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File: 0924cf51989a567⋯.jpeg (86.5 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 731815C9_AE6F_4DDC_99AD_2….jpeg)

90b8b6  No.177306

What spiritual paths are open to Europeans? The only non abrahamic, pagan living religion with some European ties seems to be Hinduism.

I enjoy reading about Anglo Saxon and Scandinavian paganism but they have no canon and I don’t see how they can be lived authentically this late after their demise.

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3e418f  No.177346

Religion is cope. Just accept that life is an anomaly and nothing happens after you die. This is the only way to deal with problems in a rational manner.

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8dc934  No.177369


Why deal with any problems, then? Nothing matters if nothing matters. Life is purposeless, so why would anyone listen to what you tell them to do?

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2e55ec  No.177371

Being "magickal" and in communication with your ancestors is the heart of all that is "pagan". Everything else is aesthetics. Don't worry, just do the work.

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ddcbaf  No.177380

File: 056511f449ec137⋯.jpg (512.72 KB, 1159x1200, 1159:1200, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg)


Anon religion is truth like [real] history like [real] science apparently you have not realized that yet. It is not a matter of choice. You can't just choose a religion just as you can't choose truth. You are born into your peoples [original] religion but you should (and will do if you study enough) realize that other people's religions are true as well. And you should study them all. It is the blood that connects everything together. Science. History. Reality.

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e276c0  No.177393


Make up whatever BS you want, like the original jerks did.

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3e418f  No.177404


If you need religion to make yourself get out of bed in the morning, then you're weak. I don't need to contemplate whether life has meaning in order to take advantage of it. You sound like a loser who gives up too easily, but do whatever makes you happy.

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b8398d  No.177420

File: ff87e543b64ee4a⋯.png (6.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, I_like_honest_reporting.png)


>What spiritual paths are open to Europeans?

Facts. Look into astrology. The spiritual is real. But is also only science which we don't yet understand.

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8dc934  No.177492



>can’t even comprehend what was written

>can’t answer the questions

lol, pathetic

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38bdfb  No.177620

File: ae6c8118f5bef11⋯.jpg (99.06 KB, 900x1344, 75:112, 1436128317959.jpg)

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1ca3e2  No.177687


Materialism is the flat earth of ontology. You are literally no better than a nigger.

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4c645c  No.178140


Pick a religion that helps you improve your life and appeals to your soul.

Keep your heart and mind open. Be humble. Truth will come to you. Important thing is to keep walking forward.

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0d0b5d  No.178174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I tend to agree with this. It's nothing new really. All adult men who have any experience in the world come to this conclusion and simply live without questioning it. We're hard wired to get food, build shelter, fuck, breed, fight to defend ourselves. Some of us do it better than others. Christianity denies the validity of much of this as it seems to take a lot of queues from the aghoris and the Cynicism of Diogenese as well as other asiatic pacifistic religions. If anything is a denial of our natural instincts it's Abrahamic religions. I don't need to read a book full of preposterous jewish lies to motivate myself through life, nor did the ancient Roman stoics. And I can seek out a higher culture without any of those absurd asiatic semite superstitions interlarded with the chutzpah of kikenvermin tall tales. Tall tales that neither the records of the Egyptians or the Babylonians or the Assyrian neighbors support.

Frankly I've sort of ignored the Egyptians but lately I'm looking into them and they're actually pretty cool in their religiosity.

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86017a  No.178224


>What religion is left for whites

Well read a book and find out, your right Abrahamic religions are not white.

>Le thing dead in past so we no do now n thing.

Ok brainlet then why do we recreate so many old teachings from the past. American government… Greek. Hitler's nazi salute… roman.

You are already dead. You lack the brainpower to actually see what needs to be done. you have put yourself in a mode of thoughtlessness.

>Because the current world doesn't have the working old teachings, we should just continue being the current world.

Then continue being apart of globohomo faggot. Fucking some people lack the intelligence to be considered human.

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1201f7  No.178317


Atheism is the most destructive religion out there. I went to an atheist church one time and most of the people there were addicted to drugs and porn and smelled like shit.

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ee9afb  No.178342

>muh yurobeans

is the Kalergi doctrine so far up your back, you are either representative of race phenotype branch with self made education, or a nobody cross breeding piece of meat with no relevence to anyone or anything other then nuerous kike doctrines made just for (You) mighty golem.

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40b18b  No.178973


Take any path except for the Religion of Peace. Hinduism is a good option considering its not rigid like most abrahamic religions and it adherents range from ultra conservative to almost hippy atheists. However, it isn't quite popular in Europe sadly. India's the only country where it is in majority.

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