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File: bd49baf9e244a19⋯.jpeg (87.36 KB, 830x904, 415:452, 31BD799E_6D1C_4A31_8F8A_B….jpeg)

386dc4  No.167979[Last 50 Posts]

He also hasn’t done anything at all for Israel.

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df5997  No.168032


Covid 19 is a fucking hoax by the globalists to destroy the west. Fuck the lockdowns. Never before in human history has a quarantine been for the healthy; quarantines are for the sick not the healthy.

Fauci wants us all locked down till the end of 2021. Merkel wants us locked down for another 6 months. Macron has imposed curfews 6 AM to 9PM. Many are saying they want a lockdown for the next 5 years.

It's a hoax by evil communist jews that need to die.

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ae9b36  No.168035


>coronachan saves us

I'll take it.


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6103a0  No.168037


>Covid 19 is a fucking hoax

lol you're retarded

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ae9b36  No.168038


>covid is a hoax

This kind of faggotry just makes us all look bad (which is likely your intention anyway). COVID-19 is very real, BUT yes politicians are milking the fuck out of it to hurt the economy on purpose… weaponizing the virus against the President. This is being repeated ad-naseum currently on the media that Trump didn't handle the virus correctly, when in reality it was lefty jew mayors nationwide crushing their local economies, but because the same jews own the media the narrative-spinning is whatever they want it to be.

Anyway, at this point in time given how effective treatments are there should be zero quarantine. Fuck, even as far back as April people knew that steroid inhalers (for Bronchitis and Asthma) were enough to stop the lungs from filling up with fluid. Our shit is way more advanced than that now. It's just the same jewish tricks specifically being done to manipulate public opinion and swing an election.

Only difference is, if the media kikes can't engineer a Biden win they're going all out using mail-in ballot fraud as a backup plan.

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df5997  No.168039


If you're 87 years old and you've got diabetes and lung cancer then yeah it's fatal. Big fucking deal. I'm pushing 70 and I don't give a flying fuck. Go swiming miles out to sea off Oahu where there's about 10,000 sharks living at any time. That's risk. I'm good with that risk. What kind of faggot is terrified of dying because of some flu??

You must be a timid character.

Laissez les bons temps roulez faggot.

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0d30ff  No.168046

File: 0b44481715fd9c0⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 5320x6872, 665:859, 2vNXWha.jpg)

File: 601053fd3084c97⋯.jpg (3.58 MB, 4432x5072, 277:317, Dk1zgjF.jpg)

File: 81bba07e669bd22⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 5000x4748, 1250:1187, RaEqXxr.jpg)


1. This isn’t a thread.

2. You’re lying through your teeth.

Go fuck yourself.

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a00fe4  No.168057




>>Covid 19 is a fucking hoax


>lol you're retarded

Flu deaths somehow magically declined by 95% in 2020 compared to last year. Just a coincidence I suppose?

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9ee9a9  No.168061


Youre really pushing 70? God bless you sir

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df5997  No.168071


>Flu deaths somehow magically declined by 95% in 2020 compared to last year. Just a coincidence I suppose?

wow. Can you please post a graph showing this or some literature on this cohencidence? I've got a big mailing list and if this is true it will be welcome news.


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0d30ff  No.168072

File: b7778766a3e66cc⋯.png (69.7 KB, 969x662, 969:662, 2019.png)

File: 15f3bc63739e5f7⋯.png (71.7 KB, 965x712, 965:712, 2020.png)

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df5997  No.168073


Thanks a lot.

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1bef35  No.168079


It was a hoax in the sense that they said that masks and social distancing would do anything to help. The "regular people" have submitted to those lies. Just like they submitted to airport checks after 9/11 and being spied on by their and foreign governments.

At this rate we will have mandatory vaccinations for made up viruses every year, implanted chips, cashless social credit system, pod houses where you cannot own anything, bug meat as your only protein, and much more.

