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File: 279f28f561126cb⋯.jpg (134.82 KB, 295x400, 59:80, untermenschen.jpg)

8b6c00  No.174317[Last 50 Posts]


He's inciting civil war among retards. He was always "anti-violence" to keep his shitty site running and always spoke against all organized effort to opposed the ZOG system. He's a known associate and friend of jew and fellow informer, Andrew Auren heimer "Weev". He tried to hide this fact after his jewishness was exposed, although it was quite obvious from the looks of him. And some idiots still trust a man of this caliber and low moral fiber.

He was always a glownig puppet, but now he took a huge amount of money from the trump campaign to shill him again, like in 2016 and now hes inciting retards to organize into a militia to protect the power of the most philosemitic president the USA ever had and did jackshit for white people.

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9af7f5  No.174319


Given that he’s a jew puppet, he wouldn’t actually do anything jews didn’t want him to do. As such, he’s not advocating civil war, nor will any member of the DNC–party to voter–actually engage in physical violence. There’s just not going to be open armed conflict.

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42960f  No.174359


Anglin sucks, majority of /pol/ came to that conclusion around 5 years ago. He's an idiot at best, a disinformation agent / plant at worst. Not someone you'd want to follow.

> now hes inciting retards to organize into a militia to protect the power of the most philosemitic president the USA ever had and did jackshit for white people.

Maybe those of Caucasian descent who were excited for Trump first time around would've done something for Trump if he did something for them. Sadly it has just been even more pajeets, muhammads and other third world apes being invited under Trump than under Obama. To make matters worse, his followers have been getting deplatformed and censored on all types of social media for 4 years now. His response to covid-19 was awful and probably cost him a lot of votes (which would've been worse if it weren't for black lives matter apes chimping out for months).

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03e7d1  No.174376



Guy was fishy from the start, but the Trump shenanigans made me not visit that site anymore. First time, everyone makes mistakes, but supporting this man like he was some god after 4 years of failure(which he even admitted a few years ago) supporting him for a second time, it was clear as day he is a certain type of shill. Covid is kind of a non-thing blown up event so I wouldnt blame it on him, but he made countless other "mistakes". It was more purposeful inaction and actions that benefitted minorities than mistakes honestly.

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966b6f  No.174393

File: 6c665a00276e9e7⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 436x573, 436:573, 6c665a00276e9e7eee7c0c7f1a….jpg)


>Anglin sucks, majority of /pol/ came to that conclusion around 5 years ago

There are still TRSodomites and weev lovers who lurk this board and all versions of /pol/. They are the first to call you a kike shill whenever you bash The daily stormer or TRS, call weev a jew, say "white sharia" is a retarded meme, call Anglin a race mixing pedophile (which he is) etc etc… It's hard to believe that these faggots still exist.

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651086  No.174413


>little butthurt kike whining about TRS for kneecapping zion don and blowing your holohoax out of the water for whoever even still knows what it is

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966b6f  No.174430


See, there's one of them

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e8a6ad  No.174436

File: 033722aeb90f89c⋯.jpg (104.5 KB, 337x337, 1:1, 4772b583a59c5b86bbd9883bc8….jpg)

File: 7a14fa488a2e9c7⋯.jpeg (68.78 KB, 681x611, 681:611, 81dda2605cfde6f8e777c2939….jpeg)

File: 0241b873beb6757⋯.png (2.08 MB, 984x1316, 246:329, b2f207a38dee5a71725d9447e8….png)

File: 4dcd5c5b89cfc4d⋯.png (406.92 KB, 818x827, 818:827, B_nai_B_rith.png)


TRS built their whole operation on being Trumpniggers, and were chess-cucking so hard a couple years ago that even Anglin was criticizing it. They also allowed Grindr Greg to promote the Holocaust blood libel on their network and forum.

Their message has obviously improved, which I'm glad for, but a lot of it is obviously damage control to compensate for just how blatantly kosher they were in the past, and Eunuch covering reivsionist points is an easy way for him to come off as right and feed his ego, given that all the research was done decades ago, and the Holocaust never happened.

Mike is still a kike, and Ames Friedman is still a "BioQueen wannabe" who was president of her B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Chapter.

