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File: 51c9223f85beefa⋯.jpg (264.65 KB, 1300x748, 325:187, turks_vs_jews.jpg)

9b48cc  No.181332[Last 50 Posts]

Janissary-ish Turks dressed up as National Socialists and did the halocaust amidst the cover of the chaotic end of WW2. They did this because Germany struck a peace deal with Jews to deport them to Israel as a homeland. The Turks already had experience organizing the Armenia genocide during world war 1 and (1st bird) needed someone else to be blamed for a genocide to distract from their erupting PR nightmare. Literally this move allowed the Turks to hit four birds with one stone because it (2nd bird) drove a wedge between National Socialists and jews, and (3rd bird) because Israel also stands firmly in the way of the reclaiming of their lost empire.

Catholic leadership secretly allied with Turks (again) to help organize the west against Germany because they were still sore at them for being the center of Protestantism and (4th bird) for dropping hints about resurrecting Byzantium. "Sieg Heil" chanting is a play on the famous "nika" "Victory" chanting riots under Byzantine emperor Julian.

Catholic leadership would rather see the whole world burn than ever see the rebirth of a Constantinople that wasn't under their jurisdiction.

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7026e8  No.181347

File: f894ab4240e3a1a⋯.mp4 (11.28 MB, 1544x868, 386:217, ALTERNATE_HISTORY_Turks_di….mp4)

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15619f  No.181373

File: 306aa029945ee48⋯.png (382.35 KB, 828x823, 828:823, turkey.png)


This is the most retarded schizo shit I've seen in a while and I love browsing /x/, lets go.

>They did this because Germany struck a peace deal with Jews to deport them to Israel as a homeland.

How is this a valid reason for genociding them? Turks welcomed jews fleeing from Castile in the 1500s. Turks like Jews. Ataturk was a jew from Thessaloniki himself.

>The Turks already had experience organizing the Armenia genocide during world war 1

It would be an intelligence & logistics nightmare to get Turk soldiers to stay quiet about the ordeal and carry out a genocide against a race that has done no slight to them. Someone would slip, Turks are suprisingly honest people, primarily because they are terrible liars.

>needed someone else to be blamed for a genocide to distract from their erupting PR nightmare

There was no PR nightmare, retard, because Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had already adressed the genocide of the Armenians as a crime in a public speech. It was already widely known and acknowledged by the creator of the Turkish Republic.

>drove a wedge between National Socialists and jews

Turks aren't enemies of National Socialism or jews. At worst they're ambivalent. Adolf Hitler was an admirer of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and spoke fondly of his work.

"Turkey had been our ally in the World War. Its unfortunate result was as heavy a burden for Turkey as it was for us. The great and ingenious reconstructor of the new Turkey gave his Allies, beaten by fate, the first example of resurrection. While Turkey, thanks to the realistic attitude of her State leadership, preserved her independent attitude Yugoslavia fell a victim to British intrigues."

> Israel also stands firmly in the way of the reclaiming of their lost empire.

This is literally the only valid point here, except it only applies for modern geopolitics. In the period between 1923 to 1945 the Turks were lead by two leader: aforementioned Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Ismet Inonu. They were comrades and very close friends who believed in a policy of and I quote "Peace in homeland, peace in the world" and had a firm stance of neutrality and anti-imperialism. The resurgence of Turkish Imperialism is a phenomenon that only appeared after the 90s with the rise of Islamist politics under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a consequence of an anti-communist alliance of pro-western global free market capitalists and political islamists during the cold war.

Take your bullshit back to 4pol

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bcb6ef  No.181448


The holocaust didn’t happen, and it has two Os in the word.

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4f436d  No.181660

File: eff8581094a5372⋯.jpg (298.1 KB, 1400x1849, 1400:1849, turk_vs_byzantine.jpg)


>"Sieg Heil" chanting is a play on the famous "nika" "Victory" chanting riots under Byzantine emperor Julian.

During the Nika Riots of the Byzantine Empire, the people shouted Nika, which means "Victory", over and over again, as a rallying cry against the Byzantine Emperor Julian, and there was a terrible massacre that had to be performed to save the emperor's government which almost toppled at that moment.

After that point, the cry of "Victory" over and over again, served as an energizing chant of the masses against any future emperors.

