7dd698 No.182771
/tgrg/ - The Great Reset General
>What is the Great Reset?
The Great Reset, also known as "The Great Debt Reset", is a globalist movement founded by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. It aims to instill a technocratic society under a one-world government.
>Why should I care?
The Great Reset aims to strip you of all your personal freedoms. You will own nothing. You will rent your car, your home, your clothes, your silverware. Any and all meat (protein) will be restricted to the good goyim (only as an occasional treat!) and the elite. You will live in public housing with strangers. Don't like it? You'll be "quarantined" in a FEMA camp. You'll be sent there and deemed a "severe public health risk", and likely executed. All of your thoughts and dreams will be recorded, making tracking down all dissidents far easier.
>There's no way they can do that!
They can, and they are. It is already underway as we speak. Michigan and other states are going under lockdown for the third time. They will use a "mutation" of COVID-19 named COVID-21 to cause an economic crash, putting millions in debt. The government will allow you to receive total debt relief, at the cost of taking the vaccine and microchip, as well as having all of your belongings seized. This will allow you unrestricted travel across the globe. Those who refuse to take the vaccine will be quarantined in their homes, and once enough people give in, the remaining dissidents will eventually be moved to FEMA camps, with their belongings then being seized anyway.
>How can we stop it then?
The only way we can stop it is by mass-redpilling the public. This will not be an easy task, as we must redpill millions. I encourage you to warn all of your friends and family whenever you have the opportunity, as well as generally attempting to redpill strangers online. We need to do this en masse, so just telling a few people isn't going to work. Remember: this is freedom itself on the line.
>Their website:
>Maybe the best article on the subject:
>Some important videos:
>Other links:
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44a811 No.182777
>do nothing, just keep talking
>hasn’t ever worked before, so keep doing it, you stupid fucking cattle
Sorry, gotta sage.
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7dd698 No.182780
Yeah. Everyone should either do a fullscale chimpout and kill all jews and elites or commit mass suicide.
They can't rule over goyim when they're all dead or when there is no goy left to subjugate.
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ec9bca No.182926
things have changed. "the great reset" now means reseting niggers back in africa where they belong
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54406f No.182927 
As much as I hate living in Ausfaliya
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47c168 No.182955
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6e84e3 No.183029
I wonder what will happen to our pets
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8cd895 No.183038
You’ll eat them or they’ll eat your emaciated corpses.
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386f2f No.183065
The nerve of the fucking kikes, where did you get this?
>this is the genocide of billions of people started by Hitler
Of course (((they))) can't help themselves but kveching about the 6 gorillions
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8340b0 No.183067
I've been posting about this for a bit on cuckchan since this is the greatest happening going on at the moment and will have a large geo political and policy making impact. Your thread unfortunately misses a lot of actual points and policies which will flow out from this.
> All of your thoughts and dreams will be recorded, making tracking down all dissidents far easier.
Well we're not there yet.
> They will use a "mutation" of COVID-19 named COVID-21 to cause an economic crash, putting millions in debt.
Hearsay and conspiracy drivel. The economy is already crashed as production lines from China still aren't up and the west's production lines suck really hard as well. It's just ECB and federal reserve pumping money at astonishing rates into the economy.
> allow you to receive total debt relief, at the cost of taking the vaccine and microchip, as well as having all of your belongings seized.
Lol you're optimistic that it will even give you that much.
> Those who refuse to take the vaccine will be quarantined in their homes, the remaining dissidents will eventually be moved to FEMA camps, with their belongings then being seized anyway.
There is no legal basis to really do this on a global scale. Much preventative measures put in place by law need to be dismantled for this to happen in European countries & USA. USA still doesn't even have federal coupled IDs / passports as they think such tracking is totalitarian (which is why identity theft is easy in USA).
> The only way we can stop it is by mass-redpilling the public.
For that you would need to cover the actual points of the great reset instead of trying to play into fear and hysteria of normies.
Which kind of christian boomer has written this up? I'm sorry to say but AI is nowhere near what he's describing yet.