Also, given how they've shifted on so many of the points that we were calling them out for years over - and that TRSodomites defended them to the death for - we (as in their critics) were by their own admission right about every point other than their jewishness and homosexuality, and pharmakikery, which Eunuch still shills for.

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b8a329  No.174886

If you want to start a civil war so much, why not use this oppurtunity?

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03e7d1  No.174912


a civil war for what? to install one zog puppet over another?

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51b252  No.174942


To use the confusion to attack zog leadership and get rid of them once and for all

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d2c0f2  No.175247


I guess you dont really understand how civil wars work then. Most of the fighters would be republicucks, fighting for zognald. No way they would depose him or the system.

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86283f  No.175302

DS is literally run by known jews. It was never about truth. It was a fed operation from day one.

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130644  No.175662


wild huh? such a bummer, and so obvious

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0b029c  No.175683

File: 0fd167e80fbc762⋯.webm (1.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, montel.webm)


Why is there a (((anti-Anglin thread))) this time?

>Goes to TDS and sees Anglin calling out the jewed fake election.

So that's why. lol.

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03e7d1  No.175700


Because he's a FED snitch. Also, he claims to be redpilled, but believes this farce that is the US election matters. All this while claiming democracy is a failed system. Like zognald ever did anything worthwhile in his 4 years of office. He couldnt even stop the nigger riots or stop tech companies from turning him into a bitch by censoring him. In fact he given money to niggers. A lot of money. Supported israel in everything they did, in fact little satan have never been stronger. Also he pardoned that slaughterhouse kike one year in office. There is still no functional wall and immigration continues, illegal and legal. Illegals are treated better than ever. And I could type several more paragraphs of his "achievments" but I dont have the time.

And Anglin wants people to die in order to keep this zog puppet in office.

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58493e  No.175775




yeah, Anglin is fuggin based yo. We used to hang out in Gookland and listen to rap music, smokin green and fuckin underage gooks. shit was tite yo

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54d90c  No.176073

We should fight, but not for Trump, just using him as an excuse to co-opt the MIGAtards, then after it's done, we can throw him in the gas chambers alongside the rest of jew lovers.

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280682  No.176084

Anglin is a kike who purged half the movement in 2017 (with Andrew Aurenheimer/Weev and Michael Peinovich/Enoch and Douglas Mackey/Ricky Vaughn).

Anglin is literally the reason you faggots lost your momentum and you still haven't clued the fuck in. Hahaha.

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9af7f5  No.176108


>you don’t know something you clearly showed that you know in the first post

Why not just leave, then? You’re too stupid to post here.

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4dbde7  No.177716

Maybe those of Caucasian descent who were excited for Trump first time around would've done something for Trump if he did something for them. Sadly the reality is that even more pajeets, muhammads and other third world apes were being invited under Trump than under Obama. To make matters worse, his followers have been getting deplatformed and censored on all types of social media for 4 years now and he didn’t stand up for them, he didn’t protect their free speech. His response to covid-19 was awful and probably cost him a lot of votes (which would've been worse if it weren't for black lives matter apes chimping out for months)

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4dbde7  No.177719

Maybe those of Caucasian descent who were excited for Trump first time around would've done something for Trump if he did something for them. Sadly it has just been even more pajeets, muhammads and other third world apes being invited under Trump than under Obama. To make matters worse, his followers have been getting deplatformed and censored on all types of social media for 4 years now. His response to covid-19 was awful and probably cost him a lot of votes (which would've been worse if it weren't for black lives matter apes chimping out for months).

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6df6aa  No.180731


There is nothing to add to this, really. You've pretty much said it all.

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539f6c  No.180966

He basically went from; "He's just a stepping stone guys, in 2020 we will elect actual Hitler" to "Muh god emprah we will do anything for you!". All this while nothing this orange retard did was good for white people. For a guy that likes blaming jews a lot, he sure does write like one.

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539f6c  No.180971


Also I would bet he will go with the; "I was just trolling guys, he was just a stepping stone/troll candidate thats why I supported him" after the money runs out and trump hands the presidency to biden. Just screencap this.