If Trump wins a 2nd term and goes along with vaccinations and other "cures" then you will know he was a stooge. If he stands up to them, which I desperately hope he will, people may actually be able to resist the gradual erosion of their freedom.

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df5997  No.168083

File: ab6ae7b679a5259⋯.webm (969.71 KB, 368x640, 23:40, street_corpses.webm)


It was a hoax staged in China in late December and early January and pumped out to the west.

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0d30ff  No.168084


We literally already know that Trump is nothing but a stooge and has been since at least the 1990s.

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df5997  No.168085

File: 8a02d5e990535bf⋯.webm (398.34 KB, 368x640, 23:40, flu.webm)

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8752ab  No.168086



Now if we could find a way to keep beaners out and get most of them to leave.

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df5997  No.168088


>Now if we could find a way to keep beaners out and get most of them to leave.

The entire western world can cure itself of about 95% of its problems by completely eliminating all welfare except to the legally blind and crippled (not the morbidly obese). Above all else stop paying sluts to shit their evil bastards into the world so they can live off welfare. No section 8 no ebt no welfare.

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37fb8a  No.168090

File: 1ebd64abc5a922c⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 320x180, 16:9, KEfBxY.gif)


>pushing 70

Dude you shouldn't be here, this shit can't be good for you. Get some well deserved rest old man.

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37fb8a  No.168091

File: 285a689226b0c71⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 960x712, 120:89, porfis.jpg)


Ain't gonna happen, México is on his way to become Venezuela, slowly but surely. The worst ones always go to gringoland to do the work not even niggers want to do, and not only that: La Migra send all the sudacas, mexicans from the south and other beasts to the north of México, those fuckers are a plague here.

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ae7a2f  No.168094


Only because tightening the borders was prudent with COVID. Take away the virus, and there would still be similar immigration numbers. Look at the rates his first few years and before he took office

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df5997  No.168098

File: 8125b34bf4a0f11⋯.jpg (69.88 KB, 500x428, 125:107, e419e3afada3b8ce5e00806aad….jpg)


I squat 335 full for 6 reps, deadlift 405 for 6 reps. No rest till you're dead. We have to prepare for the horrible civil war that the jews and their golems the niggers and the chinks are thrusting upon us. We'll probably all die or wind up mutilated and crippled in some dark filthy excuse for a hospital but we at least have to put up a fight.

Get food

Get water

Get gun(s)

Get ammo

Prepare for Nov 3 and the great world wide struggle against muderous jewish tyranny.

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5c92f1  No.168108


>covid is a hoax

There are still some simple minded posters on here who believe what Trump says lol.

> weaponizing the virus against the President

Because your US president is an incompetent moron who in every interview says he doesn't give a shit about anyone affected by covid for months.

> This is being repeated ad-naseum currently on the media that Trump didn't handle the virus correctly

Obviously since the media already despised Trump and whenever Trump opens his mouth about covid his polling numbers drop hard. So they just keep attacking him on that point seems easy.


> they said that masks and social distancing would do anything to help.

Because it does with a high compliance rate.

> wearing a mask hurts freedom


> mandatory vaccines

Already a thing

> microchips in humans

Going to take a while before this is pushed. It might never take off since the dangers of doing this are very direct and visible.

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df5997  No.168133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8225b4  No.168137

>He also hasn’t done anything at all for Israel.

"Most-read Israeli newspapers urge U.S. Jews to vote for Trump."


you're so misinformed and manipulated by media its sad just shut the fuck up

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a393bc  No.168154

File: ee24c9303a6fb16⋯.png (163.03 KB, 616x833, 88:119, P.PNG)


Its because of this.

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1bef35  No.168157


The Wuhan Coronavirus has a death rate of something like 0.1% of people. The median age of death is higher than the national average. Sweden has been functioning fine with no lockdown.

Masks and social distancing do not do much other than force people into compliance. Especially because the pandemic has been over for months. There is VERY FEW people dying in hospitals, and that's not due to people's obedience to the state.

