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File: dcea4f47cd3b503⋯.jpg (884.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, southafrica.jpg)

fe3416  No.167938

There was some threads a week or two ago about some farmer getting executed in SA by a pack of niggers and that farmers started to organize to strike back with violence at the niggers as a result of this.

Since then this whole thing got memoryholed and heard or seen nothing about this. What's the situation over there?

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1c2d64  No.168070


Apparently this gentleman made a documentary on the subject called "Farmland" which has indeed been wiped (i have not looked very hard for it myself) but that might give you a lead to start looking

i found this info in about 15 seconds though im not sure why you didn't' see any info pertaining to this on google but hopefully this helps

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1d8398  No.168076

File: 3ed3d2412e43123⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 518x649, 518:649, EknfSDiXEAEc_Ih.jpeg)

File: 98c4433376a2e35⋯.jpeg (14.48 KB, 267x189, 89:63, download.jpeg)

File: f633ee604c6f905⋯.jpeg (5.2 KB, 179x281, 179:281, images.jpeg)

File: 41c761f9c6ef6f8⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 192x250, 96:125, 1603031063057s.jpg)

No it's gaining traction. here a boer talking about the situation there https://vocaroo.com/1asdw4ucjoKM

This guy is decent for a boomer https://youtu.be/hAEzRmzfEtc

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36f48d  No.168131

Not quite the civil war yet, or at least in the traditional sense. I believe you might be referring to the murder of Brendin Horner on a farm in a town called Senekal on the 1st of October 2020.

There were protests on the 6th and then another one the 16th by the Afrikaners/Boere(farmers) outside the courthouse. There was a lot of talk about war and military action, etc. on social media. Things seem to be heating up again with the EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) inflaming the situation.

I'll post some videos of the first protest.

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36f48d  No.168132

File: 05b8b70f358d234⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB, 640x352, 20:11, VID_20201007_WA0001.mp4)

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36f48d  No.168135

File: e526e434554b2d9⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 848x480, 53:30, VID_20201007_WA0002.mp4)

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36f48d  No.168136

File: c37d4c23328841b⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB, 848x480, 53:30, VID_20201007_WA0003.mp4)

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36f48d  No.168138

File: b4752f85aeeeeb5⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 848x480, 53:30, VID_20201007_WA0004.mp4)

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36f48d  No.168139

File: b7685535ea41591⋯.mp4 (14.19 MB, 848x480, 53:30, VID_20201007_WA0005.mp4)

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36f48d  No.168140

File: 23d96bb54850b9c⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 400x224, 25:14, VID_20201007_WA0006.mp4)

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07d018  No.168176

Hope it will escalate. I want to sign up to fight with the Boers. Could use some real estate seized from niggers and some germanic women as spoils of war

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c4402a  No.168352

its so nice seeing whites chimp out for once

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38fd8f  No.168529


It hasn't been wiped at all. Farmland is a doc about american farmland. "Farmlands" is the one you are talking about and it is still on that kikess Lauren Southern's channel.

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