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File: 775c540594ab460⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 1200px_jo_jorgensenjpg.jpg)

d70572  No.172912

The Democrats and Republicans both agree: you have to vote for a Democrat or a Republican. And watch them shit up the country more and more, endlessly. And watch them shit up all the imageboards with endless shilling about how orange man is either Satan's asshole or Jesus's right testicle.

Fuck that. Vote for Jo.

If she WINS she gives me more of the good bits of Republicanism and less of the bad.

If she wins a STATE it's a giant middle finger to the establishment. Trump's not. Biden's not. (Hint: if Trump were anti-establishment, there would have been a LOT more establishment Republicans voting to impeach.)

If she hits 5% she gets Federal funding and the next election is a comfy shitstorm.

And finally - and this is the most ATTAINABLE reason: The Dems are still salty at Nader voters TWENTY YEARS ON. If the Jo vote is enough to *swing the election*, the losing side will seethe at me for DECADES. If I vote for Trump or Biden, the losing side will only seethe at me for a few months.

Kanye or whoever the Commies are running would work just as well for the rage, but Jo's closer to my actual politics (so her votes shift the Overton window in the right direction) and the Libertarians poll better so we actually HAVE a good shot at 5%.

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e3436c  No.172921

File: c6f9918c88afbad⋯.jpg (418.84 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, gringothedangerouslifeofjo….jpg)

Jo is just the democrat who runs the Libertarian Party. The LP sold out everything they stood for in order to appeal to a wider audience. Fuck them all. I'll vote libertarian when they run Rand Paul or John McAfee.

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ca5f3d  No.172924

>woman in politics


>running mate is a literal fucking jew




It’s all a hoax, just like the other parties.

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d70572  No.172962

File: e0056961eef90c0⋯.png (2.15 MB, 2000x2176, 125:136, semx95b2ulm31.png)


>Fuck them all. I'll vote libertarian when they run Rand Paul

Rand Paul's a statist. RON Paul would be fine, but he's about 400 years old by now.

> or John McAfee.

He's a complete nutbar, and I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

The goal of voting Libertarian now isn't the wishlist 'what if she wins?'. It's the 5% funding, which means that in 2024 we have a real shot at McAfee. And that we get primetime television for a debate between Jungle John, that naked guy with the iron cross tat, and someone from Califurnia.

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b43e89  No.173093


>RON Paul would be fine, but he's about 400 years old by now

Still more cognizant than Biden, even after the stroke.

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4eaead  No.174300


I hate how bottom left is implied to have his tongue going in one eye and out the other

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e3436c  No.174334


Not at all you retard, he's winking and sticking his tongue out. The little bit of pink you see next to the left eye is just flesh. The red you sometimes see at the corner of the eye

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d70572  No.174669


I hate how that's not at all what the artist intended, and not what the pic looks like, but I now can't unthink that interpretation.

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5b990c  No.174679



Jo is absolute garbage

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37d7f4  No.174759


I support her and defintely hope she and Libertarianism start to displace the other two parties.

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0f4965  No.175030

File: 209792f80b5391a⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 366x409, 366:409, But_doctor_i_am_Pagliacci.jpg)

>voting for a female ever

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d70572  No.175040

File: 25eb74d3706e39e⋯.jpg (232.23 KB, 1040x1079, 80:83, libertarians.jpg)

UPDATE: Trump hasn't even finished losing and they're already seething.

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3ccd2d  No.175188

Imagine handing the election to Democrats in support of a dying ideology at the mercy of hordes of nonwhites.

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d70572  No.175209

File: 401e8dee39e85dd⋯.jpg (143.32 KB, 1323x1072, 1323:1072, dwyzzzu9qd351.jpg)


Imagine having the power to ACTUALLY hurt the system with a 3rd-part vote and not using it.

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1b4fd2  No.175422

Wasn't this the quasi liberal cunt that was pushing the intersectionality and equality of outcome bullshit, or was that one of the other libertarians that tried to run this year? I mean christ voting for a third party is one thing, I could respect that, but blindly throwing away your vote on a stealth democrat just because she thought she'd get more attention with a (L) by her name is another matter.

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f9fe20  No.175432

File: 4c791bfd4714031⋯.jpg (149.58 KB, 1300x868, 325:217, 1434944415752.jpg)


double turbonigger lolbert living in an alternate dimension, pic related

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639489  No.175450


Imagine trying to ACTUALLY hurt the system by participating in it.

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202d93  No.175472


>all posts are just spam images of selfies

>defending judaism

>defending libertarianism

Just leave. You don’t belong here.

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45f1e1  No.184054

anon doesnt know what tactical voting is lmao

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703759  No.184057


Fuck off. The (((Libertarian Party))) is just Duopoly-lite. They're all a bunch of soycialists. SAGE


Here is your (you). Now fuck off.


Indeed, a tripoly > duopoly but the political system itself is a cancer and itself must be excised.


This tbh.




Handing the election to the democrats? You actually think any of that matters, anon? The final redpill is that you're already in ancapistan. Stop conforming, stop obeying, and watch as they helplessly seethe as you write "no" on your tax forms.

Wasted digits smh


Not an argument, commie.


kek, that is a valid point.


Defending judaism?

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2f04ea  No.184067

Never vote for a woman.

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e10fcb  No.184080


Great job bumping a month old spam thread.

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