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File: 0b620c4c1a2273b⋯.jpg (144.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

d337ae  No.182089

Here is a peak at what maybe the final stage of this scamdemdic coming to another Western country/city near you: (BTW alot of these ZOGbots are imported from the Soro's "Stronger Cities" initiative. Mercenary cops.)


Main Key Points:

We’ve been in lockdown since March. Only 136 total deaths in Victoria (total pop: 6.359 million).

Police can enter your home without a warrant.

Can only exercise outside for 1hr per day, max.

United Nations is against “isolation for 22-23hrs a day, for longer than 15 days”. Current restrictions are more than this.

Only 1 person may leave the house per household per day.

Friends and family cannot visit each other.

8pm-5am curfew.

Daniel Andrews (Victorian Premier)’s advisers were known CCP members spreading disinformation about COVID (sources below).

$1652 fine if outside without a “valid” reason – we must show a permit to go to work, with police/military stopping people and questioning them as to why they’re outside.

$4957 fine if breaching quarantine; $20,000 for a second offence.

$200 fine for no mask (masks are mandatory everywhere, even outside). People have been arrested for not wearing one.

Masks will likely be mandatory “for many years to come”.

Cannot go more than 5km from your home for any reason except work.

We can’t even leave the state and live somewhere else – borders are locked, with police checkpoints.

Over 3000 people were placed in house arrest for more than 2 weeks.

Daniel Andrews has literally said his goal is to do “damage” to the economy (source below).

Welfare state: It’s predicted nearly 50% of Victoria’s private sector workers will be on some form of government welfare.

Daniel Andrews grossly mishandled a “hotel quarantine” by hiring cheap security contractors who had sex with already-infected people.

Mandatory vaccines look to be on the agenda (source below).

Cannot protest – many organisers have been arrested for just planning protests that hadn’t even gone ahead yet.

Neighbours have turned on each other, with hotlines where people can “dob each other in”.

250,000 people lost their jobs in one single week (Aug 4th).

Schools all closed, despite a huge study showing COVID does not transmit amongst schoolchildren. Most childcare centres closed.

The ADF (military) have been deployed and are door-knocking and interrogating people on the street.

Weddings are illegal, gatherings of more than 2 people are illegal, protests are illegal.

Over $5.2 million in fines given out in Australia so far (Aug 4th).

Job losses expected between 250,000-400,000 people in Victoria (population 6.359 million).

Professor Ian Hickie predicts a 25% increase in suicides in Australia due to lockdowns for the next 5 years – an additional 750 suicides per year.

Victoria has recorded a 33 per cent rise in children presenting to hospital with self-harm injuries over the past six weeks.

Critically-ill (dying) hospital patients are being denied visitation from their families.

Police are using drones to spy on people and catch them breaking curfew.

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2fa50d  No.182144

File: ffb14045c2d126e⋯.png (488.86 KB, 1005x772, 1005:772, trump_king_of_wishful.png)


I'm reading it. I'm seeing it. May your rulers be deposed.

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1d7747  No.182149


God punishes the countries that abandon him. You get what you reap.

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e532c2  No.182701


pathetic jew cuck

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