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My greatest dream is a world without jews

File: 2e3510664346853⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1894x1276, 947:638, 57B0BFB5_FF20_4852_8E91_4….jpeg)

b2f002  No.168610

Facebook group full of commies.


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0352d8  No.168613


Why do we care.

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08243a  No.168614

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b2f002  No.168622

Full of child molestors

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b1f346  No.168624

I don't get it have they never heard of the income tax or any of the other communist polices in place

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b2f002  No.168626

several sex predators in the group Facebook refuses to remove it

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0352d8  No.168627


Of course it is.


Of course they do. Facebook is literally run by sexual predators. What do you expect us to do about it? This just looks like advertising.

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67001d  No.168629

File: 3f813a9191f995a⋯.jpg (32.86 KB, 522x363, 174:121, memes.jpg)


Facebook is exactly like reddit, you can't argue with anyone because people there are weak and suck authority's dick. Exactly like reddit they will mass report you then the admins will try to get you site wide ban for even saying fag.

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b1f346  No.168631

Yet they literally banned a Fallout 76 group for having militia

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b2f002  No.168634

admin sent penis pics of himself to my kid tried to get him to go with him for sex

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