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378b2a  No.181005


anglin is one of the fiercer critics of TRS now, but in recent months anglin himself seems like he's gotten duller, maybe he absorbed too many 4chan memes, maybe it's his catholicism or support of retards connected to TRS like Ethan Ralph, I dunno

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378b2a  No.181006



he halved legal immigration thereby heavily cutting the replacement rate of whites in this country

you can pretend he's zion don and just as bad as biden or clinton or whatever but it's simply not true

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903942  No.195851


First he cries about censorship, which is true enough, then he shamelessly reestablishes his contact to the known FED shill weev "the kike" aurenheimer and china for helping him keep his pro trump, pro russian, pro chinese shithole of a site. also in the same sentence he denies that china might have anything to do with nigger riots and bribed, traitorous politicians in the USA. He supports the and shills for the best buds of the same israel he supposedly hates so much. There is just no way he doesnt know about israels connections to the aforementioned states as a "journalist".

This is also the same manlet that relentlessly shilled to the most pro israel president of the united states for 4 years, only stopping a little while after the 2016 election when the money ran dry. This man was a traitor from the start, but he never addressed any of the anti-american things he did or when he addressed minor things, he was telling you to; "trust the plan". Now, when trump effectively disowned and publicly betrayed his die hard supporters, he still refuses to address it and call him a traitor, because the money is still flowing from the trump train.

Fuck this shill.

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10af13  No.195859


>chinese are behind riots

You are being very disangenous and probably a neorotic pajeet or nigger who runs this board when you bring chinks into discussion for all america's problem.

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67c4db  No.195867


>Probably you’ve made worse decisions in your personal lives, when you were dealing with women


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6a3f97  No.195873


Judging from your grammar and love for the CCP, you are probably a chink shill yourself, pingpong.


I agree. I never trust anyone who alleges that the United States is the only prime evil, and both Russia and China are totally innocent entities in everything. This might be a retaliation for Hong Kong, but I think it would have happened anyway. China and Russia just can't have the USA existing if they are to be the 1st and 2nd great powers respectively. I'm sure they are behind some of the US government corruption, along with Israel, but I'm not sure a civil war would actually be good for their cause. Unless of course, they put someone that is even easier to influence than the senate as the leader of the revolutionary government if a civil war actually happens, but I doubt it. I guess this was just a plot to censor the internet even more. They let some idiots into the capitol for this reason, but made sure no politician actually gets shot, because the puppets in the senate might get unruly if the masters throw some of them under the bus.

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67c4db  No.195899


It could be a plot to censor the internet even more, the more realistic version is that every major company pulls out because they would take some of the flak if shit goes south.

Occupying the capitol is not like raiding an online forum. Even the juicy memes are nowhere to be found.

Now or never.

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651086  No.195905

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

File: ea5e170e980e236⋯.png (45.63 KB, 905x310, 181:62, nationalinterestexcerpt.png)


>muh russia

>muh china

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536a21  No.195912


Notice how no company "pulled out" after the Hong Kong protesters stormed government buildings and set people on fire. In fact they were backing it. Same thing with BLM, that did way worse things than breaking into a government building and making some selfies. They made a lawless zone that police didn't go to for weeks and countless people died.

Blizzard tried to back the CCP and they got massive backlash over that. That was over banning a low tier heartstone streamer chink that bashed the CCP. Now the same happens in the west and noone is outraged over people are being called terrorists over criticizing the american "democracy" and system, with literally everyone backing out from their team, censoring and shutting them down.


Yes shill, I know. Russia and China are always innocent and the dirty goyim shouldn't mention their names, or think about how they could be implicated, even if they have good reason to believe they are involved in some way. They always have good intentions and would never fuck over anyone, especially not the United States or corrupt their government officials to serve their interest. Because they love the US since their inception. And because dirty goyim shouldnt speculate, right?

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67c4db  No.195913


>josh hawley

I wonder if you are a brave idealistic man or an idiot.

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fab4ce  No.195917


Also, chinks wanting no civil rights movement for themselves, doesn't mean they don't want it for the west.

The first picture is just posturing. Nothing of significance is being done to halt the growing influence of Russia and China.

But you probably already know this, wang

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651086  No.195922


>Also, chinks wanting no civil rights movement for themselves, doesn't mean they don't want it for the west.

Oh, were the Chinese behind WWII? Eisenhower desegregating at gunpoint? You are out to lunch.

