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My greatest dream is a world without jews

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093b90  No.167664

Are they seriously hunting down and sending innocent old people to prison just to prop up the Holyhoax?

I watched this James Traficant interview about how he got involved in the Ivan the Terrible case. Wow that's an amazing story and details the collective cowardice that has taken over when dealing with sensitive issues..

The interview starts at the 5 min mark, don't miss it.

I don't know about Nuremberg or what evidence was presented so this will be a closer look. It's really all lies? really?

Btw I certainly don't want Jewish lies replaced by Nazi sympathizer lies, just the the unbiased truth. Anyway check out that interview.

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a3bf2c  No.167668

Has any of these "nazi hunters" ever been killed?

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a3bf2c  No.167669


Just curious.

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093b90  No.167697


Google it bitch. These provocateurs are in every thread.



The reason I mention Nuremberg is because I stumbled upon the fact that a bunch of Jews compiled a bunch of Nazi propaganda that was presented as evidence in 1945


.While looking it up I ran into this


Schulberg's daughter Sandra oversaw the restoration of Nuremberg, with the assistance of Josh Waletzky. "We added no new content," she says. "We reproduced it frame for frame with a reconstructed soundtrack re-recorded by Liev Schreiber."

Sandra Schulberg is a third-generation filmmaker. Her grandfather, B.P. Schulberg, was head of Paramount Pictures during the 1930s and a producer of such movies as Wings, which won the first Oscar for Best Picture. After producing Nuremberg, her father produced de-Nazification films for the US military government in Germany and served as chief of the US Marshall Plan Motion Picture Section in Paris. He subsequently produced his brother Budd Schulberg's screenplay, Wind Across the Everglades, and returned to his first passion, news. He produced The David Brinkley Journal and The Today Show for NBC Television, as well as numerous documentary specials, including The Angry Voice of Watts.

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093b90  No.167699

On October 1, 1946, 12 defendants were sentenced to death–three to life imprisonment and four to 10-to-20 years in prison. In addition, three defendants were acquitted, one committed suicide and one was too frail to stand trial.

The making of the official documentary about the trial became contentious soon after the verdict was rendered, with US military officers in Berlin vying for control with Lorentz, who was chief of Film/Theater/Music for the US War Department's Civil Affairs Division. Lorentz commissioned Stuart Schulberg, who was a civilian, to prepare a treatment. Schulberg was subsequently given a contract by the US Department of War to write and produce Nuremberg. After Jackson approved the script, Schulberg and editor Joe Zigman began production in Berlin in April 1947.

"After the trial, my father found footage in the Berlin apartment of an SS officer named Arthur Nebe, which is considered to be the first film of the gassing of human beings by the Nazis," Sandra Schulberg says. "It showed several very emaciated men and one woman being helped off the back of a flatbed truck and walked into a tiny brick building by a man and a woman wearing white coats. You can see pipes running from a parked car into the building." That footage is included in Nuremberg: Its Lessons for Today.

Last paragraph, they have footage of gassing. Well what do you guys have to say for yourselves?


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5077da  No.167750

I'm also starting to think the holocaust was a bunch of shit

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350313  No.168543


I'm impressed, it's somehow an even more retarded story than Zyklon-B.

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