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File: 8c614fb99878f7d⋯.png (56.14 KB, 1280x808, 160:101, 1280px_Confederate_Rebel_F….png)

3ce7a0  No.179450

Tell me, /pnd/, what is the truth of the confederacy? Was it a better alternative than the union? How? And most importantly, why did it wished to leave the union so badly? Was it really for the sole purpose of keeping slavery?

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39df93  No.179459


Smells like QTDDTOT. The Confederacy was created, in part, by jews who wanted to maintain chattel slavery and restore the slave trade. The US having cut off a revenue stream for them, they invoked insurrection and sought to expand enslavement to their rule. The Confederate Secretary of the Treasury, ✡Judah P. Benjamin✡, has statues all across the South to this day, despite being a slaveowner and a confederate high councilman. Gee. I wonder why ✡his✡ statues remain standing…

Slavery, and the jewish control thereof, was the primary reason for the war. It overshadows the secondary, somewhat valid reasons, invoked by “look how not racist we are” whites today. There are aspects of the Confederate constitution which are superior to ours–such as their provision demanding that all bills pertain to one matter, and one matter only, stated plainly in the title of the bill. Moreover, the post-war consolidation of power in the US federal government is, to this day, a violation of the Constitution that was “justified” by the secession of the Confederacy.

Finally, despite Lincoln being a jew-lover (and having been mentored by a jew in his youth), he had no love for niggers and personally wanted to deport every single last one of them when the war was over. He was killed before he could do this. Instead, radical proto-communists took power and made niggers into citizens, allowing jewish carpetbaggers to swarm across the destroyed, post-war south and scoop up all assets for themselves.

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5b16dc  No.179498

File: c997b082bdb151c⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 624x1232, 39:77, blk_inhuman_torch.mp4)


>Was it a better alternative than the union?

The BEST alternative was sending the farm equipment back to Africa. It's not like they were going to figure out how to make (and sail) boats to come back and get us.

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d5f981  No.179499

I think the confederacy had more Jewish influence but both sides had Jews in the background. Lincoln had pretty much let pro Confederate Jews run rampant across the country while jailing without trail gentiles, theirs also a fact I believe hearing that Lincoln never went to church or ever said if he was protestant or Catholic.

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d5f981  No.179500


Lincoln was suggesting niggers should get the right to vote before a Rothschild agent killed him.

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39df93  No.179503


Uh, what? No, he wanted them all deported. He explicitly said–as all the Founders did–that africans could never be treated as equals to the white man. He met with delegations of africans to discuss the best way to do this, and to get them to help tell their fellows that it was going to happen and get them compliant.

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