DISCLAIMER: This is a purely theoretical work, an exercise in thought, and is not a call to violence. Do not do anything illegal. Do not commit any violence.
The Basic Situation
The laws of motion describe basic truths such as how an object will remain still or in motion unless acted on by a force, or how the rate of change in its momentum will be proportional to the force applied to it, or how two colliding objects will exert an equal force on one another. The only relevant laws that govern the behavior of physical systems are the laws of motion, and since humans are physical systems, the only laws that govern human behavior are the laws of motion. Detractors from this viewpoint are invited to pick a fight with a speeding semi.
(1) The laws of motion permit all human action that is possible, and forbid all human action that is impossible. All that is required for the actualization of a human desire is the necessary tools, strength, and circumstances for the task. If someone wanted to rape a child, he needs only an opportunity and the right set of muscular contractions. (2) Furthermore, the laws of motion would permit the unfair action of raping a young child just as much as they would permit any fair action. So if the laws that govern human behavior permit such unfair behavior without discrimination, then they are not fair. (3) In addition, any sort of accountability for these unsavory actions is entirely circumstantial, and not prescribed by the laws of motion in any way. (4) In the world of human behavior as I have described it, anyone can do whatever they want within the realm of possibility, and may or may not suffer consequences for it depending on the circumstances. This is the immutable law of the universe, although it would be more appropriate in the colloquial sense to say that there are no laws and no rules.
The Human Situation
Humans are by nature exploitative creatures, meaning that they are required to kill, consume, and generally utilize other living beings and the natural resources of their environment in order to survive, grow, and reproduce. For example; to survive and grow a person must kill plants and animals and consume them. Additionally, they must defend themselves against other humans who want to exploit or kill them, choosing their own success over the success of the others. If they did not constantly engage in this exploitative activity they would die. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this is the knowledge and acceptance of the fact that humans are beings who must engage in necessary evil, and that their entire existence depends on it.
Humans are biological organisms, and are therefore subject to natural selection. Natural selection describes the process by which organisms with traits that promote their survival and reproduction tend to flourish while those with detrimental traits tend to die out; thus changing the makeup of the population. The technological environment of the modern human world has made it so that mental qualities are more important for survival and reproduction than physical qualities are. In essence, if someone has the will to survive and reproduce, they are likely to accomplish that goal. This framework for our existence, both in the traditional and modern situation, entirely discounts the idea that anyone is owed anything, or that anyone fundamentally deserves anything. The fact is that the fit survive and reproduce, while the unfit are annihilated. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this set of facts is responsibility. A person who wants to succeed should take responsibility for their own life, because their own responsible action is the best strategy to maximize their ability to survive and reproduce.
Now, if someone does not do something that he ought to do, then he deserves whatever consequences his inaction produces. So, if someone does not do what is necessary to survive to the best of their ability, then they deserve the consequence of death. The metapolitical value that can be derived from this set of reasoning is pragmatism. Pragmatism is when a person has the will to strive by whatever means necessary to achieve their survival and reproduction.