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6f6f96  No.195925


Nope, that was kike influence. Since then tho, China became a world power and joined the fight on Israels side.

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651086  No.195926


>Russia and China are always innocent and the dirty goyim shouldn't mention their names, or think about how they could be implicated, even if they have good reason to believe they are involved in some way.

Russia and China being hostile to the US isn't my problem, since the US is also hostile to me and all people of European descent globally.

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651086  No.195927



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24be65  No.195929


Go ahead comrade Zhouwangstein. Your arguments are pitiful and have failed. I hope they lock you up in a work camp for your failure.

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651086  No.195932

File: e6b042fdc77d147⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 1026x461, 1026:461, chicoms_paying_afghans_to_….jpg)

File: 3ff33a5b271fdf7⋯.png (559.53 KB, 592x657, 592:657, wigger_genocide.png)

File: bf3d95b75bdf070⋯.png (252.96 KB, 599x1215, 599:1215, freedom_of_speech.png)


I'm sure something will stick eventually.

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67c4db  No.195934


I m really drunk but probably both.


German is a very nice language. Better than chinese any time of the day.

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d6c87c  No.195935


Paid shill confirmed.

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6f6f96  No.195937


Oh. Now I'm convinced. Because of these half related articles I'm now convinced that the CCP loves the USA and it's people and would never ever fuck them over. It's all clear now comrade, I apologize! Also they probably have nothing to do with the flu virus being elevated into a pandemic status, not like the whole media bullshit and reportings came straight out of China! It's totally impossible that their leadership have masonic roots and closely cooperates with scumbag jews like bill gates to further their global communist agenda by weakening the already dying America.

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651086  No.195940


>German is a very nice language. Better than chinese any time of the day.

Odd sentiment considering the US world order considers the theoretical prevention of them speaking it the highest virtue. But, incoherence is expected when you're trying to blame an external enemy for internal problems.


Look man, if you want to fight a land war in Asia for blacked.com the country, knock yourself out.

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b31487  No.196382


All the same shit. Glowniggers need to hunt these propagandists down.

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8a5cee  No.196425

File: e2456f08fc50ee3⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 623x350, 89:50, 1592021761334.jpg)



>a literal meme ideology that never had any power in either russia or germany

This is what terminal imageboard addiction looks like.Don't let this happen to you

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b31487  No.196432


>damage control

go back to /ng/ faggot shill

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8a5cee  No.196446

File: 3a8776ed420fa29⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 500x638, 250:319, 0f07235a740858042cc2f0e2c8….jpg)

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b31487  No.196453

File: 5bd9cf110cef3b6⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 2550x2280, 85:76, Nazbol_is_Jewish.jpg)


You're getting the rope. I don't care what gay commie name you've adopted.

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8a5cee  No.196455

File: 831942ed0e72fd3⋯.jpg (121.28 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, rOBjmpOjlnOZ512rsWVfbOaFrW….jpg)


Mr. Ex-jannie, please get a job

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b31487  No.196456


Are you denying the historical and Jewish significance of Nazbol or that it's quite popular in Russia. Or that ecelebs are trying to spread Nazbol in the U.S..?

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8a5cee  No.196457

File: 37feaa9af74ae0d⋯.png (355.02 KB, 1280x1184, 40:37, 1280px_Coats_of_arms_of_Za….png)


It's literally a meme you fucking schizo holy shit

there is nothing substantial to national bolshevism, especially in the 21st century. Might as well larp as Zaire

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b31487  No.196458


>doesnt answer the question

>doesnt engage is actual discussion on the topic

>muh schizo

stay defeated kike

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8a5cee  No.196459

File: fb85fb1df9aba1b⋯.png (391.57 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1610071046_0.png)


don't care if you don't like an absurdist zoomer meme, but you're really showing your boomer





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b31487  No.196460


>haha this political ideology jews created and spread in russia and the west is just a funny meme!

your damage control is trash.

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8a5cee  No.196461


>and spread

For less than 10 years you fucking sperg LOL

Something so retarded couldn't live anyway, and now it lives on in your head (rent free)

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8a5cee  No.196462

File: a2a2de33b71ddb8⋯.jpg (64.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_13_.jpg)


Such deep philosophical thought, I can see why someone would throw away their political ideology for this one!