Do you know anybody who died from it?

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6103a0  No.168161


>death rate of something like 0.1% of people

That number comes from very bad math. If you compare the death rate to the total population, yes; but every statistician since the beginning of statistics knows that that's how how it works. If you compare the death rate to the number of cases, the death percentage is WAY higher. Mortality is as high as 10% in some areas. This shit is as ignorant as the idiots going around in the 80s fucking every girl they meet bareback and not worrying about it because "only fags get AIDS lol".

>Do you know anybody who died from it?


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6103a0  No.168162


>Flu deaths

The 2020 flu season isn't over yet, but I imagine there will be fewer flu deaths because a lot of people are wearing masks, washing their hands more, and social distancing - which would dramatically slow the spread of the flu and colds. Most people - the smart ones anyway - tend to get flu shots as well.

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685bef  No.168166


>Most people - the smart ones anyway - tend to get flu shots as well.

Man, I stopped /pol/ing for a while and come back to posts like this. This entire place is just a honeypot now, isn't it?

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6103a0  No.168169


Your first mistake was assuming this board was /pol/. Nobody can help your stupidity but yourself.

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ccf4ba  No.168175


no you are retarded. where the fuck have you been living in a barn? Jesus christ do you actually do any of your own research? WTF are you doing on this website if you dont even have basic knowledge of the psyops and conspiracies going on stupid fucking twink

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6103a0  No.168179



top kek m8

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685bef  No.168181



Don't worry, I won't be coming back.

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ccf4ba  No.168184


jesus crhist at the very least watch infowars, red ice or jeff rense you fucking mental retard

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99f3c1  No.168186


Just gonna let a few guys make you feel like running away? Not even gonna debate shit or ignore them? Okay, bye.

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6103a0  No.168189


I'm not worried. If you can't handle people who disagree with your tender snowflake sensibilities, then you're nobody's problem but your own.

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b92368  No.168193


How can people still be so fucking stupid that they think jews want civil (race) war? Or that one is ever actually going to happen? Seriously, how can you be this stupid? Whites will never fight for ANYTHING, least of all over some retarded jewish theater production of jew party A vs jew party B.

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b92368  No.168195


No, sorry, your repeated lies don’t matter. This also isn’t the thread for them. Chinkflu has a 0.1% death rate AT MOST. It’s more likely 0.001% considering all the positive asymptomatic cases that haven’t even been tested yet.


You’d be wrong; masks do nothing. Social distancing does nothing.

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b92368  No.168200


>watch jewish hoax propaganda

What the fuck are you doing?

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b906ca  No.168207

File: b80c4cbe644b4d9⋯.jpg (83.59 KB, 759x1024, 759:1024, coronachan_759x1024.jpg)

Thank you coronachan!

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9620f6  No.168212

He has done nothing against international students living in universities, this creates not only a sanctuary for 4 years but also after those 4 years are over they get use it in there own country for free and american taxpayers get flipped the bill.

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de7179  No.168213

File: a5edd6a8f4909b5⋯.png (47.29 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, trump_corvid19_political_c….png)

File: a26af95596f68b9⋯.png (50.49 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, bernie_sanders_campaign_po….png)

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6103a0  No.168222


What's it like going through life with a glass smooth brain?

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7779a5  No.168235


>no argument whatsoever

>still peddling the jewish virus narrative

I wouldn’t know; I’m not you. Piss the fuck off, wUcdwvWW.

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6103a0  No.168246


>my whole argument is "NO U"

There is no smoother brain on this entire site than yours.

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7779a5  No.168248


Said the shill parroting jewish hoaxes.

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6103a0  No.168252


Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooth baby. Smooth.

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695ed1  No.168312


How can you still push wuhan flu hype and expect to be taken seriously? I am flabbergasted at your stupidity. Are wignats really this dumb and contrary, or are you a paid shill of some sort? Trump paid lip service to this bullshit, sensible people have been saying it's a bullshit scam since the beginning.