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8340b0 No.183071
The biggest changes from the great reset would be forcing loyalty to all nation states to follow SDG (sustainable development goals) for 2030. Climate accord of Paris is one of the mandatory obligations that states would have. More traditional resources like oil and gas would be moved away from while more use of electricity is encouraged. This is coupled with R&D investment and further encouragement of electrical devices. Conveniently this plays very well into western hands who then do not have to deal anymore with middle eastern countries or Russia for gas and oil, making their main resources irrelevant.
Second is that large bets are placed on artificial intelligence, using this to increase efficiency of work processes. The attached document praised by the world economic forum is used as a reference to the idea that GDP of countries can be largely improved through AI. It speaks of the 4th industrial revolution since they believe the more optimized means of work is similar to a 4th industrial revolution. A big flaw I find in their argumentation is that they say that the future impact of AI will be incredibly large, however a lot of the simple tasks that can be automated have already been automated, save for underdeveloped countries. AI isn't really at a point that it can do more than if/then/else or using very large amounts of data to draw statistical conclusions which can lead to some very impressive results, but not true intelligence just situational intelligence that help achieve a pre determined goal. In very monotonous tasks this would be incredible however this has already been employed in many very monotonous tasks where there is only a human-in-the-loop who monitors correct behavior of AI.
Thirdly the biggest impact that you will probably personally notice is the unrelenting flow of migration from the worst countries, the worst races, to European countries. There is a never ending push for more migration to cover GDP growth. If you read any of their papers they have come to the conclusion that GDP growth + green policies >>> everything else. Surprisingly even though the refugees, migrants and other primitive races that are invited into Europe tax the social welfare system hard, just them being present and consuming this welfare leads to an increase in GDP.
The WEF doesn't really propose a reset at all or anything controversial. It just wants to continue the way things are currently going except making it even more impossible to be anti globohomo as a business as they will collectively dry up your investments. Involvement of other powerful organs such as NATO who will enforce this doesn't very much help either to effectively put up resistance against this.
The key to resistance for this is by informing normies of the consequences they will directly face. However this might be impossible as likely the normie will first fall for mainstream media, maybe question the mainstream media and then fall for some shitty eceleb on youtube or a clown like alex jones who deliberately misinforms (controlled opposition). And then the normie will remain stuck thinking in the paradigms of the controlled opposition talking points and those of the mainstream media, never to really get a full grasp of the situation and the consequences.
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5ded3e No.183387
I've seen this scam/larp here before. Sounds like completely made up bullshit.
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1b4912 No.183394
quantum schizophrenia
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c2e9c6 No.183405
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025a0d No.183416
read bits of it.
It's straight up kikery fanfic.
It talks about you will be allowed to live on some special world outside of Earth if you are some producer of things or some such.
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025a0d No.183417
>eat bugs
Turns out I'm going to become a cannibal.
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3fd5c1 No.183423
smoothbrains spouting ad hominems at what they don't understand
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44a811 No.183450
You’re literally shilling for communist propaganda. Get out of here. You’re worthless.
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77e84c No.183455
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You mean *Agenda 21?
'Great Reset' is just another name for something that's already been planned for years now. In fact, vid related is from 2013; notice how all the tech they mention is now being justified via the virus?
People have been screaming about this for at least as long, it's just that (((someone))) decided to drown it out with mass immigration and arguments over racialism, and now anyone that even mentions these things is automatically lumped in with Q and MIGAboomers.
This is all about the UN's Agenda 21/2030, about 'Smart Cities/Habitats', about shifting trade routes/blocs, and about using things like 'climate change' to justify the 'green' deindustrialization of the nations they are shifting trade away from.
China's 'Belt and Road', the concept of 'Eurasia', and Israel's DOMINATION of the world's high tech sector, are central to this.
In short, it is about the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution', and about the fact that whoever dominates this industrial revolution will dominate the future.
>Look at the ten leading companies in 2006 – five energy companies, one IT company – Microsoft. And a mere ten years later, 2016, a blink of an eye in historical terms, it’s completely reversed. Five IT companies, one energy company left. You know these companies: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook. Guess what? They all have research centers in Israel. All of them, major research centers. And they’re not alone. There are hundreds more.
>We’re one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population, and we get a whopping 20% of global, private investment in cyber. We’re punching 200 times above our weight. That’s very strong.
