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File: 1b222ab2dac1ce5⋯.png (482.88 KB, 911x811, 911:811, Odessa_Edessa2.png)

38ae03  No.182530

Its the WHITE MEN. Everything here was built by white men, without any exception.

I'm just a nobody works with the group runs the excavations around Göbekli Tepe = Belly Hill

yep thats the exact meaning as 3 hills

next to each other looks like a pregnant woman laying down with two breasts.

Just two weeks ago we dig up a mass grave only 200m away from the main site. ITS ALL CRO-MAGNON SKULLS.

I know it paints me as a fag but i just found out that the sponsor for our group is (((them)))

They're gonna hide the truth. I cant handle this anymore. Any object we find matches with other sites around Anatolia.

And it all originates from Odessa. There's only one missing link and its fucking Byzantion.

The huge problem with Byzantion is that YOU CAN NOT DIG IT! Its not that Turkish government wouldnt allow or anything else.

The real problem is that original Byzantion site is moving. Every year its slightly sliding into Marmara sea.

To excavate that site, would have to evacuate the city, nearly whole Istanbul.

If you ever were to get a glipms of what lies underneath the city you would lose your mind.

Greeks couldnt colonize Byzantion for ages, because no river. After the invention (i guess) of aqueducts, it was possible.

Possible to build a trading port and take advantage of bosphorus. This is all true, but whats missing is

there are remains of a nomadic culture prior to Greek colonisation. Which are WHITE MEN from Pontic Steppe.

Government doesnt have any idea whats going on around BellyHill site.

Public, put aside getting real info, isnt even curious about it.

Locals just want to cash gov. and excavation sponsor.

In two months there will be a series of articles published. And they'll hide the truth.

The truth is people arrived BellyHill are from Odessa. I cant sleep, with the idea of (((them)))

altering the reality. I held those skulls in my hands, I just cant do it anymore, thats too much.

What a betrayal it is.

I have photos and documents and everything. Gotta say I was working behind their backs.

Sorry I cant share it with you guys, yet. Otherwise I'll get caught and if i get kicked out I'll miss

the chance of shedding light on what reality is.

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de3470  No.182537


>The Truth Behind Göbekli Tepe… Its the WHITE MEN.

Yes. Absolutely. The First Civilization was global and white.

>In two months there will be a series of articles published. And they'll hide the truth.

Yes. That’s how the ZOG operates.

>I have photos and documents and everything. Sorry I cant share it with you guys, yet.

No. you have nothing. Sorry.

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38ae03  No.182542


Dont really care if any believes me or not.

This is something I did for myself.

It stresses me out too much, to alter reality and betray them.

If I were to talk to other colleagues they'll hear about it and kick me out.

I had to let it out someway.

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32938a  No.182548

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9d2529  No.182553



Are working with Bahri Kemal or the other (((goy)))

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38ae03  No.182554


The other guy. who the fuck are you

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9d2529  No.182555


Im sorry for you fren

He is the one that sent by Heidelberg. And yeah he's gonna hide the truth.

Lets say I'm a nobody (as you've said) that is quite curious and heavily informed about the situation.

If you still have measurement files go n see Bahri. But I'm not sure if he's gonna help you

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38ae03  No.182557


Stop the larp. Anyone can get these names on internet.

Such info is not a secret, also fuck Bahri too.

That old bastard and his group are lazy fucks that doesnt even care about the bones.

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b0ff51  No.182558


i don't know much about this or other falling sky theories. notice engineering of such conspiracies is always designed as mind brexiting adventure similar to architecture of so called upside down human in-civilization or un-civilization. You know you being part of this human civilization are expected to be living your life as if you're intelligent life who knows what is the meaning of life, meaning of your existence, justify all your activities and actions according to pros and cons benefiting the networks you belong: family, neighborhood, community, nation, military, government, religion, humanity, political party, etc.. On the other hand all those networks you belong or identify with have excepted themselves from such requirement. They are being treated as if they don't need to explain themselves, they are magic alive treasure, axiom, but they haven't been born. It's rapture. According to law even Microsoft or Wal-Mart are US persons being awarded similar rights as any other walking breathing american citizen. So that is very interesting targeting weapon of mass destruction colored with orange colors. You know it's the running with the invisible bulls and bullies. In other words there is no difference between theory about chemtrails or any other theory no matter how mainstream and how widely accepted it is. They all approach something incomprehensible, unclear, etc… and label it "explaining", creating and defining something that is not there. So it's an alchemy of object oriented programming con. If man with tanned hats can project scary sounds into your closet it doesn't mean the monsters live there, but you would have no options to resist non violently or violently such conclusion by your beautiful mind once faced with such situation. So average human is so lobotomized they are expected to live their existence in one dimension. Public education is designed as second dimension - that includes all higher education even most prestigious ivy league universities teach nothing, but cheap trick or treating. Uber alles ruling caste of red, white and blue axis of Dr Evil CIA lemon party gestapo appears as if they are in fact from even higher dimension - three dimensional world. And we are not talking about even higher dimensions where borats, shit martini stirrers, jason bournes, james bonds, etc operate make believe rainbow networks roaming the world as alibaba with 40 different passports in their back pockets while constantly squealing "open sesame". They know how to appear as normal, gentle, etc in comparison to all animal monsters that surround you from the moment you were born.