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89cec6  No.168326

>here is a lie

>here is another lie

This is not a thread, gas yourself.

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24dc0a  No.168330


That was covic (real or not). Pro-Trump posts should be a perma-ban, only way to keep you miga parasites from infecting every single board.

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24dc0a  No.168331


Now show excessive deaths you fucking retard. Stay in /ptg/ with the other subhumans.

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7779a5  No.168334


Might want to read the post before replying to it.

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24dc0a  No.168339


my bad

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6d7b6c  No.168347

File: 4b5b56eb5af9913⋯.jpg (3.67 KB, 120x120, 1:1, th.jpg)


>He also hasn’t done anything at all for Israel.

Syria bombing had their greasy hands all over it, but I don't blame him. They most likely threatened his family. However, there is still the matter of his (((son-in-law))) Jared Kushner and the shit he gets up to.

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e424cf  No.168404


Wasted trips but I wanted to thank coronachan

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8225b4  No.168427


>95% of links are anti-trump American news my source is from inside Israel and the most widespread publication what's your point

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238899  No.168431


Not to mention the number of kikes who have been exposed for their degeneracy You've got your 'bergs and your 'steins and your 'mans.

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87e237  No.168458


Based Covid

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add720  No.168465

I think your a jew op

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cd577c  No.168499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Not helping them

>Not pushing towards third temple

>Not marrying his daughter into true power

>He owns the Golan heights so he had the power to give it away murdering children in the process

T. Turmptards fooled by a bought out 2 party jewish system

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ac7292  No.168505

File: d5d8f2cdbb33d11⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 577x658, 577:658, assadholodomormemorial.JPG)


Why would they threaten his family? The most obvious explanation is that Trump's campaign appeals to White Americans were designed to foster a cult of personality to be leveraged back into traditional US middle east policies driven by israel. It just didn't work and that's pretty much the point in time you can trace his administration switching to become openly anti-White instead of pretending otherwise. White Americans did not respond the way they were supposed to.

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54a2a6  No.168520














so many newfags communists and overall retards or jewish shills it is hard to comprehend

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1803c5  No.168537


Are you quoting all the posts that aren’t communists, jewish shills, and retards? That doesn’t make much sense, since you’ve quoted an overt communist alongside an overt anti-communist. Also you have no argument whatsoever and you can’t refute anything that (at least my posts) said.

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8ca554  No.168568


Based elder. You've got my respect old man.

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4e0de3  No.168584


>Said the shill parroting jewish hoaxes

You aren't fooling anyone Tallest_Shill / Asses & Elbows you fuckin kike. I hope Trump fucks Israel in the ass so hard when he gets re-elected that you and your vermin family can't even afford matzo soup for passover and you and all the other JIDF scum kill yourselves.

Seethe harder you fuckin cockroach.

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b92368  No.168594


What the fuck are you talking about? Trump is a jewish puppet just like the rest of them. His entire family is literally jewish. He has publicly stated that any white person who doesn’t worship jews should be murdered by the US military. He’s never going to do anything against jews. Q-LARP spam has its own board if you want to keep repeating hoaxes. >>>/qresearch/

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427aad  No.168595

>He also hasn't done anything at all for Israel

He's pro AIPAC as are Biden, Nancy, Schulmer, Mitch, Graham. 99% of Congress is pro-Israel, Ron Paul was one of the genuine that actually cared about the country and knows the real one pulling the strings behind the background.

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976313  No.169202

File: 4166fc65861b831⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 1048x8678, 524:4339, Trump_s_Tribe_of_Heebs.jpg)

File: f0eba4cbda73145⋯.png (425.99 KB, 1001x761, 1001:761, jewish_babies_gulp_gulp.png)



Truth, desu

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80520d  No.176637


This looks like something a 16 year old typed out, I doubt you're a 70 year old man.

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29a6e5  No.176639


Furthermore, I doubt he’s fighting back against jews in any capacity, because he’s whining about “waiting” for a magical date on which jewish puppet theater happened. And nothing went “right” for him.