The National Socialist back and forth crowd chant sought to disarm this dangerous tool against a future emperor, by teaching their NatSoc crowds to reply with "Hail" after the orator says "Seig", which means "victory" in German.

Therefore any attempt to use this old anti-emperor Nika Chanting Shout to inflame a riot against a future Nation Socialist emperor would be met with a return shout of "Hail" from the side of the emperor's crowd, to equally energize their side as well and even the playing field and take the wind out of the Nika chant's usefulness.


>Turks aren't enemies of National Socialism or jews.

It's for the reason above the Turkish leadership knew the NatSoc plans to retake Constantinople and push them off their stolen land; and thus YES the Turkish leadership, who consider Constantinople to be the Sacred Home (laughable delusion), is an enemy of National Socialists.

And of course Turkish leadership with goals of re-establishing the ottoman empire view Israel as a serious enemy and first order of business if they want to expand southward again.

>How is this a valid reason for genociding them?

Remember, turks ran Jerusalem the last 500 years. They don't like it in the hands of Israel. Jerusalem is seriously powerful lever of religious population control.

Like Smiegal in Lord of the Rings, the loss of great power is always met with fierce resistance and an unending desire for revenge once it is lost. To think Turkish leadership doesn't resent Israel being there is EASY to see and so I have to ask the question why you pretend not to know this.


Are you a Turk? Do you think Turks should remain in Anatolia? Why is your people more concerned with being in Constantinople and ignoring the ancient Turkish homeland in east Caspian Asia? I have know respect for a people who does not honor the native land of their forefathers. It's disgraceful to have Turks in Constantinople.

>Adolf Hitler was an admirer of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and spoke fondly of his work. <quote>

What source is that quote from. Not saying it's even indicitive of anything even if he did say it. It wasn't exactly a strategy to be calling out your powerful enemies publicly to serve as a rallying point for their population to resist.


And stop saging your posts, what are you afraid of if the thread is as schizo as you claim it to be. Don't want people here to get any ideas?

GET THE FUCK OUT OF ANATOLIA, THIS IS A NO BRAINER. Turks are the most traditional of all enemies of white civilization and they would love to distract us all from their by diverting all our energy to fighting jews.

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7026e8  No.181670

File: e4346304faf890e⋯.png (127.81 KB, 674x514, 337:257, turk_homeland.PNG)


actually i must apolize. You seem like a half reasonable turk supporter. I didn't mean to say "get the fuck out of anatolia", i just get impassioned about the topic and rather, more civilly translated, i will say, that the average turk needs to wake up realize they don't belong in anatolia.

an islamic turkish state in anatolia would be like having a white christian state in saudi arabia.

-all turks aren't bad, yada yada yada. turks should become national socialists and embrace the national part of that ideology by embracing their true "national homeland" in east caspian asia.

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169a92  No.181690

File: 26f6bd7577de886⋯.png (97.83 KB, 600x477, 200:159, sage.png)

File: b244f5c24be6c3d⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 7129x3833, 7129:3833, america.jpg)

File: beb9976d8dac5ac⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 763x386, 763:386, Asia_Minor.jpg)


>And of course Turkish leadership with goals of re-establishing the ottoman empire view Israel as a serious enemy and first order of business if they want to expand southward again.

No criticism here, it makes sense. Erdogan himself slipped in a speech once that they see places in the balkans and middle east as part of their homeland. Show me the National Socialist plans to retake Constantinople, this is the first time I've heard of such an operation.

>Remember, turks ran Jerusalem the last 500 years. They don't like it in the hands of Israel.

This is a reason of CONQUEST, not genocide. Don't give works of fiction like LOTR as example of real world political policy you fucking soyboy.

> To think Turkish leadership doesn't resent Israel being there is EASY to see and so I have to ask the question why you pretend not to know this.

