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My greatest dream is a world without jews

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904cdb  No.168165

There has been strange occurrences that concern the topic of voting, like the fact it is so easy to manipulate online votes, the fact that authentic votes are being thrown in the dumpster and not to mention it has likely been happening for around eight years.

Let us talk about this and spill some truth in this thread.

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ba7d7d  No.168416

Don’t start a thread unless you’re prepared to contribute information. Don’t expect other anons to do the heavy lifting for you.

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8dff5b  No.168417

Does this count or are we cool w/ this?


> Authorities are investigating a fire that broke out in an official ballot drop box Sunday night in Baldwin Park, damaging several ballots in the process. There were over 200 ballots reportedly involved in the incident — up from an initial estimate of between 60 to 100, according to Baldwin Park Mayor Manuel Lozano.

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36dce9  No.168479

For “Votergate” you need some salacious event for people to rally about. Every year there are tons of reports along the lines of “lots of ballots were processed without the proper witnesses present” and the jews just turn around and say “there’s no proof we did anything wrong, it’s just bad worker training or whatever”.

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904cdb  No.168912


This is very interesting.

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