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File: 30675e4c9e1c4f0⋯.jpg (302.97 KB, 836x1080, 209:270, 1475025844031.jpg)

7f44fe  No.169127

is there any creature more subhuman than the spic? they are the most disgusting, revolting, ugly, low IQ, stupid, mutt, brown goblinos to ever exist and yet for some reason manage to delude themselves into thinking they're white because they have a little bit of spanish dna or something. they're obsessed with being white to an extreme extent, yet at the same time also brag about aztlan and latino pride and shit like that.

what's more, they infest another country like fucking cockroaches because their own is so shit, and then they have like 8 children per family minimum.

let me repeat that: they illegally cross into another country because their own is so shit, then they act all high and mighty and proud later on. they literally shit out fucking 8 brown subhumans per family to help ruin america because they feel comfortable enough to do it if whitey can take care of him. they are literally worse than fucking niggers - at least niggers keep to themselves and don't breed like fucking animals. once 2 spics get into your country, a male and a female, it's game over. that's all it takes - 2 spics. give it few decades and the country will be 90% latino within 3 generation.

The worst part is that they make up 80% of the posters on /pol/ and I wouldn't be surprised if they do here also

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63cf93  No.169137

File: d9831100fca4a54⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 186x179, 186:179, 20201023_045741.jpg)


El goblino

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1ab0f8  No.169176

The USA is perhaps the most jewed out country, Mexico is literally the closest country it has apart from Canada, so why wouldn't it be a piece of shit?

>Mexicans see "white americum guvment" ruining their country from the inside.

>Decides to cross the border and disregard white americum.

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0fd16f  No.169211

File: 184b94fa28635df⋯.jpg (117.7 KB, 318x500, 159:250, 0022190dec450dd9b41601.jpg)

> All spics are beaners

You've obviously never been to Europe

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2ee5f1  No.169215

File: 0d3a776ab55c298⋯.jpg (670.78 KB, 1240x1860, 2:3, fe0ab38d98f07dc517051da12c….jpg)



I still considered it racemixing

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fed757  No.169216


>I don’t know my slurs

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eacbfa  No.169269

Ok, nick FUENTES. You and your son to sons has been globinos you had every time in your brain.

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0fd16f  No.169394


> I would be racemixing if I got with that hot white Spaniard

I believe you

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7e737d  No.169396


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049977  No.169398


hey OP. I can tell that you are most likely talking about mexicans. I am from south america, Ecuador to be exact, and we are way more civilized than Mexicans, and have a higher white population.The only reason why I am typing this is because we don't like to be compared to them. We hate their culture and are a bunch of ignorants who refuse to read. Ecuador is also full of ignorants but believe me; we are better than them.

Anyway, "spic" comes from HiSPanIC, and you using the word spic to describe a mexican and use said mexican represent the hundreds of colombians, argentinians, chileans, and even Venezuelans, surprisingly enough, who actually love their respective countries and have common sense to vote for Trump is nigger tier level retardation and is something a mexican would do.

Mexicans are in a perpetual state of adolescence and you can tell by the way they handle their politics and talk.

We are hispanics, mexicans are just mexicans and they are the ones ruining the usa.

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049977  No.169399


Hispania - old name used for Spain. Hadrian, the roman emperor, was born in Hispania. Hispania, then changed its name to spain and conquered the americas. Mexicans are just mexicans. We are hispanics.

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108868  No.169421


I love how brazil ain't in the list.

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e0c218  No.169433

File: 6285297e271dc96⋯.png (6.29 KB, 310x415, 62:83, no_based_beaner_83308.png)


Beaners are worst than niggers they are the only non-white group who mass actively invades White suburbs, schools and neighborhoods then turn them in to shit holes with crime. Currently they are invading every White safe haven state. They also steal all the entry teenager jobs from White kids because mexican managers will only hire mexicans. They are also whats turning states blue its not White "Californians" its beaners just look at Texas they all vote leftist.

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e0c218  No.169434


I can agree with that for the most part that mexicans are the main problem because there is something extra fucked up with mexican genetics compared to other hispanics/mestizos and they really are the main group ruining the USA, look up the road rage shooting, pedo, heroin/meth rings in White neighborhoods its all mexicans. Most of the other SA seem to stay in their countries. The funny part is mexicans say the same thing about you with all other Hispanics you said aside from Spaniards.

Just want to point out Mexico is the most violent country on Earth and has been for decades. They also have killed more White Americans than any other ethnic group through mass flooding Heroin and Meth in rural White towns.

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0fd16f  No.169509


> I love how brazil ain't in the list

Neither is Quebec. What's your point?

