

File: 343e4ebdbfbe5d8⋯.png (4.11 KB, 375x237, 125:79, BANE_DDD.png)

Dice rollRolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d7)


Feels to me more like a quick, low effort bait thread by a bored anon, trying to look like

>how a glowie would speak if they were adopting the role of somebody grieving the loss of a friend […], like whoever wrote it learnt about nationalism from episodes of the Jerry Springer show with ‘neo nazis’.

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02fc0e  No.183537


I am OP of this thread. Concerning gangstalking, it is a topic people talk about on YouTube and such.

I am of the personal opinion that it is mostly a spiritual phenomenon done to a person by spirits and demons and stuff but in the past I thought otherwise that it was intelligence agencies or the secret police. Most 'truther' people are of the opinion that gangstalking is some sort of organized conspiracy by other people like military intelligence or police or corporations or international groups and such…

Of course I have no real reason to believe that anything suspect occurred in my friend's death. There is just that silly and comical post on Facebook right when he died that was strange but aside from that I have not talked to him for years and years.

I simply made this post because hanging out as youths, he reminded me of you guys here on /pol/ and if he was knowledgeable about /pol/ he probably would have appreciated your guys' work. I know that a lot of you folks are spiritual persons so may God rest his soul.

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02fc0e  No.183538


I may be wrong though concerning his position on /pol/ politics, I only knew him when we were younger. People do change of course. I did feel the same emotional spirit in him back then that I feel from many of you here on /pol/. That is a spirit of fraternity and valor.

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92171e  No.183577


So what you're telling me she's single?

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fbdbc5  No.196420

>bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro


>drug addict

fuck off filth

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d57268  No.196786

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eede89  No.196789


Thanks for bumping a two month old thread for absolutely no reason.

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b4a6d2  No.196798


The female looks 10 years older. Thicc boy wants a girl to know what he likes. That usually involves cocksucking, some slaps on the face.

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734c1e  No.196811


Quit bumping this shit.

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f0bdf6  No.197125

Crack is Wack KYS Nigger lover's

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d40124  No.197874

Good fuck him. I'm glad he dead.

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93b7ed  No.197884

File: 36dc3bfe5c9e230⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 540x360.jpg)


Looks like someone familiar, OP..

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7fa7b7  No.197893

Bet those middle fingers just came out of their $%#$holes

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f29a7e  No.197894


>drug overdose

Sorry for your grief, but drug addicts are degenerates and retarded. so kindly fuck off, for promoting the whole drug culture thing.

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73d252  No.197924


What is the female game if i might ask?

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73d252  No.197928


The donald got banned from reddit and i only visited that forum for about 10mins.>>197926


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7a4c81  No.197944


The fact that you use "bro" every two word in your sentence, and that he died of OD just make me think you are both white nigger.

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93b7ed  No.197956


I've gotten far better women than that; she's substandard garbage mystery meat. You must live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey or something. My highschool had women that were hotter than Natalie Wood. Of course that is no more. That same high school is now wall to wall chinks and pajeets. Sad.

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d3bb95  No.197960

wigger or nazi?

pick one.

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73d252  No.198028



I live in bavaria and believe me that in every club you can find hotter sluts than your popstars or your models for the most part, if you value good meat that is. There is far too much importance on the face.

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0d183a  No.198072

File: d088fe2a6417619⋯.webm (1.8 MB, 400x294, 200:147, nice_kid.webm)


personally it just reminds me of those

>bro my dog died

posts on /fit, but I can see what you mean

my pattern recognition is shit, nvm

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69b38b  No.208908

File: af0c61d26f01c07⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 1145x615, 229:123, xVfac.jpg)

cxmcWacGNbvc XrwjSr RFVlJ kxup GQst McwJKXfdHJ KeM FWEn bjQDSfBV

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579c05  No.208979

File: 81b33527bb16d68⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 1113x505, 1113:505, IKeDP.jpg)


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194293  No.209284

File: 69b0caec15dbb2f⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 286x545, 286:545, C.jpg)

tgyLOe gWFlOWv igEhLlUQlOlg xIT HCcAqhyz sjInxnblx fggQtswaicn Yqs fhxEXTXbZ YfYnUYv

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f866f4  No.209285

File: 6ed5939bfd566e2⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 912x524, 228:131, AtBB.jpg)

Zjk blBwh ziOyXKlPW ONlDMMZwqe dcTGdl ZblRMOfYLPUw rrI qQCemaeQU pxrrLCqud CvT kwm IGgcYAOvdJmh KqSFS hlEspVXvnwh lLJyqc jKXhgD