They cooperated with Israel on the Azeri-Armenian war literally a week or less ago. They're loosely rivals at best. Turkey and Israel regularly have similar geopolitical interests. You are exaggerating the Turkish desire for reconquest because your only knowledge of their people comes from the roach equivalent of keyboard warriors. Turks aren't Orcs like in LOTR buddy. Modern Turks from Turkey aren't Turkics, their culture however is derived from these people who conquered and controlled Asia minor for a thousand years. They are a mixed race of local Anatolians with intermingling from nearby Greeks in the west, Armenians in the east and Arabs and Kurds in the south. The current modern state of Turkey with its Turks are racially Anatolian, culturally Turkic and (were until recent developements starting at late stages of the cold war) ideologically western thanks to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

>And stop saging your posts, what are you afraid of if the thread is as schizo as you claim it to be. Don't want people here to get any ideas?

This is a bad thread. Pic1 related.

The holocaust never happened and you think it did, and you blame it on a country who has been allies to the German Reich in the past. You're being a puppet to kike interests.

The enemy isn't Turkish, it's Jewish. Focus.


>an islamic turkish state in anatolia would be like having a white christian state in saudi arabia.

Turks should be turned to the true faith rather than shunned for being muslims. Their most prominent religious figure is a sufi from the middle of Anatolia called Rumi, who promoted syncreticism with all local religions including christianity, judaism and paganism and you can see this attitude to faith in how quickly Turks become accustomed to living in Germany and France. They can be won over and converted when the spirit of the west is restored from a flickering candle light to a roaring hearthfire.

>Turks are the most traditional of all enemies of white civilization and they would love to distract us all from their by diverting all our energy to fighting jews.

Fuck off.

>turks would love to distract us from fighting jews

>lets distract ourselves from fighting jews before they do

No. Jews come first. We can solve the racial-cultural knot that has been tied in Asia Minor after we deal with the rats.

>Turks should return to Central Asia rather than remain in Anatolia.

So do you also believe the Anglo-Saxons who conquered America should all abandon the land they cultivated and developed and fuck off back to Europe? If you believe Turks should return to the eastern coast of the Caspian then you would also believer White Americans must return to Europe.They have conquered and tamed their new land and they are there to stay. It's a fool errand to push either group back to their ancestral home on some idealistic policy. How would you even resettle them correctly? They have mixed and bred with both the local population and other groups migrating alongside themselves. How would you send back to Europe an American who is a mix of German, French and Cherokee ancestry? Could you do the same for a Turk of Persian, Uyghur, Hittite ancestry? You couldn't, you wouldn't and you might as well shouldn't.


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1cc91a  No.181752

File: 76f0558b23dd061⋯.webm (186.36 KB, 720x404, 180:101, you_re_batcrap_crazy.webm)


>implying the holocaust actually happened

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8f4805  No.181780

File: 5f180e856fa74df⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 498x328, 249:164, LiveLeak_dot_com_shadowmer….jpg)


Regardless of what theory you run with, you are still faced with the same burden of presenting proof that 6 million jews were executed. Just like the original Holohoax, you will not be able to. Why, you ask? Because 6 million jews were never executed.

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7026e8  No.181796

File: f1b9960833dac46⋯.jpg (42.43 KB, 700x700, 1:1, think_outside_the_box.jpg)



>you're implying the holocaust actually happened

The holohoax was formed from a grain of truth and exaggerated.

This thread is about theorizing that the Turkish leadership had the motive to false flag the majority of that grain of truth in the form of posing as National Socialists and rounding up jews in the midst of the chaos, and then strategically let many escape in order to provide a population of legitimate holocaust survivors which are the backbone of why people believe the halocaust happen.

Undoubtedly there are fake halocaust survivors, but there appears to be legitimate halocaust survivors as well.

Of course there was no 6 million, but something happened on a smaller scale and this thread seeks to explain that.

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8f4805  No.181799


>but there appears to be legitimate halocaust survivors as well

Where? Let's see these "legitimate holocaust survivors". Even if it wasn't 6 million, all you are doing is reinforcing the fact that a bunch of kikes were exterminated and are playing into their victim narrative. There's literally no evidence that any sort of mass extermination occurred. There may have been jewish spies or traitors that were executed on a very small scale in camps but that doesn't mean there was a so-called "holocaust", where a bunch of jews were exterminated just for being jewish. First you have to prove there was a mass extermination, then maybe I'll accept your theory as plausible.

