3df25c No.170922
Every single board I browse on a daily basis is currently filled with shills, glowtards, ptg chuds, and, at best, sneedposters.
Despite the fact that the catalog is filled with threads from 5+ days ago, you guys seem alright. Thoughts on the situation?
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559e9c No.170929
can you define every one of those terms you used
4chan has been shit in my opinion for a long long time. i enjoyed it when i was 16 and it was 2006 up through ~2010 when it started getting inundated by whatever the fuck a ptg chud is and the others
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3df25c No.170937
shills = wow look at muh product
glowtards = feds larping as based boys
ptg chuds = president trump general fags
sneedposters = sneeds feed and sneed (formerly chucks)
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bd3901 No.170938
OP, there are people being paid to fuck up these boards to incite panic so we will go OH NO EVERYTHING WILL BE FIXED WITH BIDEN and we suck chink/jew dick.
Nothing is getting bad here because we debate the people and they lose interest.
4chan became bots talking to bots, but when /pol/ left in large part because Moot got cucked most of us came here. It was then 4chan died. They were bleeding out since he also banned anti-scientology (because he was being stalked) talk so 7chan started.
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3df25c No.170939
Damn. Late to the party it seems. Now I understand why all the NSG + SIG threads are gone
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3df25c No.170942
"nothing ever happens"
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80b0ca No.170945
Are we getting another 4chan exodus, boys?
Also, OP, you need to lurk at least 2 years and look into gamergate, you newfaggot.
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3df25c No.170946
>lurk at least 2 years
not much here to lurk to
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69bfcf No.170947
And then someone pulls a Patrick Crusius and this site loses its hosting again.
No one on here should get too comfy.
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80b0ca No.170949
Give it time, anon. Assuming exactly what happened in 2015 happens again, you'll see the unique ISPs and PPH start to gradually go up in count. There will be plenty of threads to lurk.
Completely agree, anon.
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3df25c No.170950
Wasn't expecting civility. Congrats
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235d6d No.170952
It took Jim way to long to get this going again after fullchan got shoahed. 4pol is about 90% garbage these days, and the filtering isn't all that great. It would be nice if the actual posters ended up over here. This place is too dead.
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b91a9f No.170953
>Any thoughts on X
Fuck off back to failchan.
Lets fucking hope not. Eternal september.
This place is fine as it is. Low iq faggots cant into real debate and dont see /pol/ when its staring them right in the face. The thing you miss, you miss because people dont want you to see it. Its quality control. And this place is its checkpoint.
Dont fuck up h8ch more than its already been fucked. It took years to get the 10% back.
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69bfcf No.170955
What's fullchan? I thought this site was fullchan.
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67d505 No.170960
This is 8kun, "fullchan" died last year and took all its content and what remained of its userbase with it.
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57fb2a No.170962
>Nothing is getting bad here because we debate the people and they lose interest.
Pretty much this. Cuckchan got taken over by shitskins REEing at everyone, making kikes and cucks look like fucking martyrs. This place is far more logical and actually addresses points usually without committing fallacies, making it impossible for kikes to thrive.
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e90ce3 No.170976
At first then both trump niggers and imkampfy or whatever this name fagging bitch was called. Came here with storm niggers and ruined /pol/.
Most are scattered on other micro chans.
Most of them as dead as this place.
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1f2cb2 No.170981
I eventually did the unspeakable and drifted back to cuckchan after all the different bunker boards either god shoah's or infected by cake kike/meguca trannies. I post here or on some of the better /webring/ boards when I want an actual discussion, but sometimes a man just needs to shitpost, and sadly, it's the only place left for that.
It's inconceivably pozzed as you would expect, and naturally I can't seem to go a week without getting banned by some eternally asshurt globohomo janny, but if you lurk you can see other 8chan refugees (the bitter fucking irony of that term, goddamn) hanging around.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing with my life. We really are here forever.
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84eae8 No.170982
>Are we getting another 4chan exodus, boys?
I think its time to accept its already happening. Too many cuckchan refugees over last few months since corona/chimpout. I already got used to tolerate imbeciles clogging the catalog.
>I eventually did the unspeakable and drifted back to cuckchan
Everyone sooner or later looks up what is happening to cuckchan, and everyone who haven't been on that shithole for years will look with disgust. I don't blame you, curiosity is a bitch, but staying there will melt your brain like staying on reddit. They are street shitters of imageboards.
>but if you lurk you can see other 8chan refugees
Its especially funny when they do something stupid when they mechanically send people to other boards that only existed here like /leftypol/. But then i am aware /leftypol/ shits on cuckchan constantly because they love to "raid" it.
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fb0521 No.170984
What is a fucking chud supposed to be? That terms was suddenly spammed out of nowhere and now I see it everywhere. Tell me about chud. What does it mean?