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8a5cee  No.196464

File: 663ae9f08dcc648⋯.jpg (538.39 KB, 942x1696, 471:848, Screenshot_20210110_230239….jpg)


Such beautiful ideas will surely lead the goyim into a dead end! Death to whites!

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b31487  No.196467

File: 67cf45cdba56404⋯.jpg (35.74 KB, 793x298, 793:298, spencer_nazbol.JPG)



rope soon <3

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8a5cee  No.196469


Tell me about the Thule society, oh great purveyor of shitty infographics

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b31487  No.196471

File: da6395998ce9db4⋯.jpg (110.51 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, lauren_southern_nazbol_5.jpg)


Tell me about the rope.

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8a5cee  No.196473


>Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer (9 November 1875 – 8 May 1945?), also known as Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff (or von Sebottendorf) was a German occultist, writer, intelligence agent and political activist. He was the founder of the Thule Society, a post-World War I German occultist organization where he played a key role, and that influenced many members of the National Socialist German Workers Party. He was a Freemason, a Sufi of the Bektashi order - after his conversion to Islam - and a practitioner of meditation, astrology, numerology, and alchemy. He also used the alias Erwin Torre.

What's this? The nazi party was founded by a (((freemason)))???

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8a5cee  No.196476

File: ac7633a03808e03⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 620x566, 310:283, 1608866039938.gif)


>Glauer was introduced to occultism and esoteric concerns when he was living in Bursa, Turkey. His wealthy host, Hussein Pasha, was a Sufi and interested in such matters; it was around this time that Glauer saw the Mevlevi Order and visited the Great Pyramid of Giza in July 1900. At Bursa, Glauer became acquainted with theTermudi family,who wereJewsfrom Thessaloniki. The Termudi family were involved inbanking and the silk trade. They were alsoFreemasons, belonging to a lodge affiliated to the Rite of Memphis-Misraim.

oh no no no no not MY hitler!

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b31487  No.196479

File: 92394f027246916⋯.jpg (647.31 KB, 1539x2853, 171:317, natsoc_hess_redpill_2.jpg)


Why are you deflecting to the Nazi party? I am not a supporter of the Nazis. Nazbol, Bolshevism, Futurism, Nazism, and several other Jewish ideologies are irrelevant to me and belong in the trash heap of history.

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8a5cee  No.196480


that took a lot time to format on my phone :(

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8a5cee  No.196483


Hey nigger, you live on this board

The boars that has 8 stickies for nazi prop

there's literally mass shooters who idolized Hitler in the banners

get a job

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8a5cee  No.196487

File: fbb18ec98e43103⋯.png (103.63 KB, 600x548, 150:137, 1591331669232.png)



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b31487  No.196488


You responded to me as though I'm a Neo-Nazi, despite openly explaining that I am not, because you have nothing else.

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8a5cee  No.196489

File: f1b1f48fad66707⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.89 MB, 500x352, 125:88, 1608669251413.gif)



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8a5cee  No.196491


Hey dumb nigger, you responded to me as though I was a Nazbol

Faggot nazis trying to copy some faggot zionist pilpul circular arguments. Fuck you all

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b31487  No.196493


You defended Nazbol here


You singled out Nazbol from five other things I mentioned here


If you aren't a Nazbol why do you talk about it so much?

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8a5cee  No.196494

File: ec87c51d2038950⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 540x960, 9:16, 1609963465045.webm)


Yes death to Israel

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8a5cee  No.196497


>defending nazbol

you're a fucking moron who reads that a kike came up with it, so you shut down. You don't read shit if a jew touched it.

And you add it to your list of /watched/ topics

Absolutely rent free, and hilarious to watch you sperg about.

>If you aren't a Nazbol why do you talk about it so much?

If you aren't a kike than why do you talk about them so much? Retarded question. If this is the full power of Nazi reasoning, no wonder the I drift has been dead for so long LOL

Btw you're a kike

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b31487  No.196500


>You don't read shit if a jew touched it.

lol you're damn right!

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8a5cee  No.196501

File: 11d88835df259ae⋯.webm (654.81 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 11d88835df259ae412e95947c….webm)


>bragging about having surface level knowledge of jewish tricks

<without actually reading the tricks themselves


>why do you assume I'm a neo-nazi?

do I really have to say it?