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7026e8  No.181802

File: ee44a22a7617ab9⋯.jpg (213.28 KB, 634x1643, 634:1643, native_american_whites.jpg)


>do you also believe the Anglo-Saxons who conquered America should all abandon the land they cultivated and developed and fuck off back to Europe?

pic related. Speaking of alternate history… East Rocky Mountains USA is native to whites.

But you are right about the western states.

-The myth of Cortés invading the Aztecs and the so-called discovery of America was based on The Aztecs encroaching on what whites had set aside as a nature preserve for elites. And so they created the "age of discovery" as a means for quickly populating America in preparation for pushing back native Americans who overstepped from their native land.

–To say whites, expert sailors, hadn't figured out how to build a boat and float over to north america until 1500 is ridiculously naïve.

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7026e8  No.181805

File: 650d3862a14e296⋯.jpg (53.15 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_grow_your_tree_of_fa….jpg)


>First you have to prove there was a mass extermination. There's literally no evidence that any sort of mass extermination occurred.

Literally just said "of course there was no 6 million." and "The holohoax was formed from a SMALL grain of truth and exaggerated."

>Where? Let's see these "legitimate holocaust survivors".

I've spoken first-hand and second-hand to enough jews who have their own private stories passed on in their family

Of course, there was some fuckery to brainwash many into falsely developing a halocaust myth in their family, but like I said, these added onto a scaffold of that small grain of truth.

Almost every time I speak to a normy about the halocaust, they reference knowing a survivor as their counter argument.

Undoubtedly, more Germans and Russians, but the point of this thread is refuting the holohoax and that small grain of truth that it was built on.

I theorize that Turks took the opportunity to create a camp to torture jews and then let half of them escape. This explains # of private holocaust family myths that I've come across.

Are you saying that every single survivor myth you've ever come across is completely fake. I'm not even talking abotu Spielberg documentary jews, but just every day jews I've come across.

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8f4805  No.181809


>Literally just said "of course there was no 6 million." and "The holohoax was formed from a SMALL grain of truth and exaggerated."

Then why even say "Turks did the Holocaust"? Why even call it the "holocaust"? Saying "Holocaust" implies that a bunch of jews got exterminated just for being jewish. There's no proof that this happened.

>I've spoken first-hand and second-hand to enough jews who have their own private stories passed on in their family

So word of mouth is your "proof"… You're going on stories told by a bunch of lying Zionist kikes. That's not proof.

>Are you saying that every single survivor myth you've ever come across is completely fake

Yes. It's funny how you used the word "myth" in that sentence. It definitely is a myth. The stories told are just exaggerated bullshit. Take for example, the gas chambers/showers fairytales. Many jews will say something like: "once he/she went into the showers, I never saw them again". This was because there were many transfer camps where they had jews go into the showers and then immediately put them on a train right after to be transferred to different camps. These silly stories aren't proof of anything. They are just Hebraic exaggerations that can't be backed up with even a shred of proof.

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7026e8  No.181812

File: 0ea89dfa3c2b7d8⋯.jpg (106.31 KB, 1024x924, 256:231, race_mixing.jpg)


>Modern Turks from Turkey aren't Turkic… culturally Turkic.

Yeah, and some wiggers who act black should create a state and name it Africa-land. C'mon now. If there is any truth to that statement, then the name Turkey should be dropped ASAP; but they won't because the majority of Turkey population considers themselves mainly ethnically Turkic, even if they claim to be mixed also.

>They are a mixed race of Greeks, Armenians, Arabs and Kurds. racially Anatolian.

Even race mixed people have a leaning one way or another. Unless you want to fall into the category of "mixed race people must be eliminated" or "Race is insubstantial and of no importance", which I assume you pick the latter.

Being a mixed race is no excuse to remain in Anatolia. Let those who consider themselves turk go to east caspia, let those who consider themselves white/greek remain, let arabs go to the arabia.

Those who are truly unrecognizably mixed will suffer the consequence of race mixing and should live in the non-central border regions until recognizable race returns to them through successive generations of non-race mixing.

>How would you send back to Europe an American who is a mix of German, French and Cherokee ancestry?

The mixing of such closely related whites like German and French is hardly comparable to the extreme mixing white/greek with Turkic or arabic or persian.

…Not trying to get side-tracked into the spectrum of reactions to race-mixing, but I will touch on my view.