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38ae03  No.182563


I have only one big problem with all you've said.

Its the 4th Dimension Cultist.

Theres no such thing as 4thD. Put aside that there's also no such thing as 1D and 2D.

Everything in this universe is 3D.

Put aside explaining 4th dimension, none can even point out a 2D object in their own house.

Because 2D doesnt exist. So the 4th dimension.

Its all a cult. A religion. For the ones that left God and their instinct still seeks the image of God.

And no I'm not christian, jew or muslim.

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9d2529  No.182568


What do you mean 1D and 2D doesnt exist?

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38ae03  No.182574


You cant show me any object in this universe that is 2D or 1D.

Lets put aside the commonly known lies first.

Common people of that RELIGION tend to show paper when they're asked for example.

Paper is not a 2D object. It has 4 surfaces if you look into it with microscope. Or you can wet the paper and tear it to see its made of fibers. Fibers are cylinders, which are also 3D objects. If not satisfied, check the atoms of that fiber. Its all 3D.

Everything in this universe consists of atoms and without any exception all the atoms are 3D.

The point those 4D cultists reached is something like this:

I'm a 3D object and I cast 2D shadow. If a 4D object were to cast a 3D shadow we could measure it.

Fuck that! Shadow cannot be measure, Because there's no such thing as shadow. It doesnt exist. It doesnt have physics. There's light and there's lightlessness. And we name lightlessness shadow.

You cant even measure the object casts a shadow without knowing the source of light.

So its just a cult. A religion. Quantum physics my ass.

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9c6fbe  No.182582


1D and 2D make up our 3D world… your grasp of science is lacking here

…that being said you're not wrong about esoteric psuedoscience nonsense

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38ae03  No.182595


Could you show any existence of 2D or 1D objects pls.

And plz no, the rectangle or a triangle on a screen is not real.

As these are just altered electricity with binary codes.

Also please no surface answer.

The surface of a table lets say, is not an object by itself but a part of the table.

If I'm lacking science, plz correct me, yes spoonfeed even if you need to.

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9d2529  No.182596



No he's right. 1D and 2D are just geometry and a part of science of material.

In other words these geometric imaginations are necessary for men to understand and examine the psysic surrounds them, but that doesnt mean such geometry exists outside the imagination of someone.

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38ae03  No.182598



Also thanks for not continuing the larp

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9d2529  No.182600


I'm not larping. I just dont want to push your buttons.

As I understand whats going on, on that site is something demoralizing for you.

Just keep in mind that you're not alone, there a people like me knows whats happening.

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538561  No.182603


It’s theorized that strings are one dimensional, and monopoles, if they exist, would definitionally be zero dimensional point sources of magnetic potential. We can’t prove or measure either of these things, of course, but we might be able to eventually.

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38ae03  No.182604


No offense; but whats the difference between what you've said and Our brain cannot comprehend the existence of God but that doesnt mean God doesnt exist. ?

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9d2529  No.182606


Thats a TopKek right there

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538561  No.182607


The difference is that I’m not saying that monopoles exist, nor that strings are one dimensional (or are confirmed to exist), but rather that current mathematical foundations require them to have these properties, and that we can’t test or prove they do… yet… but might be able to in the future. Further, if after testing their existence is disproven, or their properties differ from predictions, it’s the predictions that are wrong and the mathematical foundations which need reworking, not the observed reality.

It’s just a handful of examples of mathematical potentiality for sub-3D objects in the real world.

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38ae03  No.182609


I understand and totally agree with what you've said.

But none of these sit within the boundaries of positive science.

As I said, I'm totally ok with it as it is possible mathematically on paper. But whats happening is these cultist act as if its a proven fact. And they're already examining physically unproven reality.

Thats the exact point where they cross line and stop being scientists.

