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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Hotwheels is trapped in a prison of his own decaying flesh

File: 4e0f0e970b0080c⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x8633, 1280:8633, Templars.png)

d81b4b  No.179583

The Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 at which time they settled in Holland and formed the Dutch East India company. Oliver Cromwell let the Jews back in at which point they began their web of infiltration eventually marrying into the royal, The Rothschilds even got their blood into the royal family as well.

They also infiltrated the Vatican via the Jesuits to get control of the legal system and titles of Christendom. I explained this in the attached image to the cucks on /his/ at cuck chan. Read it, learn it and understand how this all fits together and if you want links for videos and articles just ask.

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52b466  No.179814

File: bcab8cd5050cf59⋯.png (557.9 KB, 926x664, 463:332, commercial.png)


I finally got a clip of the commercial


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52b466  No.179823

File: f7afba5b34cdfb6⋯.webm (10.63 MB, 960x540, 16:9, commercial.webm)

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d81b4b  No.179831

File: d92963a7c114d4c⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 320x232, 40:29, puti.jpg)

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