Men receive their race through their father, women receive their race through their mother. A man with a German father is German. A Woman with a cherokee mother is Cherokee.

Race remains the same, while their ethnicity changes and can be re-purified through successive generations of breeding with their proper race.

Every mixed race person has a leaning toward one side or another and they need to make a choice at some point or just live in their own mixed communities on the border region outskirts of the central racial homelands. Places like North-western Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

BUT DEFINITELY NOT IN CONSTANTINOPLE, one of the most central hubs of white ethnicity… that is insanity.

This self-titled "mixed race" people you speak of in Turkey have been screwing up the whole world order for the last 500 years. Whites will never give up on Constantinople. There can be no peace with "Turks" in Anatolia and , they must choose a side and/or suffer the consequences of their race mixing by banishing themselves to the race mixed border regions.

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169a92  No.181815

File: 8171603b8abd237⋯.png (248.37 KB, 461x277, 461:277, eoioonwx9sv51.png)

OP thinks Turks are a more pressing issue than Jews. So much so that he thinks the holocaust happened just to be able to blame the roaches for it. Probably an obsessed Greek or Armenian.

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7026e8  No.181818

File: 26a289f4e3fbe5e⋯.gif (562.79 KB, 500x275, 20:11, come_at_me_bro.gif)


>Then why even say "Turks did the Holocaust"?


> you think the holocaust happened

I take it you are disagreeing with the notion that some Turks took advantage of a situation to further their agenda by kidnapping and torturing some jews to falsely plant the scaffold used to build it up into the holohoax we know today.'

>The stories told are just exaggerated bullshit. Take for example, the gas chambers/showers fairytales.

The gas chambers and skin lamps are not the "small grain of truth" I'm talkling about, but rather the extremes of the pomp and exaggeration built on that smaller truth.

Luke 13:21: "It is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened."

But I get it. You think not one jew was murdered by someone dressed up as a Nazi in all of world war 2. You think every single survivor story fake. I get you.

–That is a trough route to take and I don't think you will be successful in pushing that truth no matter to what extent you might be right as they have indeed exaggerated and used that small seedling of truth for all it's worth.

I am just of the opinion that it might be an easier pill for holocausts normies to swallow if you recognize the possibility of Turkish involvement giving the holohoax the momentum it needed to be so successfully pushed because they built it upon the truth of some turks doing a mini-holocaust false flag operation dressed up as Nazis.

Take it as a tool you might want to file away in your holohoax toolbox the next time you open it up for a normy.

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8f4805  No.181825


>I take it you are disagreeing with the notion that some Turks took advantage of a situation to further their agenda by kidnapping and torturing some jews to falsely plant the scaffold used to build it up into the holohoax we know today

>Turks took advantage of a situation

What situation?

>to further their agenda

What agenda? To set up the NSDAP and create a situation that kikes could benefit from?

>by kidnapping and torturing some jews

[citation needed]

>to falsely plant the scaffold used to build it up into the holohoax we know today

Again, why? You are painting Turks as these masterminds who are even more cleverly subversive than kikes. What would be the point of any of this if it were true?

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e71374  No.181829

>The Turks already had experience organizing the Armenia genocide

stopped reading. it was the jews you retard

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7026e8  No.181833

File: 0f282236e644699⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 494x622, 247:311, radical.jpg)


<Turks took advantage of a situation

>What situation?

Europe was in chaos at the end of world war 2 when most of the holohoax was said to have happened. Roving bands of armies all over the place, deals and betrayals being struck every which way, mass confusion. If you wanted to murder your name, now would've been an ideal time. The perfect cover for any type of operation.

<to further their agenda

>What agenda? To set up the NSDAP and create a situation that kikes could benefit from?

The agenda to reclaim their lost Ottoman empire, by first reclaiming Palestine as a geographical requirement since it was the central piece to which the regions of north africa, ababia, persia, and anatolia were all connected.

If Constantinople was the brain of the ottoman empire, then Jerusalem was the heart.

The open secret of Jews and Germans ending their fued by striking a deal deport them to Palestine in exchange for a free hand in the region, was COMPLETE anti-thema to everything the Turks were trying to do.