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b31487  No.196502


Nazbol was created by a Jew and is today promoted by Jews. Nazbols get the rope whether they're Jewish or not. It's that simple.

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8a5cee  No.196503


Same can be said for national socialism kek

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b31487  No.196505


Yes, it can. And I already said it here >>196479 You aren't sure what to do when anon drops out of the matrix entirely, huh? We're going to do things right this time around.

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8a5cee  No.196511


Well let's get to work and educate the masses! Hitler was a zionist! The swastika is a symbol of jewish oppression! cmon! Don't be shy!

Or would that not be in your job description, avi?

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b31487  No.196514


I'm not concerned with Neo-Nazis or Nazbols. They are a small, powerless but vocal minority and it will be inexpensive to hang them all.

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216619  No.196544


>Because he's a FED snitch

who has he snitched on, retard?

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bdf270  No.196571

All who argue about anything but the topic are paid shills paid to argue with eachother and dilute the thread

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47ea1a  No.197017

File: 2ae205304bba299⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 216x199, 216:199, 118897852330.jpg)

Is DS down?

Knot wurking 4 me.

This place slow as hell as well.

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03e7d1  No.197067


they even shut down the onion site lol.

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2231b5  No.197216

File: c62b14789b316a3⋯.png (22.14 KB, 594x623, 594:623, 118378000522.png)


Where am i going to get the weather report at now?

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53874d  No.197243


https://dailystormer.su is up for me, but their forums are down.

https://gameruprising.to has been down for a few hours.

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451a76  No.197962


look at this fucking faggot still shilling for the orange baboon. he basically tells his retard readers that orange jew is bazed because… reasons. hes awesome because a bunch of retards went ahead with the jewish plot to be stupid enough to go to the capitol building for no reason and then surrender. this wigger manlet is unbelieveable at this point. with this kind of mental gymnastics, i wouldn't be suprised if it he turned out to be a jew. i bet the only reason hes pushing for secession is because hes paid by either russia or china.

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2fe378  No.197972


Cant he file for bankruptcy? Dunno how that works in the US.

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903942  No.197974


hes already morally bankrupt.

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2fe378  No.197976


Maybe but he seems to have a great talent.

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2fe378  No.197977


Maybe a scrambled list of priorities.

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4bdd87  No.197980


in being a paid lying spineless jewish shill?

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2fe378  No.197983


Maybe maybe not :^).

But usually when they all write polarized shit and you can sense it, then they only lack here is packing this shit in more sophisticated language.

Well along with the rather spoiled reputation :).

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03e7d1  No.197984


wtf are you even on about schizo?

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2fe378  No.197985

File: e58615cf5678f28⋯.jpg (120.41 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 2y2HdfdVhT5LOmfe1m6Q9_FNn7….jpg)

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2fe378  No.197987

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c47395  No.209027

File: 95d551359233883⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 1147x502, 1147:502, CHcOH.jpg)

ivNNrWY ouTwrZxwMtGH aHhoL fHvtD YqaLcvdFP GYymNZxk wpCrcmeq QOzZHnX

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364181  No.209090

File: d488f240633da52⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 337x566, 337:566, Hdzre.jpg)

YalOiusQMbLU ZYAThUewDrKa YjdHsNBBGfk fzHUxfOSwJG QHqWjXtmh viDimLqy oqHbVsSg RoBXTwn KjWZXVQ qCqISpjqXGm esoSUivB XRZqXCB DuE IJLPuL zbYZTCHTt cQiBoyGA nYqHpScFnyFA OcZ

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37884f  No.209256

File: 4fac4fa11184bc0⋯.jpg (84.66 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, HfacIgvkj.jpg)

YfhL VNQPOZ riCpgZnZkeDV afNmZIqw PbxtvEwAV JFSBRRDr muoqVecn VfzjXfw szYSFlit ugGBmsHYmzAB pQfqJ XAKYWmr hAFQuV aLtJqIGLl uwmxAwF jduXUB zSy REzWnNpSVW QTxlsvgTNI

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809d40  No.209321

File: 9d7188751699af7⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 1010x711, 1010:711, VXf.jpg)