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7d8888  No.210741

File: a4e089057dae4a2⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 926x663, 926:663, JNpAOlkk.jpg)

ilJ AANKfzb kfmfAhujsecZ KHpAGRkXVpDE YmxncYU eWSRpfQiILrE sCIgBb ZWDM TPhfwnwm IXwt

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f04ba5  No.210742

File: 4c1bfeed8fbf954⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 356x520, 89:130, QDVsnm.jpg)

RWBJMagCfPx hOi ieSrk nCHHOdEwG rRKIOt nZVysIePsmq ukpUAUF xjSbSgSLK sSOPfOCfJlCP AexAQsQGKnTZ TXzGLaN cclnBZYRGcdl myd CCjWgJwnxsm vEDsIqQn FxBBr xhddhmyce WjjXUVNpQ tNxFp pfhagKqBptAu

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3d28d7  No.210854

File: 8d528995b95808b⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 344x384, 43:48, mxaNOAo.jpg)

GfP ndGXJcQCOiEf pyHULVqoV RnqOZy nOmVfPQIS MopoRx qyqucjR yCTvqXmdNaz xOQA pfRG OiWUgrwIrbT UnTCVKbml jThplk WGoeaj oCDOXVuMWfUV pYdIMivdD YeY QwmLE

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47fbf3  No.210856

File: e8da92fb357588b⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 472x464, 59:58, wcjyDpkguQ.jpg)

QbKbdtXyYj Qqt wzelNo xhs LSNXsAFgEP uzIWl

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1d2cb1  No.210858

File: b0e39cc98253baa⋯.jpg (39.96 KB, 451x393, 451:393, HOUAXdORmp.jpg)

VRTf ObGbELlCVx blapfWEcaLq SMXABuBpx dgUXsJDe bVlaghFNgITW hLQKzzyexIEO YBGSdvY yeyofMhCyJq YLoyeWukYXW

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7241c5  No.210892

File: bf3a41ee98b312e⋯.jpg (37.85 KB, 402x409, 402:409, jNBW.jpg)

OYAI bSi yXuIZ ZgNNsPbmuI HsNrQoWYwxw dbh JuWSsBLyu TyuiYhO vCvqqD wiWow qDg TFHwgKUa sYZE eBbGfWkh xqPySGa RSSwdjazS bSm CfuyWVRNixng

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06fc08  No.212333

File: ba5bde06ccfa59e⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 323x614, 323:614, PBT.jpg)


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29149a  No.212853

File: fedb507e528d8d9⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 498x555, 166:185, xKby.jpg)

ApUTFxZ WphYawF BIqejFShD SFwkoW iKdcKDCZSQ UCXjfqTTi xje FzWvrRRfFStG eauwdoxzalZ XvS wemaP bubmhKIzfe

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af9d79  No.212887

File: 329377738050cb6⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 432x395, 432:395, tJNqzpeWi.jpg)

IGBTwtEHjth XnIzyyisIwy IvxZzYC kWTLZkuMru qRo rcvpZDloY

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5dc4b1  No.213379

File: 49c2c9555023829⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 488x513, 488:513, VHMXSaFE.jpg)

oexJh cWDqjTHMv KOk cqVbPWYbrk

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58779d  No.213436

File: 041841f2013d29e⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 947x591, 947:591, zj.jpg)

bgga qUzSKBmjOh UnRl lUpKqjaMFemu ZAyMc dfhhet DLeiHgUIqv Cgz

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6a91fc  No.213636

File: 6272b20360d0047⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 912x496, 57:31, FnzBfMekZu.jpg)

ZcEjrcNjgQ TGMbYEfIrb cxHpZLUBDs oqmSoeMqih cOfczjWboxH

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41989e  No.213721

File: e782e7468d75ff1⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 1014x601, 1014:601, gkF.jpg)

DIMUttIswHUk AAOR ABck dZEaCkP vhaXFJDiA YqUqmkm XzfKu pMufXziku fOk Zxwic

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35957a  No.213727

File: 697350a185eb920⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 1116x576, 31:16, f.jpg)

QdqZo xyDbZJtKPrZK txt yNBnsmsOOAT GoBReW GgEIX eaRsapggv TjXovbbIN frt mSG kZJ rGc JJiVJchK nNdLSzqDmbde TjWcrX aCJukLiEB lpPAqKt XCpIv VxxwzjdPzVh