A peace deal between Germans and Jews would be the death blow to Turks as it would free them both to refocus their energy on retaking Constantinople and Jerusalem at a time when Turks were having trouble just keeping hold of Anatolia.

The agenda to create a distraction from the Armenian genocide by framing the Germans for the most infamous genocide of all time. Propaganda warfare by that time was zeroing in on crucifying the Turks for the Armenian genocide (to whatever degree it's true or not) and the Turks desperately needed another genocidal bad guy to take their place.

<by kidnapping and torturing some jews

>[citation needed]

obviously, I'm making a hypothesis based on circumstantial evidence.

We're talking about an event that happened 80 years ago.

In science the process is to make a hypothesis bases on circumstantial evidence, and then to advance the hypothesis into a theory with citations as it proves true.

There are way too many coincidences pointing to this "Turks did the holocaust" theory. I'm sure other anons could add their own knowledge to this by highlighting other suspicious facts which point to the turks as the common denominator.

>You are painting Turks as more subversive than kikes. What would be the point of any of this if it were true?

Truth is the point. And truth helps dictate better policy.

If you think jews are the only enemy and the only solution is genocide them all and would be the end of all our problems, then congratulations you have been successfully subverted. Jews=bad is not the main idea National Socialism. Turks in Anatolia are anti-thema to NatSoc and should be given just as much attention as the jewish front of the war.

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8f4805  No.181835


>Europe was in chaos at the end of world war 2 when most of the holohoax was said to have happened

Wrong. The "Holocaust" meme didn't start until ages after WW2. No one even talked about the "holocaust" until about 5-10 years after it supposedly happened. You can't take advantage of a concept that didn't exist yet.

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7026e8  No.181844


<end of ww2 when the halocaust was said to have happened.

>Wrong. The "Holocaust" meme didn't start until ages after WW2

SMDH. Yes, AFTER ww2, they SAID that the halocaust happened during the END of ww2. Pay attention.

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8f4805  No.181857


>they SAID that the halocaust happened during the END of ww2

Who is "they"? Now you're basically agreeing that the holohoax didn't happen, but you're also trying to claim that the Turks did it. The point is that holohoax propaganda didn't start to settle in until many years after it supposedly happened, because it is a fake story. So how would the Turks take advantage of that during world war 2? Are they time travelers?

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7026e8  No.181881


>Now you're basically agreeing that the holohoax didn't happen, but you're also trying to claim that the Turks did it.

READ: >>181796


> it is a fake story. So how would the Turks take advantage of that during world war 2? Are they time travelers?

I'm saying the Turks are the ones who put it in motion to begin with.

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6f83e0  No.181887


The holocaust did not happen. No one committed it. There is no grain of anything. There was no genocide planned, ordered, or carried out. It was not turks. It was not Germans. It was not anyone.

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8f4805  No.181922


>I'm saying the Turks are the ones who put it in motion to begin with

Now we are looping back to the original argument I made. You have to prove that there actually was a "holocaust".

See >>181887

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7026e8  No.182970

File: 2de142f52105e0b⋯.png (341.55 KB, 493x617, 493:617, let_me_explain_it_so_you_s….png)


We are not looping, you are just not registering the responses contained here: >>181796 and here: >>181818

I think the mistake I made on this thread was I should've titled it, "Turks did the holohoax" instead of "Turks did the holocaust".

It's giving the wrong idea that this thread is somehow saying the halocaust happened exactly according to mainstream history but that the Turkz did it. This is not what I'm saying. I'm saying Turkz are in high probability responsible for some false flag attacks upon Germany to give the holohoax the small grain of truth it needed to build upon.

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2f3e16  No.188136

File: 8fa3d3ff23ef654⋯.jpg (16.89 KB, 255x201, 85:67, fuck_ya_cunt.jpg)









>türk turk túrç turk turkic turkish turks

Shut the fuck up cunt, Every single t*rk and t*rk lover must burn in eternal fire, doesn't matter it's natsoc kike theist atheist nigger chink nip or white

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6f20de  No.188137

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f9ddc6  No.188140


Trying to be civil here is pointless, this place is full of divisive glowies.