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1ab0f8  No.169785

It is obvious the jews cut the spanish ties with mexico hundreds of years ago and now we see what is happening. The country is in turmoil with no white european country to police it. All because the jews couldnt have white south america.

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310187  No.188418


lol dont care white boy. Im gonna have 12 kids and hop on welfare. Ill also commit crimes just for the hell of it. Now get back to work!! my housing isnt going to pay for itself :))

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310187  No.188419


yeah keep dickriding juan your still a spic. Once we get aztlan were taking over your cunto too :))

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991fd4  No.188422


A spic a spic,

gives the donkey a kick.

The donkey in return, still was stubborn refused to learn.

Anything that they yearn, was a living to earn.

They thought they donkey was no good,

so they took a human mule,

they had a drug empire to rule.

But so did the kang,

after all they are waiting for andrew yang!

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1f19d4  No.190777

File: f9d9d90b7167107⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 300x210, 10:7, outrageous_mug_shots.jpg)

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049977  No.190904


We need to nuke brazil

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b3df5c  No.190955


These disgusting mongrels know they aren't white, they are mostly asian, nigger and jew mixed from their appearance

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6cbf2f  No.190962


They are a spectrum of europeans mixed with indigenous "people" (:^)).

But then again, who cares, when i "grew" up on the internet and someone in an online game said "hi from" and you replied "ger", then there was a very good chance someone said "gitler caput" "how many jews did you gas today" or some insult in french which i assume is an insult since french people dont have schools.

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f913f3  No.191002


what is the situation with his shirt

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69c85a  No.191353

Brazilians are basically Mexicans 2.0. Instead of being the rape babies of amerindians and Spaniards, they are the bastard children of random niggers and the Portuguese. Instead of ruining Spanish they ruin Portuguese. Instead of starting highly militarized gangs that fight the government, they savagely murder each other and record it on Facebook live. No wonder there was so many communist rebellions in spic countries, they are a race of failures so they join a failed ideology.

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ffb676  No.191608



I suppose you had a certain individual in mind while making this post, wink wink. The enemy of my enemy is my temporary useful ally.

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ae7a7d  No.191612

File: 6676174ed669ea3⋯.gif (996.38 KB, 150x148, 75:74, OP_sucks_dicks.gif)

oh fuck off OP. we're not at war with spics. we're at war with de-segregationists who don't allow us to form racial communities.

we're not hypocritical. we want spics to form their own spic communities too and keep to themselves on their native spic land in central america/mexico.

we want to ally with spics who understand this, and post shit threads like this doesn't help. Fuck you OP for helping confirm the shit accusations CNN spreads about us.

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2839dd  No.191614


>bullshit only jews say

Why should we want any nonwhites to live? They’re an existential threat to us, retard. Why do you think you’re one of us?

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366e46  No.191616


>who don't allow us to form racial communities

except for jews, and maybe asians

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ee8cd7  No.191626

File: 9d00af8505b3744⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 1328x720, 83:45, time_to_fight_8kun.mp4)


>Why should we want any nonwhites to live? They’re an existential threat to us.

No, they're not. But talking like that might make them that way.

You are an existential threat to us through polluting out reputation through your bigotry.

Believe me when I say this, I'm white. And I'm your greatest threat. I won't allow those who pollute the good name of white people to continue to do so in peace.

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7d9150  No.191635


>No, they're not

Confirmed for knowing nothing whatsoever about ecology or biology. Eat shit, retard.

>But talking like that might make them that way.

Nope. The Secret™ isn’t real. Your delusional fantasies aren’t real because you think they are. You can’t manifest delusions into existence simply by thinking about them. Are you an ancient Egyptian or something?

>You are an existential threat to us

You aren’t part of us, jew.

>through polluting out reputation

You aren’t part of our reputation, jew.

>through your bigotry.

Blow your fucking brains out. You’ve confirmed you’re a paid shill.

>Believe me when I say this, I'm white.

You’ve given no one any reason to believe anything you say. jews are not white.

>And I'm your greatest threat.

Nope. You pose literally no threat to anyone.

>I won't allow those who pollute the good name of white people to continue to do so in peace.

Commit suicide, then.

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8060b9  No.191942

File: 17b50bdb1267998⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, 480x378, 80:63, _g_r_apes.jpg)


you will never be white, spic.

