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My greatest dream is a world without jews

File: a81ad758cf68574⋯.png (682.19 KB, 427x500, 427:500, kikevangogh.png)

8fef6c  No.168589

Jewgle antitrust lawsuit filed by 11 states


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4aea8e  No.168617



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6baaec  No.168632

File: 5a1952da9cecc83⋯.jpg (63.03 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 6.jpg)

I hope this goes forward. Google is too big and that means a single (and awful) social authority has control of too many platforms on the internet. Jews love this, they want to control you mind and erase history or at the very least not remind you. Do you remember Biden was a senator for decades or Reagen before he was re-elected pushed for supreme court justices? They never bring this shit up because it will make people think "hey history repeats itself, why don't we look in to history"

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8fef6c  No.168700


nice post anon, indeed history does itself

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