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9b48cc  No.188194


i think youre right anon

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d31479  No.188197

That 6,000,000 number appeared hundreds of times before WWII



Don't respond to these kike trolls. Just expose them.

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430d92  No.188271


Would you care to give an overview of that 300 page pdf document? Just flipped through it and it seems interesting but I won't have the time to read it anytime soon.

So they've been planning the 6,000,000 number a long time. Jews are paired with the number 6, star of David, number of the beast.

Anything else to know?

Doesn't change the hypothesis of this thread though.

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2c07c7  No.188302

There was no 'holocaust' fag.

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693836  No.191993


Nah Modern Turks are mixture of Local Anatolians and Turkics. Ratio changing between %30-40 Turkic and %60-70 Anatolian

So yoıu are entirely wrong.

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693836  No.191995


>ate a state and name it Africa-land. C'mon now. If there is any truth to that statement, then the name Turkey should be dropped ASAP; but they won't because the majority of Turkey population considers themselves mainly ethnically Turkic,


You are wrong, nigger.

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693836  No.191996

You whiteoids can do whatever you want in this echo chamber you call pol or pnd or whatever. But if you are going to throw shitty claims, at least back it up.


Just search Eurogenes results for Turkey. Turks are %30-40 Central Asian and %60-70 Local Anatolian. Most of the local villages have higher ratio of Central Asian. Most of the villages still calls itself Turkmen.

So please, shut the fuck up about your retarded claims.

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0af9af  No.192160

File: a370eb00e9c47c3⋯.jpg (243.04 KB, 1023x924, 31:28, turks_mixed.jpg)




It seems like you're saying The citizens of Turkey are mostly unrecognizably mixed. They are neither Turk or Arab or Greek or White or Mongrel or anything.

Thus pleas see this post: >>181812

>Those who are truly unrecognizably mixed should suffer the consequence of race mixing and live in the non-central border regions like North-western Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. BUT DEFINITELY NOT IN CONSTANTINOPLE, one of the most central hubs of white ethnicity. and Remain there until a recognizable race returns to them through successive generations of non-race mixing.

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693836  No.192195


No.. their genetics are closest to Crimeans, Azerbaijani and Northern Caucasian people. Effectively making them a somewhat mixed version of their old Turkic ancestors.

Anatolian "Greeks" were actually local anatolians wo lived there for thousands of years leaving no culture. Their genetics have significant amount of Anatolians but they bear no cultural or linguistic relation with any ancient Anatolians.

So they are effectively mongrelized Turkics. They dont have any "arab" blood contrary to popular belief which is very interesting.

They are essentially Turkics who got mixed so heavily with local anatolian farmers in which the identity of these farmers have been long evaporated. This is why they dont have any identity other than being Turkic because there was no identity to replace it.

So they are not "unrecogniably mixed". Most of them are mongrelized/mixed Turkics. Some of them are old Balkaners who got mixed with Slavs.

But they kept their Turkic identity, language and culture very well. Other than genetics their ethnic identity is intact, unlike Amerimutts.

Look at the DNA results i have posted. Their connection to Central Asia is still significant, albeit weakened over centuries.

In any case They are not European. Some sort of Asian folk who does not have any claim on Constantinople. But then again, it was latins and Western Europe who did not help Romans of East.

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072434  No.192534

File: 2287674013f2b02⋯.png (283.46 KB, 1281x404, 1281:404, ClipboardImage.png)

They are not Arabs or Greeks or Kurds.

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14c70a  No.192785

We arent that based man. I wish we did it though

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3d8119  No.198498


I know we are based but I didnt know we are this based.

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996c7c  No.209058

File: 604077a978826e9⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 497x614, 497:614, KaT.jpg)

BuhMXIntSuiN WzJfdKYMMrY jxijnpsYiFr nAADszkLho CnR OynXyUnQd yLbW tfR

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fc2b55  No.209147

File: 1e5039b2dc28d10⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 462x416, 231:208, sGcJJyVnGp.jpg)

WBpZ PhYTXjwQR SKnn trwWpcQoQq pgFEfbXUFFXm WWdvVsI SrEbryWhUQxs IkHRZXy qrbrJAC tElZMgrJUs gammDuaN