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bec01a  No.183480

File: 7e48230ae179b59⋯.png (45.95 KB, 317x293, 317:293, 1606019304432733630.png)


>Bahri Kemal

im unfamiliar if this a name of one guy or whatever. any one care to explain pls? anyway tried googling it and got links to turkish gay porn. that rustled my jimmies intensively

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97d42e  No.183719



He's infact a retired archeologist but still working for Göbekli tepe. His name only exist in couple of articles and some official pages for universities in Turkey.

He doesnt even know what he's doing, all men in his group are lazy fucks, only here to kind of supervise the group.

Also he is the one that broke the huge phallus (ebin benis) carving on a 3 meter heigth standing figure. And yes almost all the figures and stattues here have ebin benises carved onto them.

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7686d2  No.183720


Whats the shocking truth for you with gobekli tepe so far? Other than cro-magnons…

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97d42e  No.183721


They may not be hunter-gatherers. So far we could only mark 24 sites in total. 3 of them are main. It seems that they had done this for ages. Which also points out some sort of sedentary life.

You cant do those things as being a half nomadic society. A day of a Göbekli Tepe man is too busy as a hunter-gath. to build such things. It takes hours to hunt, cut, piece, skin an animal for that era. Put aside processing the skin and fur.

If any wants to imagine the life around Göbekli Tepe, should think of Wild West. They had animal fang needles, which mean their clothings were not neanderkike type cut & tie tunics. They had jackets, shoes, pants, and sorf ot shirt looking things.

The differences between Göbekli Tepe men and Wild West Cowboys are; they didnt have textile, all clothings are leather and fur, stitches are made of shoelace thick leather strips, dont have domesticated animals = no horse riding, no guns but spears & slings, probably leather cowboy style hats because easiest way to craft hats.

Also you can think of the end era of younger dryas as Oregon gold rush for the whole world.

So; you have sources replenishing, and very few man to go for it. Which means mannerism and psychology of a Göbekli Tepe man could be same with a Colonizer/Cowboy of early America.

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a3514e  No.183722

File: 91bb59ca5cc8ff9⋯.jpg (54.79 KB, 750x445, 150:89, 781493.jpg)


How old you think the skulls are? You think 12000 years? Any simimar hieroglyphs as sumeria hangbag hieroglyph? Any hieroglyphs of sun or suns or stars or pyramids or high-tech?

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97d42e  No.183725


I cant really tell because they were not burried that deep, but again 3 main sites are also quite close to the surfaces. Some skulls have animal shapes and lines of dots carved onto them. Which could mean ancestor worsip. Also a very few were burried with leather wrapped around. It seems they ocassionaly dig up and used skulls for… something? I dont know for what. The ones that with the carvings and leather bags truely belongs to the first ones, builders of the 3 main sites. I could say it should be the first generations. Maybe 12 or 10 thousands years old.

First generations literally had artistic geniuses. Both for the skulls and site figures, so much in depth details. Later generations seems to fail that discipline and craftsmanship.

Again this is one of the reasons I believe first generations originate from Odessa. If you look at the pic releated, they had time to master that. I dont know why later on the quality got decreased.

About the basket/bucket; yes so far 19 carvature could match with other similiar figures around the world. But many of them are broken/distorted. When you google Göbekli Tepe there're even such big ones that actually looks like big gas can lol.

By the way I cant be the only one that would think the side view / profile figures in your pic related; would look like as above so below up front, right?

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990025  No.183898

File: e0b81938a474bdf⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 512x261, 512:261, unnamed_5_.jpg)


Do you mean this:

"Phrase. as above, so below. (occultism) What happens on one level of reality also happens on every other level; the microcosm and macrocosm behave alike."

Thats a good point you make. It could be a teacher who teaches that fact to people.

I think there was a class of super knowledge ancient people who built pyramids/baalbek stonesnin lebanon, some central/ south american pyramuds (they believe, i cant remember which one, was it Teotihuacan, is actually built on top of an older pyramid.

Yonaguni monument in Japan is 25m under water. But it was above water 12k years ago.

Bimini road is similar, also underwater .

Also cuban pyramids are under water.

Official science claims Sumeria in Iraq 4000bc was first culture, then Egypt, then Greek, Rome dark ages, renessance, and modern time.

I think there was a high tech civilisation before that, possibly Atlantis, and for example they used antigravity levitation machines to build the pyramids.

Beyond this, I think Mars had humans too. Like this pic, its from Mars.

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4c2249  No.184190


Turks eat shit.

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2bfff2  No.184192

Graham Hancock talks about this extensively. What are they holding? I guess a purse of psychedelic drugs of some sort.

