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58b9d5  No.181965

This is better than the Protocols because it's undeniably authentic and newer..


The text below was published in Tel Aviv in 1958, but was not published in the official press in Russia. The text consists of advice to Jews on how to behave in the former USSR in order to achieve Zionist goals. However, this text, with a few minor modifications depending on the particular country, could serve as advice to Zionists on how to behave towards Gentiles in any Gentile country in which Zionists are living. Thus the word "Russians", referring to non-Jewish Russians, in the text below, can be replaced by "English people" (referring to non-Jewish English people) in England, by "French people" (referring to non-Jewish French people) in France, and so on in every country where there is a substantial Jewish presence. Any Gentile who has Jewish acquaintances will find them adopting many of the methods described below as part of their everyday behaviour. This text is undoubtedly very enlightening.

That's some heavy shit.

Here's their entire section on Jewish influence in Russia. Something to think about as every Jew and Dem politician is blaming Russia for anything and everything. Biden's chief of staff is a Jew of the greasiest type.

The above is what to expect from Biden's admin.


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58b9d5  No.181968

A few quotes

"Create your own groups and use these groups to throw out the Gentiles. Remember: all highly paid, influential and profitable jobs are our national income. Remember that every Gentile who has reached our level can occupy a post which might have belonged to each one of us. We create our groups so that goys cannot prevent us from living the way we want to. Let the goys try to create their own groups. They will scarcely succeed in this, and they will fall out with one another before they manage to achieve anything. We shall help them in that."

Accuse of antisemitism those who try to expose you. Pin the label of "antisemite" on them, and you will see with what pleasure the other goys will take up this version. On the whole, all Russians are antisemites, but as soon as you pin this label on one Russian, he becomes defenceless, because all the others will throw him to us as a sacrifice and will destroy him with their own hands. And we shall attach the stigma to the next victim.

Play on the soft-heartedness of the Russians. Make yourselves out to be poor and unhappy, arouse compassion and sympathy for yourselves, spread rumours about the eternally suffering nation, about persecution in the past and discrimination today. THE TACTIC OF THE "POOR JEW" HAS BEEN PROVING ITS WORTH FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Even if the Russians have less than us, they will nonetheless help us to have more. The Russians like being benefactors and guardians, and every beggar strives to be a benefactor, because that raises his status. The generosity of the Russians increases in the same measure as their ability to put it into effect decreases. Take from them what they can give: a mangy sheep will at least yield a tuft of wool!

That's happening right now in America and the world.

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58b9d5  No.181969

All the knowledge and skills that they possess, we possess too. They do not need to know or feel the things which we know and feel. Everything that they have constitutes the limit of what they are capable of. Everything that we have is our means for achieving more. EVERYTHING WHICH THEY HAVE TODAY IS OURS AND IS FOR THEIR TEMPORARY USE. IT IS OUR TASK TO TAKE FROM THEM THE THINGS WHICH GOD HAS BEQUEATHED TO US.

There's the purpose of the federal reserve.

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884dd9  No.181984


Okay. You won’t.

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58b9d5  No.182174

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Check out the Russian hospitality toward Kissinger.

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56604c  No.182189


> That's happening right now in America and the world.

And jews aren't the only ones doing it. Swap out jew/goy/antisemitism for black/white/racism, LGBT/heteronormative/homophobia, etc.

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