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f67102  No.177790

DISCLAIMER: This is a purely theoretical work, an exercise in thought, and is not a call to violence. Do not do anything illegal. Do not commit any violence.

The Basic Situation

The laws of motion describe basic truths such as how an object will remain still or in motion unless acted on by a force, or how the rate of change in its momentum will be proportional to the force applied to it, or how two colliding objects will exert an equal force on one another. The only relevant laws that govern the behavior of physical systems are the laws of motion, and since humans are physical systems, the only laws that govern human behavior are the laws of motion. Detractors from this viewpoint are invited to pick a fight with a speeding semi.

(1) The laws of motion permit all human action that is possible, and forbid all human action that is impossible. All that is required for the actualization of a human desire is the necessary tools, strength, and circumstances for the task. If someone wanted to rape a child, he needs only an opportunity and the right set of muscular contractions. (2) Furthermore, the laws of motion would permit the unfair action of raping a young child just as much as they would permit any fair action. So if the laws that govern human behavior permit such unfair behavior without discrimination, then they are not fair. (3) In addition, any sort of accountability for these unsavory actions is entirely circumstantial, and not prescribed by the laws of motion in any way. (4) In the world of human behavior as I have described it, anyone can do whatever they want within the realm of possibility, and may or may not suffer consequences for it depending on the circumstances. This is the immutable law of the universe, although it would be more appropriate in the colloquial sense to say that there are no laws and no rules.

The Human Situation

Humans are by nature exploitative creatures, meaning that they are required to kill, consume, and generally utilize other living beings and the natural resources of their environment in order to survive, grow, and reproduce. For example; to survive and grow a person must kill plants and animals and consume them. Additionally, they must defend themselves against other humans who want to exploit or kill them, choosing their own success over the success of the others. If they did not constantly engage in this exploitative activity they would die. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this is the knowledge and acceptance of the fact that humans are beings who must engage in necessary evil, and that their entire existence depends on it.

Humans are biological organisms, and are therefore subject to natural selection. Natural selection describes the process by which organisms with traits that promote their survival and reproduction tend to flourish while those with detrimental traits tend to die out; thus changing the makeup of the population. The technological environment of the modern human world has made it so that mental qualities are more important for survival and reproduction than physical qualities are. In essence, if someone has the will to survive and reproduce, they are likely to accomplish that goal. This framework for our existence, both in the traditional and modern situation, entirely discounts the idea that anyone is owed anything, or that anyone fundamentally deserves anything. The fact is that the fit survive and reproduce, while the unfit are annihilated. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this set of facts is responsibility. A person who wants to succeed should take responsibility for their own life, because their own responsible action is the best strategy to maximize their ability to survive and reproduce.

Now, if someone does not do something that he ought to do, then he deserves whatever consequences his inaction produces. So, if someone does not do what is necessary to survive to the best of their ability, then they deserve the consequence of death. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this set of reasoning is pragmatism. Pragmatism is when a person has the will to strive by whatever means necessary to achieve their survival and reproduction.

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f67102  No.177792


The Political Situation

Nature has programmed mankind with a powerful and primal motivation to defend and promote themselves individually and also their families, tribes, and nations. Why care about the people of these groups instead of any other person? Firstly, because nature has programmed you to value them more than others, and secondly because you cannot care about everyone in a world where zero-sum competition exists. That would lead to cognitive dissonance. Someone who has resisted the corruption of the modern world and still responds to these essential human motivations is a righteous man.

If someone doesn’t defend and promote themselves, they are suicidal and self-destructive. If someone doesn’t defend and promote their family, and instead allows them to be exploited or killed, they are an abomination. By abomination I mean something that has deviated significantly from the regular pattern of nature with negative consequences, compounded with the failure to fulfill the duty nature has prescribed for males with a mate and offspring. If someone doesn’t defend and promote their tribes or nations, they are traitors. All of these failures are the result of weakness. Whether through fear, cowardice, ineptitude, or naivety they all represent a fundamental emasculation.

A righteous man with his masculinity intact should recognize that the defense and promotion of these entities within the framework of natural law is a matter of survival or death/exploitation. Therefore, he ought to defend and promote them by whatever means necessary to the best of his ability. On the level that we are concerned with, the best way to defend and promote oneself and one's family, tribe, and nation is to completely destroy their human enemies. Striving for anything less is to deserve whatever the consequences of that weakness produce, namely the death of oneself and the people one is trying to defend. Complete destruction and defense/promotion of all kinds require no justification because in a competition for survival there are no rules and all those involved have no more claim to life than the other. Complete destruction means outright slaughter and any action along the way aimed at damaging one’s enemies.

For an individual, family, tribe, or nation to defend and promote itself is essentially success, while the opposite is failure. As has been demonstrated, the complete destruction of one’s enemies constitutes the complete success of the entity in question, at least where competition is concerned. Aiming for anything less than complete success is a destructive weakness that opens one up to the consequences of failure, that is; the exploitation and death of everyone that you love. If we therefore are to slaughter our enemies, we must know who they are.