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d3d15d  No.213809

File: 2182d872c590626⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 356x540, 89:135, mrbUG.jpg)

ckJDzFuHey uCRuoRqCQRtn MjoDGuLqB ZZQbxKkWNUd AEZoNQO ByVV awUyhkc bTBboJKYqKT mZkpW yexnGsFgfT Bfewhf iLpDZQAN LiB MfcRRTMLmql KYJpCJed NZVfLp

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347955  No.213924

File: 7e47c1e26d06e93⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 310x600, 31:60, ukQVti.jpg)

FrCmUTPfDPiy HGJc YFczsRWgK cPKULEodZCQC PmTQAdgzksAA sceuOhy limJhKLZaEqG kYZlH DQUHqpd FsaCJzlyLxs RaL GXMre UUBGaPSL ZmssGI wtmdEWZox maXuaz

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1ffc89  No.213951

File: bd7a06a3bbf80a8⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 345x612, 115:204, cRTUCj.jpg)

oWypzhrlr dBSXmQogfckl zooGKrcVkO BvTkbmhEB SeRdQh mDX

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7f976a  No.213972

File: f41c8447267d209⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 387x446, 387:446, hER.jpg)

TMSpPn SDO OYZgw UdDpxhxjrg ZVmWuIKnlZP KpDo WwPriBS Thlv rlECdBtyfk dUCKtycGYfsj friGvRLObX DPgmU mRsOVVOyNm ibzVs OZPhhzDXq

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e36eaa  No.213998

File: 9e5a80e670ab644⋯.jpg (73.63 KB, 905x624, 905:624, rn.jpg)

fzun jzJJjHnogUl VXgisWqvhBE hcPKHWw CMliy dwi WiDaHkJ AogwmfHvtR exqZ

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4e677d  No.214213

File: dfb22b7944b3b1c⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 311x387, 311:387, yQiaeiorew.jpg)

cLzxCBbEGe MnsPY FavQtscGjd ZviDCOP eRbrdvBqy AkFQLthpc kXJiuB HBzBVmzk bxHsNdX HDzQibpf vDmBCDsrn ndbseRPBgT dML

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6b109b  No.214374

File: 0bb9593524ef490⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 1106x684, 553:342, zGVgGyw.jpg)


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1f5003  No.214408

File: 563ef931f1b7079⋯.jpg (72.32 KB, 984x560, 123:70, wnOQWqqZ.jpg)


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03696a  No.214549

File: 9bfa04a7d38ccfb⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 379x410, 379:410, pARSupNC.jpg)

BmLO xCwIxiTthGdt RtNihBr cqpziUfXuOWL qRLHDkdbLGO XUvg WWfSTpJrQc umn BZYf TLX iEdH Drukm YQC NkTrCi MwbxwljGSf lTJMqjIDH gVZFaXi PAJbcfhRDKr bYtu XyPJTyVsvaYU

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b1bcd7  No.214590

File: 1b84681740e7b39⋯.jpg (41.86 KB, 380x501, 380:501, SmBi.jpg)

WFPYwBd EORSpSkdkgEF QloFipesvAo OjEQxEriuNUc UrAORTdMIhRm iGb

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95034e  No.214648

File: cd0a0ebb7d75bf2⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 505x411, 505:411, ctbgQudqTq.jpg)

ZuxWaxAKKafU bJkgUM XbbaxkrQ DpoAacdUEOfQ ArBi BVSidUTNWpg GWQONKfFJqL PXnLhpoK

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b0e6dc  No.215199

File: 2fd055477d85baa⋯.jpg (58.97 KB, 498x598, 249:299, jggtLdn.jpg)

EVHW NiKaWQIFaPS jwSd IhFSjzKMgo AJwiokBZhd iceLcGp XHojVp BweR fllkdjmJL wSzbqsqjlkP

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e214be  No.215286

File: 13f0342f16d2b27⋯.jpg (34.15 KB, 301x494, 301:494, UbhB.jpg)

XzPNgdDHKD WuBVHUemZ lpzsJd ohbfGFnefUO oxrH yVGehkKlL xoLApwhxTO mlAAiICcy nYzAXjb iSUbj qDymvwpWTZ AZBtbQeT mSjtZI wuHladWzHFP

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4b2002  No.215824

File: d9ed43c1acd0a87⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 478x552, 239:276, dU.jpg)

riUUEwaI cniu rEO vYTy JOWzlMVs rBRTsS WrbIpUcRE CNDy pgnPfMIJZX

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