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b001d9 No.170985
When this place died I knew it was time to take things into meatspace. I learned that there is a limit of what discussion can do. I learned what I knew as a child that absolute force is what rules the earth. I came back here drifting and totally alone. I know that it doesn't mean much but I know there must be other people like me who watch and learn and rarely post. This site is better slow it makes the bot slides so much more obvious without millions of "NPC normies" to give cover to the kikes. Here is not true free speech but it is the best place I've found to learn and share. There will come a time where bullets and bombs are more meaningful than words. For now I shitpost for the person I once was before pol and the internet. Because someone out there has yet to be exposed to the ideas we all in the know so often take for granted. If we stop communicating with the new waves of posters and lurkers our ideologies and philosophies will be lost. That's why I'm still here nigger. To learn and challenge my own ideas and to allow for others to observe the process.
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fa631a No.170988
>you guys
Are you saying "we" are some sort of collective? Are you a collectivist?
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69d9e4 No.170992
Voat is pretty good. More active and good for current events.
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fb0521 No.171011
I hate that it looks like reddit. I hate that website even more for its layout than its users. Is there a way to make the comments flat instead of threaded?
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aecd74 No.171029
4 Chan bloody banned the whole IP range from my country. Oh, and they don't allow Tor exit nodes either.
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d8a733 No.171122
I'm glad casual 4chan hate is becoming common. It's something that's been in the back of my mind for a while.
I haven't been able to post there and have fun since 2017, maybe 2018. It was already becoming/was degenerated by then, but there still was good threads full of interesting discussion every now and then.
And I don't want to hate on cuckchan, obviously there were some truly great times on there.
But nowadays that site is dead. Not only is there a complete lack of interesting discussions, but it's impossible to post on there without getting into bitter, pointless arguments. And if you try posting anything of value, you get shit on.
I'm not sure if it's just shills, or newcomers, or what. I have a feeling ytube channels like Internet Historian has driven a ton of randos to that website.
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d34d16 No.171145
forced meme (along with edited wojak) being pushed by /leftypol/ chapo trap house fags as an attempt to win a "meme war"
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8a67d5 No.171153
OP, 8chan got 'Tarranted', 8kunt is just a shitty toilet parade of low paid israeli operatives. Most of the hardcore 8channers got fed up when Kampfy was fired (a good moderator), then the shilling became 4chan-level intense, then the tarranting followed shortly after, as if sanctioned to do so.
No one cared anymore as there was no fallback to migrate to.
When they make p2p-blockchain talk sites real, you'll most likely see the second coming of christ followed closely with armageddon.
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1f2cb2 No.171216
>Most of the hardcore 8channers got fed up when Kampfy was fired (a good moderator)
Just gonna post historical revisionism in an anchored thread like no one's gonna notice, huh?
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57fb2a No.171218
You read my mind. Whatever took control of that place in 2018 wants it bad and wants it to stay bad. Anything good posted there is shat on into oblivion.
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1f9cce No.171232
So they just invented the word? Is it supposed to be a subversion of chad, like the lulz are to lol?
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57fb2a No.171403
Meme nuts love changing sounds in current memes to make new ones. Kek and cuck was an obvious one. I don't know if it's just childish fun or some boomer wrote the technique in a propaganda book or something.
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ad1f1c No.171777
You're the reason 4chan is shit now. Fuck off back to bankerchan commie
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b49fed No.171816
Fellow 4chan refugee here. Mostly hung out on /pol/ and /k/. The site is badly compromised, and I am permabanned anyway. They banned me for talking about circumcision, citing scientific evidence to show that it is harmful. The guy arguing with me was apparently a janny and hrefused me just because I put him in his place. They won't even let us use the lingo that came from us (replacing ”soyboy” with ”basedboy”, etc.)
Then I found this place, and I see no obvious shills, no retarded D&C bullshit, no tranny porn, etc. So far, I like what I see.
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72eb6e No.172017
IIRC, it was meant to look like Reddit. It's meant to be a free speech alternative to Reddit especially since the latter has banned many gore and right wing subs.
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6994cc No.172288
oh im refugee too, its maybe a democrate attack ? to ban all trump support ?
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2ff0a2 No.177768
Am as well. Hiroyuki probably got the same call as Dorsey and Zuckberg, or just hoping he will be accepted into the club if he suppresses his users like they did. Definitely something very weird is happening though.
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c7c51a No.183312
>What is a fucking chud supposed to be?
Pics related … retardedness warning!
What the other Anon said, about it being a forced meme, and seemingly inspired by an old bit on Chapo Trap House, is true, but it gets worse.
It's also an actual lame, slangy put-down term that lefties use for rightish folks. It's habitually typed in their own messaging on the normie platforms, which this Anon has spotted and successfully used for online Antifa-watch. It constantly sneaks into their 4chan posts, sometimes intentionally and sometimes not, often as an obvious dog-whistle directed at their peers.
The term's oldest OG reference seems to be completely lost on the younger actifags that use it, the 1984 horror movie "C.H.U.D." an acronym for Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.
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fb2346 No.191976
Yes. The shilling is massive, even impressive, I'll admit.
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