The central categories of enemies are threatening out-groups, traitors, and criminals. Traitors are an enemy, because out-group enemies are a constant threat and traitors destroy the necessary unity and cohesion a group needs to combat the out-group, on top of whatever direct damage their treason inflicts. They must be completely annihilated. Criminals, of the violent and sexual variety especially but also those financial or corporate types whose actions can inflict devastating consequences on the body politic. The most common objection to their complete and necessary annihilation is the imprisonment option. Imprisonment diverts resources that could have been utilized for life saving medical procedures on the women and children of the people to individuals guilty of heinous evil against the people. This is treason, and therefore not an option. The final category I will address is the threatening out-group. In a competitive situation, one group will win and the other will lose, and according to the reasoning throughout this document the contending out-group must be completely destroyed.

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f67102  No.177794


Psychological Response

The type of response to natural law I have outlined recognizes that destruction is an inevitable part of human existence, so people ought to channel it away from themselves and towards their enemies in order to secure their existence. The alternative responses are either outright suicidal, as is seen in leftism, or sporadic and ineffective, as is seen in conservatism. If suffering and destruction are inevitable parts of the human experience, and humans live in competition to avoid this, and humans care about others by empathizing with them or “sharing their pain,” then you cannot care about everyone without becoming an emotional wreck. No one has the strength to identify with and care about the entire world, to let the suffering of every person affect them on a personal level. Of course, when we see suffering it affects us anyways, which is why dehumanizing far off people is necessary, along with the active demonization of one's enemies to psychologically inoculate yourself against what you will do to them.

The categories of self, family, tribe, and nation are established based on the level of identification one has with other people. The self identifies completely with the self, and is genetically and biologically identical. The family is based on the sexual union with a mate producing offspring who are entirely derived genetically and biologically from the parents. The tribe in its original formation refers to a group of people of the same nation living in the same area and often intermarrying. The nation refers to a political element composed of or based on ethnic identity.

The character of the righteous man who defends himself and the groups he belongs to is defined by the embodiment of the strength and power necessary to do these things. He rejects weakness and cowardice in himself. This is not to say that he worships strength and power to the exclusion of weakness and vulnerability in themselves; they are, after all, just tools. Tools that he uses to defend the women and children of his family, tribe, and nation, whose vulnerability and tender weakness are the reasons he uses strength and power to crush their enemies. The masculine function is to protect, provide, and lead the women and children. It’s like a garden surrounded by walls of stone and equipped with sharp spades for weeding; the purpose of their strength and destructive ability is solely for the preservation of the delicate beauty of the flower inside. They’re not ends in themselves. An immense source of political corruption is when people forget who and what they’re fighting for, and instead become possessed by the desire for power alone.

In the same spirit, this philosophy doesn’t intend to produce feelings of excessive anger in its adherents, despite outside perception to that effect. The performance of a necessary task, the task of success against nature and competition, is not necessarily tied to any emotional state. Granted, anger is the primary motivation given to us by nature to do these things, but reason is also a sufficient motivation, allowing the necessary actions to be carried out with reluctance or no emotion at all. I advocate anger only as it is useful in motivating the collective, but for the cooler heads I advocate a mechanical disposition. This consists, whatever the initial motivation, of a realization that what is necessary must be done, and after the solidification of this view, an efficient and unfeeling machine-like performance of the task. This is because of the damaging and corruptive nature of prolonged anger or agitation. It may be argued that this mechanical attitude is more damaging, but this attitude, of someone who is able to accept things as they are and do what is necessary simply because it is necessary, without all the associated primal emotional convulsions, is precisely what I’m trying to promote in this essay.

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0b0587  No.177958

File: fc88c24067fb8a6⋯.jpg (163.54 KB, 1038x505, 1038:505, _2.jpg)


>humans are beings who must engage in necessary evil

It is only evil if you call it evil.

>the contending out-group must be completely destroyed

Yes that is an ideal. The enemy is more than a cult or a race the enemy is a philosophy and ideas can not be absolutely killed. Only chopped down to nothing over and over again. We must accept this responsibility will never end and must be passed down to our children so they never fall as far as we have.

>you cannot care about everyone without becoming an emotional wreck

Implying that killing sub humans is not mercy.

>reason is also a sufficient motivation

This is true. The enemy wishes to over complicate and obfuscate thoughts with paradoxes and emotions. Look at nature and you always find supreme truth.

Sure, reasonably, a total depopulation of enemies is ideal. Killing people is the right thing to do. What is missing is to accept the limits of one person and one lifetime of effort. Just because all of the enemies can't be killed does not excuse killing no one. Analysis to paralysis is a real risk. There is always risk. There is a time when the damage inflicted on the enemy can be maximized and that is the time to strike. Do not over invest and be reasonable in setting goals. Most important take action to realize true virtue. You must reproduce. You must kill. You must create a world where there is the greatest chance that your children will carry on the philosophy and action of virtue. (in minecraft yes)

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9a416b  No.178465



glow harder faggots

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2dcdca  No.178476


>This is a purely theoretical work, an exercise in thought

This is deconstructionism. You use words to manipulate reality. It's not a new concept, it has been around for ages.