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c1f0a1  No.176689


a depreciated good man here

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90701b  No.176742


The Wuhan coronavirus is currently cited as the cause of death for 0.1% of Belgium and Peru.

This isn't 0.1% of deaths, this is 0.1% of the entire population of Belgium has died from the Wuhan coronavirus.

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4e668b  No.176743

File: 9db28e9b2a06d9b⋯.jpg (498.89 KB, 940x1894, 470:947, jews_trump.jpg)

File: ddeb5629e7f03c3⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1519x1704, 1519:1704, trump_white_people.png)

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21c30a  No.176745


Lots of such users here. And if anyone calls them out, they call them communist or Jews.

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21c30a  No.176748


> Watching Infowars

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21c30a  No.176750


Instead of attacking the argument, you call them Jews. Wow!

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b037b1  No.176789

File: ef1880e000710fd⋯.jpg (91.8 KB, 801x890, 9:10, duckman.jpg)


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89cec6  No.176790




First you seek friends, because you cant stand on your own.

Then you complain about people calling you a kike. Lmao. You are completely oblivious to what is happening. You need to lurk two years before posting.

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29a6e5  No.176900



>paid jewish shill continues to spam hoaxes

>literally the only posts on the board

Cry more, yid.

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d09127  No.177671


Are you a bit mongy m8

SARS-2 is still just as severe as it ever was.

At some point in March, a long time after doing shit about it was a possibility, it was given an appropriate response.

Then they added agents to fuck with the people most likely to be angry - rather than blame the UN, China and our governments for such sheer incompetence - rather than burn down the Chinese embassy, oust any politicians with a pro-China stance, they put out for gullible retards to gnaw on that the disease isn't that lethal, using made-up terms and brand-new measurements never before seen by science. "Survival Rate" jesus fucking Christ how retarded can people be? These words are barely used in medicine before 2020 and usually sarcastically.

The truth is simple - with advanced medical treatment immediately available, as is the case for most urban Westerners, the fatality rate is around 2.5%

In less ideal conditions, as we saw in Europe in April, this fatality rate climbs massively, and can fly up to 25% as in the UK. As conditions worsen, this obviously increases.

Let me tell you about Jews. Jews use certain linguistics to get by, and this is why you can immediately tell what they're doing - they try to dominate the tone and language of a conversation to "win"

They often try to persuade the dim witted by convincing them of invisible evidence - niggers have lots of racism against them, the evil police just don't report it!

Everyone has had SARS guys, the doctors just don't report it!

They burned the bodies in massive ovens then destroyed the ovens! Believe me goy!

Intangible evidence is a cornerstone of Jewish rhetoric - they'll just insist something is true and try to demand others disprove it when, by its nature, it can't be disproven. It is intangible.

SARS-2 may or may not have been artificially modified - no conclusive evidence available at this time for either.

All that matters is that for most, this disease is extremely dangerous. It is improper to compare it to historical diseases due to differences in available healthcare, but entire continents shutting down most of their economic output is not a trick. The tricks come about with certain industries, like Academia and Finance, still holding their hands out despite being wholly unnecessary for maintaining a stable nation during a crisis. Universities, schools and banks shouldn't be in business at this point in time.

In this thread, you can see infiltration. I'm not even sure if they're Jews, they write more like Arabs or Pakis but use a similar method to Jews.

They're to be ignored - just filter the ones who comment nothing except frothing accusations of Semitic origins while citing retarded points. If gentile, these are men who you'll want excommunicated at the first possible moment.

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f53ec5  No.177701


>SARS-2 is still just as severe as it ever was.

Read: not at all

>the fatality rate is around 2.5%

You mean 0.8%.

>this fatality rate climbs massively, and can fly up to 25% as in the UK.

You’re just making this up.

>SARS-2 may or may not have been artificially modified - no conclusive evidence available at this time for either.

That was proven literally 10 months ago.

