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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 0728afdf1c22ea4⋯.jpg (159.51 KB, 700x989, 700:989, RPilli.jpg)

ecd816  No.175792

Slavers, slaves and those who fight against them.

Ie: Leftwing - Normies - Rightwing.

You have literal parasites and their apologist slaves ass-rimming each other for worldwide Brazil-i-ism demographics, lifestyle, poverty and politics. Emotionally captured and raptured slaves through extreme degeneracy, drugs, pedophilia, and their extremist pets who fight against an imaginary, 'emotionally triggering' enemy.

"Their" and (((their))) enemy -> 'the Rightwing, the anti-slavers'.

Tell me this 8channers and 8kunters, is their a potential to meme the slavery, slave and anti-slave mentality?

Frankly, when you boil down human activity, it fits into one of those 3 categories. Rightwing has forever been anti slavery. Jews ran the entirety of the slave industry in it's day and still run the modern version through debt and violence.

To polarize:

You have slavers and their filthy pets on one side, vs, us and normies on the other.

You don't even have to name the jew. Just the 'slavers'.

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759ca0  No.175793

Speak english turd.

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ecd816  No.175806


Ok, "Your dad can't un-ass rape you.",

Happy now heeb?

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f08b91  No.175810


>is their a potential to meme the slavery, slave and anti-slave mentality?

Not anymore. All communications networks are completely censored, worldwide. There’s plenty of ideological potential for media that can recontextualize society in this way, but they can’t spread.

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f6a8b0  No.175825

File: 530a7146f2cf94b⋯.jpg (187.31 KB, 1593x450, 177:50, Barras_Vol_2_page_18.jpg)

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dca629  No.175946


> Rightwing has forever been anti slavery.

lmao Bayer used concentration camp slave labor in Deutschland during WWII.

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2df9d1  No.175964

Wow horseshoe theory, very profound.

All politics is just a one dimensional line between being smart and goodpilled and dumb and badpilled. Haven't heard that from a trillion baby boomer republicans before.

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a94055  No.176447


It's actually very simple. Communism is a slave ideology pushed by jewish slavers under the lie of "equality". Capitalism is the same but with more smoke and mirrors to hide the slavery part. National Socialism takes the good elements from both and says "fuck you inbred jewish slavers! I will be free from you and work with MY people for a better family/community/town/city/nation/world"

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ea567e  No.176482


>Ie: Leftwing - Normies - Rightwing.

all 3 of those are slaves and you're a conceited faggot nigger slave

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410071  No.176685


Great rebuttal retard

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a6c545  No.176694



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398f41  No.176701

you already know. yak. im back.

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f6a8b0  No.176943

File: 16e3ccf32a46708⋯.jpg (622.92 KB, 1805x1058, 1805:1058, Arbeitsdienst.jpg)


NAZI germany imposed forced labor on young men without pay. All they got was a bicycle, a uniform, barracks to live in and their daily bread. No money.

I sure as hell would feel ripped off if I had to toil like that in the best years of my life without hope of actually improving my position in the world.

I'll take capitalism (((without the Federal Reserve))) thanks. Then I can make money, save money and advance myself in the world in a lawful and reasonable manner.

Any other arrangement is outright slavery any way you cut it.

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7e8e57  No.176945


>NAZI germany imposed forced labor on young men without pay.


>All they got was a bicycle, a uniform, barracks to live in and their daily bread.

So they got the necessities of life, where before they were literally starving in the streets and watching their women and children whoring themselves out to foreigners. What’s your point?

>No money.


>I sure as hell would feel ripped off if I had to toil like that in the best years of my life without hope of actually improving my position in the world.

You mean like in Weimar Germany, where they were literally starving in the streets and watching their women and children whoring themselves out to foreigners? And not under the NSDAP, which provided for them and brought them out of that state?

>I'll take capitalism (((without the Federal Reserve))) thanks.

So you’ll take NSDAP policies, then.

>Then I can make money


>save money and advance myself in the world

You mean like they did under NSDAP Germany, exactly as you yourself described?

>Any other arrangement is outright slavery any way you cut it.

So the NSDAP wasn’t slavery, got it.

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f6a8b0  No.176961

File: bb79a04ec075620⋯.jpg (4.99 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download.jpg)



Pre Fed you'd be paid in silver. Pay me for my sweat in good American silver or fuck off Europoor welfare bum.

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bfa88c  No.183411


>I sure as hell would feel ripped off if I had to toil like that in the best years of my life without hope of actually improving my position in the world.

Nigger it was 6 months of service.

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dc29d8  No.183415

OP is a clown.

Nature will always have hierarchy. There is no slavery/freedom it's all illusion. It is your rule or other person's rule. Democracy is that 51% rules over 49%, it is not freedom for the 49%. Similary freedom to be a faggot means that people who want to kill faggots don't get their way and are enchained.

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34de3c  No.184375

Go back to (((discord))), don't waste fresh space of the catalog

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a90d4b  No.184377


Why bump it?

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72f2d9  No.184413


cool, I want to lobotomize women, have gene-edited sons with them, make the race of the ubermensch

spend the rest of my life trying to make an organism that'll be my fetish and kill me

so I guess I that makes me a slaver but I don't hold any left-wing values, as far as you apes go I don't care what you do, no rights for women tho, and if you're not the same color as me get enslaved or get the fuck out

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fbb36f  No.184416

>is their a potential to meme the slavery, slave and anti-slave mentality


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bda1a6  No.184517


Actually there are 4, it is called the Vedic caste system

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2ad592  No.184594

>You don't even have to name the jew.

Holy fuck Jimchan is horrible.

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3abfc5  No.185274

File: a83338087c2573e⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB, 640x352, 20:11, indian_cow_shit_bath.mp4)


>Vedic caste system

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94bbd8  No.185348


> Rightwing has forever been anti slavery

Literally the absolute opposite

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918d0e  No.185354


Oh yeah, we totally believe you.

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b88912  No.185363

File: 8fe15fb3d130938⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 900x900, 1:1, bait_the_musical.jpg)

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e6a333  No.185377


This is literally Dinesh D'souza-tier logic. Slavery has nothing to do with politics. The Civil war in America had nothing to do with slavery. Slavery is just a mechanism in economics. There are those who get paid for their work and those who don't. This mechanism can function in both a right and left wing political structure.

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