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712fec  No.179441

Recently there has been a substantial decline in intellectual discussion; surrounding race. There is belligerence almost within the post. You guys need to read up on material and construct your argument probably, its absolutely embarrassing reading colloquialism of people. Research establishes the cause and addresses the problem. (this seems to be an issue with the north Americans) You must not give into the resolve of ignorance.

-Readings Bell Curve

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0619f1  No.179507

You seem like a nigger.

Fuck off.

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64891c  No.179579

Are you suggesting that we're too stupid to understand a normal distributed sample? IQ graph posts contain this piece of information visualized all the time.

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7bc448  No.179587

File: b42a34adc04f9ee⋯.png (811.17 KB, 831x1151, 831:1151, sarg.png)


Most of the people on this website are borderline retarded. I wouldnt count on them reading anything or convincing anyone of anything with arguments other than a small handful. Just post your info for people that may be able to use it and ignore the idiots for anything other than using as a sounding board to post more relevant info. I cruise /sci/ on cuckchan mostly for spreading this kind of info and have for years. I have given them the arguments for this kind of discussion and there are a lot more people there can use them and have a hell of a lot more chance of being someone in a position of influence in the future then the fucktards here. There is a handful of us there that keep race and IQ threads going pretty much daily, this being the current one


For years I was the only one with the arguments to counter the shills and the useful idiot, indoctrinated droolers with their neomarxist retardation and their brainwashing attempts, but as I said I have been giving them the correct data and arguments for years pointing them to alt-hype and other sources so they are doing pretty decent on their own now.

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047324  No.179595

File: 34ec482c686d284⋯.png (53.13 KB, 992x877, 992:877, PISApol_science.png)

File: ee2b1a2ad0e95b0⋯.png (55.42 KB, 995x864, 995:864, PISApol_math.png)

File: aba9a304bbb8363⋯.png (54.87 KB, 997x860, 997:860, PISApol_reading.png)


Ever considered using PISSA scores of migrants (1st / 2nd gen) vs original population? You'd find that even in places like Mexico the migrants are performing quite a lot worse on the standardized tests. These tests say to a good extent more than just IQ because it involves practical problem solving through intellectual ability and skill. Rather than just (fast) pattern detection which IQ mostly is.

> someone in a position of influence in the future then the fucktards here


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7bc448  No.179598


Well this requires more effort than I am willing to get into in a discussion with shills and retards. When you have been doing this as ling as I have you learn what a waste it is arguing with these kinds of idiots. I prefer to drop links to videos and websites that explain this in depth with just a few words to counter w/e the fucktard I may be arguing with is spewing.

If you don't do it this way you will never accomplish anything. You arent going ton convince the ideologues or the people who dont even give a fuck so it is a huge time sink. Posting links, the ones that are interested will follow them and study the material and the newly red pilled do this job for you while they still have have zeal and drive too.

This is the main reason I created my website so I didnt have to have the same arguments with a million people a million times over and over, it is not a sustainable model to use, Write it once and share the link millions times. Also it weeds out the midwits to dumb to understand on its won without you wasting your time arguing with someone who is stupid to understand what you are talking about anyway.

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