>this disease is extremely dangerous.

Complete falsehood. You’re a fucking lunatic.

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d7d233  No.177707

still fake as of november eighth

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cd1a02  No.177759


Gonna need a citation for that rabbi

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b92368  No.177777


>you’re a jew because you blew the fuck out of my chinkflu narrative that, for some reason, I’m still spamming 12 months later as though anyone will ever believe me

We’ve seen the stats. We’ve seen the numbers. We don’t listen to jewish media. Everything you said is a proven lie. It’s ten times weaker than an average annual flu. We literally have had a sticky thread for this subject for the last 8 or 9 months where you can see everything you believe is a lie.


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b92368  No.177782


Piss off.


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b92368  No.177786











Piss. Off.

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7c71ca  No.177868


checked and validated for it's valid conclusions.

Just dropped into debunk the debunking debunkers.

I've been asking everyone I meet if they actually know someone that's died of the Chinese prank plague; so far only one, and it was a MP I know who said his grandfather in his 90's died and he was ready to go anyway; he was just a bowl of smelly jello in a bed devoid of sense or reason. Any politician advocating a prolongation of lockdown for a year or 5 years whatever deserves the guillotine.

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0b4320  No.177874


Welcome to comm town. We are nazis and We will kill all niggers and kikes.

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0c7771  No.177907


Amazing. I posted off another PC with relevant and startling information that shows the UK population must be up to 80,000,000 in order for its fatality rate across demographics to make sense.

Once again, jannies deleted it. Jannies deleting actual important shit and I'm expected to take what they do allow to be published as fact.

This place glows and it seems as though there's a genuine push to minimise the threat posed by the pandemic to the personal health of the public.

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d9cd6f  No.177944

>He also hasn’t done anything at all for Israel.

Hey Schlomo, he the American President, not the Israeli one. His job is to do things for America.

Oh, and Fuck Israel. Remember the Liberty!

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b92368  No.177979


1. Stop posting virus shit outside the virus thread.

2. Stop posting hoaxes about your jewish virus. Every word you have said is a lie.

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cd62f3  No.177989


he's a shill

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b92368  No.177994


Yeah, just checked (should’ve deleted the damn thread when he made it a month ago). That’s the only post on this board from that IP. It’s literally a one and done spam thread posting nothing but lies. Fucking hell, Jim has destroyed this board.

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8903d9  No.178093

File: b7a82ccd303f5d0⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 308x163, 308:163, download.jpg)


You're on this board and you have no idea what a murderous race of scoundrels the jews are??

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475aa2  No.178104

File: 41dadd26520b686⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 460x282, 230:141, picture_for_ants.jpg)

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c07d9a  No.178122


>muh jewflu, failed, israeli-manufactured bio-weapon, manufactured pandemic is totally serious goy

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c07d9a  No.178123


>muh China

Why would I give a fuck about China with regards to an israeli-manufactured, failure of a bio-weapon?

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6b7f84  No.178151

So fuck the jewish question, what the fuck do we do about the retards that believe anything?

Like these people are cheering in the streets for a dude who just stopped the US giving 500b to black people, has openly said nigger multiple times in camera, and has said hes gonna fucking hite DICK FUCKING CHENEY.

How the fuck do we fix this god damn savages from having any say in the political process.

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8903d9  No.178307


>Do you know anybody who died from it?

I've asked this of everyone I know since the outbreak and there's only one guy whose grandfather was in his 90's and he was at the vegetative state and waiting to get knocked off by some small malady anyway, so the entire thing is bullshit. The death rate throughout the population is .01 %.

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8903d9  No.178338

File: 97df5cfdde96575⋯.jpg (256.95 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, 104835299_EZ4A1403_jack_do….jpg)


>Pro-Trump posts should be a perma-ban

Hey I know you; you're Jack Dorsey, shitstain faggot with a leaking asshole and dried cum encrusted beard!

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20e424  No.187918


only 9000 deaths for people in their 20s

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