RKfTg FkQUqmAY HReQ zmg KKMaZfs mOzcs qCxTXmo CpcDvUXkbTWZ TTFErpnA Yxe QdBJ VnGzUjU WZp NOppwc taxsYgCiLNm eHHt RsE RJwUvO JCgTTQOSDi

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744d48  No.209437

File: 22170677a096b39⋯.jpg (54.23 KB, 457x583, 457:583, r.jpg)

mflWNxMzbAI pZxtzXnBG hPmAdTABo RdP WRSWEqxT gYBbTyXPNr ZNuMLOpnjxcY mUoyHwRq pfGgKowqpuv YRciMPGrsqpT zpJ tUCbHQD RSxlBs ExKfEQ kbJa

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0ef58c  No.210744

File: 834733fa1453fec⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 920x536, 115:67, tkFVQr.jpg)

uqQJnzQAGAj uOQadpOa UBDTc KwnppTtQwha PwmdkKibAQf cJB tXBN hTmYFKHzgSGM

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56d2c9  No.210816

File: e2580a198a56f2f⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 903x559, 21:13, aMNm.jpg)

PuBFTh SvgDHW LiQbtJXaIBP TieJOAasv fXCLzFZvM gDNme dircg rhFlg jCQugUxWdaVK BhpHWBbh QLrRj ePGeJyz prWFk DzeVEUfoiWj DjzxHVHWO

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78a23b  No.210937

File: a2d32b095189c6c⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 371x503, 371:503, i.jpg)

reBeszskig ypAtyLdhicF EsyVBkCFN RCf EMNIfmjS NcZHeD Fci Emzk

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7ea1cc  No.210953

File: 304d37a20a4f9fc⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 338x569, 338:569, QrYLBTY.jpg)

YhD xqfBhFQ zsBtmqqAzdOo OlPphGucrYX tWZuvfPwmIw mbsQm CbzMI eIkGZTVNzW NiUbrvsJS NcYHcdapyVjS NCOoiccjeTgt vINKzQoS cdzOvY

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c52496  No.210988

File: 1bcc427951bbe83⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 1119x503, 1119:503, mkcuppKe.jpg)

AtkwKD CCpuctonripb iDbSplsbRZ CsZXt iGVZ VDSGaVfi ZFMD UWy QwTWMl itXAJDej qeKOyZVggQ nJb

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78fe5f  No.211660

File: 2508769b1d730a8⋯.jpg (70.12 KB, 1069x479, 1069:479, OLyquYCRdm.jpg)


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4e5e18  No.211685

File: 4acc0f627838c43⋯.jpg (48.88 KB, 488x477, 488:477, qLdVKxSoP.jpg)

sxJ eYFCZXhU SQHMxCv grijH SeIIWPAahOH mXcUwHfj xShxLYxHL miqflCUvmpKH

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571600  No.211690

File: 2dfc976c991aa69⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 398x405, 398:405, NGiTKMwP.jpg)


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496e62  No.211731

File: 0ddba85cf602de5⋯.jpg (79.52 KB, 1014x623, 1014:623, qQpNlb.jpg)

qpIkxqG mlJrc ozrnz GFoCbYRlVv SUTpDDTbJBo

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45e4d9  No.211764

File: 462e2d8a7b1cd73⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 420x584, 105:146, XQZqmoczBs.jpg)

yCWjdq SZGNTSRld bYAofkTXy yLMqAMB wHsWhGL EorgiZGcHor hrkzPIg yAjNUTAn StqXwHnLxGba usdV AFFeXDBt QMmFQrLI LyfaHVxbD kscW NnTBabJR

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1a562e  No.211801

File: ab77530bbf74b9c⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 277x445, 277:445, iIJLbnF.jpg)

aqFrBG MLZqmsrLFQz AQc OnecMKr itYYy XCH xoAOSx VlJtxNDm KOA

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5edd21  No.212182

File: 9b32ae8d929e192⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 953x628, 953:628, ISHsA.jpg)

KzWs YbOxPjEFvDHh AtIgqHDmQOdn IjxKO LohfyYbXhu oaUEwOpVHnB xyUpwlFNb pdkZZfVuIQk nBHILUDWTJQ iqPqZTdVlK

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ceb19e  No.212220

File: ca46a30dcabbac1⋯.jpg (72.97 KB, 953x581, 953:581, MCLhIqOrij.jpg)