- Netanyahu at AIPAC 2018
>[Israel will] break the automatic majority in UN institutions in less than ten years
>With time and a little help from above the decisive majority in UN institutions will go from opposing Israel to supporting Israel
>Now we’re at 37 [Israel’s $37,000 per capita income] and we’re catching up to Japan, it won’t take us long. We’ll pass them probably. Which you might think is amazing. But I’d say ’37,000, that’s it?’ We? We who have the largest component of high-tech in any economy in the world, where about 13% of our people are in high tech. 13%. Okay that’s very, very big to be directly involved in high tech, that’s a very large number. And we’re only $37,000 per capita income? It’s absurd, because we should be a lot more, and we will be a lot more.
>Because the intersection of big data, connectivity, and artificial intelligence, and what it does in robotics, and genetics, and all the other fields – that is changing our world in rapid, rapid succession. And the future belongs to those who can *seize* this change. We are positioned *right* at the cusp of this change, right at the centre of this change. We can take it, and we are. It’s changing us – it’s giving us powers and prowess that we *never* had before. It is a force-multiplier.
>Cyber is the *real* domain of power. It’s a huge domain of power.
- Netanyahu at Sheldon Adelson’s ‘School of Entrepreneurship' in Herzliya, 2016
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77e84c No.183457
>The UAE has emerged as a key player in Xi's BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE
>"We're living in a very different world than we did ten years ago. It's a multipolar, multi-conceptual world," Brende [president of WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM] said.
>"Multipolar, in the sense that we see much more geopolitical competition. It's also multi-conceptual, because there are different ideologies out there. It's not only one that we are used to, WITH THE U.S. AND WESTERN EUROPE WAY OF RUNNING THINGS," he added.
>The UAE government has also partnered with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM to launch “The Centre for FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” in the Emirates, the first of its kind in the region and the fifth globally.
>“The fourth industrial revolution will shape the whole century,” Brende said. “THOSE NATIONS THAT ARE ON TOP OF THESE NEW TECHNOLOGIES, being artificial intelligence, internet of things, big data and autonomous vehicles, WILL COME OUT OF THIS CENTURY AS THE MOST PROSPEROUS ONES.”
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e52904 No.183477
> USA still doesn't even have federal coupled IDs / passports as they think such tracking is totalitarian (which is why identity theft is easy in USA).
Not for long…they have been trying to force this down US citzens throats for a while now. It has now passed in every state.
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fc8b07 No.183519
So how are you going to deal with the Illuminati's Great Reset then?
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7dd698 No.183540
It's simple. We, uh, kill the Illuminati.
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f9b5be No.183545
First you have to take care of the squiggly worms
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d39db9 No.183573
Covid19 was literally engineered by just a couple of months before it became a thing
look at the sponsors, check the date
The Gates vaccine is RNA based, means it still stay within you cells forever (I dunno about the other ones)
The leaked liberal party of Canada about covid21 and the great reset plan, is probably gonna be the first to flip
we to gather as much evidence as possible about covid21, they're already saying that even with the vaccine people are gonna need a extreme lockdown
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d39db9 No.183575
>that picture and all its politically corrosiveness
Am I the only one who thinks this is completely bullshit, I mean the majority of world pollution is driven by the globohomo, they taken their business to china exactly for that, and guess which country is most polluting one?
even in terms of energy, if it wasn't for Elon Musk ressucting and making a viable electric car, we still today wouldn't have a hint of that
and all of those fuck empty terms like "public finance and social protection", "international trade and investment"
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3d190c No.183617
You are right. Corona is spliced with HIV spike proteins.
I dont know if it will get you actually AIDS cause its only the spike proteine of HIV (which docks to the ACE receptor) and not the whole HIV viral sequence.
Nevertheless the purpose of this vaccine is a global holocaust of the dumb sheep.
So basically everybody which is dumb enough to take the vaccine is murdered.
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ba1d98 No.183630
I just want to inform you that the powers that be are putting great reset drones on social media already. Twice on IRC thus far I have seen CCP plants speaking up the power of China on efnet. Three times thus far I have seen "scots" and "english" talk about the Great Reset or rizon and needed to move to do so, and why it's a good idea. I didn't know what was going on, I recommended him some towns to move to and he said no because he needs to move closer to the city…I was like are you nuts?!
