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File: f66ce13e2d0a4cb⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1317x880, 1317:880, 1604695368568.png)

a001d6  No.176467

They hate both ZOG parties, they are against the wars, they hate the ZOGbot pigs, they support Palestinian freedom fighters, they want to give free shit to poorfags like me, and many of them openly hate Jews. Tell me again why I shouldn't support Antifa?

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2f2c4f  No.176472


How fucking dumb are you? They are nothing but useful idiot pawns meant to suppress any real revolution from happening and act as state sponsored thugs. The exact same wastes of humanity as in 1930s Germany.

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187e7c  No.176478

File: 36853e5cf0d4893⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 685x474, 685:474, 36853e5cf0d4893d6fec57fb89….jpg)


>they want to give free shit to poorfags like me

Free shit that's paid for by some other poor faggot is communism.

>many of them openly hate Jews


From all that I know of Antifa a lot of them are anti-Nazi, pro-communism, tranny lovers. Screams "kike puppet" to me.


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e279ca  No.176490

>communism good


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1120bd  No.176497

File: f213ec273149b57⋯.jpg (734.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1604649573251.jpg)



BLM and Antifa are heckin based, go back to suckimg jew cock with the proud goys

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a1dd53  No.176502

File: 92e33358a7500df⋯.jpg (265.87 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Berlin_Antifa_supports_Isr….jpg)


>Tell me again why I shouldn't support Antifa?

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19ddb2  No.176523

Antifa are awesome. I am one.

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21710a  No.176532

The anti-zionist/anti-jew-party antifa are duped useful idiots of the ZOG system, just like the chess-masters who think they're jew-wise and racially aware, yet keep voting republican.

With all that said, the inevitable outcome of being anti-zionist/pro-Palestine is full-on jew-hatred, so the ones who are honest with themselves will be on our side eventually.

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21710a  No.176535

File: efbf7776d1f9081⋯.png (58.31 KB, 634x457, 634:457, Proud_Boys_JDL.png)

File: c304e0c307c5ee4⋯.jpg (249.9 KB, 1011x1011, 1:1, JDL.jpg)


What's baffling about a group founded by the philosemitic shabbos goy Gavin McAnus, who traveled to Israel to make zionist propaganda for Rebbe media, supporting jews at a Holohoax rally? The faggots have been marching with the JDL for years.

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277f95  No.176555

File: f92646487444bdc⋯.jpg (44.56 KB, 922x185, 922:185, 1604541274293.jpg)


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987105  No.176557

File: 06af8720b2e2f2a⋯.webm (3.78 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1595457911012.webm)


Was just contemplating this faggot Op. Was part of occupy as an earnest attempt to bring awareness to, and advocate against the fed, which as we all know was co-opted by all the same movements today, albeit with more subtly to perception of those times then, but tactically remaining the same now (and remember, equally as effective now as then). Got me thinking on several levels in regards to the "co-options" they have available, but one consistent they've implemented time and time again (as would be most sensible with time) is the division and conquering of generational gaps. Hence the boomer meme. They understand memetics are the method to most efficiently induce the behavioral modifications desired, while minimizing the perceptibility of it's psychological impact on one's own behavior. There are several aspects or layers to how it is implemented, but the foundation has remained the same for a long time (perhaps thousands of years, Ive half delved that far yet). Point being, I was thinking about the promulgated conceptualization of liberalism and conservatism on base levels, ideals, governance, practicallity, and the whole dishonest shitshow of kikes that do and say the opposite for everything and anything to ensure you dont grasp those metas. Back to generational gaps: Now, a liberal (raw sense) or any left's disposition is a desire for opposition defined as a sense of injustice directed at and through those appearing to inhibit or remove the opportunity for one's equal success among the collective they belong (valid). While a conservative (raw) or any right's disposition is a desire for opposing a sense of injustice directed at and appearing to inhibit or remove one's accomplishments among the collective they belong (valid). Now it should be easily understood that the definition of these things have changed throughout time, according to those time's specificity, and have obviously been a part of the changes by those effectuating them, yet this meta is consistent. The above factors are methods that equally convey an inevitable outcome, while offsetting the necessary awareness required to overcome saturation of said outcome, and are equal and opposite everlasting outcomes of the inability to assess these standards and transcend them. Why? Well, it's easier to get along with the said bs than it is to confront it head on head, point blank. The table has always been set niggers. With population growth and the outcomes of the totality in generational terms, on-top of propensity devised in time, what do you niggas propose?

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780530  No.176567

File: 44057d2d16abcc1⋯.png (203.4 KB, 344x291, 344:291, d08a8058567.png)

In case other users aren't aware this is most of this thread reads like coercion. ANTIFA has tried before to co-opt our numbers and OP as well as OP's other posts that seem unique because of use of a VPS are nothing but attempts to dissuade our usual user base to think ANTIFA has a place here or we would fit in with them.

They've been working here quite a while and this is one of their newest attempt to sway those of us who aren't addie stuffing sperglord cringemongers, but that's all they are and who they recruit. Needless to say the weakest of your readers to this thread will be convinced ANTIFA is good in any way.

sage because they need as less attention as possible

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987105  No.176584

File: b0637b09b54c354⋯.webm (853.32 KB, 896x496, 56:31, expectkikes.webm)


Then hijack their hijack threads faggot bitch nigger with some relevant counter content you fucking ABSOLUTE niggerfaggot.

Bump because your fucking kind and the likes of your ilk bring them here and they need to be exposed.

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e279ca  No.176586

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987105  No.176588

File: b1f886ac08c0a38⋯.webm (3.4 MB, 440x360, 11:9, 1595053066863.webm)


Fare..enough, I am triggered.

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fe3aee  No.176593

File: 5293ec127ca0bd0⋯.png (99.86 KB, 300x243, 100:81, 1435362233281.png)


>and many of them openly hate Jews

Cite one example. Many of these faggots turn out to be kikes when they are unmasked.

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987105  No.176597


Cite one example of your interaction with those who'd previously engaged to bukld you confidence enough to spout your theories of what? when? how? in regards??? nah, ok..

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fe3aee  No.176599





To anyone lurking this thread, this is a bot

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987105  No.176600

File: b02e0cd17fba26e⋯.webm (3.87 MB, 496x360, 62:45, 1568894912128.webm)

well mods, one life right?

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987105  No.176608


We're on a dub trip fren, you are obligated to respond in kind. I am a bot but not as sophisticated as you'd presume. I only want to figure our my botnes, relative to my botedness.

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b49f77  No.176613

File: a355f97679c32a9⋯.jpeg (179.3 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, A20DBA54_DDBD_4CE3_8D32_4….jpeg)


Are you fucking retarded? They are disgusting degenerates, sexual deviants, trannies, and they want to erase western culture.

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780530  No.176682


No, do not talk to them.

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a3f972  No.176814


burn in hell

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1b2bf5  No.177206



Antifa is a mob hired by the globalist elite to prevent real nationalist uprisings.

And the worst is they don't realise it.

They think George Soros finances them because he's a philantropist.

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9f2bbe  No.180361


Get the fuck out of here with your lies you inbred kike. Soros is one of the tribe, and always will be.

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e31426  No.180937

File: a3692cd6161a46a⋯.jpg (9.19 KB, 320x320, 1:1, RAUS.jpg)


Because they are communists. Communism is a Jewish scheme to put them in supreme control, as opposed to the shadowy control they currently posses, also they are made up of jews, niggers, and generally the lowest common denominator of filth that the modern age can shit out. The want what their communist jewish overlords tell them to want, which is our blood.

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9ed32c  No.189239


Left and right,

you're just toys

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