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File: 092bd6ca43af40e⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1605396144164.webm)

0ffebd  No.181615

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6b805a  No.181617



Why? In before some retarded vapid reply from a zionist shill worshipping Trump’s utter inaction as though he belongs here.

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da0315  No.181632

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0ffebd  No.181635


You're only archiving the page itself and not the video.

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b1034a  No.181636

File: db4f9e03da061f3⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1000x846, 500:423, db4f9e03da061f3a62b5b91267….jpg)

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6b805a  No.181637


>you’re a jew because you don’t fall for jewish false dichotomies

>lol I said it even though you explicitly called out that I would say it


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665b23  No.181698

Its a shame they get so patriotic and driven by Trump, a completely owned puppet just like the rest.

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5a6dd8  No.181701

Does anyone have the videos of Nick Fuentes speech?

Some pretty cool scenes where him and his followers are waving Nicks own flag

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07d2d5  No.181702

File: 93966c491f6c0e7⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 222x400, 111:200, white_girl_mogs_nig.webm)

File: 505ece05e27661c⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 496x730, 248:365, White_Power.jpg)


Anybody notice how weak nigger males really are? They can't enough knock out one old White men without a group of 8 or more. I know multiple biology studies have shown White males on average have 20% more muscular strength and more resistant bones than other races including blacks but, these Trump rallies always show it. Niggers sucker punch somebody multiple times and barely can knock down a scrawny or old White male.

Nigger violence is all about mobbing one person they really are the biggest cowards.

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cf0651  No.181721

File: 09e62cce90228b8⋯.webm (620.03 KB, 339x269, 339:269, black_runs_up_from_behind….webm)

File: 65baa5be0496d36⋯.webm (1.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, black_stabs_white_woman_i….webm)

File: 25be99192154fe1⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fight_between_black_and_wh….mp4)

File: 9bd89ae030486c9⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, Says_the_Government_is_her….mp4)

File: eb25f7e8c89b3bf⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_nigger_stole_my_bike_b….mp4)


>Anybody notice how weak nigger males really are

Every single nigger attack is a sneak attack from behind, a sucker punch, on a small single woman, or with a large group.

Yes, blacks are weak, and if you confuse their sneary angry faces for strength, you are very dumb.

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e33f2b  No.181739


>Niggers need to get shot

What else is new? Until I see an actual reaction, I'm not holding my breath.

Those vids are getting me in a good mood for my workout, though.

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