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ae2bb4  No.209150

File: fa9c02981b92a39⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 907x616, 907:616, KIn.jpg)

drOxlfUWH dGJp kghz JEBHIvMTDsm ZdUdXKQMry JmGCJveuOk BiRtwF SSwczJ sKLND NOv ngMKY GlcFnaViPwt fbPeZxJ ECSNQALyHe JaGGcGFjoPUH hDXbD deUN

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e94a36  No.209166

File: ac00d89935dbe6c⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 928x585, 928:585, CHxjDCAG.jpg)


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79fd55  No.210057

File: 296ff912b8f983a⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 413x608, 413:608, aegprZURt.jpg)

wsRjJOnOlCo SnKKQeK GMWFOEXE vOywdJvM zZjqj eGEfeTGYOimH zeeCLQ xnMb MfTnCsBpHZW kzzvHmRlASTd

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2cffde  No.210159

File: b74589d424ee7e2⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 997x535, 997:535, ePAxgYk.jpg)

YqGZ HAxHZlxqXfHN FAg SAraehxoDzK jAmUD rLjlwp GQF fjcvSaHOLd JYnqsAuwp

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818c02  No.211401

File: f5d3985ef5fa750⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 469x550, 469:550, lzxBqN.jpg)

OBgrA ACqH ZnAc ayDoBnD OusOTseCVBsX agKgOidw QkRz rgkmoJLXMNb PaT

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12b5d0  No.211843

File: a95be7284843493⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 1061x576, 1061:576, LiEBVaMmjF.jpg)

LZNEyNxUA XfNx JvIrLbAP QPfwenHO LltnjdFFJNU BcqSXS jzEkjGTXg fuVVNJlyCVMN zXnT cOBLbsgjgM XdrqqLyq mpmr muvwTXOZSj MNZWtjd tCakcjDOV wqhe NWca jGOCOaIY

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692a11  No.211931

File: ce482c42b0d2304⋯.jpg (31.12 KB, 297x436, 297:436, Rgqh.jpg)

fNEIzx KbmVG YBVr AOKOXzK WqoIJfiY vEwb fHVaZz IssJWENII CbnKs CWHenIpuTpXc nAlpagZ mdxwnfYArEGx Czc yEgcE DOS zKRdejTPq ArX ioaIEwGpSaHo bObj

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21c219  No.212276

File: a5b727e4cc33526⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 438x486, 73:81, rDlUIkVlZ.jpg)

YNqo gkfQu mZs ZALVepFRBDYQ bvbfBMrlgo

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0da0cd  No.212426

File: 5f728cdd2d0a8d9⋯.jpg (58.3 KB, 509x571, 509:571, ymoBO.jpg)

vxmy MlDqohOv kBlNv zjNuDDjBMs yAwOcAVkMLP YdGn QaxQycLw isss wxKrlKvC mrfcGTdRvi ysQJuxA YmwLUNgtl DRUqLSvI yhs oqtOZux

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218f2a  No.212471

File: c3b5cad35d366aa⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 470x587, 470:587, bGj.jpg)

YjxVNLgo zNYEmnfbkOb NAHxYqDZonp wOyfBIbZsK YMvFepZ CISHVD ATOrGEsJ fpuUuZvzJDs XcHuaWizOxwH uQVTFedm MDOMZq sgvFVrtkF HTJndQD sOoyePvPPckY xazpggSjQI ZaayoJxNaOSG nAiNmp ZegYxh hwCG kiObBPpUHmL

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3ccff6  No.212733

File: 45708125dce9f43⋯.jpg (88.46 KB, 1144x636, 286:159, uuihwamTM.jpg)


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049d59  No.212795

File: 40157e41bfd6e18⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 348x385, 348:385, nndghyI.jpg)

tHVjNa TtyFRVSEvVXd oCekZWdCdH HIePuKkUSy ULbCFmfoRs NrwemYhejqR OkmwDWJDAuHN wWMjzrbssr ZqchrcrNXl VgFRgu hGFQvkS zXKgktn fcWBbZh nRR PpLbgRrMVmbF QzpGLgKYqalK iJPscvLhxRo OhsVkqvh buxGUiR

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5e2fea  No.212924

File: 0b6d9434f29e5f4⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 1122x535, 1122:535, EmmVRy.jpg)


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