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File: 488c90668339a04⋯.jpg (498.32 KB, 1920x1755, 128:117, Pushing_the_Overton_Window.jpg)

c0a4c3  No.175444

How do you legalize any phenomenon, from euthanasia to cannibalism?

Evgueni Gorzhaltsán

In today's society of tolerance, which has no fixed ideals and a clear division between good and evil, there is a technique to change the concepts considered totally unacceptable.

This technique, called the "The Overton Window" which consists of a specific sequence of actions in order to achieve the desired result, "may be more effective than nuclear weapons to destroy human communities", says columnist Gorzhaltsán.

In his article on the ADME website, there is an example of how to legalize the idea of cannibalism and make it acceptable step by step.

From the stage at which it is considered disgusting and unthinkable to the public morals, until it becomes a reality acceptable by the mass consciousness and the law.

This is achieved not by direct brainwashing, but by more sophisticated techniques that are effective thanks to its consistent and systematic application without society perceiving the process, believes Gorzhaltsán.

First Stage: From Unthinkable to Radical

Obviously, now the issue of legalization of cannibalism is on the lower level of acceptance on the "Windows of Opportunities" of Overton, since society considers it as absurd and unthinkable, a taboo.

It is possible to change this perception by transferring the matter to the scientific sphere, as for scientists usually there is no taboo subjects.

An ethnological symposium about exotic rituals of Polynesian tribes can be used to discuss the history of the subject of study and obtain authoritative statements about cannibalism, and then ensuring the transition from negative and uncompromising attitude of society to a more positive attitude.

Simultaneously, you must create a radical group of cannibals, although they exist only on the Internet, they will surely be cited by numerous media outlets.

As a result of the first stage of Overton, the taboo disappears and unacceptable issue begins to be discussed.

Second Stage: From Radical to Acceptable

At this stage, one should continue quoting scientists, arguing that one can not shield himself by being knowledgeable about cannibalism, as if someone who refuses to talk about it will be considered a hypocritical bigot.

By condemning the intolerance, it is also necessary to create a euphemism for the phenomenon itself and thus separate the word from its meaning.

Thus, cannibalism becomes 'anthropophagy' and later in 'anthropophilic'.

In parallel, one can establish a precedent of reference, historical, mythological, contemporary or simply invented, but the most important matter is that it has to be legitimized, so it can be used as proof that anthropophilia principle can be legalized.

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c0a4c3  No.175445

File: 8bd8c30fa0fad1c⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3504x2552, 438:319, Slippery_Slope.jpeg)

Third Stage: From Acceptable to Sensible

For this step it is important to promote ideas such as the following: "The desire to eat people is genetically justified", "Sometimes a person has to resort to this, if in favorable circumstances" or "A free man has the right to decide what to eat."

Real opponents to these concepts, i.e., people who do not want to be indifferent to the problem, deliberately convert to public opinion in fear of radical enemies whose role is to represent the image of crazy psychopaths, aggressive opponents of anthropophilia clamoring to burn cannibals alive, along with other representatives of minorities .

Experts and journalists at this stage show that during the history of mankind there have always been times when people ate each other, and that this was normal.

Fourth Stage: From Sensible to Popular

The media, with the help of well-known people and politicians are already talking openly about anthropophilia.

This phenomenon begins to appear in movies, lyrics of popular songs and videos.

At this stage, begins the promotion of historical characters who practiced anthropophilia.

To justify to the proponents of legalization of the phenomenon the advocates can resort to the humanization of criminals by creating a positive image of them saying, 'they are victims', 'because life forced them to practice anthropophily'.

Fifth Stage: From Popular to Political

This stage is the preparation of legislation to legalize the phenomenon.

Pressure groups are consolidated in power and publish research that supposedly confirm a high percentage of supporters of the legalization of cannibalism in society.

In the public consciousness a new dogma is established: "The prohibition of eating people is forbidden."

This is a typical technique of liberalism that works due to tolerance as a pretext for prescribing taboos.

During the last stage of the 'moving windows' of Overton, from popular to political, the society has suffered a disruption because the norms of human existence have been altered or destroyed by the adoption of new laws.

Gorzhaltsán concludes that the concept of "Windows of Opportunities", first described by Joseph P. Overton, can extrapolate any phenomenon and is especially easy to apply in a tolerant society in which the so-called freedom of expression has become dehumanization.

And where before our eyes all the limits that protect society from the abyss of self-destruction are removed one after another.

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ecd0c3  No.175593

Your proposal to fix it, then?

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ad9a68  No.175605


Just do it in reverse

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27c123  No.175608


Well we got to stage two with racism. Now we just need a good label for it like race realism or nativism. Maybe we can call antisemitism judeo-awareness.

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c0a4c3  No.175657

File: 6321ced8a710dd4⋯.jpg (216.31 KB, 1500x928, 375:232, De_verwoesting_van_Sodom_e….jpg)


There is no fixing things. Only option is genocide of jews.


If only we had control over media, entertainment industry and social networking sites.

Do you see what has happened to the west with propagandized media and marxist indoctrination through education?

It is clear what their demoralization is capable of from the current state of white nations.

Now just imagine if the people in control of these were benevolent and wanted the betterment of the people.