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58fe62  No.178480


OP here:

I have no intention to manipulate anything with my words. The truth is I'm writing a character for a novel about a political radical, and I thought I'd get some takes on his philosophy from people on the edges of politics.

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0b0587  No.178992

File: b67c9b383ff674e⋯.jpg (108.56 KB, 1080x1158, 180:193, b67c9b383ff674e25a818b7040….jpg)



Don't count on me to save your sorry ass either. I don't care about creating an ethnostate or expelling the kikes. I'd like to see it happen but I'm not willing to die for the dream of it. So long as others share my feelings nothing of substance will change for the white race.

Unlike this shitskin I do mean to manipulate. So long as the response to encouragement to killing is "glownigger" or "you first" nothing will happen. If someone was to start removing the faces of the mid level government officials who signed into law mask mandates this might work to change human behavior. If someone was to break in to news media outlet broadcast stations and execute (((journalists))) on live stream this might work to change human behavior. If you think sitting with your thumb up your ass mailing in ballots and shitposting on the net is going to stop these nigger invaders you are mistaken. Shitposting is important that's why I'm here but it is not enough on its own. If you think a government employee would ever say "It is beneficial to make people fear government employment. Killing government employees indiscriminately will bring positive change to the world." Think again. If you think anyone is going to get paid to say "We need a Tarrant to hit a synagogue." Well I don't know. I do all this for free. All in minecraft ofc. Wouldn't want to advocate for real world violence. Murder is bad, OK guys.

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d170bc  No.179344


So you're trying to provoke other people with your words because you are too much of a coward to do it yourself?

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0b0587  No.179646

File: d3c89d9d00fb6b8⋯.jpg (76.01 KB, 921x1000, 921:1000, 9fd90212a183e62e66af296a56….jpg)


yes, in Minecraft you know…

I don't want to die. So I don't want anyone else to die. That is the truth call it what you want. It is only reasonable even for a subhuman like me to get the concept. Overpopulation is a lie the real war is reproduction. The only time that killing a player is justified is when it is done to protect yourself or someone who you care about from imminent harm some call it (((opportunity ability jeopardy))). Nice digits have a you.

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0b0587  No.179689

File: f2e5b9616184088⋯.jpg (147.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, drone_strikes_for_kikes_ni….jpg)


It's funny isn't it. Propaganda. Tarrant killed so many players and costed the government so much money. What did he accomplish? Would it have been different if he had killed jews? Honestly no. Every mass killer has failed. The real and the fake ones. People love to see it so much they even stage fake mass killings. What is important is to maintain the will and readiness to kill at any moment. That is the only reason I am not in prison right now. This is the last island of humanity here on the net. When the grid goes down that is when the jungle will take back everything. I have been preparing for this my whole life. I even became complacent thinking I would out live the fall. Maybe it will be the slow boil that has been the case for decades since the end of the world wars. I hold on to hope for the future and that is why I speak so boldly. If I could I would decide who gets the death penalty and who does not. That is not my role but I have the freedom to voice my opinion on the matter. I'll die for that. I'll go to prison for that. All in Minecraft because that game is the best. I really enjoy it. I can't wait to see the future I am very inspired. Whoever breeds more wins the world. I know the white race will survive and that every other race will likely live on as well. I don't believe in total extermination I believe in self defense. I believe that speaking boldly is important. We put people or are they players? in prison and give them lethal injections and in third world countries we blow them up with drones. All for good reason. I look forward to the continued use of these methods, maybe targeted at slightly different players, not by much. >Muh optics

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ac9328  No.179909


According to the logic of the essay, total extermination is defense.

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92b89c  No.180692

File: 6160458f70b6ada⋯.png (2.49 MB, 954x1716, 159:286, yellow_lux.png)

Not only a lie on that account,

but a lie on acount of the blame

that we blame people in the Matrix

for faults in the Matrix sacrificing them

while the Architect not comparably losing.

No consequences

for your extreme failure.

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82f604  No.180733


Why do I get schizo-posting for this pragmatic and straight-forward essay?

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f65576  No.180767

Guys, nothing will happen in our lifetimes, get over it. There won't be no collapse.

You can avoid 90% of it by moving deep into the country and becoming a hermit and a luddite.

Our children and granchildren will probably avoid globohomo too if they want to. But at some point our descendants WILL be forced to get chipped, live in pods and eat the bugs, if anything because there won't be any more rural land and it will be that or be turned into soylent.

We won't live to see that day, and there's nothing we can do about it either. You can't stop the progress of technology and civilization. At some point there will be a technological setback when the oil runs out, but in the long term scientists will figure a way to fuck us up anyway.

The only possible way this doesn't happen is if there's full scale global nuclear war that set us back thousands of years, but I doubt it.

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3cbe25  No.181481


Being demoralized means that you haven't fully committed yet.

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897082  No.181495


or you can just take the seethepill and larp as le epic reddit ripandtearman

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e72f46  No.185555


What have you done?

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8aa90c  No.185557


Why do you sage schizo faggot?

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5c186a  No.185559

bumping for other anons takes

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