The same SEOs that work for chinese propoganda are shilling this. Basically they want the whole world to live like the Chinese. It's the only way to ensure the elite can stay elite permanently, like the CCP is right now. This is the end time. Honestly the book shouldn't have been 1984 it should have been 2035.
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7dd698 No.185186
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00ddb8 No.185193
Straight from their mouth.
Never waver on not complying. Another huge push in our lifetimes which cannot be allowed to be implemented.
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00ddb8 No.185194
PDF didn’t attach, I apologize.
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8c1c04 No.185198
They’ll be sent to China.
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7dd698 No.185209
Speaking of bugs the media is already shilling for the good goyim to eat them.
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61b43d No.185366
>We, uh, kill the Illuminati.
Yeah, good luck with that. Not being a shill or a blackpill, I just don't think it's possible to root out any of them. They've got the power and money to defend and hide themselves and, even if /pol/ had a successful e-begging campaign to rent mercenaries to end their shit, the scumbags would just double or triple the mercs' rate and send them back after us for shiggles. After the events of Revelation, however, there may be an opportunity. If not, then we have to wait for them to eventually die to get what they deserve. Why else do they steal teenager blood? To put off their judgement.
Fuck, maybe I AM blackpill at this point. This shit is getting to me, lads.
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44a811 No.185373
Blackpills don’t exist. Only shills say otherwise because only shills want to claim they do. Truth is not a blackpill. Whites won’t fight back. We gave up in 1945. That’s all it is. Come to terms with that.
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7dd698 No.185478
>After the events of Revelation, however, there may be an opportunity
>Why else do they steal teenager blood? To put off their judgement
Why are you spouting christcuckery from some fairytale book written by jews?
It's obvious that god doesn't exist. But satan/devil/moloch or whatever it is that kikes worship does.
<2.168 billion christians pray to god
<1.599 billion muslims pray to allah
<1.161 billion hindus pray to 33 million devatas
>don't have much to show for it
<a portion of 14.7 million jews do pedo things, blood sacrifice or whatever satanic shit
>they control all government, media, economy and everything
Really makes you think.
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993e4f No.185497
>Don't like it? You'll be "quarantined" in a FEMA camp. You'll be sent there and deemed a "severe public health risk", and likely executed. All of your thoughts and dreams will be recorded, making tracking down all dissidents far easier.
and this is where you lost me
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2f1dc9 No.185500
What about this? New Zealands already doing it, the UK has approved a vaccine. If you're lost on this then you're just tapped out.
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7aaecf No.185501
>The Great Debt Reset
That was the goal of Project Mayhem. I remember when edgelords used to worship Fight Club - shit, man, that's where the term "snowflake" as a pejorative originated - and now that it's becoming reality, you cower in fear of it. Oh how the tides have turned …
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b09588 No.185503
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b09588 No.185504
>that's where the term "snowflake" as a pejorative originated
No it's not… I remember people using that way before Fight Club ever came out, in pejorative form.
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7aaecf No.185505
Well, the book came out in '96. I don't personally remember people using "snowflake" as a pejorative prior to that.
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6e84e3 No.185523
For people who believe it, this (https://civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2020/11/23/the-great-reset-prepare-for-de-industrialization-coming-this-winter-2020-greatreset-darkwinter-circuitbreakerlockdown-buildbackbetter/) article estimates that there will be an intentional power outage starting on a date between Dec 17 - Jan 5. They'll do this to have more control over us.
If you think you can just kill them to prevent the great reset, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzSTpMMEdO8.
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22770d No.187449
you fool for you think evil exists without good? is there no record of good existing in this world? of course there is, evil cannot exist without good, black cannot exist without white-
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3369dc No.187466
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7dd698 No.187469
Yes, there are instances of good in this world. But they are rather short lived than evil ones. Why is that?
Then again nothing is universally good or evil. The natural order is the strong dominating the weak. In that sense, the jews exploiting the goyim is nothing unusual.
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a4adb4 No.188349
Aussie Reporter incredibly baste
providing link, but also providing mp4>>187466
How about Klaus Schwab?
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a4adb4 No.188350
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2f1404 No.188354
All I got was this lousy hat.
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