Here are some possible scenarios:

>Men are encouraged to be strong and authoritative

<No more beta, nu-male soyboys

>Women are encouraged to be mothers and supportive housewives

<White birthrates go up to replacement levels, no more divorce rapes

>Children are taught to have pride in their race and heritage

<No more self hating, nigger loving libtards

>People are encouraged idolize their great leaders instead of fictional superheroes

<Nationalism rises and the country thrives

>Cultural homogeneity is pushed instead of multiculturalism

<The society becomes cooperative and there is mutual trust in the community

If only we had control over what rules us.

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d61795  No.175794

File: da0017f4d2e1ec1⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 377x540, 377:540, por_6678_p5.jpg)


>If only we had control over media, entertainment industry and social networking sites

It's the Federal Reserve. Hollywood, Big Tech, a monstrous government cannot exist without a pack of secretive jew mafiosi printing money and handing it out to their evil cronies. Take away the Fed, the IRS, (get rid of income taxes and replace them with protective tariffs) and watch the USA heal itself. Money is specie; gold, silver, copper and any other metal of value that can easily be stored or transported.

Constitutionally the elected Congress is supposed to be in charge of that. The Fed is unconstitutional as it was never ratified within the time limits and number of state legislatures required for constitutional change.

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4fe54c  No.175937

File: 3e9f960767058f0⋯.jpg (39.16 KB, 605x454, 605:454, 5151.jpg)

Why was I born in this time to see how it was BEFORE the insane ramp up of disgusting soul crushing and society burning social policy and brainwashing? I wish I was born after 2001. Then I would have grown up with Obama and be use to this.

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62af77  No.178333


>genociding jabs as solution

bullshit, there is no solution, other then rebuilding by hand a citystate, and linking it to your family bloodline, and frim there reform by putting all and each effort accoringly to your own strict law, then you can think about jev termination, but woyld still prove nonthing as you have to go for their royal dogs/golems put in every organisation scattered around the world, not to mention the burning of entite doctrinr (((they))) printed over past 20 centuries to demoralise, destabalise, collapse and exterinate all bloodlines

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17a647  No.178350

I dunno man, look at how many years it took to legalize cannabis in a few states. But that was then. Once things start falling apart, they start falling apart quickly, and then more drastic measures are taken. You think they eat fellow or enemy soldiers in wars? That'd be more likely to happen, but all empires fall, and it may be bound to happen among civilians eventually.

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3c6217  No.178352


There’s really not going to be an asymptotic collapse, anon. It’s just slow decline that no one notices until it’s too late to fight back.

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cd9a76  No.178416

File: 2f1c109a752b1fd⋯.jpg (166.44 KB, 660x884, 165:221, 1b9e9369bb4b1a6a4309271e07….jpg)

File: fc5c049097cd398⋯.jpg (744.43 KB, 2000x1337, 2000:1337, roman_emperors.jpg)


This all started coming in to action on the White community in the 60s.


To be honest we are already at that half the US population are some type of shitskin or beaner and the next generation coming up is even less White. White People have to consolidate and they are but, playing catch up and unconsciously practicing Fabian tactics in the US. A lot of the south USA is already mexico and gets worst everyday.

The US military and law enforcement are corrupt and filled with trannies, foreign agents and subhuman gang members.

Technological innovation and entertainment has already stalled without White People.

The good part is civilization only exist with White People, East Asia is actually a great example of this because they are considered the number 2 race, as soon as Europeans left East Asia and settled Europe. The continent stalled and when Europeans came back in contact they were in the same state Europeans left them in thousands of years before, living in our repaired ruins because all East asians could do is copy the knowledge we gave them but, they never built on it.

While the West falls the East rises and vise versa historically. You will see Eastern Europe become insanely powerful from not bending the knee to jewish supremacist. Central Asia islamic influence has been lost so much in the last 50 years many of them are atheist especially with my experience with them, you will see resettling of Europeans into their ancient land. China and India are both going to balkanize this century from the return of Europeans to Asia. Its a cycle anon. Its happened before many times but, more good news is we will be fine because we already know where the lines in the sand are and thats half the battle and the most crucial to genetic survival.

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b37094  No.178473


You can't stress enough about the military. I hear from too many people that they think the military will collapse from withing because there are so many chinks they think they're sleeper agents to activate when we go to war around them.

There will be tons and tons of blacks ofc because military is for people that can't be trained or learn in normal uni/tech school. I don't know why so many goddamn slants with accents in the Army. Still, we have to remember.


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c0a4c3  No.178842


Legalizing cannabis doesn't undermine society that much. Kikes put effort into things which cause society to degenerate.

Compare a drug addicted homeless person to a college educated SJW.

The homeless guy just lives on day to day. But the SJW is bent on "fighting evil patriarchy", "abolishing cis white male privilege".

There was a time when homosexuality was considered mental illness. Then came the gay liberation movement. Fast forward to now you can get fired from your job for referring to a transgender with the wrong pronoun.

Society just keeps degrading in the name of progress

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78f087  No.178853


> and then ensuring the transition from negative and uncompromising attitude of society to a more positive attitude.


So to cause feelings on cannibalism to be viewed as more legitimate all you have to do is change feelings on cannibalism to be viewed as more legitimate.

This set of steps sounds like a jew wrote it. There's not plausible way to do the above, so a fucking loop is argued into then ignored.

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1345b4  No.182329

Same way the kike sells overpriced sneakers, OP.

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