All these ctultures talk about tall giant like white men GODS who teach them new technology. I guess it was wiped out at some sort in a great flood or some other cataclysmic event.

There absolutely was a lost civilization and lost technology. We have not unlocked the secrets of this planet in any way. Look to the pyramids.

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bec01a  No.184444

File: 3f3f9aeb060382e⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 2102x2160, 1051:1080, 1.jpg)

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0a9292  No.184904


First of all, low quality post, no reasoning, no proof, and you show you clearly don't possess the right understanding of history which proves you're bullshitting and half the shit you wrote doesn't even make the slightest sense so I know you're full of shit but I'll continue anyway because I want anons to know about an important subject I will talk about later.

South Europe and Middle Easterners are obviously white. Not Nordic, not north European; but white. Now this doesn't obviously mean that a Khorasani (Afghanistani) is exactly the same as say a Belgian man or woman, and you can mix (same applies to international european breeding. You should only breed with people who live in proximity and are from the same ethnicity. Europe isn't an ethnicity). But they are white. Including non Indo-Europeans such as Turks (turkified anatolians rather), caucasian language isolates, semitic non arabian-peninsular people (eg Iraq, ancient Sumer, ancient Akkad, Syria etc)

But if you meant that the whole place was built by blonde blue eyed Norse men then you are just a retarded larper.

(((Them))) being behind excavation is nothing shocking. (((They))) have been funding excavations in Mideast since 19-20th century. It's frightening if you knew how much invaluable, priceless historical stuff is in their hands. It's not just excavations. It's the auctions as well. Major historical stuff is legally sold to the highest bidder and it just so happens that (((they))) shit money. Also these antiquities are not nearly as cheap they should be. they are usually sold at like one tenth or 5 percent of their true value. Basically free shit for them. And you might never hear from the artifact ever again! Maybe he's using it as a pan to make omelette for his children. At least in one occasion I was personally told about this (((bidder))) who gave an absolutely priceless culturally invaluable golden cup with images of the faces of the local gods of where this was excavated, to his small children as toy. IIRC his son also used it as a SHOOTING TARGET when he was a teenager and had left bullet holes in it. I know (((many))) who collect these like 1000 year old incredible books which are also exceptionally well preserved. None of which make it to journals and the historical community barely (or maybe not at all) know about them and historians never talk about them. I also have seen one these disgusting uncultured """people""" write on this 1000 year old religious book with a pencil. They were numbers. Probably somebody's phone number. And this person who I'm talking about also makes a living out of these stuff so it's his profession to keep good care. It still baffles me how archeological antiquities are allowed to be sold on open market. Any reasonable person would agree they belong to their country of origin. Period. I'm not even getting into the black market. Now imagine a real lice abolishment happened. These so called """people""" will destroy all of your historical stuff which they legally possess and permanently delete a portion of your people's history which you or your children will never know about. Which honestly is a small price if it ended with their total destruction. But still. It is by design that our historical knowledge hasn't truly progressed in the last decades. These """people""" not only do not care the slightest, but deeply hate any culture that isn't theirs. And as always they are fucking up shit that can not be undone.

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bec01a  No.185032

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28c978  No.185036

File: 8d4e4902bc9922d⋯.png (319.54 KB, 784x668, 196:167, nature_native_american.png)


I don't buy it.

Mainstream journals like Nature run headlines like pic related all the time.

All the ancient fossils from the Mideast are genetically Mideastern with zero European admixture.

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28c978  No.185038

File: 99b2e1081b02f79⋯.png (453.76 KB, 1452x787, 1452:787, blue_eyes_being_bred_out.png)



This being said, it's definitely possible that they were somewhat light pigmented compared to later arrivals.

White is not a race. It's an appearance, and any race can theoretically be white. It just so happens in practice that only modern Europeans are majority white.

Pic related, the % light eyes in the US fell from 60% (1900) to 30% (1950). This was BEFORE the 1965 immigration act. And the small number of Italian immigrants can't account for it.

The real redpill is that darker medium tones (Mideastern, "Meds", dark eyed nords) have a different biological advantage than blonde blue eyed white people. Darkies thrive under instability and uncertainty, while whites thrive under stable nice environments.

This is why white features are the civilized phenotype. But they can thrive under foragerism too, as long as the lifestyle is stable and not vagabond. For instance, if you have a dependable set of lakes in Sweden which you always fish from, and you stay in roughly the same place, that is basically farming but with fish. Settled pastoralism works too. Nomadic hunting and nomadic pastoralism are uncertain and select for darker types.

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61a432  No.185352

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