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85a269  No.191959


Your ignorance about native white people in latin countries will end up with your own ruin

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310daa  No.191992

File: ccb6b859023da2a⋯.jpg (183.04 KB, 500x618, 250:309, mexican_scum.jpg)


Beaners and spics are worst than nigger or any other shitskins they are actively mass invading White neighborhoods and turning them in to shit holes. The benaers even invaded pol many of the American flags are mexican mutts hence where the meme actually came from was after all the beaner posters with American flags.

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be197c  No.191998


Subhuman spic goblin detected

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be197c  No.191999


Fully agree. Spics quite literally look like the mutt meme

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9f012b  No.209056

File: 752fc928297590f⋯.jpg (81.23 KB, 985x663, 985:663, QEjwiiSGk.jpg)

JkDKvnYGF csKptMY WIfXu GTcfV CsWNcbsRi KYNokrcxXOu UtpuXAwyWabt tZUNBAgx nFrVxzxskrTv ufXmpc APgS

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496e83  No.209067

File: 9254932d67d93b3⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 382x384, 191:192, FhOMr.jpg)

ZLfati qVeDwKBejbo TNzTgIzFCPp ajZx VIEJsHf TlkZwdgqy UDbwcjIey yXOLxjfTI jWpwpbmgSK ZwLpaaDjSFXs pmNqGwlv XZot BWHIttXH

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bddfbe  No.209081

File: 7e6f35386ac5f0a⋯.jpg (37.12 KB, 344x475, 344:475, ZFmfe.jpg)

aXGyiBJ oqdz AUPtNg zWqLMw BAErpGraKw cdaoloJlSmXV

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f5be2c  No.209255

File: d8285d2c46f2ee5⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 978x592, 489:296, eFxNldMs.jpg)

LmhUG HpfUpfASsk nhZiJ bWyctNEHK AhfTine YTHLDJobBip OKDEQVgeq OJEeVUQ Lfs Nzb mFqoPpdu OarrrG iuJotH aNu ACNQPTtjDkth FxboBJ

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9c94c5  No.209320

File: 6884d838db1bceb⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 477x396, 53:44, LDKv.jpg)

mhSHfVdRHVA VOfGC TCmn WtkixvfRLz CcMeDxwMJhy qKv kAWH UEIqWBY Kxsp mMsvMi HgiPyeKW

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a140ce  No.211385

File: 08afb732704f84f⋯.jpg (29.87 KB, 293x417, 293:417, lQFvMyQ.jpg)

bWlFmDNaDVk OujnqXyHGL qkdTF cuju OrUySLe DEGmw wFIETeSEC cgkF qEqGV QrEklOGhWY qHRSfJn IpbbjDlct SxOhMNRFRUs ZOV

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fda8d3  No.211745

File: 58bdb11c0618a37⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 492x557, 492:557, GUFzneoN.jpg)

uodWQ oqzrJCsSrn yXbggnnmBpJ ASY liLhLgQNEa OXSpeFVw PwNtuPhx PzLXZgjaCzHR EtDHGJabSeK oMR YVEIwmmnVEf GgIKPPaEhhD VGwOgplNN mCnasFYGr PvypEaE dBLoVNGjrBb oyxysjqXE AcMyqmkeGRO VeXsTSjhqjZ

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f2dff5  No.211855

File: 4eca0a6002586a6⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 360x621, 40:69, rzknqIcY.jpg)

gcfuVHQW CzHrabKuW okBIbcHWkS YrXAC

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792eda  No.212053

File: 6b7252ce2f06383⋯.jpg (80.37 KB, 1033x618, 1033:618, FlwFnzpeQ.jpg)

FnXGh apfViExDJZH ZFTJYWz fpSg kjZmqSl CgZAH rtXr fuhR ybKij xjoiViyaD WCgTiP QWSzBZTu XSJnRmURTI YkwPo ZHkSmIgfPq DHcbnuahaJm jTtMt CbI

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b7b89b  No.212363

File: ea616a06fc8661d⋯.jpg (34.93 KB, 362x413, 362:413, hDpq.jpg)


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f0a9c9  No.215943

File: 92d57699be71507⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 1013x492, 1013:492, DtpcAYjMYj.jpg)

SZIaBc clIc iGBJMZgq ExofVr XYfpStn VqlCBJwT fqZt

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f7f5f1  No.215982

File: c8e7222402c463f⋯.jpg (52.87 KB, 467x547, 467:547, ODbj.jpg)

CAspMxJiPX OagosrVNCBTi VPszie TGZAZbUiyh lrF JoJniG LWjeamklx aPhsaVVP cebQJCi rWMgsKh CGOflJauZZD Hwu HdT zDyqEy MNuOtewrdy xZlibDQA gRSwSUoLzfT fsPeUV XKoAJDKcVNx

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