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File: 4b664b647bcb743⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 7.jpg)

29ad6d  No.176050

"the country aims to take in over 400,000 permanent residents every year."

"the 2021 to 2023 levels plan aims to continue welcoming immigrants at a rate of about 1% of the population of Canada,"


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48635e  No.177955

File: 702a4c49dc272e6⋯.png (28.24 KB, 960x575, 192:115, canada_unemployment_may.png)


Isn't there already high unemployment in Canada?

How will bringing in more creatures from third world improve economy at this stage?

Or is it the classic immigration and debt scheme?

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a2cb23  No.178511

File: 91ada11791bb91e⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 490x346, 245:173, castreau_is_owned_by_soros.jpg)


>Isn't there already high unemployment in Canada?


>How will bringing in more creatures from third world improve economy at this stage?

Oh, hey now, we don't ask questions like that around here, eh? Might upset Mr. Soros.

Every day that I wake up alive is a bad day.

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8c2048  No.178593


The immigrants will be used as cheap labour to keep wages low and as consumers. This would inflate the GDP. The elite are motivated by profit and endless growth, which go hand in hand with each other.

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48635e  No.178837


>The immigrants will be used as cheap labour to keep wages low

Do these "immigrants" actually work?

Don't they just abuse the generous welfare system and breed like rabbits?

That doesn't seem very helpful to economy except for printing money out of thin air for these new consumers to indicate a GDP growth which has no real value.

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bcf330  No.178899

File: 1434b9bafcf0356⋯.jpg (45.21 KB, 476x645, 476:645, indian_just_streetshitter_….jpg)


>Do these "immigrants" actually work?

Well, every single fast food item I've received in the last 20 years was handed to me via some lower primate's paw, so some of them must.

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91700c  No.178969


Depends on the immigrant. A well educated person will contribute to the economy. A refugee possibly may not. Oh, and religion makes a factor too. Look at Sweden and France. They took in a lot of Muslims and are getting fucked over due to that.

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