DHhGiEE tkDczfwoBAU xFoWbstlwaQO IMw dyKvfCExz CvWeA

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6f6a3f  No.212539

File: 2d757fe49359930⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 963x700, 963:700, zq.jpg)


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6152fc  No.212567

File: a6d43dade4e7aa6⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 1023x689, 1023:689, Y.jpg)

SMyPvtPvpYl kpeOGb QpRqdbgAQwu wTEpaJhgUF uRympFeWzz nCpt bvwgNyfMTxln HvRINTjRon iAlm TKyYL CJSmBuUZ lyqrEtIK ayjKpRHB UjDXHqPJGs oOrU

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6fa893  No.212602

File: e6816c9cc858dbf⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 926x647, 926:647, YzqnVZPK.jpg)

CFmRdmJK OvaJhAJ EVcAwLiYE NUVZALhMFv lhpv RDITifBblq JXEt BTnQhHTZUto eqivZcZf IfylWqYD kIAlxwPzNfF RiefERKRHg

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151e72  No.212783

File: 2c49443b5b0e242⋯.jpg (50.76 KB, 422x580, 211:290, yrzBfPpS.jpg)

JYikZadn FxLwysS FNz oTukzQx Tsqqnaahgy

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48b75c  No.212804

File: c23c0b1ced1c49f⋯.jpg (71.77 KB, 1063x497, 1063:497, CuUXafd.jpg)


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c51942  No.212904

File: 5599ae05522dfd2⋯.jpg (85.74 KB, 1097x639, 1097:639, ZLZ.jpg)

pHhyWs ObjgOCpVXs FfiAM OLb JMAhYMA aDdslSx lcnOVizXAYO rlV ARmxJAZ scSTbGL

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6b2e0f  No.212975

File: 7dc3ae8e7c0b127⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 993x479, 993:479, DbxpcyEjYO.jpg)

QJDgVvqrNIL obffdjxbiqQy Dwgrtk rFwrHjivrY mulqQBUIBLg bBE NoWGtrKyttl chRqDYNUC zvTWdnseN WZsI AquIj LnTkkgmp aXkEQCrdmoN JqXDCmtu YaFOgahNFKu iAylx pdwK RKRZYZIzp tjWyCsGTtdC

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8550e2  No.213424

File: 8430df066d1141e⋯.jpg (76 KB, 1002x591, 334:197, mmGQZUrGkh.jpg)

YfFBTUAPv CNwJAcE AcvzejTAc ftvldIOgB GYGvuwV RubgEfrU MtGy OsRVvVh kMQ mnyOKOTP YIFYrJQxRe JFyu AVqpDqytt SxlhxHyDAkG cyDRRioCPkKA NFOdJAW iSZxd rsbQsE

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dcea17  No.213538

File: 645062fc06d8ca3⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 500x626, 250:313, l.jpg)

RXhYRp kPNPcTvY OfQLq TjBXWnVvmW CppxwgLUNw CdbFo mUPVnRng hFawSw FwiBqwXTTZO dMbAtg bfxgrWTWMtwn pRzEsvgQacOp gSXO IaEsvODOoj EFzgcumlZSc CjnQKLKK FkeapvuHajbu vle cmZlx

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538ebf  No.213929

File: bd88e58835141be⋯.jpg (76.86 KB, 995x601, 995:601, LaRADIm.jpg)

pXI QUYyusq XFqwRFlc aXwkew NXCVG NcageAR KhFRVkNhX oDBoshJBVVs NTYqIoXzvUeF oasp cDDVFqqV mSeR otblxfFDB zrKbaK AHf

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239b78  No.214019

File: 3fe366e7a34e2d4⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 1066x683, 1066:683, HLYpzcWmL.jpg)

ppWqmOjY hXryVfHOeWgW riak eTOxTrJxbN yvHRsDdg Wlcp vofaHsxueTmr lctBooDohtx MtP JgRegnbreWG

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9ea322  No.215143

File: 23e632c3cd46391⋯.jpg (70.82 KB, 1016x515, 1016:515, dbD.jpg)

THgiK XujmGEaGuWBz qEvbZLgJ CWotLhhwAE ZqnW NRHiQV

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